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Big Dick

Subject: “A Trial Of Strength” – Part 455 by Rob Williams A TRIAL OF STRENGTH � PART 455 By Rob Williams Chapter 455 � “TAMING THE JUNGLE MAN” IN THIS CHAPTER Bob is crushed by the effort of dealing with a crisis in the tribe so his lover, the macho gypsy Randy, takes over. “We both know what you need, stud. Get those pants off.” Then the hot jock movie star Grady rages against the men of the tribe but the wild musclehunk Seth tames him. “Sure, you play Tarzan in the movies but your ass is mine now, jungle-man. Damn I love to hear Tarzan beg.” ___________________________________________________________________ *********** IN THE PREVIOUS CHAPTER *********** The tribe’s new project to redesign the landscaping at the main house began well. It had been the idea of the tribe’s co-leader Bob and the rugged Hispanic senior man Miguel as a project for Miguel’s boy Finn and his shy young assistant Tyler, the house’s gardeners. Miguel explained to Finn, “I’ve talked to Grady’s lover Mario who’s a landscape architect as you know, and to Bob, who says you’ve done wonders with the garden. But I don’t want a boy of mine to be just a gardener. I want you to take a course in landscape design that Mario highly recommends, then Bob wants you to redesign the grounds of the compound here. Mario will work closely with you and Tyler Finn was thrilled. “I’m really stoked, sir, and I know I can make a go of it. Mario has already helped a lot � he’s such a cool guy. When he has time � like when Grady is away filming on location � he comes here and works in the garden with Tyler and me. We all get along real well. “Tell you the truth, I think Tyler has a crush on Mario and wants to have sex with him but Mario so far hasn’t done anything `cos Tyler is Pablo’s boy. But like boss Randy always says, the guys of the tribe are so close they can fool around with anyone else as long as it stays in the tribe.” “Yeah I know, Finn,” Miguel nodded, “but I would steer clear of Pablo. He’s very possessive of Tyler and, well, maybe he goes overboard with that master/boy thing. And of course he can flare up in a rage all of a sudden, just like his dad Randy.” In fact, that’s exactly what wrecked the project and made waves that engulfed the tribe. Finn had gone off to sign up for his course leaving Mario and Tyler alone. Mario had resisted Tyler’s youthful crush on him because he was Pablo’s boy, but Tyler persisted and Mario finally relented. He was so cute, so nervous and he wanted it so badly, Mario thought, so what was the harm in it … just this once …? The harm was that Pablo came home hot and horny, caught them in the act and went ballistic. He struck Tyler, told him to get out of his sight, then brutally fucked the handsome, gentle Italian, leaving him injured on the ground. Finn showed up and intervened only to be hurled to the ground by the raging Pablo who roared, “Fuck you, who needs you, any of you? You can all go to hell. I’m outa here.” He stomped away to the gate and roared away in his truck. When Tyler raised the alarm it fell to Bob to take charge. The senior boy Jamie took Mario back to the Grady House to be cared for by his movie-star lover Grady, and their boy Brian. Finn went back to Miguel, and Bob took a shaken Tyler to the house Bob shared with his lover Randy. They were joined by the twins and their boy Will who agreed to take care of Tyler. Bob collapsed in a chair and sighed to the twins, “It’s serious this time, guys � not your regular fight and forgive deal. Mario of all people, that kind, generous guy who everyone loves � especially Grady. God knows what Grady’s reaction will be, or Miguel’s when he knows Finn got hurt and their landscaping plan is up in flames. The twins went away to cook dinner and soon Randy came in looking drained, having failed to find Pablo. Bob said, “Randy, this could be real serious. We’ve gotta tread very carefully.” Randy paced the room. “I don’t see what all the fuss is about. We had a real rough day at work, I got mad, came home and reamed your ass like I always do. Pablo was the same, came home ready to let off steam and fuck his boy. He saw Mario forcing himself on the kid so he beat the guy up, fucked him good. He was just protecting his boy like any man would.” Bob flared up. “Randy that’s total bullshit and you know it. Damnit, you’ll make up any excuse for that boy of yours. He could set the house on fire and you’d defend him. Pablo copies you in everything including that explosive anger that’s got you in trouble so many times. But however angry he was and whatever the provocation, savagely raping a kind, gentle friend like Mario is not the answer. You’re almost as much to blame as he is, the way you’ve raised him to think with his fists, or in this case his dick.” Randy’s eyes blazed but Bob said, “Randy let’s stop. If you and I come to blows over this so will everyone else and the tribe could unravel.” Randy backed off and his shoulders slumped. “You’re right, man, this is on me. If my boy is not here to make amends I have to do it for him.” They heard a screech of tires at the gate and Bob said, “It’s him … Pablo’s home.” But he was wrong. When the door crashed open it was Grady � transformed from the laid-back fun-loving guy they knew and loved into a raging warrior. Shirtless in shorts, his magnificent body tense with anger, fists clenched, he fixed his burning eyes on Randy. “Where is he? Where the fuck is your boy?” Bob tried to placate him but Grady said, “My quarrel is not with you, Bob. It’s with him, the father of that psycho who just trashed my lover, my Mario.” Tears of rage filled his eyes. “Did you see him, that gorgeous man broken and beaten, his beautiful face scratched, body all bruised, his ass shattered by your fucking boy? I’m gonna do to him what he did to my man.” “Pablo’s not here,” Randy said, “so your fight’s with me. Say what you have to and then leave.” “Leave? Grady yelled. “You’re crazy, man, you know that? Just like your boy. You see what he did? You have no fucking idea, do you? You wanna know what he did? I’ll fucking show you,” So Grady gave Randy the same savage treatment Pablo had given Mario, blow by blow, including the savage pounding of his ass. Randy’s usual instinct would have been to fight back but, as he himself had said, Pablo was gone so Randy had to make amends for his boy. Grady’s