Birds and the Bees Lesson with My Parents

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Birds and the Bees Lesson with My ParentsChapter II cannot remember what the time was, but I do remember it was relatively light; I was around 16 years old at the time as I quietly and carefully approached my Parents’ bedroom.I stood looking through the crack of door caressing my Cock under my underpants when my one of my Parents either heard or spotted me.I froze as my Dad looked up and saw my reflection in a mirror in their room. He invited me in and asked me what I thought I was doing spying on them, when I must have known they wanted some privacy; I knew he was not best pleased, but I had seen him in far worse moods and tempers, although to be fair my Father had never hit me; apart from a time 1 year in the future when I didn’t arrive home until 3am, looking back I understood why.Once I confessed to the reason I was spying on them; Intrigue and Curiosity and the fact I wanted to see a real naked woman. My Father turned towards my Mother and they nodded to each other and he told me to strip naked in front of them; completely, he emphasised and I complied with his request and they invited me onto their bedroom.At first I was really nervous about it, not knowing what their reaction would be, but it wasn`t too bad. I had experienced times when I thought I was going to receive harsher punishment for things I had done wrong and although spying on my Parents was unethical, it wasn’t as bad as I had done in previous years.I will add here that we were and for that matter still are a relatively obese family, but I am sure because of seeing my Mother in the shower on previous occasions that added to my lust for overweight bodies. I stood in their bedroom and for the first time saw both of my Parents fully naked and I felt mixed emotions, on one hand I felt nervous at when the next period of time held for us and more importantly to me, me and secondly I felt aroused by seeing my Father standing before me totally naked and the sight of my Mother lying on the bed naked as well and totally at ease, not bothering to cover herself up in my presence.My Father turned and lay on the bed next to my Mother and invited me to join them; although it was a memory I did not remember it did have that air of when you were very young and slept in their bed between them. I climbed on their bed and slipped between them and immediately felt the warmth of their combined bodies as we touched each other as the mattress moved. My Father asked what it was I wanted to know and what turned me on about Nudity and Sex and to be honest I stumbled for an answer, I just admitted that I liked seeing naked bodies male and female and wondered what it was really like to have sex.My Mother asked me if I had a Girlfriend at school, or there was anyone I had a crush on and although there was a girl at school I liked, I had no chance of being her Boyfriend, let alone having sex with her, as well as the fact that I was still under the legal age for sexual intercourse; although if you believed half the stories you heard at school, I was probably the only one in my year that was still a Virgin.I truthfully denied that I had a Girlfriend, but admitted that there was someone I had a crush on, but the conversation ended there and my Parents smiled; knowingly. Although to be honest the person I had a crush on wasn’t, anyone in my year, but a certain Teacher, who I still have fantasies about now.My Mother suggested that as we had got this far it might me a good idea for me to explore the female body and get to physically know it. She then asked if I had seen her in any form of undress and was it that mental image that got me aroused. I admitted that I had on the odd occasion seen her exiting the shower and after her waking me up, I had seen her back uncovered as she walked out of my bedroom. Neither of my Parents seemed bothered and my Mother mentioned something about not realising that Puberty had come to me so quickly.At first I just nervously and tentatively explored their bodies with my hands and my Father casually talked me through the basics of Foreplay and admitted that different people had different ideas of what was and what wasn’t acceptable in a couples sexual relationship, Father ran me through various Sexual interests that couples had including; BDSM, Humiliation, Domination, Dressing-up, Role-play and other categories too and gave me brief descriptions of each genre, but he did admit that they were pretty basic in their sexual interests and just preferred the basic Foreplay and then onto Sexual intercourse; which I thought was probably more than most offspring got taught by their parents at my age.My Father suggested to my Mother that they let me treat her as a potential Girlfriend on a first Sexual encounter, Father explained how a relationship should be and how to treat a girl with respect and Mother informed me of the things that girls liked and the way they liked to be treated. Both Parents talked me through my first Sexual Encounter with a female, my Father told me to kiss Mother as I would a Girlfriend; but ever having one, I kissed Mother as I had always done and they both laughed at my shyness and naivety and Mother began to teach me how to kiss a woman properly and the various types of kiss; which included