A life full of anal sex, fisting and degradation

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A life full of anal sex, fisting and degradationPART 1″Come! I have a surprise for you.” My stepfather was staying in my door. It was my 15th birthday and I knew exactly what the “surprise” was. His big, fat, smelly penis. What 15-year-old girl wouldn’t wish for a stinking penis in her mouth for her birthday? It was a Friday morning and my mum was already out for work. I looked at the clock. 6.45 in the morning. I got up and followed him to my parents’ bedroom. Knowing what was coming next, I got down on my knees and unzipped his pants. “Yeah, you know where your birthday surprise is, right?” He smiled and I felt the same I always do when I saw his brown teeth. “Thank god I don’t have to kiss him.” This time there was actually a surprise. He had washed his penis because it didn’t smell awful. My lips touching his penis and my lips slightly tickling the tip, it only took me seconds to make him come. The sperm filled my mouth and I was glad it was over. More than three years of daily morning blowjob left some experience on how to make it quick. Although this time he really had a surprise for me. Normally I would go to the bathroom and get rid of this nasty semen taste in my mouth. But I was far from that. He grabbed me, turned me onto my belly and pushed me hard against the mattress. This was new. Anal sex normally was only on evenings when my mum was out or when she was already asleep. And it was always in my room, so I could prepare for it. I guess this time I had to take it as it is. He pushed me down with one hand, lifted my skirt with the other and slowly entered my back hole. With his full body weight on me and his hips moving forward and backward, I could feel his breath getting faster right next to my ear. In those moments, I always thought about the first time he did this. My mum had an argument with him and left home. He was really angry and after drinking almost half a bottle of whiskey, he suddenly was in my room. I was too afraid to say or do anything. He grabbed my arm and said under his alcoholic breath: “If your mother doesn’t let me fuck her, it’s your turn honey.” In that moment I didn’t know what he meant, but I was soon to find out. He ripped of my pyjama, grabbed my hair and pushed me into my pillows. The next thing I felt was pain. A stinging, intense pain, coming from my back and my inside. It was the pain of a big, fat penis destroying a 11-year-old girls anal sphincter without lube. The pain flushed through my body. My face was buried in my pillows. But I didn’t scream. Somehow, I enjoyed it. It lasted only about 30 seconds. After he pulled his penis out of my rectum, I felt the urge to put something back in. I laid still, till he had left my room. Then I got up quickly and grabbed the first best thing I found to put it deep in my asshole. It was a bottle of deodorant and even though it was wider than my stepfathers’ penis, it just slid in. I snuggled with my big stuffed bear and laid there for several hours, the bottle of deodorant still in me. From this day on I was struggling with myself. On the one hand, I couldn’t get enough from anal sex. On the other hand, the only person providing anal sex for me was my pervert stepfather. So, his birthday present wasn’t that bad. But it took him a really güvenilir bahis siteleri long time to come again and the taste of his semen in mouth was getting to be annoying. After he finished, I rushed into the bathroom. Showering and brushing teeth at once. Thankfully I had prepared my sphincter for encounters liked that in the last couple of months. With a little bit of lube or soap I was able to put my hand wrist deep into my asshole. One hand in my ass, the other holding the douche, I was standing in the shower. The soap was burning my rectum. I loved that feeling. Still loving it. 10, 9, 8, 7,…3, 2, 1. Okay, I have to go to school.The day at school was rather boring. Anna, my best friend, picked me up at 7.40 and we walked together. She is the only person to know about my little secret. So, I told her what had happened in the morning. She put her arm around me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. We had kissed a lot of times, we also had sex a couple of times. Anna was a lesbian and she was really beautiful. Having sex with her was always fun, but I preferred boys. No, wrong. I preferred men. I just didn’t know that at that time. But I was soon going to find out. We were looking forward to the evening. Two weeks before we bought fake IDs. They were quite expensive, but according to our IDs, we were both 18 years old. Time to find out if they are good enough to convince the bouncers.Last weekend we bought liquor to preparty and it worked. The guy at the store accepted our IDs. Dead on time at 8 in the evening I rang Annas doorbell. The next two hours we spend in the bathroom. Fixing our hair, putting on makeup and getting dressed. And, of course, getting drunk. We were pretty tipsy when we reached the club just after 10. Loud music was playing inside and I got really tense. This was going to be the first time in our life to be in a strictly over 18 club. We waited in line for about 15 minutes and when we reached the entrance, the bouncer didn’t want to see our IDs. He just winked and let us in. Well, that was kind of disappointing. But on the other hand, who cares. We were inside the temple. It was already quite crowded and we fought ourselves towards the counter. I ordered Vodka Bull and Tequila. The party was about to start. After four more Tequilas we still sat at the counter and the party didn’t really start. The music was really bad and I could see in Annas facial expression that she thought the same. “Let’s go to the dancefloor and at least give it a try.” “Fine with me”, I responded. Anna took my hand and we headed towards the dancefloor, when I bumped into someone. Well, it felt more like bumping into a wall. I slowly looked up and met the most beautiful blue eyes I have ever seen. They belonged to a very handsome face of a mid-twenty guy. I was so perplexed, I just said “Hi!” Hi there,” a soft and comforting voice answered. “Are you okay?” “Ye-ye-yes, I guess so,” I stumbled. That’s when I realized that I had instinctively raised my hands for protection just before the crash and my hands were still in front of me. On his belly. At least I thought that was his belly. It felt more like an iron plate under his shirt. I looked up and said “Hi” again. The corners of his mouth went up slowly youwin giriş and formed a gorgeous smile. My knees got weak and I