revenge was brutal. Randy’s screams filled the room as Grady sank his rod deep in his ass and filled it with the juice of rage and revenge. When it was over Grady glared down contemptuously at the beaten gypsy. “That’s it � it’s all over. From now on the Grady House is off limits to all of your tribe. I’ll add more security if necessary to keep everyone else out. Mario and I will live there with just our boy Brian and Danny. I’ll spend all of tomorrow with my lover to take care of him. I’ll call in sick to the studio and they’ll have to suspend shooting for the day. So way to go, Pablo. The Grady House is off limits and a major motion picture shuts down. Quite the achievement.” Grady stormed out of the room, Bob fell on his knees by the bed and rested his face on Randy’s chest, emotionally drained. His cell phone rang, he reached for it wearily and put it on speaker. “Hey Bob, Randy, you there? It’s Mike.” Their old friend Mike who lived in Palms Springs with his boy Larry. “Listen guys, the darnedest thing just happened. Pablo just pitched up here in the Springs. He’s with Larry right now. What do you want me to do?” ********************* CHAPTER 455 ********************* Uncle Mike � Rock Solid So that was one mystery explained. After Pablo left the scene of the carnage he had caused he had driven out to Mike and Larry in Palm Springs. Still kneeling by the bed Bob raised his head wearily from Randy’s chest to respond to Mike on the phone. On seeing Randy’s blank, bewildered expression it was obvious to Bob he had to do the talking. “How does Pablo seem, Mike?” “Hard to tell really. He has a kinda crazed look but he’s trying to brazen his way through it � you know Pablo, tough it out like nothing happened. But what did happen Bob?” “The worst, Mike. In a nutshell, Pablo found his boy Tyler getting fucked by Mario � you know, Grady’s Italian lover, the kindest sweetest guy you’ll ever meet. Pablo went apeshit, totally lost it and fucked Mario savagely. To be blunt, he raped him. He’s really hurt. Jamie took him home to the Grady House where Grady and Brian put him to bed.” “Jesus,” Mike murmured, “that’s bad, dude.” “But that’s not the end of it, Mike. Grady, predictably, was furious. You’ve never seen him like that � you know, the joking, easy-going guy despite his fame and celebrity. Totally transformed into a raging bull. He and Mario are inseparable, madly in love, and Grady stormed down here to take revenge on Pablo. But Pablo was gone so Grady laid into Randy with a tongue lashing and a brutal fuck, doing to him what Pablo had done to Mario. “And Grady’s totally broken with us. Says he never wants to see any of the tribe again. The Grady House is barred to us and he’s even putting in extra security. It’s a huge rift, Mike. I can’t see any way of healing it either.” “Damn, you poor guy. Do you want me to come out there and see what I can do?” “Thanks Mike, but I don’t think so. But maybe you can try and keep a check on Pablo. God knows what he’ll try next, the mood he’s in.” Mike was a tough, still hot-looking man in his late fifties who had owned a leather bar for years, and now he chuckled. “Don’t worry, guys, I’ve dealt with many a bullheaded macho stud like him in my time. Trust me, Pablo won’t do anything crazy under my roof or anywhere near it. As a matter of fact I may even have a temporary solution. “Like I said, Pablo’s with Larry right now. They always got along real well, both being mechanics and all. My Larry has developed into a real bright, level-headed guy, I’m real proud of him. He won’t put up with any crap from Pablo. Working with me in our leather bar he’s dealt with everything � drunks, tough guys, big-headed bullshitters who think their own shit don’t stink. “And there’s another thing. You know Larry’s got his own motorcycle repair shop. It’s going gangbusters and he’s got way more work than he can handle. He’s really backlogged and it worries me. He’s had a few assistants but they were flaky and didn’t work out. So what I’ll do is tell Pablo that Larry really needs his help � you know, flatter him, appeal to his vanity as an expert mechanic. If he takes the bait that would be killing at least two birds with one stone.” “Mike, you’re a lifesaver. Work is what Pablo needs right now. Under all that pig-headed bravado he’s probably knotted up with guilt, even scared by what he’s done, though he would never admit it even to himself. Staying with you and helping Larry out of a hole would boost his self-esteem and help him see reason. You think you can hold the fort for a while, Mike?” “Ah, for you guys anything. I’ll enjoy it … good for my aging esteem too, whipping a young stud into shape, just like the old days. How about you, boy?” Mike said to Randy � the only man ever to call Randy `boy’. “You behaving yourself and taking care of your man there?” “Trying too, Mike.” “You’d better. Don’t make me come out there and whip your ass, boy. OK, guys, we’ll take it one step at a time. I’ll stay in touch, you do the same.” Bob shut off the phone with a sigh. “Thank god for Mike. At least he’s still on our side. Wonder how many of the other guys are. They all love Mario and …” He trailed off, fearing the worst. Randy shifted uneasily, his ass still sore after Grady pounded it. “Hey Randy, you need a hot shower. Go take one while I try and work out where we go from here. Randy heaved himself painfully off the bed and into the bathroom. Bob stayed on his knees leaning on the bed, almost in a prayer position if he had been a praying man. If ever there was a time for prayers, he thought, this was it. It would take a miracle to solve this lot. On his own for the first time since it all happened the enormity of the situation collapsed in on Bob. He again saw Mario lying groaning on the ground, saw the hate in Grady’s eyes, that beautiful man who was such a high-spirited friend to them all. Or used to be. There would be no more of those exuberant gatherings at the Grady House where the tribe all came together in the spirit of brotherly affection and love. The tribe … Bob loved the tribe that had grown out of his first meeting with Randy so long ago. The men and their boys, everyone supporting and protecting each other. Sure they’d had their ups and downs like any large family, but this time seemed different, a real split. A fatal split? Maybe, possibly. Guys would take sides, the seeds of suspicion and