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Subject: “A Trial Of Strength” – Part 283 by Rob Williams A TRIAL OF STRENGTH – PART 283 By Rob Williams IN THIS CHAPTER: Bob and the twins show Randy that the penis is mightier than the word as they seduce him. In the end, “The brothers kissed, Bob Bob the business executive; and Mark the blond cop, to spend a weekend together and flex the muscles of their three-way love affair. Mark had suggested bringing his boy, the young surfer jock Jamie, which prompted Randy to invite his boy Pablo, with whom he had not been spending enough time lately, he admitted. Pablo, who flaunted his role as the boss’s boy, sat proudly up front between Randy and Bob, while Mark and Jamie sat comfortably in the back seat. It was customary on trips for Mark to wear the black ribbed tank-top that turned Jamie on so much. Jamie, who had worked late in the company’s office, now slept with his head on his master’s chest and Mark’s arm round him. Pablo caught sight of them in the rear-view mirror and frowned. Pablo was the adopted son of Randy, and molded himself on the tough gypsy’s image � strengths and faults alike. He was also the lover of the other senior boy, the muscular, well-endowed Darius. But, despite all those marks of his status in the tribe, the boss’s boy still felt a pang of envy as he saw Jamie in the muscular arms of the gorgeous cop. Like Randy, Pablo was the least affable of the boys but, like Randy, he didn’t give a shit. Still, he resented Jamie’s quiet strength and easy-going demeanor, one of the best liked of the boys and adored by the cop. There was always an undercurrent of rivalry between the two, which was mostly papered over by a veneer of tolerance and grudging politeness. But that veneer sometimes wore thin, as it had the day before when Pablo, head mechanic on the construction site, had marched into Jamie’s office and demanded new equipment, which Jamie insisted was not covered in the budget. The confrontation had escalated quickly as old resentments rose to the surface. Brandon, Jamie’s assistant, could see it coming to blows so he quickly wheeled himself out of the office and summoned Bob’s help. Bob had quickly diffused the situation and come up with a compromise, followed by a lecture on the need to work together in harmony. But, as they drove up the coast, that coldness between the two boys still hung in the air and the three men were all aware of it. Bob had even suggested earlier to Mark and Randy that maybe this weekend would provide an opportunity for the boys to wipe out their resentment for good and, as he had laughingly added, to bury the hatchet deep in the sand rather than between each other’s shoulder blades. However, there seemed to be no move in that direction on the journey up to the dunes, as Pablo preened between Randy and Bob and Jamie pressed his head against the cop’s hard pecs flexing under the thin black shirt. When at last they arrived at the shack in the dunes, the activity of unloading their gear superseded any simmering animosity until Mark proudly reminded them that the shack belonged to Jamie (a long-ago gift from Mark) so “In a way we are all Jamie’s guests here.” Bob winced, realizing that, in an effort to please his boy, Mark had inadvertently pressed all Pablo’s buttons. Bob saw the dark scowl on Pablo’s face and, in an effort to pour oil on ominously troubled waters, he said lightly. “Hey, boys, we three guys are gonna just hang out here on the porch, so why don’t you two go surfing? The waves look pretty near perfect to me.” “You read my mind, sir,” Jamie said. “Come on dude.” He ran to the truck but realized Pablo had not followed him. He shrugged, pulled two boards out of the truck and dragged them over to the shack, his golden-tanned muscles rippling sexily in the sun, his tousled blond hair falling over his handsome young face. He was the iconic image of a gorgeous California surfing dude and the three men all had boners in their shorts. What annoyed Pablo most of all is that his own cock got hard as he watched Jamie work, however much he resisted it. He sat sullenly next to Randy and huffed, “I get all the exercise I need at my job and in the gym. I don’t sit at a desk all day. So I ain’t going.” Randy punched him on the shoulder. “What’s up, boy? You scared Jamie will show you up? Never knew you to refuse a challenge before … that’s not the boss’s boy I know!” Those biting words from his master hit home and Pablo impulsively sprang to his feet. “Scared of Jamie?” he sneered. “Here, give me that board.” He grabbed one and Jamie smiled, “Good for you, Pablo. Last time I saw you on a board you were pretty good, so stick with me and I’ll give you some tips.” Pablo was stung by what he took to be arrogance and condescension from Jamie, completely misjudging Jamie’s intention, and he stomped toward the water, dragging the board behind him. Jamie ran after him, his board under his arm, and together they splashed into the waves. Bob frowned at Randy. “Buddy, did you have to turn this into a contest? You know how Pablo feels about Jamie right now and you’ve just set him up to fail. Remember what I told you when you fucked the twins? `Don’t be a bully.’ No wonder Pablo is insecure.” “Insecure?! Don’t be an ass. I’ve trained my boy never to back down from a challenge. He’s tough, like me. He’ll come out on top � he always does.” Bob sighed and raised his eyebrows at Mark who simply shrugged in a resigned gesture � that’s Randy for you. As they drank beer and watched the boys ride the waves � or try to � Randy’s boast about his boy was obviously way off target. While Jamie surfed with his usual graceful expertise, shouting instructions, Pablo was having far less success. He wasn’t all that bad but next to Jamie he looked clumsy. Over-confident, he ignored Jamie’s advice and occasionally got his timing wrong, lost his footing and fell off the board. And even when he caught a wave and rode it, several times he wiped out completely. Bob was right. In his arrogance Randy had bullied his boy and set him up for the failure they were now witnessing. The boys had drifted further down the beach by the time Pablo angrily called it quits. He swam to shore dragging his board behind him and as he stumbled through the surf Jamie glided up beside him. “Dude, that wasn’t so bad. Those few mistakes I can correct easily. See, it’s all a question of balance and …” “Shut the fuck up, asshole,” Pablo yelled. “Who the fuck do you think you are telling me what to do? All because you’re the cop’s boy you think you can throw your weight around like he does. Shit, rip that uniform off him and he’s nothing.” Jamie sprang to his master’s defense. “That’s crazy talk, Pablo, and you know it. Mark and Randy love each other and …” “I said shut the fuck up, boy. My dad could demolish that cop with one hand tied behind his back. And if Giresun Escort it comes to it I could do the same to you,” he shouted, shoving Jamie in the chest. “Pablo, I’m not looking for a fight with you but if you don’t stop bad-mouthing Mark I’ll …” “You’ll what, dude? Ride a wave to his rescue like some pussy surfer scared to fight.” He shoved him again … and again. “I’ve seen how that cop makes cow eyes at Bob, seducing him away from Randy. He’s no better than …” “Enough,” Jamie shouted, throwing himself at Pablo. The two muscle-boys fell writhing in the shallow surf, grappling, punching, rolling over and over in the wet sand straining for advantage. The men had watched with growing concern as the surfing lesson led to trouble that escalated as the boys argued. They caught snatches of the heated conversation, enough to know that Pablo’s irrational anger was largely the root of the quarrel and that Jamie was defending Mark’s honor. The men usually stayed out of all boys’ disagreements, letting them solve their own problems, but when they saw the confrontation become physical they knew they had to intervene. They ran down the beach to where the fight was in full swing. Despite Pablo’s reputation of a street fighter (like his dad) Jamie was giving as good as he got, which only added to Pablo’s fury. Things were getting ugly when they heard the cop’s command “Freeze!” and Randy and Bob pulled the boys apart and yanked them to their feet. It was a dismal group of three men and two boys that trudged back to the shack, seething with a mix of anger, frustration and disappointment. Rather than yelling at the boys the men gave Pablo and Jamie something worse � the silent treatment. They resumed their seats on the patio and carried on drinking beer, grim-faced, not uttering a word. This unnerved the boys who stood on the sand facing them, heads bowed, hands clasped behind their backs, waiting for their punishment. Bob knew that he, as the closest thing to an impartial observer, had to take the lead. Randy and Mark were scowling at each other, their tension reflecting that of their boys. Randy, while not exactly condoning his boy’ actions, could well understand Pablo’s anger (a match for his own) at being shown up as an amateur on a surfboard. To Randy it was natural that the contest should ultimately