Book of World Records

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Some years ago, I played a little trick on my lover that I would like to relate to you. We were in bed naked, nose to nose, chest to chest, hips to hips, toes to toes. We were enjoying each other in foreplay as a prelude to making love, when I said to her:

“We should go for the Guinness Book of World Records.”

“What do you mean,” she queried. She started to smile. She knew me all too well. I must be up to something.

“Well I read in the Guinness Book of World Records that the maximum number of orgasms a woman has ever achieved in one hour is nine. We should go for the world’s record and try for ten.”

She laughed, pressed her body into mine and responded “I’m game, if you are.”

I glanced at the clock and said “It is 2:17. We have to achieve it by 3:17. On your mark…get set…go!” She giggled as I wrapped my arms around her and gave her a huge kiss.

Now, I must tell you, my lover is not a woman who you need only press a button for her to have an orgasm. She does have to be aroused. It is just that we have been doing it so long I know exactly how to do it. It usually takes me as much as five minutes to get her to achieve her first orgasm, but once I am past that point, the rest come rapidly using a number of methods that will arouse her.

I decided to start slowly, not for the challenge but because I know that is how she likes me to make love to her. So I held her closely and kissed her on the lips, then on the cheek (kiss), then the right eye (kiss), her forehead (kiss), coming down to the left eye (kiss), the left cheek (kiss) and back to her lips. Kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss. I held her close, pressing her breasts into my chest and she responded with a slow moan of approval and hugged me tighter.

I worked my kisses down to her neck (kiss), down to her shoulder (kiss), back up the neck (kiss), to the edge of her hair (kiss), on to her ear (kiss). She sighed signalling me she liked what I was doing.

I stroked the side of her body as I kissed her lips and pressed my stiff cock into her belly so that she would know I was ready. She stroked the back of my neck as we continued kissing. I let my arm caress the entire side of her body, her hips, her legs, back to her hips, then up to her ribs. My hand brushed up against her breast that was pressed into my chest. The minute I touched her breast, her body stiffened as if an electric shock had gone right through her. She loves when I play with her breasts and she was reacting to it being touched. I leaned back a little, freeing her body from mine and grasped her right breast firmly in my hand pushing it upwards. Again, a moan came from her, approving the way I was making love.

I again kissed her lips, her nose (kiss), her eye (kiss), her cheek (kiss), her neck (kiss), her shoulder (kiss) and lowered my head to her breast (kiss). With my hand pushing firmly up on her breast and massaging it, her nipple stood erect and protruding. I nipped the nipple between my lips a few times. She caressed my head and then I lowered my face on to her nipple. My tongue circled the nipple clockwise, then counter-clockwise, then clockwise. Over and over. She gasped each time I changed direction. I persisted, holding her breast firmly in my hand and sucking, sucking the nipple. Her whole body heaved under the relentless attack against her nipple that was now affecting her pussy, her clit, her brain. “Oh, Charlie,” she Kıbrıs Escort whispered as she squirmed.

It sensed it was time to go for the record.

I rolled over on top of her. Her legs parted demanding that I enter her. I hovered over her using my arms for support and placed my cock against her moist lips. They parted easily and I let my cock enter her only slightly, teasingly. She moaned. I lifted my cock from the parting lips and pressed down again penetrating her pussy. She responded again with a moan and again I removed my cock, teasing her, taunting her. I could tell she was demanding more so I reentered her pussy, but this time I went in all the way. She responded the way she always does when she feels my pelvic bone pressed against her pussy and my balls slamming into her ass. She started chanting “Oh, Charlie,” “Oh, Charlie,” “Oh, Charlie.” And then she gave me the sign. Her head started writhing from one side to the other. Her face started to get beet red as she uncontrollably held her breath. Her body arched, her face twisted from one side to the other. I pressed harder and harder into her. And then it happened. With a magnificent explosion, she rolled her eyes back into her head and screamed “Oooooooooooooooo” so loud it could easily have awakened the dead. She just had her first orgasm.

“That’s one,” I stated.

The task before me was straightforward. A task that was easy only because on my years of experience making love to her. I had to continue. If I went back to foreplay, I knew her heightened state of arousal would diminish, and, in reality, it would have taken me longer to get her to her second orgasm than the first. That is the way she is.

As soon as she came down from the high, she realized my cock was still in her and it started sending signals throughout her body. She started to writhe again and I knew I had her. I began to pump my cock in and out of her, in slow steady strokes, each time slapping my balls against her ass, my pelvis against hers. She started to rise to the occasion and I saw her face again start to turn red. I rammed my cock in deep and held it tight inside her. Again she exploded as a reaction to the onslaught.

“That’s two,” I said.

Just in case, dear reader, you thought this challenge was going to be a cakewalk, you should be aware of another fact that came from years of making love to her. I could only get her to multiple orgasms quickly if I varied my routine. If I continued the deep penetration game, she would bore quickly, love it anyway, but not come to orgasm.

I knew her nipples were very sensitive, so with my cock still inside her, I lowered my face on to her right breast (the more sensitive one) and started sucking her nipple. Suck, suck, suck. I tongued the tip of it and continued to suck. The crescendo started again. She began to wriggle. She started to exclaim, “Oh, Charlie,” and she came again with a moan that was lower than the previous two.

“That’s three,” I remarked.

Number four was a piece of cake. She has a vibrator called Magnifique. You can get it on the web at many sites. It is incredible. She once told me “Of course it is incredible. It was designed by a woman.” I grabbed Magnifique from the night table, turned it on low (low gives an even more intense reaction from her than high) and lay it at my side. I entered her again and started to stroke her pussy Kıbrıs Escort Bayan with my cock. It got a good reaction but not one that was going to bring her quickly to orgasm. But then I placed the tip of Magnifique against her clit and lay down on top her pressing the vibrator even harder against her clit. The feeling of my cock stroking her and the pressure of the vibrator against her clit was too much. In less than a half a minute, she came again.

