Animal Images

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Author’s note: the following story is purely a work of fiction and any resemblance to real people or events is purely coincidental. The author wishes to express his gratitude to Copperbutterfly for her editing to make this a better story.

It was a nice calm, relatively cool evening that night that turned into a glorious night. I had gone out after dinner for a leisurely stroll around the neighborhood. I wasn’t one of those people who took power walks to exercise the muscles they had sat on all day at work. I took walks to enjoy myself, to get a little fresh air, to let dinner settle, and to enjoy whatever sights nature gave me.

In my neighborhood, a walk around the block is like a typical walk around several blocks. It is laid out in a sort of kidney shape, with occasional cul-de-sacs breaking up the monotony. The lots are all large and wooded, providing more than a modicum of privacy for each house. There are a lot of old-growth evergreen trees that provide both wind and sight breaks, especially good for keeping the winter snows from drifting.

I had actually completed my usual circuit and was about to turn into my long driveway when I noticed a woman standing on the walkway some distance ahead. Even though it was on the path I had already covered, curiosity got the best of me and I started a second time around. She seemed uncertain what she wanted to do, first turning the way she had come, then turning back toward me, and repeating the same process several times, pausing between turns as if contemplating her options.

As I approached her, I slowed my pace even further, not anxious to by-pass this Amazon. She had to be at least four inches taller than my six feet and looked like she had the weight to rival most NFL tight ends, if not more.

That is not to say that she was not attractive, because she was. She had dirty-blond hair cut rather short and her tall figure had lots of curves – enticing round mounds in the back of her jeans and nice protrusions in her denim shirt that overshadowed a bit of a pudgy look.

I stopped about ten feet away, wondering if she needed help or directions but she didn’t even seem to see me in her preoccupation. I soon had a preoccupation of my own; when she turned toward me, I saw the most pronounced camel toe in the crotch of her jeans that I’d ever seen! The outer lips of her pussy were big and puffy, outlined perfectly by the tight pants which were pulled deeply into the crease between the mounded lips.

I was mesmerized by the sight of her and her most private location so on display, even if it was behind cloth. After several moments of staring first at her framed pussy and then, after she turned, at her well-rounded bottom, I glanced around only to see that there was no traffic on the street, either vehicular or pedestrian. When I turned back, she was again facing me with her camel toe so very pronounced. Still she ignored me.

I made a decision.

Slowly walking up to her when she next turned away, I stopped and waited. When she turned again, I slowly but surely reached a hand forward, palm up, slipping my middle finger into that obvious crease.

She gasped as my finger touched the top of her slit, what must have been her clit; I felt a hard little protuberance Kıbrıs Escort behind the cloth.

“What … are you … doing?” she whispered hoarsely.

“Just testing,” I said.

“Testing what?”

“Why, testing the place I want to kiss and lick and suck.”

“You … you what?” she demanded.

“Just testing what I want to kiss and lick and suck,” I responded, moving my finger around her little button.

Again she gasped. “Why … would you … do that?” she struggled with the words.

“Because … you are so beautiful and sexy and desirable,” I said, hoping the truth would not scare her away.

“You think I’m … sexy?”


“Would you … would you do anything else?”

I slid my other hand around her waist and down, cupping one of her buttocks. “I’d like to kiss and lick this too.”

“No! You’d kiss there?”

I moved my hand right over the center of her bottom. “Yes, and stick my tongue in there and make you feel so good!”

“Oh … oooohhh! I … I can’t … believe … you’d do … that,” she stammered.

“Oh, yes, I would,” I responded. I moved that hand up to cup her breast. “And I’d love to kiss and suckle this too.”

“You would? You don’t know how much they droop though.”

“I don’t care. They are still beautiful to me. I want them!”

“You do? You really do?”

“Yes, I do.”

“Well, I … um, are you sure you’d … you know … lick this?” she asked, her hand sliding down her side and around to brush her butt.

“I would love to. Give me a chance to show you.”

For a few seconds she was perfectly still, her unwavering gaze locked onto my eyes. Then she gave an almost imperceptible nod and suddenly we were rushing back to my driveway. For once, I wished the house was not so far back from the street but there was an advantage – as soon as we were behind my seven foot tall hedge, she began to unbutton her blouse. By the time we entered the house, the blouse was open and so was the front-clasp bra.

She was as eager to get her jeans off as I was to take off my clothes so we bunny-hopped to the bedroom, leaving a trail of clothing along the way. She was a little on the hefty side, as I knew she was, but I loved my women with meat on their bones; it gave me plenty of “cushion for the pushing.”

Almost as soon as she had settled on her back on my bed, I was between her legs with my tongue doing yeomen work around those puffy pussy lips and everything hidden between them. She was very wet – either from my fingering or from her own thoughts – and I found sweet savory liquid all over her treasures. I set about kissing and licking her from knee to knee and missing nothing between them. She seemed most appreciative, locking up into a board-stiff pretzel of twisted limbs before I ever had a chance to touch her clit. She nearly smothered me in her lust-filled orgasm before relenting and letting me go back to work.

In all I spent nearly an hour licking her pussy and watching her cum four times, before I switched to licking her anus. She came twice more before she seemed to become boneless, laying limply as she panted for breath. I moved up her form and asked permission to slide my cock into Kıbrıs Escort Bayan her; too tired to speak, she nodded her approval.