be decided by fists. That’s how Randy settled most of his conflicts, and Pablo was, above all else, his master’s boy. Mark’s anger came from his certainty that Jamie had been provoked by Pablo’s belligerence. He knew that his boy had started out with the best intentions of healing the rift with Pablo, and it was only when Pablo had bad-mouthed Mark that Jamie sprang to his defense. That was a source of pride for Mark. As Bob looked from one to the other he feared that their intransigence could grow into animosity that would ruin the weekend. He could think of only one thing to do and he went into the shack and opened his phone. Steve always answered his phone when he saw Bob’s ID on it. “Steve,” Bob said, “I’m glad you’re there `cause we’ve hit kind of a problem here and I need your advice. He explained what had happened and concluded, “There’s a whole lot of tension in the air and I don’t know how to deal with it.” Steve answered, “You know, Bob, I’ve watched those two boys lately, their simmering rivalry and all that, but I’ve seen something else underneath it all. You remember how it used to be the same between Randy and Mark? And look how that turned out. So here’s my advice…” “Hmm,” Bob answered dubiously, then grinned. “Well, Steve, you always were an unconventional shrink but I gotta say your methods work. So we’ll give it a try. Thanks, doc.” He went out, rejoined the men and they spoke quietly so the boys couldn’t hear. Bob said, “Look guys, I’ve been speaking to Steve and, here’s what he suggests …” Randy’s reaction was one of derision and Mark said forcefully, “I could never subject my boy to that.” “Guys, it’s the only way. Things have come to a head between your boys and it’ll take something drastic like this to solve it, illogical as it may seem. I don’t mind taking the lead but you guys have gotta back me up. Please guys.” ******************************************* Nobody, least of all Randy and Mark, could ever deny Bob’s pleas so they grudgingly agreed. The three men stood on the patio and the boys looked up at them. “Pablo, Jamie,” Bob said gently, “I want you to stand close together.” Reluctantly the boys shuffled closer to each other, almost shoulder to shoulder. “Good, now face each other.” The boys obeyed, but without making eye contact. “Right…” Bob took a deep breath. “Now kiss each other.” “Now way, man” Pablo blurted out, clenching his fists, and Jamie raised a panicked face to Mark. Incensed by Pablo’s impertinence to Bob Randy growled ominously, “Do it, boy.” Mark nodded his agreement to Jamie. Unable to refuse their masters’ orders the boys leaned toward each other and touched their lips lightly together with a look of distaste. Bob frowned. “Come on, boys, I said kiss … you do know how to kiss, don’t you? Mouths, tongues, arms, the whole thing.” The dark-haired young muscle-boy and the handsome blond surfer took a deep breath, paused under the watchful eyes of their masters, and moved reluctantly closer. Their chests touched and they put their arms round each other, tentatively at first but with increasing willingness as their mouths came together. They flicked out their tongues but, when they touched, hastily withdrew them. Then, with more confidence, they licked tongues again and probed inside their mouths and held each other tighter. But suddenly they realized that their dicks were getting hard and they pulled away, feeling they were being manipulated into doing something against their will. Bob looked down, encouraged by the boys’ semi-hard cocks. Pablo appealed to Randy, “Sir, do we really have to do this crazy stuff?” Randy raised his eyebrows at Bob, leaving the answer to him. Ignoring the question Bob said, “Good, now we men would like to see two hard dicks � and we all know you’re capable of that.” He had brought out a blanket from the shack that he now spread out on the sand. “You both know the fastest way to a hard dick � does the number sixty-nine ring a bell?” “Shit damn,” Pablo growled under his breath, but they both knew they had to obey. They lay on their sides on the blanket facing toward each other head to toe so they were looking directly at the other’s crotch. This time their reluctance was tempered by their strong youthful libidos that always rose to the occasion (literally) when faced with a beautiful cock. So with no cock-licking foreplay each one took the plunge and sucked the other boy’s cock into his mouth. They buried their faces into the tangle of pubic hair, holding Giresun Escort Bayan their breath as long as they could, then gasping and sharply inhaling