“That’s four.”

By now she was limp from the pleasure of four orgasms. But I was unrelenting. There was a record to be broken. I removed my cock from inside her pussy and started to kiss her body. Little love kisses that went further and further down her body. I kissed her between her breasts. I kissed her above her belly button. Then down to her belly button. Down to her belly. Down, kiss, down, kiss. Down until her pubic hairs were at my lips. I kissed her pussy lips, her right thigh, her left thigh. Her legs parted and she moaned as if she was begging me to do what she knew was coming.

I lowered my head between her thighs and kissed the lips that hid the object of my pleasure. Out came my tongue. I stroked the outside of the slit with my tongue. Up and down. Up and down, gently, teasingly. Up and down, refusing to penetrate the opening, taking my time. Her back arched. She moaned.

With one a thumb on one side of her slit and the other thumb on the other, I parted the lips and stared down on a perfectly shaped clit. Have you ever seen an artist’s sketch of a clit in a sex manual? That is the shape of my lover’s clit. Perfect. The hood covering a little pseudo-penis. Whenever I go down on her, I have to stare at it and admire it.

I gently let my tongue massage the left side of her pussy lips. Then down the right side, carefully avoiding her clit because I knew the teasing would drive her wild. Up the right side, down the left side. She started to moan. Up the right. Her moans got louder. Down the left. Her back arched. Her body squirmed and she absorbed the pleasure she was feeling. And then I lowered my lips firmly around her clit and sucked it.

She came immediately.

“That’s five.”

My head was between her legs. There were yet many ways for me to make her come, but since I was down in that region, I decided it was expeditious to attack her pussy. After a brief pause to allow her to collect herself, I placed my left forefinger at the opening of her pussy. Her reaction was electric. “Oh, Charlie,” she repeated. I rimmed her pussy with my finger. The muscles were relaxed at first but then they started to react to the pussy massage. The more I circled the opening, the tighter her muscles became. Once again, the arching to the back. Once again the moaning. She came in less than 30 seconds.

“Six!,” I shouted.

I told her to roll over on to her belly. She did it slowly because the last orgasm had taken everything out of her. I then told her to get on her knees and place her head on the pillow. I wanted to enter her from the rear. She obeyed and I was the beneficiary of that lovely sight. Her ass was before me, surrounded by two pink cheeks. Hanging below it were her pussy lips, concealing the site where my cock had recently been warmly welcomed. I stroked her cheeks and contemplated penetrating her ass. We both love anal sex. A well-lubed cock allows me to ram the shaft Escort Kıbrıs deep inside her. I love the sensation of the muscle at the opening of her ass gripping my cock as I pump in and out of her. But there is a problem. She rarely comes when I fuck her ass. As any athlete will tell you, focus is an important part of competition and if I was to break the “record” I had to focus on the goal, not on my carnal desires. I came up behind her and shoved my cock between her lips and into her pussy. The sensation of rear penetration is different for both of us. For me, it is a deep penetration and the touch of her ass against by hips as I go in deep. It is very erotic. Sometimes, I have to watch myself because I can prematurely cum in that position. I have never asked her what makes her enjoy that position, but the books say my cock strikes her at a different angle giving her a different sensation. She came quickly.

“Seven,” I said. “Only three to go!” She laughed exhaustedly as her knees buckled and she collapsed on to the bed. “I’ll make it easy for you from now on,” I told her. “Roll over on to your back.”

She obeyed and I went between her legs and once more plunged my cock inside her. By now I knew exactly how I was going to finish off the session. I grabbed both her ankles and spread her legs apart. With her legs wide apart I pumped my cock in and out of her. Each trust was hard, pressing my pelvis against her clit; my balls against her ass. In and out, in and out. She came in less than a minute.


Number nine was already in my head. Actually it merely was a variant of number eight, but one she enjoyed. With my hands still on her ankles, I thrust her legs up toward her face. Her pussy and her ass were now exposed to me. Both are so well exposed, I once accidentally entered her ass from this position just by pointing my cock toward her crotch and penetrating anything that would accept me. But this time I watched myself carefully. Her pussy was stretched tight from the angle of her legs and I had to force my way into her. The sensation was exquisite to her. By the fifth thrust she had her ninth orgasm.

“That’s nine,” I exclaimed.

I glanced at the clock. We had been making love for only about 28 minutes. I had managed to bring her to orgasm, once about every three minutes; par for the course. It was time for the piece de resistance–the one way that I knew that drove her totally crazy.

I went back between her legs, placed my body over her suspending it on my arms and gently placed my stiff cock against her clit. My cock was as wet as her pussy and clit. Slowly I rubbed my cock against her clit. Up and down, up and down, masturbating her with my cock. Her response was immediate. She started to writhe. Her body started to shake. Her head started to rock back and forth. Her whole body was reacting to the rubbing of my cock against her clit. I rubbed faster and faster. Her face turned red–blood red. And then she exploded with an enormous groan.


I collapsed on top of her. Kissed her face, kissed her cheek, her ear (kiss), her neck (kiss), her lips (kiss). I let her catch her breath and then lifted myself off her body. I got off the bed, went around it to the clock and exclaimed:

“Oh, shit. It took us 61 minutes to give you ten orgasms. We did not break the record. We are going to have to start all over again.”

She roared with laughter, reached out her arms, and beckoned me back to the bed. I collapsed on top of her and gave her a kiss. I then cradled myself against her body, hugging her side, caressed one of her breasts and we went to sleep.

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