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Subject: Billy’s Seduction Can you imagine life without Nifty? Please show your support with contributions to keep the Archive online. You can find out how fty/donate.html This story is completely fictional. I hope you are enjoy this story. Please send any comments ail and I will reply as soon as I can. Bill BILLY’S SEDUCTION Or was Billy seducing Tom? “So this is where you’re hiding,” Tom said as he saw young Billy behind the counter in the newsagent’s shop. “Not hiding. Just doing a different job during the summer holidays,” Billy said as he smiled at his customer. “How are you, Mr McKillop?” “I’m fine, but I don’t think much of the replacement paperboy. Twice this week my newspaper wasn’t delivered before I left for work,” replied the man. “I apologise for that. Rory is new but I’ll have a word with him,” said Billy. “Thanks. I’ll just choose a magazine and then settle up with you.” Tom went off to browse the magazines and Billy served another customer. “Working on your own?” Tom asked when he returned to the counter. “Only for an hour or so. Mr Menzies has gone to the wholesaler,” Billy replied. He accepted the magazine and blushed slightly when he saw it was a gay one. “Are you old enough to sell magazines like that?” Tom winked at the boy. “Of course,” replied Billy indignantly. “And besides it doesn’t have any nude photos so there’s nothing to worry about.” “You’ve checked to see that there are no nude photos, I assume,” Tom teased and was rewarded by seeing Billy blush again. “So how old are you? Fourteen…fifteen?” “I’m sixteen,” replied Billy with a slight frown. “Legal age,” Tom said to himself. “Oh, I’m sorry. I guess you’re fed up with people thinking you look younger than your real age,” he said to Billy. “Yes, it happens a lot,” said Billy. “Well, you might think it’s a blessing when you’re older. Anyway you are a very handsome young man. Now, how much do I owe you?” “He’s gay and he thinks I’m handsome,” Billy said to himself as he watched Tom McKillop leave the shop. “He’s gorgeous. Bet he thinks I’m much too young for him.” “He might be gay. Pity I’m more than twice his age. I wouldn’t stand a chance,” thought Tom as he cast Billy one last glance. When he reached home, he didn’t even open his gay magazine. He kept thinking about young Billy, the very handsome blond teenager. *** One week later Tom popped back into the newsagent’s. “Hi Mr Menzies. Is Billy around?” “He’s through the back. Is something wrong?” Mr Menzies replied. “Not at all. I just wanted to thank him for sorting out a problem with my newspaper delivery,” said Tom. “Okay. Just go through,” said Mr Menzies. Billy’s mouth fell open in surprise when Tom appeared in the stockroom. “Don’t worry. Mr Menzies sent me through,” said Tom. “I don’t know what you said to Rory but it worked. My newspapers are now being delivered at the same time as when you delivered them and I’m very grateful.” Billy smiled. “It’s nothing. I just told him that you are a very important customer and that early delivery was essential.” “So you think I’m important?” Tom smiled. “But seriously, I must do something to thank you.” “No, that’s not necessary. And I can’t accept gifts,” responded Billy. “Hmm, if you won’t accept a gift, let me think of something else.” Tom rubbed his chin and then smiled. “I know. We’ve established that you’re not a kid so how about me taking you out to dinner sometime. That’s a grown up thing. Unless you think I’m too old to be seen with.” Billy shook his head and smiled. “You’re not old.” “I’m thirty-six. Isn’t that old?” Tom returned the smile. “No, that’s not old. I’d be proud to be seen with you,” replied Billy. “But I can’t let you spend a lot of money on me.” “Not even if I want to? I’d like to spend some time getting to know you better,” said Tom. “Or maybe you don’t want to spend time with a gay man?” Billy blushed slightly. “No, it’s not because you’re gay. I like you but a meal in a restaurant is too much of a reward for simply ensuring that your papers get delivered on time.” He saw the look of disappointment on the man’s face. “How about we compromise? I used to deliver the BBC Good Food magazine to you so I assume you are a good cook. How about you cook something for me? Nothing fancy though.” “Really? You’d allow me to cook for you? And you’d visit me at home?” Tom couldn’t believe his luck. Billy laughed. “I wasn’t thinking of a picnic so yes, I would want to eat in your house.” “Okay, when?” Tom asked. Billy thought for a moment. “Is Saturday evening okay for you?” “Yes, Saturday would be perfect,” replied Tom with a grin on his face. “About six thirty?” “I’ll be there,” replied Billy, his cock starting to grow at the thought of being alone with the sexy man he’d