the sweaty, salty taste and smell of the other. Taste and smell being the most seductive of the senses their cocks sprang to attention and their reluctance faded as they sucked harder and deeper. Bob smiled with satisfaction at Randy and Mark. Steve’s remedy seemed to be working � so far � as the boyishly handsome faces plunged down on the rigid poles. Their passion was building, but their approaching climax jolted them back to reality and common sense prevailed over sensuality. They pulled away and stared at each other angrily, though this time their anger was tempered by the sexual attraction they couldn’t deny but steadfastly opposed. Bob knew this was a make or break moment so he grabbed a jar of lube he had also brought from indoors and planted it decisively on the blanket beside them. “There, now make love … and that’s an order. Come on guys … fuck!” Pablo, resentful of the way he had been manipulated, saw his chance to regain his dominance. “Right …” He flipped Jamie over on his back and, ignoring the lube, spat in his palm and stroked his cock. “This is how my dad does it. He’s the best fuck in the world, and I take after him.” He pulled Jamie’s legs up high and drove his long wet cock deep in his ass. “Aaah,” Jamie gasped and instinctively put his hands on Pablo’s chest to push him away. But Pablo’s fighting spirit was surging back. He grabbed Jamie’s wrists and forced them to the ground above his head. “You’re finished, dude,” he jeered. “Let’s see what you got, surfer-boy. Let’s find out who’s the top boy around here.” He began one of his master’s notorious fucks. His hero Randy asserted his dominance with either his fists � or his cock, savaging the ass of his rival. And Pablo copied him now, hammering Jamie’s ass in a wild bid to make him submit once and for all. “Fuck you, asshole,” Jamie yelled. “You’re pathetic … I can take whatever you dish out.” Bob could see his whole plan falling apart and, making matters worse, he watched in dismay as Mark clenched his fists and moved menacingly forward. But suddenly a deep voice barked, “Enough!” Randy bent down, pulled Pablo off Jamie and yelled, “Pablo, don’t be a bully!” Even in the midst of the drama Bob smiled inwardly at the irony of Randy using the very words Bob had used on him when fucking the twins. Randy was learning. “Kid,” Randy said, “you’ve gotta lighten up. The world ain’t against you, least of all Jamie. He’s a great kid, and so are you, so act like it.” Randy knelt beside him. “Kid, I used to be like this with Jamie’s cop, Mark. Hated his guts, or thought I did. Saw him as a threat � him being a cop and all, strong, dominant, not to mention fucking gorgeous. Then one day my brother Steve told me to `make love, not war’. And so …” Randy stood up, gazed into Mark’s eyes, and wrapped his arms round him. “Sorry about all this, buddy. My boy and me fucked up.” Randy pressed his mouth against Mark’s in a churning kiss. The resentment that had been brewing between the cop and the gypsy was instantly submerged in a wave of renewed affection that swelled up from deep inside. Bob quickly ran into the shack, brought out another big blanket and spread it on the sand next to the boys. Mark and Randy dropped their shorts and Randy fell on his back on the blanket. The boys watched awestruck as Mark used the lube to grease up his cock, and Randy raised his legs. The gypsy grinned, “Go for it, officer.” Mark eased his cock into Randy’s ass, then leaned forward and kissed him while he fucked him. Pablo, copying his master as always, lay on his back and Jamie leaned over him, bracing his hands on the blanket beside his head. Before Jamie could reach for the lube Pablo gazed up at him with a frown. “Dude, I wanna ask you something. Last week I was working on one of the motor-bikes in the garden and when I finished I came into the office to ask you something, and you and Brandon burst out laughing. I know my face and body were all smudged with oil and I must’ve looked like just a greasy mechanic, but you two laughing at me really hurt and I walked out mad as hell.” Jamie looked shocked. “Dude, I thought you knew. Brandon and me had been watching you from the office and you looked so hot working with no shirt on, your dungarees tied round your waist. The oil streaked over that gorgeous face and body made you even sexier and we both jerked off watching you. “I said to Brandon if you came into the office right then I would fuck that beautiful ass of yours, and then you did walk in, which is what made us laugh. We were laughing `cos we were so turned on by