using tongues, which kind of felt strange and others that I doubted I would ever use. After some time spent on kissing Mother she admitted that different women like to be kissed differently, but it was nice to be kissed confidently by a Boyfriend or another male, she said it gave women confidence in themselves. I continued to kiss her gently on the lips and then using tongues as I had learned and then she suggested that I continue my kissing journey slowly and gently down her neck line towards cleavage and between her large buxom breasts and she then informed me that most women like their breasts to be touched, fondled and played with by men as it gave them pleasure in knowing that a man appreciated her body and most women know that most men are drawn to either breasts or vaginas. Mother asked if I knew what the various breast sizes were and did I know what size her breasts were. I looked at her in awe, as firstly I had no idea what breast sizes were; it wasn’t the kind of subject they taught at school unfortunately. Secondly, I seemed an odd and uncomfortable question to be asked by your own Mother; her breast size.I replied that I had no idea, I was aware that there were various sized breasts as in C-cup and D-cup and DD-cup, that I had seen on Page 3 of a particular UK newspaper, but I wasn’t sure what they referred to other than size. I guessed that a C-cup for example was smaller than a D-cup and a DD-cup was bigger still. Mother informed me I was pretty much right, but there were measurements in between too and women’s breasts varied in size during their lives, she stated that she was currently a 38H and she leant over and picked up one of her white cotton bras off of the bedroom carpet and showed me, she also informed me that knickers were a more sensible standard size and often went by clothing size and that she was currently a size 38H bra size and her dress size was around an 18 to 20, she also confessed that she rarely wore knickers in the house and after that I often looked; and still do if I am honest, to see if she is wearing any or not.I was swiftly invited back to continue gently kissing her breasts and she made sure that I kissed and savoured every inch of her 38HH breasts whilst taking in and sucking on her large erect nipples that were central to her dark pink areolas, Mother informed me that she liked her nipples to be sucked on hard and to be pulled away from her, so they sprung back, I was only too pleased to conform to her wishes. My hands caressed her breasts feeling, touching, squeezing and pulling and lightly pinching her nipples; I felt my erect penis touching against her warm soft skin and felt myself become aroused and when my mind drifted back to Mother kaçak bahis and I concentrated on the task in hand, my erection subsided once more.I had spent quite some pleasurable time learning about and exploring Mothers breasts that I almost forgot about the rest of her plump and sexy body. Her hand took mine and lowered it onto her stomach and told me to continue my journey south, once again I followed my Mothers instructions to the letter.I turned instinctively to my Father, trying to gauge his reaction to my sudden stronger bond between a Mother and Son and also his Wife, but as I saw the look on his face and his smile, I knew that he was comfortable with the current situation.I continued to kiss my lips against Mothers warm soft skin and take in the scented aroma of the shower gel she had recently covered her body in; ironically I had not seen my Mother in the shower that morning, but this experience had more than made up for it already. I stroked my now sweaty hands along the side of her soft obese body taking in the gentle aroma of Lavender and Honey on her wonderfully curvaceous body; I had a feeling that I am sure only comes from a Mother and Son relationship.Before I knew it I had reached the bottom of her stomach and was inches away from her Jet black pubic hair, although there were several of noticeable strands of grey pubic hair too, I commented and got a swift light slap from my Mother. She informed me in no uncertain terms that it was indeed I that had caused those grey hairs and the three of us laughed.As my face rest just an inch away from her vaginal area I looked up to my Mother for the reassurance to continue that I was convinced was already granted, I received a subtle nod and then I turned to my Father and received an accepting nod from him too…. and I then lowered my face and kissed eager lips to my Mothers black and grey pubic hair.My Cock was rock hard now and I could feel it rubbing against the soft cotton bed sheet on my Parents bed King Size bed.I softly continued to kiss as I felt the prickling of my Mothers pubic hair against my lips, it reminded me of when I occasionally kissed my Father or a male family member and they had not shaved; although to be honest when I was young kissing men was not part of the norm and always felt awkward to me. As I continued to kiss and then lick, under guidance from my Mother, I found myself liking the feeling of running my tongue through her pubic hair and I could definitely smell the aroma coming for the bottom of her vagina, the area I most wanted to explore, but until now saw obviously strictly forbidden. Once again I glanced up for approval and I could see my Mothers eyes