A Stella , Margarita – Desert Sex Pt. 05

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A Stella and Margarita story – Sex in the desert sands

Chapter Five — Margarita shows her worth.

This is the continuing story of Stella and Margarita. You can read this as a stand-alone story, but just like a piece of a jigsaw puzzle, it will make more sense if you see the whole picture.

This chapter begins as Stella leaves to start her mission and Margarita begins her training.

As always, there is no underage sex as required by Lit policy. But as a reader, you will have to use your imagination.

This is one of three stories that start to merge with two others, [An Evil Woman and the City of Churches – The OWLS Club] I hope it works out as well on paper as it does in my head.

Comments are most welcome, it is your feedback that encourages us to keep going.

**WARNING** – THERE IS SOME VERY STRONG VIOLENCE IN THIS CHAPTER. – If this offends then go no further.


Bianca took a call from the Matron while sitting with Margarita, having their morning coffee and a chat. It had been 3 days since Stella had left. Mags was slowly, very slowly acclimatizing to the loneliness of it. Even though she had Bianca as a housemate, not a bedmate, she missed the little things that Stella did, the touches and the cheeky chit-chat they shared. The silly little things. The showering together in the morning. That was when she did her crying, under the shower. Then as she dried herself she locked her emotions away.

Margarita had drawn up her weekly menu, she knew what she was going to eat and shopped for it exclusively, not spending a cent more than she had to. She made Stella’s favourite meals three times a week one week, then four times the following week. Bianca noticed the routine but put it down to Mags being a very rigid type of person. Margarita made up her menu a month at a time. She and Bianca shopped on a Monday and a Thursday. Her routine was regimented she had forgotten the simple piece of advice that Stell had given her.

After the phone call from the Matron, she simply said that they had found a place for her and Stella and it is brand new in the middle of the City. It should be available in about a month, six weeks at the latest. Mags just said fine and shrugged her shoulders. Margarita was slowly withdrawing into herself.

Bianca watched her closely, for any signs of her not being able to cope. She was beginning to worry. She had mentioned it briefly in her daily reports. Margarita needed a companion. Not a sexual playmate but someone she could get close to, to give her love and affection without harming her relationship with Stella. The Matron recognised this straight away and knew where to find the right person for the job. Well, not so much a person but a dog. Bluey.

Bianca suggested to Mags that she accompany her to the shooting range, she was unsure but it was better than sitting at home watching afternoon TV shows. Bianca order a car for them and took them off to the secured shooting range. Bianca had her own service weapon while Margarita was offered a variety of different guns. She was unsure which type of gun to choose. Bianca seeing her slight frame suggested something light and portable that was until Mags told her how Stella had shown her how to use her weapons, then offered her a standard Barretta APX 9mm with a 10-round magazine.

Bianca wanted to see how Mags handled a weapon before she let her actually shoot a gun. As soon as Margarita was shown a weapon it was put on the bench by an instructor. The instructor asked some basic questions of her, before letting her handle the weapon.

“Have you fired this type of weapon before?”

Margarita answered “Yes I have,” To her, all guns looked the same.

She didn’t try to reach for it but waited for some sort of instruction. The instructor permitted her to pick up the gun. Mags checked that the safety was on and she then checked the magazine. She handled it confidently, and with precision, two-handed, she aimed at a paper target.

She had on safety glasses and earmuffs. She was tapped on the shoulder and told “fire when ready,”

Margarita steadied herself, with an open stance had the gun lowered, and then suddenly, raised the gun with her arms straight, she shot the 10 rounds off in quick succession. She hadn’t said anything to anybody about the very limited training that her Stella had given her.

The instructor looked at Bianca who looked on astonished at how competent Margarita was with the very limited training she had had.

The instructor asked her who had taught her how to shoot like that, expecting to hear that she has had some sort of lengthy training. When she told him that it was her girlfriend and it was only a couple of weeks earlier that she had first handled a gun, he was taken aback.

“Who’s your girlfriend?” He asked.

Margarita was about to answer but looked at Bianca first who was shaking her head. Margarita smiled at the instructor and told him, “Ask Bianca here,”

Bianca just smiled and told him it was nobody he knew.

“Let’s see how well she has taught you shall we,” as he pulled the target towards them

Ten neat holes all within the two small center circles. Even Bianca didn’t quite believe Antep Escort it.

