Cam Slut Mom Ch. 04

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I stood in Jesse’s bedroom looking down at his sleeping face and trying to talk myself into going back to my own bed. He’d been avoiding me the past couple days, but not in a mean way. I think he was having trouble coming to terms with the idea that he had performed oral sex on his own mother. And, I must say, it was a hell of a performance. It wasn’t fair of me to take advantage of him the way I was. He was eighteen and full of hormones. Boys that age have sex on their minds around the clock, and with me all but putting my pussy on a platter made it nearly impossible for him not to give in to his teen urges.

I knelt next to his bed. It was the same bed I’d tucked him into almost every night when he was little. That is, the nights I wasn’t out at a bar or some party. There’d be a bedtime story, or a quick tickle game, then a kiss and a goodnight. Those days were most certainly gone. I reached through the flap in the front of his boxers and took out his cock. It was soft and warm. It was my son’s cock. I was his mother, and he was all I had.

Leaning forward, I took his flaccid penis into my mouth. I shouldn’t have done that. Tingles flowed over me. I should have been in bed sleeping, not obsessing over my boy’s irresistible prick. I suckled him softly, using my tongue to explore his most sensitive areas. I needed to stop what I was doing and leave before he woke up. He stiffened in my mouth and I reveled in the glorious sense of fulfillment that gave me. I continued to gently mouth his growing member, helpless to resist it.

Just when he was at his fullest, he stirred. I stayed still, holding his cock in my mouth, breathing shallowly through my nose. I braced myself for the stream of angry, abusive words, but instead his hand settled lightly on my head. I resumed sucking him and heard a drowsy noise of appreciation from him. I carefully sought out his balls and maneuvered them into the open through the slit of his boxers. I massaged them lovingly as I sucked his cockhead.

He wanted this, and I wanted it. Maybe it was more honest to say I needed it. The important thing was that it made us both feel good. Sure, we each had our share of guilt afterward, but in the moment there was nothing better. And no matter how hard Jesse tried to fight it, he needed it just as much as I did. I understood how ashamed he must feel for having the kind of sexual desires he had for me, his own mother. Suddenly having an opportunity to act on those desires was a lot for him to deal with. There was also his fear of humiliation if anyone ever found out what we were doing. But there was no way anyone could know about this. This quiet moment in the dead of night. My son’s stiff cock prodding at the back of my throat. My hand tenderly cupping his balls.

Jesse tensed and silently pumped his semen into my mouth. There were no words between us. Nothing needed to be said. I gratefully swallowed his offering. I sucked until nothing more came, then I sucked just a little more. I kissed his loose balls, and nuzzled my nose in his pubic hair while his cock softened against my cheek. He patted my head like I was a good little puppy.

My heart ached, and I didn’t want to leave. I hated myself for being so needy, but I gave in to my desperate impulse. I climbed into Jesse’s bed and cuddled against him. His body was hard and strong, even at rest. I wondered if his satisfaction was turning to hate as I lay there trying to calm the anxious beating in my chest.

He put his arm around me and pulled me tight against him. I refused to let any tears fall as all the tension left me in a calming breeze of relief. I fell asleep feeling completely safe for the first time in a very long while.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I was naked except for a pair of high heels that were too uncomfortable to walk in but perfect to masturbate in. The webcam was pointed down low. I had my legs spread and was working a sparkly, multi-function dildo in and out of my pussy. It was loud; buzzing and churning as I worked it in and out. It felt good, but I wasn’t in any real danger of cumming. That’s when a pair of welcomed hands settled on my shoulders.

“Morning, Mom.”

“Good afternoon, young man. Sleep well?”

I continued using my dildo on myself, enjoying the exhibitionist thrill of my son watching over my shoulder.

“Slept good. Had a nice dream.” He kissed my neck from behind.

That made me feel warm all over. And just like that I was suddenly in danger of cumming.

Jesse watched the main shaft of the knobby sex toy slide in and out of my slick hole while one of the rubbery off-shoots bobbed and hummed against my clit.

“God, Mom, you are one horny bitch.” It wasn’t said as an insult this time.

After watching me fuck myself some more, he reached down and took a hold of one of my tits. I couldn’t stop the moan that escaped my throat. I clicked the vibrations up to the next speed and worked my pussy a bit faster. Jesse fondled my tit with relaxed confidence. He knew I was his to do with as he pleased. I wondered Giresun Escort if he fully understood just how far I would let him go with me.

His fingers found my nipple. His touch circled my areola lightly, as if reading the braille of my arousal. He pinched the stiff nub, twisting and tugging with just the right amount of pressure. His other arm came over my left shoulder, his hand easily finding my unattended breast. I was on the verge of sensation overload — both physical and emotional. I didn’t deserve to feel this good.

“Jesse…I’m going to cum…”

“Cody,” he whispered into my ear, then took my lobe between his soft lips, “remember?”

“Yes…Cody…Mommy’s going to cum. You like watching Mommy make herself cum, right?”