eager for me to continue, “Go on Baby” Mother said softly.I carried on my sensual exploration of my Mothers naked and exposed body and reached her vaginal entry, I slid my own naked body down the bed to get a better angle and to get easier access to my Mothers nether region as I did not want to miss any forthcoming opportunity to explore her vagina in as much detail as possible. I kissed along her vaginal lips and savoured the scent of her “Womaness” as she kindly called it. “Pussy Juice!” my Father unhelpfully interjected, to which my Mother mentioned to me about the difference between a Boyfriend or Lover compared to a Husband; once again it caused a light-hearted laugh from us all.Father made a vaginal shape with his fingers and showed me how to lick a woman’s vagina in a couple of different ways and showed me the way he normally “Went Down” on my Mother.I courteously slid over and let my Father “Go Down” as he put it, on my Mother, as he lay face down with his face about an inch away from her vagina, I could see the way that Mothers body relaxed as soon as Fathers strong and firm hands pushed her thighs apart so he could get better access. I thought to myself, that is experience: I watched as if behind the camera of a porn movie as my Father placed his tongue against her vaginal lips and ran is up and down and occasionally wiggling his tongue in the centre of her lips, I heard as my Mother whimpered to the touch of his soft tongue against her sensitive vagina. Gradually and slowly he eased his tongue inside my Mothers vagina and her whimpers grew more loud and quickened to the pace of Fathers tongue insertion. I watched as he explored her internal vagina and feeling the internal workings, his mouth was stuck to her vagina like an Electric Eel grabbing its prey and as Father continued to enjoy himself and devour Mothers Utheral and Clitoris, Mothers whimpers got louder and changed subtlety from whimpers to gasps with the occasional un-woman like grunts as she laid back and often closed her eyes and I wondered what she was thinking about; who or what her secret fantasy was; I never have found out.After getting quite loud and almost alerting the whole neighbourhood to her chosen activity, my Father pulled off of my Mother and allowed me the opportunity to slip into the gap he had vacated. As advised by my Father I slotted into the area he had been laying on the mattress; which was still nice and warm, and placed my face within an inch of my Mothers vagina.Following almost to the letter of my Fathers instructions I slid my tongue up and down her vaginal lips and felt the warm and already well lubricated soft edges of her vaginal lips and tasted her for the first time her womanly juices, or as my Father put it “Pussy Juice”, and then wiggled my tongue and I felt my Mother’s body shiver and I wondered if I had done something to offend her, but when I glanced up, her eyes were closed and she was mouthing something and I decided not to question what it was. I looked back down and my eyes became transfixed upon the mound of Jet Black pubic hair with grey highlights, as I lovingly referred to them, as my tongue was now sliding slowly inside my Mothers vagina and I too explored her Utheral and Clitoris as I was guided around like a Blind person led by a Guide dog.It was a good while that I had my tongue in my Mothers vagina and I cannot deny that I enjoyed every damn second of it too and what made it even more memorable was that I knew my Mother had enjoyed it as well and judging by the way my Father was masturbating himself, I took it that it had not totally ruined his day either.As I lay there resting my aching tongue and keeping well within licking distance, my Mother turned to me as asked would I be prepared to do something for her, something she had often thought about, but knew it was something that she could never ask. But after what had just happened, it seemed worth asking. She hesitated at first, half regretting mentioning it, but then Father nodded to her, knowing by instinct what my Mothers fantasy was. I knew whatever it was, it would not be dangerous or life threatening, but I was informed it was what people referred to as “Taboo” and not to be mentioned to anyone outside this bedroom. I promised, but could not resist asking what about if I bring someone into this bedroom, my sarcastic humour wasn’t taken too well and I re-agreed to accept the terms of my Mothers request.My Mother asked if I would suck on my Fathers cock.To say I was shocked was an understatement and really wanted to refuse, but having spent the last however long licking and exploring my Mothers vagina, how could I possibly refuse. I looked at Father for his reaction and he admitted he had never thought too highly of the idea of having his cock sucked by his Son, but he insisted that Mother had indeed had the fantasy for years and he had at some stage given her his promise that if I were acceptable to it he would comply with her wish. Now I appreciate I was only sixteen at the time and Father was Forty three, but when I actually looked at his cock it looked enormous, compared to my small almost pre-pubescent “Willy”, I guess at the time his cock was around seven inches in length and mine was around four inches and I admit I felt tipobet güvenilir mi quite inadequate, but my Mother ensured me