The instructor looked on and told her, “Are you sure you have only picked up a gun recently?”

“Positive,” Margarita told him.

“Let’s see it you can do it again,”

He produced a different gun this time a Colt.22 LR Government issued gun.

Margarita picked it up, it felt a little heavier and she asked how many rounds were in the magazine.

“Ten and you are clear to shoot,” she was told.

Once again she started by holding the gun at arm’s length and pointing downwards. She then raised the gun and shot the 10 rounds off as quickly as she could. Bianca stood there and shook her head slowly.

“That is very good shooting Margarita,” Even before the target was returned Bianca had a feeling that Mags had shot another good set. She was right.

The instructor brought the targets up, signed and dated them, asking Margarita for her name. She replied “Just call me Mags,”

“Well Mags, that is very very impressive shooting, especially for someone who has only just begun to shoot.”

She smiled and asked, “Shouldn’t I be cleaning these two now?”

The instructor informed her that they would be cleaned at the end of the day. But would like to see her shoot outside, over much longer distances.

He looked at Bianca who nodded in agreement. He picked up both guns, checked to see they were safe and grabbed two cases of shells. Bianca asked for these and all future targets to be delivered to Tilley McMahon’s office. He just smiled and nodded.

As they were walking towards the outdoor shooting range Bianca, spoke quietly to the instructor, who then used his internal walkie-talkie to arrange for some more weapons to be delivered to the range.

The internal shooting range was set up for close contact shooting, up to 100 yards. Externally the range was set for 300; 500 and 1000 yards. The extra weapons they wanted to see Margarita handle were more along the high-powered rifle options. They were certain that with no training or opportunity to have ever used one before her skills may not be as accurate as her close-quarter shooting.

The instructor set the first range at the 300-yard mark. Then let Margarita load the magazines and prepared the pistols for shooting. She did it with ease. Before she picked up the guns to shoot she carefully laid them down on the table in front of everyone. The instructor nodded his approval.

He told her, “I like how cautious and respectful you are of the guns,”

She smiled, “The first thing I was taught was, they aren’t toys,”

Bianca looked on gaining newfound respect for her and the Major. Her phone went off and she moved away to answer it.

The Matron asked her while looking at the targets which had just landed on her desk, “She is pretty good then?”

“Yes Matron, she is very good. They are testing her outside now, with some heavier units,” Bianca responded. “You will get all of the results of her targets,”

“Good Girl Bianca,” She was told.

The instructor waited until she rejoined them, he had casually asked Mags if it was true that she had just started to shoot guns. She smiled and confirmed to him that it was. Bianca returned and ask her to show them how good she was over longer distances.

Margarita picked up a gun, took a deep breath looked at the target and shot the whole 9 rounds as quickly as she could. The instructor looked through a pair of binoculars at the target and then called Bianca over to see. Bianca adjusted the focal length and swore. “For fucks sake Mags,”

“What, did I miss or something?” She asked.

Bianca looked at her in complete admiration. “No kiddo, not at all,”

The instructor brought the paper target back and looked at the small group of holes, once again within the small center circles. The next target was put further out.

This time the instructor just told Margarita to shoot one round only. She did. It was high to the right of the center circle. He then gave her a bit of advice without actually showing her what he meant. Mags made a minor adjustment to her stance and fired one more round, she hit the centre. He then asked her to stand down. She looked over her shoulder at him with a questioning look in her eyes and asked, “What do you mean?”

Bianca laughed and told her to put the gun down and unload the pistol. She did but did not take the round out of the chamber.

The instructor looked at her and said, “She isn’t perfect after all,” He then showed her that the gun was still alive. He removed the round from the chamber and handed it to her and told her. “That’s the round that kills most people,”

Margarita took the round and held it tightly in her hand, and told both the Instructor and Bianca, “I won’t make that mistake again, show me how to check a gun to see if it is still alive,”

The instructor looked at her and told her that all firearms are different. But after shooting a gun, flick the safety back on.

An assortment of machine pistols and rifles were delivered to them. Little Margarita looked like a kid on Christmas morning. She ran her hand over several of the weapons, some she liked and some Antep Escort Bayan she didn’t.