distrust would replace the former harmony that had Diyarbakır Escort always warmed the tribe. Whatever happened he would hold together his small family � Randy, the twins, young Will who even now was comforting his buddy Tyler. But the rest? He could not imagine life without the tribe … and yet … He caught his breath in a sob. He had held it together since the incident but now he let go. He buried his face on the bed and his body heaved with uncontrollable sobs. ****************************** Circling The Wagons Randy was toweling off in the bathroom when he heard the harrowing sound. He came out and saw Bob slumped over the bed, his body shuddering. “Hey buddy.” He ran forward, knelt beside Bob and put his arm round him. Bob raised a tear-stained face and said “What if it all falls apart, Randy? What if the guys just …?” The tough gypsy boss became gentle as a lamb and wiped the tears from his lover’s face. Then he kissed him, long and tenderly. “I’m here, buddy. I’m always here for you. We’ve gone through a lot since we first met, ain’t we? We’ve faced every crisis and knocked them down together, one by one. And we’ll get through this one too, you’ll see.” Bob smiled a watery smile. “Sorry, Randy, to fold up on you like that. It’s just that everything suddenly seemed so … I need you so much, Randy.” They hugged and stayed in the safety of each other’s arms until they heard a gentle tap on the door and a voice said, “It’s me, sirs, Will.” Bob called him in and the young redhead stood there in his green apron, a smile on his freckled face. “Hope I’m not interrupting, sirs, but I thought you’d like to know about Tyler. I left him in the small kitchen stirring the sauce on the stove. Told him he had to concentrate hard and stir gently. Seems to be doing him good.” “Good idea, William. How’s he doing?” “A bit better, sir. He’s stopped panicking at least, and I told him I didn’t want to hear him blame himself for the umpteenth time. But he can’t face the tribe so we’re gonna have dinner just us two in my room and he’ll stay the night with me. Er, any news on Pablo, sir?” “Yes Will. He’s in Palm Springs with Uncle Mike and Larry. Mike is keeping an eye on him and he might work with Larry who needs help with his bike repair backlog. So he could stay there quite some time, which would be a good thing. In a crisis it’s best to remove the immediate cause of the problem or he becomes the focus of all the negative feelings.” “Yes, sir, and me and Tyler talked a lot. I didn’t give him any false hope but I did say that the love him and Pablo had for each other was so deep it’s not something you can suddenly kill, just like that. I always say that love can handle anything if it’s strong enough. It’s what’s held the tribe together for so long and always will, don’t ya think?” Randy held out his arms. “Come here, Red.” Will came forward to be enveloped in the gypsy’s muscular arms. “We love the hell out of you kiddo. Boys like you are the future of the tribe. Go tell Tyler Pablo’s safe and in a good place, OK?” “Yes sir, thank you sir. Oh and by the way, the twins say dinner will be ready in half an hour.” Randy ruffled Will’s shock of red hair and he left. The guys barely had time to comment before there was another knock at the door and Eddie bounced in with a smile. They braced for the usual Eddie onslaught of non-stop gossip but this time he was different, more formal. “Sorry to interrupt, sirs, but now that I’m the House Manager � senior boy and all � I thought I should give you a report on how things are going. Real hunky-dory, actually. I put out a call to the boys and Brandon’s helping the twins with dinner. He can carry piles of plates and stuff on that tray table of his wheelchair, as you know, sir. “Finn and Ben have cleared up the mess in the garden where Mario puked and all, and Nate is helping them set up the table for dinner, which the twins say will be on time. Oh, and by the way, Brandon phoned his boyfriend Brian to make sure he’s OK and he said things are … what’s the words he used? … nice and peaceful up at the Grady House. So everything’s pretty much back to the usual routine. Anyway, that’s my House Manager report, sirs.” “And very reassuring it is,” Bob smiled. “Thank you, Eddie, you’re doing a grand job.” Eddie smiled and saluted. “Aye-aye, sir. Now I gotta go and help the guys.” He ran out and Randy grinned at Bob. “Well, buddy, I don’t know about you but that didn’t sound to me like a tribe that’s unraveling � far from it. You know the boys’ instinct for circling the wagons when there’s trouble. Seems they’re all pitching in together. “You’re right Randy. Makes me and my tears seem kinda foolish now.” “No kid, you are the glue that hold all this together so you’re allowed a few doubts now and again. There’s still a long way to go in this mess and it could go in any direction. But right now I need to show you that you’re not alone in this, buddy. There’s one thing I gotta do …” ******************************** Randy Takes Care Of Bob Randy had been in his undershorts all this time and Bob was in T-shirt and jeans. Randy smiled at Bob. “You know what you need to be, stud? Naked. Get those pants off.” Bob’s tension drained away as he stared at his gypsy lover. He pulled off his T-shirt, unbuttoned his jeans and let them drop. “Fuck you’re gorgeous,” Randy said. “Ah, I’ve probably told you that before.” “Only about a hundred million times,” Bob smiled. “And usually what comes next is that you want me naked on the bed.” Randy shrugged. “Dude, if you don’t know the drill by now we might as well call it quits.” “No, don’t let’s do that buddy. I’d know the drill with my hands tied behind my back.” “Yeah, that can be arranged too,” Randy grinned. Bob lay on his back on the bed and gazed up at the rugged gypsy as he dropped his shorts. His massive cock sprang out, instantly erect, its usual condition when Randy watched Bob get naked. He climbed on the bed, knelt astride his lover and leaned forward, his cock resting on Bob’s abs. Randy braced his hands on the bed level with Bob’s head and their eyes met. “Buddy,” Randy smiled, “I know how hard you work taking care of all these guys, and they all love you for it. But there’s that old saying about taking care of the caregiver � and that’s my job. So I’m gonna take care of you now like I always have.” He lowered his hips, pressed his cock lengthwise on Bob’s stomach