you, looking so fucking macho and sexy. I thought you knew. Actually, I’ve done that often, like the times I go to the construction site and watch you work, and I go into the trailer and bust my load looking at you.” There was a silence while Jamie lubed up his cock. Pablo said, “Since we’re spilling our guts, Jamie, I might as well tell you that when I saw you earlier waxing your board you looked so fucking hot that I fantasized about getting fucked by you. I had lusted for you before but I didn’t jack off `cos you made me so fucking mad � you so blond and gorgeous, more popular than me and looking down on me, as I thought. Shit, I’ve been such an asshole, so blind.” “Well, buddy, we gotta make up for lost time. What did you say you wanted when I was waxing the board? Something like this?” Pablo raised his legs as Randy had done and echoed his master, saying, “Go for it stud”. Jamie moaned as he eased his cock deep in his ass. “Jesus, Pablo, you have the hottest ass in town. I know you’re used to Darius’s huge tool so I hope I don’t disappoint.” “Now you’re being the asshole, dude. Just shut up and fuck. Get your own back and hammer my ass.” Jamie looked over and saw Mark still rising and falling over Randy as they kissed passionately. “Nah,” Jamie said, “this is the time for making love. Revenge is so … yesterday.” Imitating Mark, Jamie leaned forward and pressed his lips against Pablo’s. And this time there was no recoil, no pulling back in anger. This time they blended together in a long delayed recognition of their affection and respect for each other, now they had buried all the bullshit of resentment and misunderstanding. “Shit, dude,” Pablo groaned, “your cock feels fucking awesome.” He reached up and ran his hands over Jamie’s pecs. “And that body … so damn sexy. Fuck me, Jamie.” Bob looked down at the four men � the naked blond cop fucking the macho gypsy boss, while next to them the tanned surfer jock made love to the muscular boss’s boy. It was so beautiful to watch, so … symmetrical … masters and boys, animosity buried, making love. Escort Giresun As the loving fuck continued Bob pulled out his phone, punched a button, and said softly, “It worked, doc. I owe you one.” Then he got down to the business of taking charge again and getting his rocks off into the bargain. He dropped his shorts and towered naked over the two couples. The kissing stopped and Randy and Pablo, on their backs, stared up at Bob. Mark and Jamie saw reflected in their eyes the glorious image of the muscle-god they all loved towering over them stroking his cock. Bob wanted it to go on forever, wanted time to stand still on this perfect scene. But by now Randy and Pablo were both squeezing their asses round the cocks that impaled them, causing Mark and Jamie to groan in ecstasy as they held back their orgasms. Bob stared down at Randy and their eyes met in that familiar but other-worldly union of souls. They knew exactly what the other felt, what he needed. And right now they needed to cum. Bob beat his cock hard and shouted, “You are so fucking beautiful, guys … I love you all. Let’s do it, men. Yeah … fuck yeah … fuuuck …” Cum blasted from his cock and showered down on their faces, heads, chests and backs. Randy had tears in his eyes as he mouthed, `I love you man,’ and shot ribbons of sperm up onto Mark’s chest. Mark and the boys were quick to follow suit until all five men were howling in triumph as they pumped juice and finally collapsed in a heap of tangled limbs and laughter. ********************************** Randy was the first to disentangle himself and reassert his leadership. “Ok, guys, let’s hit the water.” Buck naked he ran down to the surf followed by the men and boys. There was a lot of playful wrestling and macho rough-housing but this time with no hint of rivalry among either the men or the boys. They finally burst from the surf and ran up the beach where the men breathlessly regained their seats on the patio and Bob proposed a toast. “To Steve and his whacko ideas.” “To whacko ideas,” Randy laughed, and Mark grinned, “I’ll drink to that.” Jamie and Pablo sat cross-legged on the sand, smiling shyly at each other, not quite sure what came next after they had at last called a truce and made love, albeit at Bob’s insistence. Was it real? Would it last? Pablo’s attitude had evidently changed when he grinned his crooked grin and said, “Hey, dude, you know I didn’t mean all that garbage about Mark. That was my anger talking. I’m sorry, Jamie… it was total bullshit. Mark’s a great guy and you’re great together.” Jamie flashed