The Instructor gave her a brief rundown on three different machine pistols, “These are just spray machines when you don’t have time to aim and you want to keep whoever you are shooting at from shooting at you,”

Margarita looked at him and told him in a clear cold tone, “I’m never going to shoot at anyone, well I hope not, I just like the feel of these things,” She smiled at Bianca. Then asked her “Isn’t that right?” Bianca just shrugged her shoulders and said “I have no idea, Mags,” Bianca contained her smile as she spoke.

“Just as well,” He said, “The way you shoot, not too many people would be around to talk about it,”

He handed her an RPB M11A1, showed her the do’s and don’ts and stood back with Bianca.

Margarita opened fire and used the whole magazine. She didn’t like it. Said it was a waste of ammunition.

Then she was handed a rifle, an assault rifle the AK 47. Simple but effective the instructor told her.

She handled it and it felt comfortable right away. Again she was shown how to use it. She only had to be shown once. She loaded the magazine this time, then inserted it into the rifle. The target was set at 1000 yards. She tore the target in half.

She turned to the instructor, “Can I get to shoot one of those sniper-type rifles?”

He smiled, “I thought you’d never ask,”

He brought out a Barrett M82 with a 10x magnification scope. The rifle was loaded with one round. It was explained to Margarita that this weapon is still in use with the SAS and most armed forces around the world.

Margarita smiled as she looked at it with a wicked grin on her lips. Bianca saw a certain something in her eyes.

“It looks so sleek and dangerous,” she said.

“It is,” He replied.

They set the rifle up for her and told her how to lay on the ground and how best to fit the rifle into her small frame of a shoulder and said there would be some recoil. Mags took it all in and positioned herself as instructed. There was just a dirt mound about 1500 yards away. She was shown how to adjust the scope and she fidget with it until she felt comfortable.

The instructor then told her to fire in her own time. She held her breath and gently squeezed the trigger. The recoil wasn’t as bad as she thought but she missed the spot she was aiming at.

“Bugga,” She said as she looked down the scope once more.

Bianca looked at the instructor, who was looking through his binoculars to a point on the mound, “Can you see that small dark rocky piece about 2 o’clock high of that grass patch,” He asked Mags.

Margarita went quiet and kept looking through the scope, “Yes, yes I think so,”

“Load one round and see how close you can get to it?” he instructed her. Mags replied, “Don’t you want me to hit it?”

“If you can hit it, all the better,” he told her.

Mags loaded the rifle and in her own time, she shot at the dark rocky piece hitting and shattering it.

The instructor nodded his head and smiled once again. “Yes, that is some good shooting lady,”

Bianca stepped forward and told everyone that playtime was over. She needed to get some practice in and somehow felt that she couldn’t measure up to what she had just witnessed over the past hour or so.

They made their way back to the indoor shooting range where Bianca spent 30 minutes shooting at paper targets, she wasn’t a bad shot, but she was no Margarita.

The Major — Timeline May 15th. [Refer to the City of Churches Part 4 page 2.]

The Major left the Air Force base via a service entry point. Part of her wanted to go and see Margarita, to touch her face, to feel her skin, to listen to her, to take in her scent. But she knew that would only complicate things for them both. She realised that the sooner she took care of these two Chinese witches the sooner she will be back in Margarita’s embrace. First, she will find this Terry Cookson girl and hand her over to the Matron, whatever info she has she can give to her.

She took out the tablet and did a google map search for the skate park at West Lakes. The Matron had arranged for her Indian Motorcycle, the 500cc Royal Enfield Bullet to be delivered there for her, along with her selection of ‘toys’ and weapons.

Her place of rest was hers to find, but it wouldn’t be a flash place and most likely it would be a shelter of some description. She enjoyed sleeping rough. Then she thought of Terry Cookson. If she found her tonight she will need a place for her to ‘stay’ until she was handed over to the Matron.

A small one-bedroom sleep-out behind a block of shops in Queenstown, perfect she thought. A Tattoo parlour run by a couple of old blokes who looked decisively shifty and a very odd-looking charity shop, with an old dear who looked well past the 50-odd she said she was, drugs will do that to ya, she thought. There was a shared toilet that stank. Was she surprised that the customers to the charity shop looked like they were drugged up to their eyeballs, not at all? But for a simple hundred dollars a week, what should she have expected? She would park the Indian inside the sleep-out.

With Escort Antep that out of the way, she made her plans to do a drive past of the skate park. She checked the timing of the ride from Queenstown to the skate park, without breaking any speed limits. Seventeen minutes with green lights and twenty-four minutes with red ones.