and ran it back and forth over the sharp ridges of his washboard abs. “Man that feels good. I could bust a load like that all over your chest.” Seeing Bob’s look of alarm Randy chuckled, “It’s OK, big guy, don’t panic. There’s a better place for my dick and you know where that is?” “In my ass?” “Right first time, give the man a prize. Except it’s not gonna be that rough stuff you’re so partial to. No, this is me in caregiver mode � you ain’t seen that in a long time, eh? Or this …” He reached over to the night stand to the seldom used lube jar. He scooped out a glob of it, spread it teasingly over the length of his shaft and stroked it slowly. “Hmm, I forgot what that feels like � real smooth. Maybe I’ll just rub one out like that.” “No, Randy I …” “Gotcha again, dude. You really think I’m gonna jerk off when I got that gorgeous ass right there just waiting to get plucked?” “Don’t you mean fucked?” Bob ginned. “Hey, who’s running this show? When I say taking care of you I mean taking charge of you, and don’t you forget it.” “Sorry, sir.” This was something new from Randy � foreplay. Usually he went straight for the target, no messing around, and fucked like a stallion in heat. Lube? Meant nothing to him. But this time the wild impulsive gypsy was making love in slow motion like a scene from a movie. From action hero to lover. And it excited the hell out of Bob. He reached up and ran his hands over the chiseled features he knew so well � the stubbled jaw, high gypsy cheekbones and those hypnotic pale blue eyes. He ran his fingers through the long, shaggy black hair that fell forward as Randy bent lower … and kissed him. It was an open mouthed kiss, their lips clamped together sharing the same air back and forth. Bob had a sense that Randy was giving him the very breath of life. Randy pulled back at last and smiled, “See, I told you I’d take care of you. Now I’m gonna take care of your ass. You want it, don’t you?” “You know I do. I always do. It makes me feel safe.” He sighed as the thick shaft slid easily inside him. Usually when Randy fucked him it was the mix of joy and pain that thrilled him. But now it was pure, golden pleasure, building to ecstasy as his lover’s cock filled his ass, moving gently in and out. And it was true, he did feel safe. Randy was his lover, his soulmate, his life, and with him he felt equal to any of life’s challenges. The sublime sensation he now felt transcended all the squabbles and tantrums of the world � and of the tribe. He smiled up at the gypsy’s laser blue eyes. “You make me feel strong again, Randy.” “Buddy, you’re Superman. You’ve got his looks and his power. Superman gets his power from the sun � and I’m your sun, buddy. Look into my eyes …” Bob saw his own reflection in the hypnotic eyes and the magic happened as it always did. He had stepped from his sepia world through the enchanted door into the Technicolor world of Oz. “This is where we belong, Randy, where we come alive. I love you so much.” “That’s my boy,” Randy smiled as his cock caressed his ass. “We got lucky when we found each other and together we have the power to help all the others � the Wills and the Tylers, the Pablos and Marios � all the guys. Don’t ever feel scared, buddy, `cos you’ve got me.” “Kiss me Randy. Kiss me while you fuck my ass.” It was as if the room faded away � it was just them, two men kissing, making love, one inside the other’s body, in his mouth, in his eyes. And so it went, minute after minute until their cocks trembled, straining for release. Time and again Randy could have unloaded his juice in Bob’s ass, but this time he wanted more than that. To Bob’s surprise he slid his cock gently out of him and stood up. He pulled Bob to his feet and they stood facing each other. “I want to show you how much I love you, buddy.” Randy pressed his sinewy body against Bob’s, their cocks pressed together between them. They stood motionless, arms folded round each other, feeling their hearts beating against each other. Again they gazed deep into each other’s eyes, they smiled … and that’s all it took. Their cocks shuddered, bodies tensed … and semen spurted up between them. Randy’s dark gypsy face broke into a gleaming smile and their mouths closed over each other in a long passionate kiss. When Randy pulled back his swarthy face broke into a gleaming smile. “That’s love, buddy, pure and simple. But now we’ve settled that, it’s no more mister nice guy. The gypsy’s back and next time he’s gonna give it to you hard and rough the way you like it. There’s more than one way of taking care of you, dude.” “I’ll take it however it comes, Randy. And now we gotta take care of the guys gathering down there for dinner. They need us Randy. Both of us together.” ***************************** Reassurance From The Bosses By the time they made it down to the long table by the pool everyone was already seated, but it was not the usual noisy crowd. Men and boys alike were subdued. News had quickly spread on the grapevine of Pablo’s assault on Mario, and of Grady’s angry visit and ferocious revenge on Randy. But the rest was sketchy � rumors and speculation that fed on itself. Which is why Bob had wanted dinner to take place as usual and on time. The mere arrival of Bob and Randy lifted the other guys’ spirits a little when they saw the glow around them that always meant they had just made love. At least that was a sign of stability if the leaders were still united. They all looked up expectantly but it was not Bob who addressed them. At a signal from Randy Bob sat in his usual place next to Mark, while Randy stood and looked down at Brandon who was shuttling back and forth from the kitchen in his wheelchair. “Hey, kiddo, go tell the twins to get here asses out here. I want everyone together.” The twins came out and stood next to Brandon, all of them in green aprons and chef’s hats. “OK guys, listen up. You all know by now what happened, and the shit’s really hit the fan this time. But Bob has warned against rumors spreading so here’s the scoop. Pablo found Mario and Tyler fucking and went ballistic. He basically raped Mario and hurt Tyler and Finn. He left right away and we’ve heard from Uncle Mike that he’s pitched up out there in Palm Springs with him and Larry. “When Mario got home Grady was mad as hell, and who can blame him? Diyarbakır Escort Bayan He came storming in here looking for Pablo but found me instead, so