Black Journal Ch. 16

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Duncan Cyrus, age 23, Nanny

Get this people, when I was still a baby my parents hired a nanny to take care of me. I didn’t even remember her until my parents told me about her a week before I am writing this entry. Apparently my mama had become a workaholic and only took off for maternity leave for only three weeks after I came home. So they hired a half-stay nanny to take care of me. It was only for three years until I entered pre-school.

I have a good memory, I know this, but why in the hell did I not at least remember the last year or month with my estranged nanny. My mama showed me some pictures of her. She was, at the time no more than 25, maybe 26. My mama told me she is half-Wichita and half-Mexican. She had medium complexion, long black hair, wore colorful arrangements, and body body body for weeks. Which pisses me off even more that I didn’t remember her.

Apparently I was always sleeping on her and laughing and giggling. She would talk to me in three different languages mixing them up depending on her mood. I wasn’t the only child she nannied either. Apparently she was famous in our neighborhood. I didn’t throw fits when she left from what my parents told me. Then again, I always worried why I had memorabilia in my room. I just thought my parents bought the stuff for decoration or some way for me to be into other cultures.

I looked her up one night after work. She had moved around a lot due to children she nannied. I finally got a hold of her and had to divulge quite a bit of information for her to remember me. Makes sense because it has been twenty plus years since she saw me. She Kayseri Escort was currently living in Oklahoma with a family still as a live-in nanny. She said her time would be up by the end of the week and she would like to see how I grew up. I waited with mixed feelings. I mean, for three years that woman cared for me. Should I have just hugged her, gave a handshake, I didn’t know.

When we met again we decided to meet up at a restaurant. It is famous for its pork chops and steaks. We chatted innocently enough, but I definitely didn’t remember her being very touchy. Not in a bad way, she just liked being close. I told her about my college experience and the jobs I had. She congratulated me with a hug and some rubs on my arms.

To be honest I was too occupied with the first image I saw of her when she arrived. She wore a floor length dress with a cardigan, her hair in a ponytail, she had contacts in and I’d wished she had glasses on. Her skin is a very medium complexion of brown and red. She sat next to me in an upright manner, I thought she was nervous or something.

Our chatting was more about how I had been a very good baby. Surprised me, because I thought I was a brat. Didn’t cry a lot, curious about stuff, and loved it when she sang. When she talked I enjoyed how her cheeks puffed out and sunk in as her facial expressions changed. After our meal I was going to go back home because I had a tiring day but she insisted I stay out longer. I reluctantly accepted because I didn’t want to appear as a fuddy duddy.

She followed me to my place and then I hopped into her suv and Kayseri Escort Bayan we drove to her place. The way there she caressed the inside of my thighs. To be honest I was a bit shocked. This was my nanny, the woman who changed my pampers and things. Still, that apparently didn’t stop my manhood from reacting in a stiff way.

Arriving at her home I was surprised it was a two-story. Inside, it was earthy: browns, beiges, greens, and some yellows. She offered me tea but I declined. I don’t like tea. She commented that even when I was small I couldn’t stand it. She guided me to her couch and we started watching a movie. I remembered it somewhat, or déjà vu I believe is better to say. The movie was about this stocky Native American girl and how she grew up in the inner city. She dated outside her race a myriad of times. She was cute and plain, but intelligent and quick witted. She had a friend, a male at that, whom was always there for her at the right time. Looking back on it I was too young to watch that movie. Drama, killing, sex, strong language.

Half-way into the movie my ex-nanny laid across my lap. She had changed into a lay-around dress and saw her wide butt fill it out. My hand had a mind of its own and it came across the area harder than I expected. She jumped a little but didn’t say anything. For the rest of the movie I massaged all over her lower region. I suppose I did it as an apology. She turned face up and asked me why I hit her bum so hard. I told her it was calling me to do so.

She chuckled and playfully slapped my face. She rose up and then kissed me Escort Kayseri on my lips. It was very sensual. I palmed both her breasts and she wrapped her arms around my neck. As we kissed I swirled her titties in circles. She moaned in my mouth harmonically. I maneuvered my right hand down to her hip. I enticed the area, that wide area. I then pinched her left nipple. That caused her to inhale and exhale sharply. She moved her hands to my cheeks. It was more nurturing than seducing or playful.

She hungered, I suppose that’s a good word, for my tongue. It’s a very good feeling having your tongue sucked on. Then she would flick hers on top of mine. All the while both of my hands were groping her humongous derrière. Good thing she wore a dress. Her flesh felt like putty in my hands. Her labia must’ve found the tent I had set up and she rocked her voluptuous hips over my pants that made me precum inside my pants. It was torture, but I endured. I had never just enjoyed a make-out session to that caliber. I dropped my mouth to her chest. I placed kisses and licks all over her valley. She rubbed the back of my neck and teased my ears. I climbed up to her neck and cupped her face in my palms. It was so sensuous and erotic all at once.

She then peeled my mouth away from her neck, got off me, then walked me to her room. She laid on top of me trying to suck my air from my lungs. With her heaviness I could barely get in gasps. Still, my rock remained firm and stoic. She began giving me a body rub. It took me to the edge and back again. When I finally came I grunted in her mouth and she kept her suction. When I finally got a decent breath I was in heaven. My heart beat was fast but it didn’t hurt. She placed her ear on top of my chest. She listened to my heart until it rocked her to sleep. I lied there dumbfounded to how I could be so satisfied to such a technique. She definitely knew how to take care of me.

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