Burned Ch. 15

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It has been quite some time since I posted the previous chapter. I hope the story hangs together okay. I find it is somewhat more difficult to keep the threads of the story straight the longer I delay between chapters. Many things conspire to delay writing. Oh well. It’s enjoyable for me. I hope it remains enjoyable to my readers. Enjoy.

Leah’s introspection, self-assessment and self-awareness.


Uncomfortable thoughts whirled through my mind as I stepped into the tub and lowered myself slowly into the almost too hot bath. My body automatically recoiled when my tender labial folds touched the surface of the water. I gasped with the intensification of discomfort I felt between my legs. With tentative care, I let myself slowly sink deeper into the water. The stinging ache was a potent reminder of what had transpired. The liquid rippled over my breasts as my torso was enveloped in the heated embrace of the bath.

I watched the gentle movement of my breasts as they floated just beneath the water’s surface. My nipples lay relaxed and nearly flat on the dark islands of my areolae. The gentle swaying of the buoyant orbs as they bobbed about helped me calm the jumble of thoughts in my mind. An uninvited shiver of excitement ran through my body as I thought of Aunt Jean watching Chris and me by the pool, of her seeing me naked. The shiver intensified with the realization I had liked the feeling of being exposed. I had enjoyed being watched.

I finished washing myself, sat on the edge of the tub and spread my legs. I pulled my tender labia apart and watched as remnants of Chris’ white semen oozed from my vagina. The thick white liquid dribbled viscously down to and then across my dark anus. A thick glob stretched, separated and fell into the water below. It twisted into thin strands that slowly dissipated and disappeared.

What had just happened to me? I had just experienced the most intense orgasm of my life. I had almost fainted during that orgasm. It was truly a climax. All previous orgasms paled in comparison.

I had been upset by Chris’ behavior while I was away at my home in California. He had ignored me. How could he ignore me? That last phone call had angered me. Aunt Jean! My god, he had sex with Aunt Jean! With his mom! I wanted to know what happened. Then I didn’t want to know. But then I had to know.

I remembered the intense sexual sensations that had coursed through my pussy when Chris told me it was his Mom who had put the sunscreen on my naked breasts while out by the pool. And when he told me Aunt Jean had videoed our online mutual masturbation session I had immediately expressed shock and disgust. But as I expressed those feelings outwardly, my body had simultaneously betrayed me inwardly. An intense sexual pulse of excitement had coursed through my pussy when I thought of Jean observing me naked. The intensity of that sensation had almost been the equivalent of a spontaneous orgasm.

Chris had handed me his phone. I had watched Jean’s video of us. Oh my god, she had watched me. She had watched me spread my legs. She had seen my exposed pussy. She had watched me masturbate myself. She had watched me cum.

The jumble of confused thoughts continued to surge through my brain as I sat on the tubs edge.

“Is Aunt Jean home?” I had asked as I arranged myself on the reclining pool chair acting as nonchalantly as I could.

“Yes. She’s in her room. I ordered…, I asked her to give us some time alone,” Chris had oddly paused and then haltingly replied.

I had glanced toward the glass doors that opened onto the pool area. The curtains were open but I couldn’t see into the darkened room. I had removed my bikini top. My body tingled. My breasts had felt as if they had a spotlight on them as the hot sun warmed my nipples. I had imagined Aunt Jean looking at me, looking at my boobs. I realized with rapidly growing excitement, I wanted her to see me naked. I had laid back and closed my eyes desiring and relishing the growing bloom of sexual excitement rapidly growing in my pelvis.

I had smelled her scent as she approached. My nipples had tightened and tingled with pleasure at the thought of this woman looking at me, even more so at the thought of her touching me.

“Umm, good idea Chris,” I had cooed as a hand had gently applied lotion to my still white breasts. “Thank you. I could still burn,” I had said knowing that it was Jean’s hand and not Chris’. Her fingers had lingered and teased each nipple to firm points of sensitivity.

I had peeked when I sensed her stand. My reaction to her nakedness had shocked me. As she had turned I wanted to reach out and have her stay. I had wanted to look at her nakedness, to look at her breasts and to look at the hidden sex between her thighs. But I had only watched as she walked back to her room wearing only a pink necklace.