I had a beautiful cock and that in a year or so it would be just as big, if not bigger than my Fathers and then I would have the “Bragging rights!”, although she assured me then that most genuine and loving women barely notice penis or cock size and most in fact prefer a smaller cock when having sexual intercourse.I turned to mother and asked, how many Sons that she knows have sucked their Fathers cock. She admitted none and repeated that it was considered “Taboo” and also considered “Gay” which in the early 1980`s in England was still an uncomfortable word to use and most Gays still kept their sexual persuasion secret. My Father laughed and told me to just get on with it and concentrate on what Mother wants and not worry about what society thinks, “Who knows what goes on behind closed doors?” he asked.I could barely draw my eyes away from my Fathers erect cock as he held on to it with a firm grip and was caressing himself at a relatively slow and steady pace. By now my cock had gone down to being semi-erect and although initially I had my reservations, the more I looked at his cock, the more mesmerised I became by it and sucking on it became tempting.Mother suggested that my Father suck on my cock first as I was now semi-erect and she wanted to see me become fully erect and “Stiff” from being sucked by my Father. As I move up the bed and lay beside my Mother, my Father lay in the same position that he was when he “Went Down” on my Mother, but now it was my thighs he was spreading apart firmly and it was my semi-erect cock that he took in his hands.I felt his hand softly grip my small cock and slowly rub it back and forth and I felt a rush of sudden arousal and as he caressed my cock I left his cool wet tongue touch against the underneath of my penis, I felt him slide my foreskin back and lick my bell-end and blow cool air upon it. WOW…It was a sensation I had never felt before and my cock immediately sprung into life and strangely I felt it was that action of his that brought me from a c***d to an adult, it was mind-blowing!I collapsed back and let my head fall into my Fathers double pillow on the bed and I felt like I was in Heaven. I lay there for several minutes and soon my Mother turned to me and asked me to relieve my Father and so I switched places with him and lay between his thighs and gripped his already fully erect shaft and slid his foreskin back to reveal a huge bulbous bright pink bell-end and could not wait to try it in my mouth. Although it wasn’t enormous, it was certainly enough to stretch the mouth of a sixteen year old and one that had never experienced a “Blow-Job” before. At first it was a strange sensation; sucking your Fathers cock takes some getting used to. But after some guidance from Mother and acceptance from Father, it didn’t take me much longer to feel comfortable and soon enjoying the experience.Gradually I was encouraged by Mother into sucking my Fathers cock harder and faster, harder and faster until his cock was not just erect, but rock hard, I felt it so stiff in my hand, but so comfortable too and within minutes my Father announced that he was about to “Shoot his load” a reference I had not come across before and as I took my mouth away to ask what it meant, I was squirted with jets of thick semen that landed all over my face and some managed to find its way into my mouth. My Father sarcastically joked “Taste it boy, taste it!” Well I did and I wasn’t quite convinced it was for me, but I did taste it and I did swallow what semen I had in my mouth.Mother asked whether I liked it and I admitted it would take some getting used to, but it tasted better than Cauliflower or Corned beef; both of which I hated the taste of. She then asked if I preferred the taste of her “Pussy” and I swiftly replied that I did.As there was no point in wasting my Fathers semen, my Mother licked the excess semen from my face and kissed me on the lips and then re-inserted her tongue and once again we kissed like Lovers. She told me that IF, we should ever be in this position again, I was ONLY allowed to kiss her with tongues in the bedroom; I agreed.It was now my Fathers turn to suck my cock again and this time to bring me to ejaculation. Mother joked, “I`d love to see the Fountain of Youth!”Suddenly I felt nervous as I wondered if I would actually cum like my Father did; even on my own fantasising over Porn magazines, or even over Mother in the shower, I barely cum with more than a couple of dribbles of semen, how could I hope to compete with my Father?But once again I felt my Fathers hands around my cock and within seconds my semi-erect cock sprang back into life and was soon as stiff as I had ever seen it. With his initial soft and slow stroking motions to the faster harder, faster harder instructions from Mother, it wasn’t long before I was on the verge of cumming and I announced I was cumming, but each time I said it, my inner mojo seemed to collapse and it took another three attempts to finally get me to cum and when I did I spurted out three maybe four blobs of semen and I felt really deflated, but my Mother was ecstatic at seeing her Son being brought to climax by her Husband and I just think my Father was relieved it was all over; or so he thought.I am not sure what time of the day it was, but I remember Mother stating that we needed a break and