he gave me just what Pablo gave his lover. And Grady has said the Grady House is off limits to all of us � never wants to see any of us again.” There were rumblings of concern round the table as Randy continued. “Guys, I wanna make one thing clear. This is all on me. We’d had a bitch of a day at the construction site, I yelled at Pablo, he yelled at Ben and stormed off wanting to relieve his stress in his boy’s ass. His attack on Mario, a real friend we all love and admire, was totally unforgiveable no matter how mad he felt. No one else is to blame here � not Mario, not Tyler, not Finn for trying to intervene. Pablo is my boy so I’m responsible and I’ll take care of it. Like I said, it’s on me. “In the meantime I wanna make one thing clear. This in no way reflects on Bob who has been a rock through the whole thing. He’s the guy who holds this tribe together and will continue to do so until this whole fucking mess has been sorted out. Anyone has a problem with anything I’ve just said, come and see me.” As Randy sat down Bob got to his feet � to cheers and applause. The cheers were obviously meant for Bob, but probably for Randy too, for taking full responsibility and for so staunchly protecting Bob. They were no doubt also cheers of relief the guys felt that the two leaders of the tribe seemed firmly in charge. As the applause died down Bob said, “Guys, I just have a few things to say about where we go from here. As Randy said, Pablo is with Mike and Larry and he’ll stay there for a while helping Larry with his business. We suggest that nobody attempts to contact him � that could only muddy the waters. Best he stays out of the way for a while, and he’s in good hands with Mike. “Right now Will is taking care of Tyler. He didn’t feel up to facing the whole tribe so he’ll eat dinner with Will and stay the night there. He too is feeling guilty so tomorrow he will need the reassurance of his family, meaning you guys on the second floor, Zack, Miguel, Darius, Finn.” “Don’t worry, sir,” Darius said, “we’ll take care of him. Finn is his best buddy, and Pablo and me go back a long way so I’ll try to take his place for Tyler while he’s away.” “Thanks, Darius. And Miguel, I see Finn has a compress on his wrist. You may have a particular beef with Pablo as your boy was hurt, so I suggest you take that up with Randy. “In the meantime I hope we can get back to our normal routine right away. In that regard I want to give special thanks to our House Manager Eddie who rallied the boys to keep everything from falling apart. The boys are famous for circling the wagons when trouble hits and that’s what happened this time, so thanks to Nate, Brandon and Ben, and the twins too, of course. Well that’s enough from me …” “I’ll say,” Randy laughed. “Sit down and eat, dude, `cos I’m fucking starved.” That brought a gale of laughter round the table, even louder than usual in a release of all the tension. The twins and Brandon went back to the kitchen and Mark turned to Bob. “Good job, buddy. The Police Department could use a guy like you in defusing a crisis. You ever think if joining the force?” “Nah, I prefer cops when they are off duty, officer.” “Well,” Randy grinned, “maybe the officer could join us later for a nightcap, and we could all three talk about, er, joining forces. Bring Jamie too.” And so the usual routine of camaraderie and sexual innuendo resumed and peace, of a sort, was restored, at least for now. Tomorrow was another day. ******************************* Seth Takes Charge Next morning the first hint of trouble came, surprisingly, to the newest man of the tribe, rough and rugged Seth. He had spent the night at the tribe’s compound and his phone rang early. It was Danny calling from the Grady House. Danny had recently become Seth’s boy and his instinct was to call Seth when there was trouble, which there was now. “What’s up, kiddo?” “Sir, I’m a bit nervous that we might have a security problem up here. You probably heard that Grady wants to stay with Mario today and take care of him after … you know, all that Pablo stuff. So he called in sick to the studio and they’ve suspended shooting his scenes for the day. “Well you know how the press are. Word’s gone round that the movie has shut down because of the star’s illness, which would be major news if it were true. Grady’s not ill, of course, and the studio is shooting round him � background shots and stuff. But already I can see a few paparazzi on the security camera gathering at the gate. It could become a feeding frenzy and grow into a mob. I don’t want to bother Mario or Grady after everything that happened, but …’ “Hold on, Danny. Stay on the phone. I’m going downstairs to Mark.” In just his boxers Seth ran down to Mark’s ground-floor apartment and banged on the door. Inside he quickly explained the situation and gave the phone to Mark who said, “I’ll be right there, Danny, with Seth too. Whatever you do, do not answer the gate buzzer or open the gate until we get there.” Fortunately Mark had ridden his police motorcycle home the previous night and now quickly put on his uniform. “Stay put with your phone Jamie. I’ll call you with developments and you can spread the word to Bob, Randy and the others.” Seth pulled on his jeans, boots and old muscle T-shirt and ran with Mark to the gate. He followed him up the hill to the Grady House. As Danny had feared, the crowd of aggressive paparazzi had grown, several trying to peer through the dense hedges by the gate. But they backed off when the cop roared up on his bike and took off his helmet. “OK, gentlemen that’s it. This is a private driveway and you’re trespassing. If you’re not back up at the main road within three minutes I’m calling for backup and arresting you for criminal trespass.” There were a lot of grumbling protests but Mark cut through them all. “I said three minutes!” The handsome, dominant cop was an intimidating figure and the crowd reluctantly began to disperse back up the driveway. Mark spoke on the intercom. “Danny, open the gate and let Seth drive in then close it behind him. I’ll stay out here for a while and make sure they’re gone. The gate swung silently open, then immediately closed behind Seth after he drove his truck through. Danny was at the monitor in the security room with Brian sitting anxiously in his wheelchair. “Take over here, Brian, while I talk to Seth. Only person you let in is Mark, OK?” “But