I had asked Chris to remove my bikini bottoms under the pretext of tanning all over. I had spread my legs and exposed my most private area to Aunt Gümüşhane Escort Jean, if she indeed was watching from her room. I had wanted her to see my shaved pussy. I had hoped Aunt Jean would look at me and see my nakedness. I had wanted her to see my spread legs and see my exposed crotch. I had wanted her to see me totally exposed.

Chris had removed his bathing suit as well. His cock was swollen and hung heavily between his legs. I had taken Chris in my mouth. I had savored the salty liquid that oozed onto my tongue. God, I had been so turned on thinking about Aunt Jean watching me take Chris’ cock into my mouth. My pussy had pulsated with excitement. I had almost orgasmed as I imagined Aunt Jean’s eyes watching me do naughty things.

I had felt so exposed and naked, my breasts uncovered, my shaved pussy naked for her to see. Oh, how I had hoped she was watching. I had wondered if she could see my wetness. I could feel my lubrication as it had leaked out of my tingling pussy. The wetness leaked and oozed between my swollen pussy lips onto my thighs. My clit had ached with the intense excitement.

I had knelt on a towel and leaned over the lounge chair. My breasts had hung heavily and swayed from my chest. Chris’ hard cock had pressed into my ass crack. I had reached back and guided his hard shaft into my pussy. Chris groaned as his cock split me open and slid easily into my waiting vagina. He filled me with his swollen hardness.

I had turned my head. She was there in the doorway. She was naked. She was looking at me. She was looking at my naked body. Her hand was moving between her legs. She was masturbating. I had watched the rhythmic motion of her hand as it moved between her legs.

I had encouraged Chris. I had goaded him on. He had slammed his cock into my pussy. It had hurt. I had cried out. I had told him not to stop.

Chris had grabbed and held my breasts tightly in his hands. He had hurt me as he unconsciously squeezed and pulled on my tits for leverage as he repeatedly slammed his cock into and bruised my cunt’s lips.

Wave after wave of pleasure had washed over me as my climax took me.

“Wow,” I whispered to myself as I shook my head to clear my thoughts and return to the present.

I don’t remember Chris cumming, but I realized he had as I watched another white dribble of his sperm ooze from my slit, drop, explode and then disappear into the bath water below.

A new self-awareness was beginning to form and organize itself in my mind. The realization dawned on me that this was much more about me than Chris or Aunt Jean. I’m the one who had started our little group on this incestuous path. Right from the beginning, I’m the one who had left doors cracked open. I had arranged for and allowed Chris to see me naked. I had made sure he was able to surreptitiously watch me masturbate. I had gone into his room and shared his bed. I had taken my bikini off and bared myself to him by the pool. I had initiated Chris’ and my online masturbation session that Aunt Jean had clandestinely videoed. I had desperately wanted Aunt Jean to watch Chris fuck me today by the pool.

I needed to come to grips with these new atypical feelings and behaviors. I wanted to continue with these new very stimulating feelings and behaviors.

I washed the remnants of Chris’ semen from my crotch and stepped out of the tub. I dried myself, then wrapped and tucked the large bath towel around my body.

I went upstairs looking for Chris. I heard voices. I opened Aunt Jean’s bedroom door and entered without knocking. Aunt Jean was reclining on the bed. She was naked except for the odd-looking pink necklace.

“…or masturbate without…,” Chris’ voice trailed off as both their heads swiveled toward the sound of my entrance.

“What the fuck?” I exclaimed in surprise.

Both heads snapped around. Both faces turned crimson red.

Jean quickly sat up and grabbed at the bed cover scrunched at the foot of the bed.

“No!” Chris’ calm but stern tone took me by surprise.

Jean froze, then she slowly returned to her previous reclining position and looked straight ahead. Her blush was noticeably spreading down her neck and across her chest.

“I was discussing rules with Mom. She has agreed to wear a training collar. She has agreed to obey me. Right Mom?” Chris blurted out quickly as way of explanation.

“Yes, Master,” Jean quietly responded. Her hand moved and drew my eyes to what I had thought was a pink necklace around her neck. I looked more closely and noticed it was more like a leather dog collar.

“I, we, umm…,” Chris stammered still blushing furiously with a sheepish look on his face. “We, umm, we were establishing rules and, umm, when, uh, we, uh, well, she let me, umm, know you were on your way here,” he stammered not making any sense.

I could tell Chris was hiding something.

“Rules?” I asked.

“Uh, yes. For a game we started to play. Domination, submission type play.”

“And Gümüşhane Escort Bayan Aunt Jean is submitting?”