instructed me to go downstairs and put the kettle on and told me that they would follow me in a few minutes after she had put something appropriate on and they soon arrived downstairs wearing just a pair of slippers; appropriate?I think we must have all had Asbestos coated mouths, as we all drank out Tea in record time and returned to my Parents bedroom for part two of the “Birds and the Bees” lesson.Chapter IIMy Parents and I returned to the bedroom refreshed from our break and I was aware that Mother had freshened herself up in the bathroom prior to our Tea break. Standing by the King size bed my Parents Stripped off their clothes; okay their slippers, as I remained totally naked.My Mother swiftly lay back on the bed and positioned herself in the centre of it, my Father strolled around to his side of the bed and opened his bedside cabinet and withdrew a small wash bag and unzipped it and pulled out four different types of condom; Sensitive, Warming, Flavoured and I could not believe my Parents actually had Glow in the Dark condoms!My Mother smirked as Father showed me the various types of condom I could use; I guess using them occasionally doesn’t seem as bad as having a handful of condoms and offering them to your Son to tempt him further into Sexual intercourse.As it was my first time having Sexual intercourse with a female of any kind, I wimpishly selected the “Sensitive” condom and my Mother instructed me to sit on her chest just above her boobs, which I did, she then instructed me to masturbate until I had a semi-erect cock and after a while I achieved what she asked for and she opened her mouth for me to slip it in and she began to suck on my cock. It felt far more natural than when my Father sucked on it and I told Mother that too, she never missed a second and I knew the she; as she always did, stored away that remark and waited until she had finished the task in hand before answering. The answer came shortly, she stated that although she would IF this situation occurred again, be the one to primarily suck on my cock, but she would expect my Father and I to carry out her fantasy whenever she desired it. She also said quite clearly that if either of us did anything that resulted in some kind of punishment, there was a good chance that the punishment would now be of a Sexual nature; neither my Father nor I knew whether she was serious or not.It wasn’t a shock that it never took long for my cock to become erect in my Mothers mouth as bahis siteleri she sucked powerfully and gulped loudly and continually gasped that she loved my cock in her mouth as she pulled back my foreskin and spat and re-spat onto my exposed bell-end. My fully erect cock remained erect and in my Mothers mouth for some time and then she decided she had had enough and my cock was making her mouth ache and her throat sore. I was surprised my small five inch cock had that effect on her, but felt satisfied and proud of myself that I had pleased my Mother.I pulled back and Father opened the packet of “Sensitive” condoms and handed it to me; I went to unroll it and my Father coughed, one of those coughs that you use to get someone’s attention and it was mine that needed it. I looked to Father and his eyes slid towards Mother who looked eagerly towards the thin circular rubber condom. Mother said that she preferred the “Warming” condoms best, but as it is my first time wearing a condom it was best to use the Sensitive version. I handed the condom to Mother who took delight at the prospect of adding a condom to her Son and was about to experience my penis inside her vagina, which is not a sensation or task that most Mothers would relish, but my Mother was taking my Sex Education to a serious level.I bet my Parents were secretly hoping this subject never got brought up during my Biology lesson and I let slip how I came to learn so much about Sex at my youthful age.She once again spat on my Bell-end and spread her saliva down my slightly deflating cock and stroked her finger against the skin at the underneath of my penis causing me further arousal and bringing my cock back into life and back to rigidity. Once I was rock hard again my Mother slightly unrolled the condom and placed the tip over my bulbous glans and softly rolled the rest of the condom down my shaft., It was then that once again she took my fully erect cock and inserted in her mouth for her to suck on some more and once she was sure the entire condom had entered her mouth and her saliva had covered the entire condom she was happy to release me from her mouth and allow me to enter her vagina.I couldn’t help it, but as I placed my erect throbbing cock against her vaginal lips, I had this vision of an Astronaut requesting an exit from a Space station and re-connecting with the Space craft. Even my Father began singing the David Bowie lyric “Ground Control to Major Tom”.As we were all laughing and in a jovial mood, I casually slid my rubber covered bell-end against my Mothers vaginal lips and as she had done with my Father I visibly saw her body relax as I started to push my erect shaft through her vaginal lips and further and deeper inside. My Father moved so he could get a better view of my cock sliding in and out of his Wife`s vagina and started to give me advice on how he normally had sex with my Mother and then I heard my Mother start