dude, Grady gave us strict orders that no one from the tribe is to come in.” “I know, buddy, but I’ll talk to Seth about that and let him take care of it.” “OK, Danny.” Brian managed a weak smile. “I guess that’s what masters are for, eh?” “Damn right they are,” Danny smiled, “especially a hunk like Seth. We’re safe with him here.” Danny ran out to meet him as he strode toward him from the garages. Seth wrapped his arms round his boy � “You OK, kid?” “I am now you’re here, sir. Thanks for coming so fast and bringing Mark. Only we have a kinda problem. See Grady is still mad about what happened to Mario, he’s being real protective. I’ve never seen him like this. And he’s put the bar up to the whole tribe � house is strictly off limits. So technically I shouldn’t even have let you or Mark in.” “That’s fuckin’ bullshit. Does he know what was going on outside?” “No, sir. I didn’t wanna give them even more to worry about. He and Mario are sleeping in late. We shouldn’t bother them unless it’s … “No, kid, maybe you won’t bother them but nobody stops me telling `Sir’ Grady the facts of real life round here. He plays Tarzan in the movies but he won’t fuck with me. Where’s their room?” Danny led Seth up the curving staircase and along the corridor to the double doors at the end � the master suite. Seth threw them open and strode into the large bedroom, where Grady and Mario were still in bed but awake. Surprised by Seth’s sudden entrance Grady sat bolt upright. “What the fuck …?” Danny darted round Seth and said, “Sir, I’m sorry to barge in but …” “What the fuck’s he doing here?” Grady sprang out of bed, naked except for his usual black briefs, resembling Tarzan in a loincloth. “I gave orders that no one from that house gets in here � you deliberately disobeyed me.” “Listen up dude,” Seth snarled, “this kid is my boy and I’m the only one gives him orders, get it?” Grady kept up his bravado. “You … get out of here right now, man, or I’ll call the cops.” “Oh calm the fuck down, man, the cops are already here, at least Mark is and he’s cleared that pack of wolves away from your gate. Seems word got round about your temper tantrum shutting down the picture so the press swarmed up here to check you out. You want me to let them in?” Mario stood up to restrain Grady but Danny took his arm and led him to the couch. He got a blanket, put it over Mario and sat beside him. “Sir, best to leave it to them. Seth will sort it out.” Danny was right. Seth calmly stood his ground and let Grady rant. “I don’t care if the Hordes of fucking Babylon are storming the gate I don’t need help from any you or anyone from that tribe. We can handle our own lives from now on. My lover got brutally raped down at that house and that killed all contact between us stone dead. So like I said, get the hell out of here, man.” “Shut the fuck up, dude, you’re starting to annoy me.” Seth shoved Grady hard and he fell back hard on the bed. His reflex was to get back up and fight but as he looked up at the musclehunk with the ruggedly handsome features and long shaggy hair, his eyes blazing down at him … Grady got a hard-on in his briefs. The fight went out of him and he stayed on the bed. “OK, jungle man, get one thing straight. I’m not going anywhere if it means turning my back on my boy. If I go, he goes with me and you can find yourself another cook and house manager. Look, dude, this is stupid � I don’t wanna fight with you. You’re mad as hell and I get that. I would be too if anyone assaulted my boy like that. But you’re acting crazy and making things ten times worse.” Grady’s eyes followed the macho construction worker as he paced round the bed, muscles bulging under his muscle T. “Let’s get a few other things straight while we’re at it. First of all it was one member of the tribe that lost his mind and behaved like an animal, and of course no one is defending that. The rest of the guys were as shattered as you were and they’re doing everything to try and hold the tribe together. “Bob is leading the effort down there and doing a great job. I thought you guys and Bob were real close � he manages your finances and he’s been a damn good friend. Are you banning him from your life now, blaming him?” Grady shifted uneasily, still staring at Seth. “Pablo is Randy’s boy and he’ll make damn sure the guy is punished � and believe me that won’t be pretty. In the meantime, in case you’re interested, Pablo has gone off to Mike and Larry in the desert and it looks like he’ll be there for a while before he comes back to face the music. Best if he stays away for a while. So now what? From where I’m standing it looks like Mario has recovered pretty good � that right dude?” “Si grazie, amico,” Mario said mildly. “I’m fine, just need to rest today.” “Good. So what about you, Tarzan, what are we gonna do with you?” *********************************** The Taming Of Tarzan “OK,” Seth growled, “here’s what’s gonna happen. I’m gonna stick around for the rest of the day, and while I’m here I’m in charge. I’ll take care of any asshole reporters come sniffing around and I’ll take care of all of you � starting with you dude. And you know damn well how I’m gonna do that. Look at you and that huge bulge in your briefs. You’ve had that fucking boner ever since I shoved you on the bed, and you can’t take your eyes off me. “Like I said, dude, you’ve been acting kinda crazy and there’s one sure way to tame you � the only language you understand. Let’s get rid of that damn thing first.” Seth reached down, ripped off his briefs and smiled as he saw Grady’s cock spring up hard, already oozing pre-cum. “Yeah, that’s right, dude, we know what you need. You may play a hero in the movies but you’re not the tough ferocious type, so you leave the rough stuff to guys like me and Randy. We’re here to take care of you, buddy. Like this …”. Seth pulled his cock out of his pants and spat on it. He pushed one of Grady’s legs up high, looked down at his gorgeous ass � and drove his rod in hard. Grady howled, threw his arms up and grabbed the corner posts of the bed. His eyes gleamed and he howled again as Seth pulled back and slammed in again. “Now do you want me to leave, stud?” “No … no Escort Diyarbakır … don’t leave … please.” “Thought you’d see it my way,” Seth grinned. He leaned forward, grabbed Grady’s wrists and pinned him to the bed. “Just like in your movie … Tarzan tied down getting tortured