admired for some time. *** Tom fussed around, trying to make the room looked perfect. “Why am I trying to impress this lad?” he asked himself. Although he had wanked off at the thought of sex with Billy, he had almost convinced himself it would never happen. “Even if he is gay, he’s not going to be interested in doing anything with someone as old as me. We’ll have a nice chat over the meal and I’ll get plenty of long looks at him. That will give me plenty of wanking fodder. I wonder if he might allow me to take a photo? That would be even better.” Billy on the other hand was certain that the man would make a move on him and he had no intention of turning down the chance of sex. He didn’t want to remain a virgin for one more day. He had dressed in his best clothes, including his favourite black skinny jeans and a tight-fitting short-sleeved shirt bought the day before. He’d had a haircut and then added a splash of his dad’s aftershave before leaving home. Now he was staring at Tom’s house. He took a deep breath, walked up the path and rang the doorbell. “I’m glad you didn’t change your mind. Do come in,” said Tom and then he ushered the boy into the living room. “Something Eskişehir Escort smells good,” said Billy as they passed the entrance to the kitchen. “That must be me. I put on some of my new aftershave especially for you,” Tom smiled and then realised he hadn’t stuck to his decision not to flirt with Billy. “Dinner is almost ready. Can I get you something to drink?” Billy grinned and asked, “Are you planning to get me drunk?” “I didn’t mean anything alcoholic,” replied Tom, blushing slightly. “I’ll just check on the food.” Billy dropped his bag and then wandered around the room, looking at some of the books on the shelving unit before gazing out at the well-tended rear garden. “I thought we’d eat in the conservatory,” said Tom when he returned. “Would you like to come and take a seat?” “Thanks. You have a lovely garden,” Billy said as he followed Tom. He noticed that there was a wine glass as well as a glass for water at his place on the table and regretted teasing the man earlier. “My parents allow me to have a glass of wine with meals on special occasions.” “Well, I reckon this is a special occasion. I’ll allow you a glass with the main course,” smiled Tom. “I hope you like this simple starter of melon and Parma ham.” The plates contained both honeydew and Cavaillon melon as well as two slices of Parma ham and Billy quickly got stuck in. “Mmm, this orange melon is so sweet and juicy. It’s a lovely contrast with the ham,” said Billy. “I’ve not had it before.” “It isn’t easy to find that Cavaillon melon here but I love it,” said Tom as he poured water for Billy and then himself. “This is what smelled lovely when I came in,” said Billy when Tom brought through the main course. “It’s a Spanish dish,” Tom advised. “Sliced chicken breast with chorizo, and sauce made with Manchego sheep cheese, red peppers and a little cream. I hope you will like it.” It was accompanied by baby potatoes roasted with garlic and rosemary, and a mixed salad. “Would you like a glass of rose wine?” “Yes, please,” replied Billy. “Cheers,” he said raising his glass to Tom before taking a sip. “Hmm, nice.” “I’m glad you like it. I hope you enjoy the food too,” said Tom. Billy took a mouthful of chicken covered in sauce. “Mmm, that tastes lovely.” “Bet you do too,” said Tom, but only to himself. Conversation flowed easily during the meal, covering many different topics. After the dessert of apricot pie and cream, Billy sat back and patted his tummy. “That was the best meal I’ve had in ages. I’m stuffed.” Then he giggled and said, “Well, not quite stuffed. Not yet.” He winked at Tom who said nothing but couldn’t help smiling, wondering if Billy really was suggesting something sexual. “Would you like a coffee?” Tom asked. “No thanks, but I’d love a little more wine,” answered Billy. “Well, I suppose another half glass wouldn’t do any harm.” Tom smiled as he topped up both glasses. “Shall we sit outside as it’s a lovely evening?” Billy took his glass and stepped into the garden. He looked around and then sat beside Tom on the padded swing seat, laughing as it swung when he pushed the ground with his feet. “I didn’t really know what to expect but this has been fun. I’m really glad you invited me,” Billy told Tom. “I’ve enjoyed it too but you’re not about to leave now, are you? The evening is still young,” said Tom. “What? No, I’m certainly not about to leave,” said Billy. “I didn’t mean to give that impression.” “Good. I thought you might be scared I’d make a move on you as soon as dinner was over.” Tom grinned as he teased the boy again. Billy grinned back. “You think that would scare me? You might be older, taller and more muscular than me but