to sigh and gasp and gradually get louder and louder and I got worried she would make too much noised and the neighbours would knock and catch us in the act. My Father assured me everything would be okay and if someone did knock they certainly could not see through walls and Father would just say it was him and Mother and no one would be any the wiser..I remember having Sexual intercourse with my Mother for some time and after a while I got worn out physically and felt my hips and knees aching. Suddenly my Father tapped my shoulder and I slipped my cock out of my Mother, almost leaving the as of yet still unfilled condom inside of her vagina. I collapsed beside Mother again on the bed as Father started to have sex with her, as he had started to do prior to my interruption. But as I started to relax next to Mother she turned to me and in the middle of her groans and grunts and other strange noises that I am sure would frighten a Poltergeist at night, she begged for me to put my cock in her mouth so she could taste her womanly juices. Who was I to argue and promptly adjusted my position and slipped my cock in her mouth for her enjoyment.I had been enjoying having my “Blow-job” from Mother and was just feeling totally at ease with myself in this strange scenario, when suddenly my Mother let out the loudest of screams of passion as Father had just partly cum inside her and had pulled out and was still squirting his shots of semen over her Jet Black with Grey highlighted pubic hair and up on to her fat stomach.My Father slapped me on the buttock and called out “Tag, you`re it!” and as quick as my Mother inserted my cock in her mouth, she slipped it out and replaced it with Fathers semen covered shaft; I swear she switched cock quicker than an F1 pit crew changes tyres.Once again I took my place between my Mothers thighs and slid my condom and saliva covered cock against her vaginal lips, but suddenly my Mother between gulps on my Fathers cock, instructed me to just “Fuck” her, I was a little shocked as I had never heard my Mother swear before or use seriously bad language, but it seemed in the bedroom, she was definite Jekyll and Hyde character and I found myself liking both sides of her persona.So I did as I was instructed and pushed my erect throbbing cock through her vaginal lips once more and this time without prompting I pushed harder and faster, harder and faster and even harder and faster and heard my Mothers moans and groans and screams almost echo around the bedroom walls. I felt her body start to move in rhythm with my groin as I slapped against her vaginal entry time and time again.I was determined to manage some kind of ejaculation in this Sex education session and the best chance of doing it was now, so I pushed and forced my throbbing cock harder into her vagina with each thrust and with each thrust I heard her moans and screams for me to “Fuck” her Harder and “Yes, baby, Yes!” and suddenly and before I could say anything I felt my semen flow through my pulsating shaft like water approaching Victoria Falls and almost without warning I felt myself squirt my semen into my Mothers vagina and as quick as I could I pulled out and managed another three decent squirts of cum that reached nearly as far as my Fathers did. I felt ecstatic; like I had won a Gold Medal in the Olympics, although I do not remember anyone getting a Gold Medal for Sexual intercourse, but even my Parents were truly pleased and proud of my achievement that afternoon.Once I had calmed down a little from my feeling of achievement my Mother begged once again for her sweet and darling Son to stick his still throbbing cum covered cock into her mouth and left my Father to complete the sticky task of retrieving the used condom from inside my Mothers vagina; Ooops in all the excitement and thrill, I had not realised that the condom had slipped off inside her.My Father joked that it is what comes with having such a small cock, but then slapped me on my back in a proud Fatherly gesture and nodded his approval at my ability to learn my new subject; Sex education, so fast.It was decided after our afternoon session of Sexual education that it would be a nice idea to remain naked for the rest of the night and perhaps spend the time sorting out how this changed all our futures and what boundaries should be set because as far as the rest of society was concerned what we were performing was considered either “i****t” or “Taboo”, either way it was not wise for our relationship to be common knowledge. But what it did mean for me and it didn’t strike me for quite some time into the evening, that this was indeed the start of a wonderful relationship between my Parents and I.Over the years we have continued our “Special Relationship” and still to this day occasionally Mother and I have Sexual intercourse when the opportunity arises. As for Father and I, it has been some years since we either fore played or sucked each other’s cocks, but Mother does demand the occasional random Penis Inspection to check for any significant changes to our genitals; according to Mothers latest statistics my Penis length is now five and a half inches long and my Fathers is still around the seven inch mark and Father still manages to best me in the ejaculation speed challenge.

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