by soldiers, only this time it’s his ass getting tortured by a wild man. Damn, you’re fucking gorgeous, a macho jock who craves getting a dick up his butt. And you’re really gonna get it.” Grady’s muscular body writhed in helpless captivity as Seth ramrodded his ass. His earlier attempt at dominance faded as he gave himself up to the brawny construction worker. Seth released Grady’s hands, leaned forward over him and grabbed the headboard, pounding his ass harder and faster. Grady reached up and pushed against Seth’s chest in an instinctive attempt to resist him. He dug his fingers into his pecs through the thin T-shirt and succeeded only in ripping the shirt as Seth rose and fell over him. The shreds of the shirt hung loose from his shoulders over his pecs and only heightened the effect of a brawny savage that made Grady lose all pretense of rage. He groaned, “Fuck me … fuck my ass, man. I need it so bad.” On the couch Danny was getting nervous that it was going too far but Mario reassured him. “Tutto va bene, amico. I’ve been worried about Grady’s over-the-top reaction and this is just what he needed � a big hunk of man to take charge. Plus you know he loves getting fucked by Seth. Who wouldn’t? So just let Seth do his thing.” Seth knew exactly what he was doing … and exactly what Grady needed. He also knew how much Grady could take, which was a whole lot. And Seth loved fucking Tarzan up the ass. He looked down at the handsome muscle-jock writhing beneath him, moaning as the iron shaft pistoned down to his gut. Seth grinned, “Man that ass is hot. You’re a great fuck, jungle man, and you love getting ploughed don’t you?” “Fuck yeah,” Grady groaned, staring up at Seth’s dark chiseled features, piercing blue eyes, heavily stubbled jaw and tangled mass of black hair. The wild man was stripped to the waist except for the shreds of his T-shirt hanging over his solid pecs. The muscles of his heavily veined arms and shoulders flexed as he gripped the headboard, his hips pounding down forcing his rod ever deeper inside his captive. “So, Tarzan surrenders, right?” “Yes sir, you win, I submit.” “And I’m in charge around here? You gonna take my orders, do what I tell you? “Yes, sir … I give up … my ass is yours. Fuck me, sir.” Seth was fired up by the sight of the handsome young jock with the perfect physique, the screen hero, the powerful Tarzan, now lying naked, overpowered, conceding defeat, offering up his ass to get ravaged by the stronger man. Seth’s balls were bursting and his cock was on fire inside the hot ass. He braced his hands on the bed, bent his head and pressed his mouth on Grady’s in a grinding kiss. When he pulled back his blue eyes pierced Grady’s. “Fucking beautiful. I’m gonna unload my jizz in your ass, dude. You ready?” “Yes, sir,” Grady panted, his heart beating wildly. Automatically he reached down to his own cock but Seth swatted his hand away. “Did I say you could do that? I told you, I’m gonna take care of everything.” With one hand Seth pushed Grady’s leg back and his other hand wrapped round his cock and jerked it while his own kept ramming the jock’s ass with increasing force. Grady’s eyes opened wide, his cock straining for release in Seth’s hand, but he forced himself to hold back his climax. “Please, sir, I’m real close. Let me cum, I gotta cum … please!” Seth grinned at him, toying with him. “Man, I love to hear Tarzan beg.” “OK, I’m begging you …” Seth pounded his ass and jerked his cock, closing in on the kill. “Fuck me,” Grady groaned. “Yeah, fuck me … I’m gonna cum … I’m gonna cum … Aaagh!” His body shuddered as he felt Seth’s cock erupt in his ass and his own cock jolted in Seth’s hand and blasted cum all over his flexing abs and chest.” The exhausted jock closed his eyes, his heart pounding. When his ragged breathing subsided he gazed up at Seth and groaned. “Man, I’m sorry for the way I spoke to you and your boy. I was …” “Dude, I don’t wanna hear no more guilt. Other guys from Randy on down are taking the blame for this mess and we all know the guilt is on one man only. And he’s out of town taking refuge with Mike who won’t let him get away with shit. So chill out man and take care of your lover while I take care of you.” Suddenly they heard chuckling. Mark had just come in and grinned, “Well, everything seems to be under control here. Thanks Seth. Now if you can bear to pull your dick out of Tarzan’s ass we should go over the security arrangements for this place.” Seth leaned down, kissed Grady one last time, then pulled out and stood up, just as Brian wheeled himself in and addressed Grady. “Sir, my boyfriend Brandon just called worried about me, but I said I didn’t think you would allow him to come here and …” “Hey, kiddo, come here.” Grady held out his arms and Brian pulled himself out of his wheelchair and onto the bed with him. Mario joined them on the bed and said, “Bambino, of course Brandon must come here. We cannot keep lovers apart, especially you and Brandon.” Grady agreed. “You call him right back, kiddo, and get him up here.” Mark smiled down at them. “Good. Peace and common sense seem to have been restored in this house at least, even if it did take a gargantuan fuck by you Seth. Buddy, I know you wanna stay here today and take care of these guys, and that’s a great idea. “The paparazzi are gone for now so here’s what I’m gonna do. The Police Department has a bunch of decommissioned cop cars waiting to be sold off to dealers or the scrapyard. I’m gonna bring one up here and leave it parked outside the gate like we’ve done with other celebrities. It’s a pretty obvious ploy but it seems to deter the press guys from hanging round the gate.” “Mi amici,” Mario said, “I can’t begin to thank you for all your help and I apologize for …” Mark stopped him. “Nah, like Seth said, no more apologies. I’ll report all this to Bob and I’m sure he’ll be in touch. Now I better be getting back to Jamie. Watching you go at it, Seth, made me horny for ass and I got the best bare butt waiting for me on my bed.” He left and Danny said, “Brian, stay here and wait for Brandon. Seth can come down to the kitchen with me and help me rustle up some breakfast for us all.” He grinned at Seth. “Sir, after all that I can’t wait to see you in an apron � ours are burgundy up here, good color for you. But first we better find you a shirt. Can’t work in my kitchen in a shirt that’s ripped to shreds