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By the Lake
“You dumb fuck.” Angela yelled
“Look it could happen to anyone.” I replied defensively.
“You knew we needed gas! You should have gotten it at the station before we left from there Jon-a-THON.” Angela fumed and bounced in her seat beside me. She crossed her arms over her breasts and hunched down as far as she could go.
I told her that for her eighteenth birthday I would take her to Palm Lake; she loved it out there, but what I didn’t plan on was the gas I needed for the trip. We had passed a gas station about a 70 miles away getting here, and the sun was setting quickly. My sister couldn’t have been any more pissed. She had a party to go to that night, and I spoiled it for her.
“Look I just wanted you to have a good birthday.”
“I know listen, I’m sorry but this birthday party Beth had a guy for me and everything. I’m just disappointed.”
“We could call Dad and have him come out here.”
“Dad went to Las Vegas with mom this morning.”
“Las Vegas?”
“Yeah Las Vegas. It’s there anniversary. My birthday is always on their fucking anniversary. Played second fiddle to their day to often.”
I looked down at her legs stretched out. She wore some tight jeans that showed just how beautiful her legs were. I wondered how she got those things on; they seemed to be spray painted on. Then, I wondered what her legs would look like when they were off. I shook my head a little, and then I thought, what about Thomas, my friend?
“You know I could call Thomas. He might be able to come get us.” I offered.
“By the time he comes up here and back to the house, it will be too late for the party. Three hours up here and three hours back there. Yeah, this was a good fucking idea big brother.” She sighed heavily, and thought about what to do.
I felt really bad. How could I do this to my sweet sister on her eighteenth birthday? “Well, I have some cash. I think I have enough for a cabin. I know you always wanted to spend the night up here. We can have a little party. The store still open; maybe they will have something we can cook to have a nice dinner. I will do everything.”
I looked at her hoping that it would be at least something to make up for the trouble I caused her. She smiled feebly. “Oh all right, you said everything right?”
“Sure did.”
“I can call Cassie on my cell, and tell her about your fuck up. Wait a minute. Are you sure they will give us a cabin. I mean won’t they think we are weird?”
“Not if I tell them we are married.” I took my class ring and turned it around so that it would look like Giresun Escort a wedding band and walked to the office. It took me a couple of minutes but I came back to the car with a smile on my face.
“Guess what?”
“What did you do this time?”
“Hey where’s the faith?”
“Back home at the gas station brother dear. So, what did you get?”
“I got the bridal sweet cabin. I told them we were newly weds and we ran out of gas. They laughed. They said we could get a wrecker to come out tomorrow morning with a gas can. The innkeeper said that his wife took the car home and won’t pick him up till the morning. I don’t know what would happen if someone had a real emergency out here.”
Angela rolled her eyes, and took the keys. Cabin fourteen was across the lake on the other side of the office. She walked cursing the whole time, and I felt even worse. I went to the small store, and found all the things she liked for dinner; it cost me a small fortune, but I put it on my card Dad gave to me. I wondered what Dad would say when he got the bill. I carried the groceries to the other end of the lake as the sun set. On the porch of the cabin I saw Angela looking at the sunset, her dark silhouette against the cabin. Her hair seemed to always fluff out in natural curls that hung down to her shoulders. She bent down staring at the sunset, all five foot four of her seemed to bend gracefully into a thirty degree L shape. She looked at the sunset, and I looked at her; we both seemed entranced by beauty and form.
“Jonathan, it’s so beautiful out here.” I smiled and let her look at nature’s portrait of an otherwise difficult day and got to work in the kitchen. I placed the steaks in the broiler and the rice in the pot. I made some salad, and in twenty minutes we ate on the porch feeling the breeze from the water cool everything down, even tempers. She put her wine glass in front of me, and I poured obediently. She smiled a little; I think she might be getting tipsy.
I took the dishes away and started washing them in the kitchen, and heard humming to a tune only she knew.
“Cassie is pissed at you.” Angela said.
“Well, I guess that’s everybody.”
“Oh not everybody.” She smiled a little. “Why don’t you light a fire while I go grab a shower?”
I nodded and she skipped to the bathroom. I grabbed some kindling and placed it under the hearth. I lit the match and got the kindling burning then I placed a log on top. It caught after about five minutes when Angela came out of the shower in some towels wrapped around her. She smiled nervously. “Your Giresun Escort Bayan turn.”