I don’t think you’d hurt me.” Tom shook his head. “No, I’d never hurt you. I can’t deny I find you very attractive but I’d never try to make you do anything you didn’t want to do.” “I didn’t think so,” said Billy. Then he looked at the man and said, “I find you very attractive too. I want to have sex with you.” Tom’s mouth fell open. “I mean it,” said Billy. “I told my parents I’d probably stay overnight with my pal because I hoped to share your bed tonight.” “I don’t think…” Tom was interrupted. “Please don’t tell me I’m too young,” said Bill. “I’m above the age of consent and I want to lose my virginity.” “I’m flattered but you shouldn’t rush into a sexual relationship,” said Tom. “Who’s rushing? I’ve fancied you for months and then when you bought that gay magazine I couldn’t stop thinking about you,” said Billy. He lifted Tom’s hand and quickly placed it on top of his erection. “Feel how hard I am just because I’m sitting close to you.” Tom couldn’t resist squeezing the hard lump and this brought a moan from the boy. “Gawd, yesss! Take me. Fuck me. Please!” “You’re serious about this?” Tom asked. “Oh yeah. I want to suck your cock and I want to get fucked,” replied Billy. Tom shook his head. “I’m not going to fuck you�but I will make love to you.” He put an arm around Billy, pulled him closer and kissed his lips tenderly. Billy hugged the man and kissed him back. Then he started undoing the buttons of Tom’s shirt. “Do you have a hairy chest? Oh, you do! I love it!” Billy opened the shirt and ran both his hands over the muscular, hairy chest. “Is it okay if I touch you like this? I’ve often dreamed of touching a hairy man.” “Help yourself,” said the smiling Tom. Billy ran his hands over the large pecs and then gently played with the nipples using his fingers. He smiled at Tom before bending down to kiss and then suck the man’s left nipple. This brought a soft groan from Tom. Billy gently nibbled and sucked harder, and then turned his attention to the right nipple. Tom groaned louder but didn’t try to stop Billy when he tugged at the nipple with his teeth. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you,” said Billy. “I wasn’t complaining. I love nipple play,” said Tom. “Do you like having yours played with?” “I don’t know. Eskişehir Escort Bayan I have pinched them when I’ve been wanking but it didn’t do much for me,” replied Billy. “Maybe it would feel different if it was someone else’s fingers.” “Well, let’s see, shall we?” Tom smiled as he reached out to unbutton Billy’s shirt. “Hmm, I love your smooth chest. Quite well developed for a boy of your age. Lovely big nipples.” “Em, thanks,” said Billy before taking his shirt off completely and throwing it to the side. He looked around and said, “You have a very secluded garden, very private. None of your neighbours could see if I was completely naked.” “I bet that would be a beautiful sight,” smiled Tom. “Don’t let me stop you if you want you want to take anything else off.” Billy grinned and stood up in front of Tom, more than ready to accept what he regarded as a dare. He unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans, then started to push them down his smooth thighs. “Skinny jeans aren’t easy to take off. Maybe you can help me.” “I’d be happy to help,” said Tom. He grabbed hold when Billy raised his right leg and eased the jeans down. He did the same when Billy raised his left leg. Billy stepped out of the jeans, folded them and placed them on the seat. He had already removed his sandals so now Billy was wearing only a pair of low-cut briefs. “Do you think I look good in these, Mr McKillop?” Billy smiled and slowly turned around in front of the man. “You know you do,” smiled Tom. “And it’s very obvious that it’s turning you on to strip for me.” “Because of this?” Billy smiled and ran a finger over his cloth-covered erection. “Uh-huh. Because of your very stiff cock,” replied Tom. “You’re suck a prick-teaser.” Billy laughed. “I don’t want to tease your prick. As I said moments ago, I want to suck it and I want you to fuck me with it.” He quickly peeled off his briefs and tossed them aside to stand fully naked in front of the customer he had fantasised about for some months. “I’m all yours, Mr McKillop.” Tom gazed at the rock-hard cock in front of him. Billy’s cock was uncut and about 12.5 cm (5 inches long. His grape-sized balls were hairless but there was a small patch of dark blond pubic hair. “You are beautiful, Billy,” he said softly. “Take me to your bed, Tom,” Billy said in an equally soft voice. “Make love to me.” Tom stood up, lifted Billy and carried him indoors. Billy smiled as he rested his head against Tom. “You are so big and strong,” he said. Tom placed Billy gently on top of his king-size bed. He pulled his shirt off, kicked