with cum all over it. I’m in charge in the kitchen and I run a tight ship.” “Sir,” Brian said, “can I have that torn shirt?” Seth pulled off the ragged remains of his sweaty cum-stained T-shirt and tossed it to Brian. He held it tight and smiled at Grady. “One more for my collection, sir.” ******************************** Tyler’s Guilt While all this was happening at the Grady House, there was early morning tension at the tribe’s house too, notably in young Tyler. He had had a good time with Will, cooking their dinner together, chatting a lot and then sleeping together, but as soon as he woke up the whole sad mess flooded back to him. His first thought was about Pablo and his near certainty that he was no longer his boy after he had been caught having sex with Mario. Will stirred beside him and sensed his sadness. “How you feeling, dude?” “Will, what am I gonna do? If Pablo throws me out I got nowhere to go.” “Stop it, Tyler, you’re just being silly. The first thing you should do is get your ass over there to your family on the second floor.” “But they’re probably not my family anymore, Will. Why would they want me back after what I did, causing all this mess � and I’m not even Pablo’s boy.” “That’s a bunch of crap, kid. Those guys still love you. They were family before all this and I’m betting they still are. There’s only one way to find out.” “Will you come with me, dude?” “No,” Will said. “They’re your family, not mine. They want you not me.” Tyler sighed. “I guess you’re right, Will. Wish me luck, dude.” Tyler dressed quickly, went out and across the lawn and up the stairs to the second floor. He was trembling when he got to the door and heard voices behind it. He took a deep breath and knocked timidly. Zack’s voice yelled “Come in.” When he walked in he saw the four men sitting at the table drinking coffee � Zack and his boy Darius � Miguel and his boy Finn. Zack’s ebony features lit up with a smile. “Hey kid we were wondering where you got to. Here’s your chair, sit. Finn, pour your buddy a cup of coffee.” Encouraged by the friendly greeting Tyler sat and instantly started to talk nervously. “Sir, I gotta say something. I gotta say sorry for all the trouble I caused … you know, with Mario and stuff … I know it was wrong and Pablo must be real mad at me … won’t want me anymore, and if you want me to go away …” His voice trailed off miserably and Zack winked at Darius. “You wanna handle this, dude?” Darius put his hand over Tyler’s. “Look at me, kiddo.” Tyler turned and looked into Darius’s smiling eyes. “First of all, we’re your family and family sticks together, specially when there’s trouble. Second of all, the trouble was not your fault. Rumor has it that you and Finn fuck often in the garden, right?” “Yes, sir, but …” “OK and nobody told you that’s wrong did they? Well this time you fucked with Mario � and personally I envy you, dude, that gorgeous Italian is one hot stud. Anyway, you broke no rules, it was all in the tribe so that’s fine. `Course Pablo didn’t see it like that but that’s just Pablo. “Look kiddo, I know Pablo real well … him and me have been buddies almost since the start of the tribe. So while he’s gone I’m gonna take care of his boy for him. Any problems you have, you come to me, OK?” “Thank you, sir, but I can’t stop feeling guilty. I know Pablo would have punished me and I want that � it would make me feel better. Eddie’s told me lots of stories about guys who’ve been punished for disobeying their masters.” “Oh, like getting tied up and whipped and fucked and being forced to eat their food like a dog?” Tyler winced. “Well, I guess so, sir. I’ve heard Randy say that when a guy misbehaves he gets punished for it and that’s the end of it, it’s over. That’s what I want, sir, for it to be over. I mean, why should I be treated any different?” “Ah, I see. So what do you think guys?” Darius grinned. “Should I punish this bad kid here?” “Well sure,” Miguel said, tuning in to Darius’s mischief. “But not just you, dude. I mean, you said yourself we’re a family, one for all and all for one � or all against one as the case may be.” “Your right, bro,” Zack said. “So what did you have in mind � butt fucking? Spit roasting? Force him to his knees and give all of us blow jobs?” “Well yeah … for a start anyway. See where it goes from there.” Darius said, “Hell, why don’t we do the thing right? Tie him up in that room at the end of the hall, we’ll all put on our leather gear and take it in turns to work him over. Man, after what he did I think the boy should be chained naked in a dungeon by a gang of leathermen. That’ll sure take care of his guilt. How’s that sound to you, kiddo?” All Tyler knew was that his cock was roaring hard in his shorts. And even as he spoke Darius still had his hand over Tyler’s squeezing it affectionately. Tyler looked up and stammered, “It’s … it’s up to you sir. I’ll do anything you say.” “OK, that’s settled,” Zack said. “Right after breakfast we’ll carry out the sentence. About time we took a leather trip like that. All we needed was a victim � now we’ve found one.” Tyler didn’t know what to say and tried to hide the bulge in his shorts. He was saved by his cell phone ringing. He glanced down at the screen and looked startled. “It …it’s Pablo. It’s Pablo calling me!” “So answer it, dude.” “But Bob said we shouldn’t have any contact with Pablo.” “You’re his boy � he’s your man,” Zack said. “You gotta talk to him. Answer the goddam phone, boy.” ********************************* TO BE CONTINUED in “A Trial Of Strength” � Chapter 456 Hey guys, this is Rob Williams. I hope that chapter got you off, and I welcome your comments and suggestions, which can be very helpful in planning future chapters. E-mail me in confidence at aol. ALSO, I invite you to visit my own Web-site www.atrialofstrength. You can read the whole story, with extras including pictures and biographies of all the characters. AND DON’T FORGET � IF YOU ENJOY THESE STORIES, PLEASE DONATE to this site. Nifty needs your donations to provide these thousands of wonderful stories. So please go to fty/donate.html and donate what you can. All the other writers and I thank you. Hey guys, this is Rob Williams. I hope that chapter got you off, and I welcome your comments and suggestions, which can be very helpful in planning future chapters. E-mail me in confidence at aol.

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