almost fell. What was happening to me? Fortunately, his big, strong hands grabbed me. His hands seemed enormous, just like his whole body. He was at least 1,9 m tall and at least 100 kg of pure muscles. More than twice of me. My hands were still resting on his belly, when I looked up and said “Hi” for a third time. “I’m sorry if I hurt you. Let me buy you something to drink.” “O-okay.” He carefully turned me around and piloted me towards the counter. We small, little girls had to fight our way through the crowd, but when he was walking behind me, the crowd gave way and we arrived the counter without bumping into another person. He stood right behind me and I felt a little weak, so I leaned back. My shoulders were resting right above his hipbones and the back of my head was against his rock-hard abs. He laid one hand on my shoulder to steady me and with the other paid the bartender. I took my glass, it looked like it was full with Coca Cola and crushed ice. With his hand still on my shoulder he piloted me towards the lounge. On my way there, I saw Anna. I had totally forgotten about her. She looked at me and gave me both thumbs up. I smiled and entered the lounge. We sat down on a quiet couch in the corner right next to each other. When he sat down, he was almost as tall as me when I was standing. I didn’t quite know how to sit down. I wanted to look at him, but I also wanted to lean against him. So, I sat down in a rather strange way and he smiled at me. Never before did I feel so clumsy. He saw my struggle and started to laugh. Then grabbed me at my hips and pulled me sideway onto his lap. That’s perfect! I can look into his eyes and lean against him at the same time. “I’m Andy by the way,” he said. “I’m Lena,” I responded. He rested his hand on my knees. That’s when I spotted the tattoos. His arm was covered completely in ink. Up to the tip of fingers. Also, his forearm was thicker than my thigh. And 100% pure muscle. I took a sip of my drink and discovered, that it was not Cola. It was almost pure liquor. “What is that?” I asked. “That’s Long Island Iced Tea.” I never heard of it, but it tasted good. Sweet. “What are you drinking?” “Just water.” “Oh, have you already drunken too much?” “No, I don’t drink alcohol,” he answered and winked. My Iced Tea was almost empty and when the bartender came by, I ordered another one. And 10 minutes later another one. This tasted really good. In the meantime, I found out that Andy was a self-employed software designer and lived in a house in the suburbs. That he has a sweet little dog and goes to the gym every day for about five hours. I felt really comfortable in his presence and my primary nervousness was gone. While I hold his hand in mine and examined the drawings on his skin, his other hand gently petted my back. His strong, but soft voice tickled my brain and I leaned my head against his neck. The next Iced Tea was flying in and was empty as quickly as the other three before. Or four. I didn’t remember.The next morning, I woke up very dizzy. I looked around and discovered that I was in an unknown place. “Where am I?” I thought. youwin güvenilir mi I lifted the blanket. I didn’t know the cloths I was wearing. A far to big T-Shirt that reached almost to my knees and a boxer short. Looking around for a second time I discovered a note on the nightstand. “Taking the dog for a walk. Will be back at 12 with breakfast.” And a heart. Oh my god! I remember! I am at Andy’s house. A look at the clock showed me that it was 11.30. 30 Minutes till he comes back. I could just leave. He doesn’t know my real name. But what if we meet someday in the city? And where are my clothes? No, I can handle this. I’ll wait for him to come back. He probably can tell me what happened last night. Both my vagina and my asshole didn’t feel like they’ve been used recently. So, I went to the kitchen and waited for him. His house was really big, with a large garden, a pool with a fountain and even a small pond at the end near the forest. I fetched a glass of water, sat on the couch and waited. Couple of minutes later, he came home. And with him a huge German Shepard. The dog ran straight towards me and licked my hand. It seemed like it knew me. Andy was dressed with shorts, a wide T-Shirt and cool sun glasses. Correspondent to his one arm, the other arm and both legs were covered in ink. He smiled at me. “Good morning, sleeping beauty. How are you feeling?” “A little dizzy. Headache from the alcohol I guess.” “Well that’s for sure. Let me give you an Aspirin and something to eat. I hope you like croissants.” Hearing my most favourite sweet, I jumped up and followed him to the kitchen. We sat down at a bistro table. While I fought against my stomach to get down the croissant, he prepared an enormous amount of fitness-drink. Nether the less, he finished his drink faster than me eating my croissant and he even ate three croissant himself in the same time. I would explode eating this amount of food. He smiled at me the whole time and finally asked “Do you remember what happened last night?” “Unfortunately, not.” “Well, it’s not really worth remembering it. So, fortune is actually on your side. You remember how we met?” “Yes, at the club. I sat on your lap, we talked and I drank Long Island Iced Tea. That’s is.” “Well, after you drank your fifth Iced Tea, you were pretty drunk and wanted to find your friend. Unfortunately, she went home without you. You didn’t want to go home by your own, so I took you home with me.” “Did we have – sex?” “What? No. I’m not that kind of guy. Also, you covered yourself in quite a lot of half-digested Iced Tea, so I had to clean you up. Your clothes are still in the washing machine.” I starred at the floor, too embarrassed to look at him. “It’s okay,” he said. “Don’t worry. I really had a funny and entertaining evening. Thanks to you.” I looked at him and he laughed. “I’m so sorry.” “How about this: Your dress will be ready in 30 minutes. You can change your clothes then. I bring you home when I go to the gym and tonight you come here at 7 and we cook together.” “That sounds wonderful.”When I was home, I went straight to bed. I was so tired. But also excited. Today I will be on my first date with a real man. Not just a boy who takes me to the snack bar. A real date. I want to wear my best dress. And the lingerie I got from Victoria Secrets. Should I prepare my asshole? If every bit on his body is as big, I better have to prepare it really good. I took the biggest plug I have and slowly inserted it into my asshole. It should stay in there until we had sex.

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