him a smile of forgiveness and their shyness disappeared. “Tell me, buddy,” Pablo said, “I wasn’t all that bad on a surfboard, was I?” Jamie’s eyes sparkled. “Of course not. I told you that before. Like I said, it’s all a question of balance and the position of your feet on the board.” Pablo suddenly looked like an eager young boy. “Do you wanna show me again, dude?” “Totally. Let’s go, buddy.” Jamie leapt to his feet and tucked his surfboard under his arm. Pablo did the same and they trotted down to the water and launched themselves into the waves. The men watched with huge satisfaction as, unlike last time, Pablo followed Jamie’s instructions and soon the boys were shouting with exhilaration as they glided flawlessly side by side on the crest of a wave. They stayed out quite a long time and when they finally skidded to a halt on the beach they flung their arms round each other. When they ran up to the shack, their eyes gleaming, Pablo said to Randy, “Sir, me and Jamie were talking and we wondered, well, if it would be OK if we pitched the tent in the dunes and spent the night there together.” Randy rubbed his hand over his stubbled jaw, teasing them with frowning contemplation. “Hmm, not so sure about that one, kid. What do you other guys think?” Bob and Mark stifled smiles and shook their heads doubtfully. But then Bob said, “I dunno about you guys but I don’t wanna be kept awake by two horny young bucks fucking all night on the floor of the shack.” “Hell no,” Mark said, “the tent’s the place for that kind of behavior. Guess maybe we have to say yes.” Jamie flung his arms round him. “Thank you, sir. You’re the best.” He grabbed Pablo and they ran off to the truck to unload the tent. The men smiled smugly at each other, congratulating themselves on this happy outcome. Then a frown came to Randy’s face and Mark said, “What’s the problem now, big guy?” “Well, I guess things worked out OK. It’s just that it kinda pisses me off when we three are together and one of us takes over, makes all the decisions, gives the orders and we tag along like his damn servants. Hell, man, I’m supposed to be the boss of this outfit and you’re a fucking cop for Chris’sake. We don’t have to put up with that shit, do we?” “Fuck no,” Mark growled. “It’s about time a certain bossy Senior-fucking-Vice-President executive stud got cut down to size. Any ideas?” “Oh yeah, plenty. Wait `til we get him in the shack tonight � just the three of us. His ass is grass.” He stared at Bob who caught the twinkle in his lover’s eye and quivered with anticipation. *********************************** Later that night, when the men were in the shack and the boys in their tent, it happened that back in town in Steve’s house Grady’s mind was also on sex. He was lying alone in bed, fantasizing and stroking his dick, when his phone rang. He took his hand off his cock, grabbed the phone, and smiled when he heard the sexy, accented voice. It was the very man he had just been fantasizing about. “Amico, mi scuso for calling so late but are you working tomorrow?” “Er, yeah Mario, but it’s a light day and we should wrap early. Then I have two days off.” “Eccelente. I would like to meet you after work and take you for that dinner I promised at my favorite Italian restaurant. Afterwards, if you still have the energy, we can make a start on your, er … your Italian lessons.” Grady’s acceptance was instant. “It’s a date Mario. I’m glad you called. I’ll phone you tomorrow when we’ve wrapped.” After he hung up Grady realized that his cock was harder than ever. His thoughts lingered on Mario’s hesitating `er’ before `your Italian lessons’. Was he sure the handsome Italian meant language lessons � or something else? Whatever � his fantasies now provided the `something else’ as he pounded his cock and came all over his washboard abs. Then Grady fell asleep, his body wet with cum, his mind crowded with dreams. ************************************ TO BE CONTINUED in “A Trial Of Strength” � Chapter 284 Hey guys, this is Rob Williams. I hope that chapter got you off, and I welcome your comments and suggestions, which can be very helpful in planning future chapters. E-mail me in confidence at rw6789@aol. ALSO, I urge you to visit my Web-site gth. You can read the whole story, all the many chapters, with extras, including pictures and biographies of all the characters and some other great artwork. Click on the `Our Story’ tab to read the current chapter, or click on the green button to browse all the chapter synopses. Enjoy!
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