I went into the bathroom and looked at my sisters clothes in a pile on the floor. Then it dawned on me. The cabin supplied one bed and one uncomfortable chair. Well, I thought I guess it’s the chair for me. I took a quick shower and pulled on my boxers and shirt and went into the room. Angela was in bed on the far right side. The king size bed simply engulfed her. She faced the right side of the bed where the hearth was just six feet away.
“Wow. It got really warm in here.”
“Yeah, it sure did. Great fire maker brother.” She smiled at me and then resumed her vigilance over the fire. I took the extra blanket and pillow and walked over to the big chair to the left of the bed. The cabin creaked a little as I walked, and it got Angela’s attention.
“What are you doing?”
“Thought I would sleep in the chair so you could have the bed to yourself.”
“Are you kidding? You won’t get any sleep in that thing. Look there is plenty of be here. I feel like I’m lost in it.”
“Well, ok if you think it will be ok.”
“Sure, besides this is a strange place. I can use you as my teddy bear if I need it.”
I climbed into bed and she swam over to me and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek, and then she swam back and curled up in the fetal position and seemed at peace with everything. I looked at her for the longest time before I drifted off to sleep myself. Now, Angela is a kicker. She also moves around a lot in her sleep. I’ve heard her fall on the floor several times when we were at home. So, I woke to her kicking off the covers on our bed and she sprawled her long legs out. I sleepily propped myself up and looked over at my slightly unclothed sister. I blinked to focus. She had cute feet, painted toenails, red. Her calves seemed to have been sculpted from constant working out or walking, Angela loved to work out. I looked further up to her thighs, and they had that shape much like her calves as though she worked them out. I became curious, and I reached my hand out to touch them. Angela moved a little mumbling something incoherent. I felt her thigh, and it struck me as odd that something so muscular could be so soft at the same time.
I looked little further then to her mound covered in cotton bikini cut panties, sky blue. I could easily see the slight that divided her lips. The sheer beauty of it all in the dying embers of the fire I had started seemed to stoke my fires and I felt my own hardness. I stroked my cock through my underwear as I reached Escort Giresun for her pussy.
She moaned sweetly and moved her hips slightly as I stroked it. “Oh…. ” she moaned. “Jonathan that feels so good.” I looked over startled, but her eyes remained closed. She moved her hips to the rhythm of my stroking, and then I moved her panties to the side. Her wetness seemed to flow from her pussy giving it a glossy sheen in the fire light. I had to taste it. As I placed my tongue on her clit, she woke.
“Jonathan… mmmmm that feels so good. Are you sure…mmmmm. Oh pleeease don’t stop…” Her hips made even wider undulations, and then she placed her hand on my head lifting it. She arched her body and pulled off her panties throwing them on the floor. Then she placed her hand on my head pushing it down on her clit. Then she pulled her tee shirt off and squeezed her right tit; she tweaked her nipple as well. “Oh Jonathan… I’m cummm ing I’m cummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm…” She bucked her hips pressing her pussy to my lips. She panted and moaned. And then she fixed me with her eyes. She rose up and took my shirt off. Then, she pushed me to her left onto the other side of the bed. She angled herself till she was sitting at my feet, and then she yanked my boxers off. She eyed my cock as it bobbed up and down and captured it with her mouth. “mmmmm that tastes so good.” She licked it, and then rose up to maneuver her pussy over my swollen cock. She placed it in her vagina slightly; the lips seemed to cover just the head of my cock. She eased it in, and then she moaned feeling the breadth. I thought I felt her contract slightly.
“Oh big brother, your cock is nice and fat.” She eased down on it some more, and I felt some resistance.
“Angela, oh baby I didn’t …. Ahhhhh.”
“Ahhhhhh.” She screamed and collapsed on top of me. I felt her tits bore into my chest. She found my mouth kissed me passionately. “When I woke up from your kiss on my pussy Jonathan, I was so happy it was you. I just had to have you as my first. I couldn’t think of anyone I wanted to give myself to more. You showed me such love today, dinner and the cabin. I just fell in love with you.” She moved in and out of me slowly. “mmmmmm.” She rose up and just repeated over and over. “I just had to have you…. I just had to have you…. I love you. Please Jonathan fuck me… tell me you love…”
“Angela, I love you .. I love you ahhhhhhhh. I came deep inside her, and I felt her spasm over and over. The sun broke seeped inside the left window, and the phone rang.
I picked up the phone as Angela nestled into my right side. “Hello?”
“Yes sir do you still want me to call the wrecker for the gas.”
“No, I think I have some gas in the trunk. I just remembered.”
“Will that take us to the gas station 70 miles away?”
“Easily… Happy birthday!”
“Oh, it was the best one yet.”
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