Stella rode along Military Road, past the skate park, looking, not at the skaters but at who was watching the skaters. People who shouldn’t be there. She didn’t see anyone in the few seconds it took her to go past it. She did note the public toilets on the waterfront.

She didn’t return to the park straight away but took a long detour and parked the bike across the lakes and sat eating on the grass banks. Her binoculars were under her leather jacket and every 5 minutes she took a look to watch for any changes at the park. The only things that changed were the skaters, mostly teenage boys and some females, but not that many. No one that looked like Terry Cookson. She looked at the surroundings of the skate park, a lot of shrubs that could hide people and not that many street lights, Good she thought to herself. She checked the time, just after three thirty. Schools out as the park became busy with the local high school kids in their school uniforms, a few sleazy-looking older teenagers sniffing around the girls, she thought. She smiled to herself, some things never change.

Stella headed off to eat a decent meal at the West Lakes mall, grabbed a takeaway, some Chinese food and a large 2-litre Farmers Union Iced Coffee, something she had become attached to in the short time she had been in Adelaide.

She watched the people in the mall, coming and going. The laughter, the chatter, the smiles the couples holding hands. It was at times like this that she missed Margarita most of all. She thought to herself I could get used to living here. Although living in a city had never appealed to her the thought of raising a family with Mags was becoming something she wanted more now, now that sweet little Mags had sown the seeds of what can be into her brain.

She sighed, checked her watch and went to her bike, she saw some bikers checking it out, so she waited and looked. Four of them, wearing colours, she checked her pockets and put on her gloves, the padded ones with a steel bar in 4 four places and she smiled. She walked up to the bike, smiled at the four of them and stood there.

“Hi ya,” she said. Then threw her leg over the bike.

“Nice ride bitch,” one of them said but it wasn’t said to offend, but more as a greeting, to them all females were ‘bitches’ so it was statement of fact.

The Major smiled and nodded, “Yes, it is, smooth as actually, Dutchy,” She replied, seeing the tag over his heart.

He smiled and then nodding his head he asked, “Ride with anyone?”

“7th. SOE, Retired,” Stella replied. “Anyone I shouldn’t speak to or anywhere I shouldn’t go,” She asked. Thinking if these guys were the local tough guys, best ask first instead of getting on the bad side.

“Depends,” he replied, “Who you looking for and where are you going?”

“Just local and a fixer of telephones, a kid,” She asked.

He looked at her closely, weighing up what to say and how much to say. “Sk8ter is who you’re looking for. She’s harmless but slippery and smart,” Came the reply. “You’re a bit early for her, give yourself another hour or so. We do look out for her by the way,” She was told. The look in his eyes hardened as they walked off.

“Good to hear she is in safe hands then,” She told them as they walked away. He flipped her the bird by way of a reply.

There was no way she was going to ‘give her another hour’ the last thing she wanted was a street-smart kid who was described by the local bikers as ‘slippery’ to get too much advance notice that she was coming. Although, most likely, they had already told her she was in demand. By the time the Major got to the skate park, if Sk8tertoyinc was going to be there, she would now be alerted.

The Major rode around to the park at a comfortable rate, not hooning about or making a statement. She rode in just as the streetlights were kicking in. Dusk was turning to dark. She noticed a black van, with blacked-out windows and suddenly she was even more vigilant, more so as the van looked so out of place.

She rode quietly up to the toilet block, put the bike on its stand and went inside. Listening to all of the noises. She heard footsteps approaching and went into a cubicle, closing the door but not locking it. She sat down and listened. The other person was slight and walked quietly, they turned a tap on to disguise the sound of a gun being cocked. The Major took her own gun out and quietly attached the suppressor and waited. She listened and heard the person position themselves outside her door. the door moved as if it was about to be opened. She fired four shots through the door and heard the gun drop and then the person slump against the floor. She quickly opened the door and stepped out over the dead Chinese woman. She fired another round into her head, just in case. It wasn’t either of the ones she was looking for. She picked her up and sat her in the cubicle. Closing the door, she shot out the light using the assailant’s gun, she fired two single shots. The Major quickly left the toilets and hid in the shrubbery. She looked and waited. The skate park was busy, if they had heard the shooting they weren’t paying it any attention.

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