“To your orders? Any kind of orders?”

“Yes. Within the rule set.”

“There are rules?”

“Yes. Pretty well-defined rules so no one gets hurt physically or emotionally.”

I looked slowly back and forth between Jean and Chris. There was an awkward period of dead silence. During those several seconds of hesitation I decided to take ownership of my recent epiphany.

With a deep breath I asked, “Do you have another collar?”

Both their heads swiveled around with looks of surprise on their faces.

“Uh, yes,” Chris said hesitantly.

I hung my head and said, “You better tell me the rules because I think I’d like to wear one too.”

“Leah, you need to understand, we just started playing this game today. I didn’t know you were coming home. That’s part of why this started. Kind of a punishment for some stuff Mom has done. One thing led to another and then Mom told me at the last minute you were coming home today,” Chris blurted out quickly.

“But you left her in the collar,” I observed with a lifted eyebrow.

“Uh, yes,” Chris admitted without further explanation.

I hesitated again then said, “It’s okay. I want to play too. Tell me the rules.”

Chris frowned, hesitated and then said, “Okay, here goes.

“1. You will be safe and never be hurt in any way.

2. Do not talk unless specifically asked a question or directed to talk.

3. Do not touch or attempt to look at anything or anyone, including yourself, unless directed to do so. Your eyes should be straight ahead at all times.

4. Do not change position once placed in a location or pose unless directed to do so.

5. If you break a rule, you will be punished in some way.

6. To stop any activity at any time, simply say “Red Stop”. This allows for punishment, but not anything beyond what you wish to endure and allows for you to stop the game at any time.

7. If you need refreshment or a potty break, say “Comfort”.

8. You will wear a collar, and or leash, and or restraints at all times unless otherwise directed.

Do you agree to follow these rules?”

“Did Aunt Jean agree to follow these rules?”


“Did you agree to follow these rules?”

“Yes. Anyone allowed into the game must agree to follow these rules. Do you agree?”

“Yes. I agree to follow the rules,” I said as the thought that Chris was hiding something tickled at my memory. “Put the collar on me please.”

Chris walked to the side table, reached into a bag and pulled out another pink leather collar. He walked over and gently secured it around my neck.

“You will now obey and submit to me in every way. Do you understand and agree?”

“Yes. I understand and agree,” I replied.

“You may learn things, see things and be asked to do things that may at first upset you but will please me. Do you understand and agree?”

I hesitated and wondered what he meant about things that might upset me, but then went ahead and answered, “I understand and I agree.”

“You will refer to me as Master. Do you accept me as your master and agree to do what I instruct you to do?”


“Yes Master,” he corrected.

“Yes Master, I answered obediently.

“Leah, you will be known as Slave Two, or Two for short. Mom, you will be known as Slave One, or One for short. Do you both understand.”

“Yes Master,” we both responded together.

“Slave Two, please stand up and remove Slave One’s covering.”

My breathing quickened as I watched Aunt Jean stand and walk toward me, her breasts gently bouncing with each step. She reached out and tugged on the tuck of the towel above my breasts. The towel pulled free. I stood naked and exposed. I watched as Jean’s eyes slowly roved over my naked body.

“Do you have any questions Slave Two?”

“What were you talking about when I came in?”

“Good question. Thank you for asking. I was telling Slave One that she could not masturbate without permission. That goes for both of you. You may not touch yourself or anyone else sexually unless specifically ordered to do so by me or someone I have given permission to use you. Do you understand?”

“What do you mean by ‘someone given permission to use me’? You don’t mean someone else besides you Master. Only you will be…, using us?” I asked with sudden concern.

“Anyone I give permission to use you…, may use you.” Chris said quietly.

I shivered with anxiety laced pleasure thinking about someone else not only seeing me naked, but using me in some sexual way as well. I realized that someone else besides Chris might be touching me or using me sexually. I closed my eyes and groaned softly. I felt weak. What was I getting into? Then I thought about Aunt Jane touching me. How I had enjoyed being seen naked by someone else, and yes, it had been exciting being touched Escort Gümüşhane by someone else. Just thinking about it now made me feel deliciously naughty.

“I caught Slave One masturbating,” Chris continued. “I was reminding her of the rules. She broke the rules. She needs to be punished. Since you are here, I will have you punish Slave One.”

“Wha..,” I started to say and then abruptly stopped at Chris’ sharp glance.