Although she was soaking wet – again – she was tighter than I had expected. I guess that, since I knew she was married and she was such a tall woman, I assumed she’d have a large husband who’d have proportional sized equipment and he’d do her often enough to keep her somewhat stretched. Just goes to show what assumptions do for you.

It took me several strokes to work my way inside her fully but when I did, it felt like I’d stabbed my prong into a campfire. She was hot and the way she moaned, you’d have thought she just found a gold mine. I rested above her for several minutes, holding my weight on my forearms, while flexing my cock in her love tunnel.

That was when I recognized an added bonus to fucking a taller woman. As I gazed down at her, I realized that her tits were just below my mouth. Unlike with short women where I’d have to curl my body around to suck on her tits while keeping my cock in her cunt, with this one all I had to do was lower my face. This woman was built for comfort.

I started sucking on her left breast and she raised her chest to push her tit into my mouth. Slowly, gently I began extracting and reinserting my cock into her hot box, wiggling my pubes against her clit every time I mashed our bodies together, still suckling her nipple.

“Oh, baby, yes, please, please, PLEASE don’t stop, baby, keep fucking me, honey, I love it so much!” she whispered hoarsely.

Her eyes were closed but it was funny to see her expressions run through a whole series of changes as I’d touch a particular place or she’d change our angles. Her legs were like a basket of snakes, wandering around my waist and my bottom and rubbing my legs, constantly moving. I shifted my weight to my left arm and let my right hand trickle sensuously down her side, along her thigh, back to her buttock. I tried to reach under her to her anus but there was just too much woman for my reach. It didn’t seem to matter because she seemed to be in ecstasy. I don’t think I’d been pumping her pussy three minutes before she exploded like a mine blast.

I let her enjoy the afterglow of her pleasure before shifting to my right arm and sucking on her right tit, using my left arm along her other side. In a short time, her legs locked behind my ass and she set up a rhythm matching my own: every time I pumped back into her, her legs yanked at my butt, slamming me hard into her twat. Her hands took over the roving role, wandering all over my body, squeezing here, softly massaging there, always encouraging. The more she yanked, the faster and harder I pumped until we were slamming together with every stroke.

I felt my cum begin to boil in my balls and tried even harder to bring her off again. I feared I had failed when my sperm began to spew into her hot pussy but moments later, she stiffed again and quaked through another pulsing, vibrating climax.

A minute later, I was laying on my side, having tugged her over to face me so that she was laying in my arms. Between gasps for air, I smothered her with kisses for the next several minutes, getting in return some of the sweetest loving Escort Kıbrıs I’d ever had. I assumed that we were through for the evening but her hands closed around my cock and balls and began a loving caress that soon had me recovering.

When I was still again, she asked, “Wanna put this in that back door you licked earlier?”

“You bet!”

“Got some lube?”

I found a tube and slathered it on both of us and then climbed behind her. She had to spread her knees extra wide to accommodate our size difference but then my cock slid relatively easily into her anus. I savored every millimeter of travel up her tight chute, and particularly the broad expanse of her round bottom. I think she might have had the biggest butt I’d ever had the good fortune to screw in the doggy position and my libido and I loved every precious second.

It was a bit of a stretch to reach her tits for squeezing and massaging while I humped her ass but I managed to do it well enough that she begged me to pinch her nipples. Meanwhile she put a hand between her legs and fondled my nuts. This time it was me that came a few moments after she did.

We both lay on the bed huffing and puffing from our exertions, me on my back and her face down. As my breathing began to approach normal and the perspiration cooled me off, the woman climbed on top of me. Supporting herself on her elbows, her legs and arms wrapped around me in a bear hug and I thought she was going to consume me.

“My gawd, honey, I don’t know when I’ve ever felt this good. Damn, you made me feel like a woman again. I didn’t know I could cum so many times. Thank you, thank you, thank you!”

She covered my mouth with hers and her tongue shot down my throat – well, probably not but it felt that way. Not that I minded; I loved everything she was dishing out. She finally pulled back and set about covering my face and neck with kisses.

“Doesn’t your hubby do this for you?”

“Hell, no!” she said, almost spitting out the words. “All he knows is ‘Slam, bam, thank you, ma’am’ and then he’s done. He thinks sex consists of getting off his rocks and to hell with everyone else.”

“You’re kidding!”

“I shit you not. He hasn’t eaten my pussy in years. And he NEVER would even think about licking my ass. Oh, gawd, baby, when you did that, I just about came unglued!”

“I’m glad you liked it.”

“Not like, honey. Love. I loved it!”

“Good. Then I’m glad you loved it. So did I. I love the taste of you and the way you react to my tongue. You are a super-sexy woman.”

“Oh, honey, thank you so much,” she said with such feeling that I knew she meant it.

“You don’t need to thank me. You’ve given me great pleasure tonight!” I was just as serious as she was.

“So … tonight! Any chance we can … maybe … make this … you know … a regular thing?” she asked.

“I’d love to but … what about hubby?”

“Aw, honey, he doesn’t have to know. And if he finds out, I don’t give a damn. He can either like it or get out. If he can’t take care of me, I need someone who can. You’re it.”

“Okay. I sure don’t mind. When?”

“I’ve seen you around during the day sometimes. Are you usually here in the daytime too?”

“Yeah. I took an early retirement last year so I’m usually puttering around the house.”

“Good. I’ll find a time.”

After another half hour of kissing and cuddling, we dressed and I walked her partway home.

She did find another time. The following morning, my doorbell rang at 9:43 – a.m.

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