his slippers off and unzipped his trousers. Billy licked his lips and sat up when he saw the bulge in the man’s boxer-briefs. “I knew you’d have a big one,” he said when Tom dropped his underwear. “That’s beautiful.” Like Billy, Tom was uncut but his cock was 20 cm (almost 8 inches) long and much thicker. It stood proud above a pair of large hairy balls. Tom smiled as he climbed onto the bed and took Bill’s head in his hands. They looked into each other’s eyes as they moved closer and then closed their eyes just before their lips touched. “That was incredible,” said Billy when they parted after his first ever proper kiss. “I never thought a kiss would be such a turn-on.” “I’m glad you liked it.” Tom smiled and then looked down at Billy’s stiff cock. “You really did like it,” he said as he reached a fingertip out to touch the pre-cum. He brought his finger to his mouth and licked the clear juice off. “Sweet! I want more of that.” He pushed Billy down and then took the boy-cock into his mouth. Billy moaned softly as Tom licked and sucked his cock. He let the man do as he wished for a minute or so and cried, “Stop! You’re going to make me cum and it’s too soon.” Tom came off the cock just long enough to say, “I’ll make you cum again.” Billy surrendered and spread his legs wider. As Tom sucked Billy’s throbbing cock, he toyed with the boy’s balls. When a hand went under his bum and a finger caressed his arsecrack, it was too much for Billy. He gasped and started spunking off. Tom savoured the cum filling his mouth but he soon had to start swallowing or he’d spill it. “Too good to waste,” he said to himself. He swallowed every drop and then licked the cock clean. “I loved that and I hope you did too,” he said as he smiled at Billy. Billy grinned. “It was heavenly. Better than I ever imagined. Now I want to suck yours!” He pushed at Tom who rolled over onto his back and allowed Billy to do as he wished. Billy’s fingers explored Tom’s cock and balls. “You’re so much hairier than me. I love it. But your cock is huge. I don’t think I will be able to swallow it all.” “I don’t expect you to. Just take what you can,” said Tom. Billy smiled and then bent down to plant kisses along the cockshaft. He licked the cockhead and was pleased when some pre-cum oozed from the piss-slit. He licked it off and then took the cockhead into his mouth. He sucked and tongued the head, teasing the piss-slit and all around the glass much as Tom had done to his cock. Then he began to take the cock deeper. Even when he started to gag, he kept trying to take more. “Don’t,” said Tom. “It will take time to learn how to take more. Concentrate on the head for now.” Billy focused on the cockhead and was pleased when he tasted more pre-cum. “Okay, that’s enough for now if you want me to fuck you,” said Tom. “At my age, I can’t cum a second time as easily as you.” Billy sat up and smiled at Tom. “Am I doing okay so far?” “More than okay! You’re really turning me on.” Tom gave Billy a quick kiss and took hold of his cock. “You are just as stiff as before and that pleases me too. Now though I want to pay some attention to your gorgeous little bum.” Billy smiled. “I want you to fuck that little bum.” “Lie face down and let me get it ready,” said Tom. Billy lay down as requested and spread his legs. Tom got between Billy’s legs, placed a hand Escort Eskişehir behind each knee and slowly caressed each thigh before grasping the twin globes. “You really have a fabulous arse, Billy. Soft, smooth, unblemished skin and as round as two small melons.” “Like the melons we had as our starter?” Billy asked. Tom laughed. “Yes, but possibly sweeter.” He gave each a gentle spank, bringing a gasp from the teenager. Then he spread the buttocks to gaze at the hairless crack and the tiny pink rosebud. “Absolutely beautiful,” he said in little more than a whisper. Billy smiled to himself and then jerked when he felt Tom’s tongue licking his crack. He sighed when he felt Tom lick for a second time. He started moaning when Tom’s tongue probed his hole and then fucked him. He was sorry when Tom stopped but then felt pleased when a greased finger pushed into his arsehole and poked deeper than the tongue did. “Oh yeah. That feels good,” he said when Tom finger-fucked him. There was some discomfort when Tom added a second greased finger. “That hurts a bit,” he told Tom. “It will soon get easier,” Tom said. “I need to open you further if you’re going to be able to take my cock.” “It feels better now,” Billy said a few minutes later. “In fact, it feels very nice.” “Good, because I’m going to add a third finger,” said Tom. “It will hurt a little at first but will soon feel okay.” Billy trusted Tom so he accepted what he was told. As usual, Tom was right. When Tom was greasing up his