“Yes Master,” I quickly corrected myself.

He pointed at the bed and said, “Sit on the end of the bed.”

I sat as instructed.

“Slave One, lay across Slave Two’s lap and present your bottom for discipline.”

Aunt Jean’s breasts dangled from her chest as she bent and stretched her body across me. Her pelvis and thighs rested heavily on my thighs. Her bum lay just below my naked breasts. Gravity pulled at the weight of her butt’s cheeks revealing her dark puckered anus and the puffy lips of her pussy. I was surprised by how close her anus was to the puffy lips of her pussy.

“Administer 10 spanks,” Chris instructed with an officious tone.

I tentatively placed the palm of my right hand on her right buttock. I was impressed with the firm roundness of her ass. The muscle of her anus twitched, tightened and relaxed. I raised my hand and delivered a soft open-handed pat to her bum.

“That doesn’t count Slave Two. A spank should sound like a spank. Now spank her!”

“Umph,” escaped Jean’s lips as the flat of my hand smacked her bum.

“That’s much better. Continue.”

I watched Jean’s bum grow redder and redder with each blow. I felt her squirm against my thighs and realized I was hitting her with pretty firm swats. I wondered if I was actually hurting her. However, I also noticed moisture gathering in the crease formed by her pussy lips below her anus. Even if I was hurting her, she must be enjoying this on some level. I finished delivering the 10 blows.

“You enjoy this don’t you?” I asked glancing at the bulge that was growing in Chris’ shorts.

“Hmm. Not following the rules already? Slaves, switch positions,” Chris ordered with a curt tone.

Jean quickly pushed up off the bed and off my thighs. I stood up beside her. She glanced at the bed, then looked at me and smiled. I looked and saw a dark stain where the wetness of my excitement had soaked into the bedspread. I looked back at Jean, shrugged and gave her a sheepish smile.

I noticed that Jean purposely sat directly on the wet spot I had leaked onto the bed. I slowly lowered and stretched out across her thighs. My breasts pressed into the sheets and I felt the warmth her body had left behind. I felt the palm of her hand caress and gently pull on my right buttock. I realized she was now looking at my anus and pussy. A groan involuntarily escaped my lips as my body shivered in anticipation.

The weight of her palm lifted and then fell onto my bum with a smack. I flinched and cried out at the stinging impact, “Ouch!”

Again, and again Jean spanked my bum, each slap a burning sting that heated my flesh and my excitement.

“Umm,” I almost cooed as the tenth blow ended. My ass wiggled involuntarily as if asking for more punishment.

“You may standup now number Two.”

I stood up facing Jean. We stood eye to eye, our breasts nearly touching. Her breasts are larger than mine and are still firm with only a little sag. Quite remarkable really. Her nipples are much larger and darker than mine. I for the first time wondered what it would feel like to caress another woman’s breasts and to suck and taste another woman’s nipples in my mouth.

“I want to be sure there are no hard feelings. I want you to kiss and be friends.”

We both looked at Chris in surprise at this unexpected order.

“Go on. Kiss. A good kiss, not just a peck. Wrap your arms around each other and really kiss each other.”

We awkwardly put our arms around each other and tentatively pulled together. Our breasts touched first. The press of the soft warmth of her flesh against my breasts felt good. I pulled her closer, leaned in and tipped my head to the right as she did the same. Our lips approached and touched. Her lips were soft and pliant. I was surprised when I felt the tip of her tongue flick lightly at my lips. I opened my mouth and allowed her tongue to dart inside, to find and toy with my tongue. I followed her tongue, slipped into and tasted the warmth of her mouth. I breathed the warm moistness of her breath into my lungs. My hips tilted of their own accord and my pelvis pressed firmly into hers.

“Umm,” Jean softly groaned as we continued to kiss and I felt her pelvis press even more firmly against my pubis. We took turns sucking on the soft pliable wetness of our tongues as they learned a new and very intimate dance.

Jean’s hands slid down and gently caressed my tender bum. I reciprocated and let my hands slide down the small of her back and softly cupped the swell of her warm ass cheeks with my hands.

“Okay ladies. I can see you have definitely kissed and made up. Come up for air.”

We heard Chris, but were so engrossed in this new unique experience, we simply ignored him and continued the embrace.

“Ladies!” Chris said more forcefully.

We reluctantly and somewhat breathlessly broke apart.

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