cock, he said, “My cock is thicker than three fingers so it’s bound to hurt at first. Are you sure you’re ready for it?” “Yes, I know it always hurts the first time,” replied Billy. “I want your cock inside me.” “Okay. Push out when you feel me pressing for entry,” Tom advised. “It will go in easier that way.” Billy thought of some of the stories he’d read online about boys losing their virginity to well-hung men. They all said the initial pain passed fairly quickly and then pleasure followed. He hoped that was true. He gritted his teeth and pushed back when he felt Tom’s cock pressing against his hole. Nothing seemed to happen at first but then Tom broke through his sphincter. It hurt – a lot! Billy couldn’t help crying out. Tom paused and kissed the back of Billy’s neck. “The worst part is over. Try to relax,” he said. Billy whimpered and tried to relax but it felt like he had an arm up him. Tom planted kisses and made soothing sounds and then pushed a little deeper. Billy gasped but didn’t complain. Another push and then another. “That’s it, Billy. You’ve taken it all,” said Tom. “Well done.” Billy visibly relaxed. “I’m no longer a virgin,” he said. Tom chuckled. “That’s correct. You have now been fucked by a bigger than average cock.” Moments later he was the one to gasp because Billy had squeezed his cock using his arse muscles. “I assume you are now ready for me to begin moving in and out of this tight arse,” he said. “Yeah. Fuck me, Tom. Fuck me good,” said Billy. Tom began with short, slow movements but he speeded up and gave longer thrusts when Billy urged him to go faster. “Yes, this feels good,” said Billy. “I lost my hard-on when you entered me but it’s back and harder than ever now.” Tom knew he was hitting Billy’s prostate when the boy made strange sort of whimpering noises and visibly trembled. “Harder, Tom. You’re going to make me cum!” Billy cried. Tom gave a few more thrusts and then paused. Billy moaned but Tom quickly explained. “I want to see your face when you cum, and when I cum inside you.” He eased his cock out and told Billy to turn onto his back. “I’ll add a bit more lube,” Tom said when Billy pulled his legs back to make himself available. He smiled to see that Billy was producing more pre-cum. Despite the additional lube, Billy moaned and looked hurt when Tom’s cock re-entered him. However that soon passed and he was urging Tom to fuck him harder and faster. “I’m getting close,” he advised Tom after only a few minutes. “Me too,” said Tom. “Don’t hold back. I want to see you shooting off.” Despite having cum only a short time earlier and despite the pain of losing his virginity, Billy was really turned on. He loved the sight of Tom above him and the feeling of the big cock pounding into him. He was sure he was leaking lots of pre-cum but he held off wanking his cock because he wanted to put off cumming until the last possible minute. Then to the surprise of both him and Tom he started spunking off hands-free. A jet of boy-cum flew from his cock to land on his forehead. Another one fell on his chin and then several landed across his chest. He was speechless. The sight of Billy coming like that took Tom over the edge. He gasped and sent volley after volley of hot cum deep into the teenager’s arse. The pair gazed into each other’s eyes, both overcome with emotion. Finally Tom finished cumming and he fell forward to hug and kiss Billy. Billy wrapped his legs around the man’s torso and hugged him back. “That was amazing. Thanks Tom,” said Billy. “Much better than I hoped possible. It was a surprise to spunk off without touching my cock.” “Better than I dreamt possible too,” said Tom. “In fact, I have to say that was my best ever fuck.” Then he smiled and added, “Seeing you cum hands-free was fantastic. It seems you were born to be fucked.” Billy grinned. “I knew I was a bottom boy from the moment I accepted that I was gay. I’m glad you were my first.” “Your first? You’re planning to have many more?” teased the man. Billy laughed. “That’s not what I meant but yes, I hope there will be others eventually. As the saying goes, variety is the spice of life. But I want lots more sex with you. I’m hoping for another round before we go to sleep and then more in the morning.” “You will wear me out, Billy boy,” said Tom. “Nah. You’re fit,” responded Billy. “You will be able to satisfy my hungry boy-pussy for a long time. At least until I go to university and hopefully longer. I love your big cock.” Tom laughed. “You make an old man very happy.” “You’re not old! Don’t say that.” Billy gently punched Tom and then lay with his head on the man’s chest. He smiled and wondered what Tom would say if he suggested they could officially be boyfriends. THE END
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