“Love it,” he confirmed and squeezed my tits harder. “Do it, Mom. Fuck that hot pussy.”

“I’m doing it, Cody. I’m fucking my pussy. Watch me fuck my dirty fuck hole for you!”

His lips settled on the side of my neck again as he pulled my nipples with perfect cruelty. That did it for me. I let out a keening cry and jammed the plastic cock forcefully into my cunt. Jesse gripped my tits tight and rode out my climax with me like a cowboy on a bucking bronc.

My body went slack in the chair as I laughed and panted in post-orgasmic joy. I heard a half-dozen rapid-fire cha-chings coming from the computer, but could barely wrap my dazed head around what that meant. I’d forgotten that this was all in front of the camera.

One of Jesse’s hands reached further down, gliding over my tummy. He combed his fingers through my bush. His other hand held fast to my tit. I didn’t want to move. I wanted to stay like that for at least another hour. I wasn’t holding onto the dildo any longer, and it eventually vibrated its way out of my pussy, dropping to the floor with a loud thud. That got a chuckle out of the two of us. Once it started banging itself against one of the wheels of my chair I knew the moment had to come to an end.

Jesse released me, and I leaned down to retrieve the errant toy. By the time I had it switched off, he was already out the door.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

There were less than a dozen items in my grocery cart, and after a quick tally I was trying to decide which items I had to put back. I really needed to stop being too lazy to cut coupons.

“Well, hello there!” an unfamiliar but ridiculously cheery voice greeted me. I glanced up to see Cherie Sheppard smiling at me and looking like she’d just stepped out of a fashion magazine,. “Oh my gosh, I haven’t seen you in ages. Our boys played baseball together. You remember me, don’t you?”

Did I remember her? She was a freakin’ local celebrity, how could I not remember her? Cherie’s husband was the most successful lawyer around, and for the last five years was one of our town’s leading selectmen. Cherie hosted a public access cable show for the Chamber of Commerce where she interviewed local business owners each week. Not to mention that she had a business of her own: a chi-chi boutique on Main Street. I went in there once a couple years back, but I fled as soon as I figured out that the cheapest thing in the place was more than I could earn in a month.

“Cherie, hi, how are you?” I chirped back, foolishly trying to match her obviously fake enthusiasm. I did my best to ignore the feeling that I looked like a complete schlep next to her.

Cherie was the only woman I’d ever seen in real life that could be described as statuesque. Even at her age, she retained the firm skin and natural beauty of a much younger woman. I wanted to sneer and chalk it up to her having had work done, but there was none of that “something’s not right” look women get when they have plastic surgery. Her boobs were another matter. Those fantastic double-Ds had to be store bought, probably at the insistence of her obnoxiously rich husband.

I hated to admit how jealous I was of her hair. She was a natural brunette with expertly applied highlights in just the right places. It was done up in a sophisticated, businesslike style that most women only ever managed after an hour in the salon, but I wouldn’t be surprised if Cherie woke up in the morning looking like that. Her cosmetics were professionally applied with a light hand; just enough to enhance her already lovely features, but not enough to look like she was trying to hide something. Her straight-off-the-runway silk blouse and couture skirt seemed out of place for the grocery store, but they looked so good on her that I couldn’t imagine her wearing anything else.

“So, how’s Jesse doing?” she asked as if we were old friends. “What’s he up to?”

“Oh, you know, just sort of doing odd jobs right now.” My mind was struggling to figure out a graceful way to escape from this. “He’s going to be going to school soon,” I lied.

“Isn’t that the worst? My Jeremy is away at Princeton, and I miss him more and more every day. They grow up so fast, don’t they? It seems like just yesterday they were making double plays together. I miss Giresun Escort Bayan that, don’t you, Darlene — it is Darlene, right?”

“Darlene, yes.” I must have looked like a deer in the headlights. What was Cherie Sheppard doing getting her own groceries, anyway? Didn’t she have a maid or a cook to do that sort of thing for her?

“I’m sorry, I meet so many people that sometimes I get everyone’s name all mixed up.” She twirled her fingers around her head to indicate how crazy it made her. Somehow she even made that gesture seem elegant. “What are you doing now? You’re not busy, are you? Let’s pop across the street to that cute little café and have a cup of coffee together. That sounds fun, doesn’t it? We can catch up.” She leaned in and lowered her voice to a stage whisper. “Did you hear about what Danny Tate’s mom did?”

All I could do was shake my head dumbly as the Cherie steamroller relentlessly plowed over me.

“It’s settled then.” She looked around until she spotted someone in a store uniform. “Arthur, could you be a dear and have these bagged up for us?” Cherie asked, motioning to our carts. “We’ll be back to pick them up in a jiffy.”

“Sure thing, Mrs. Sheppard, I’ll take care of that for you right away.”

Wow, I didn’t even know that was a thing.

“Thank you, Arthur.” Cherie hooked her arm in mine and led me toward the exit. “Such a beautiful day, we don’t want to waste it in a dingy old grocery story, do we?”

As we took our seats at a little table on the café’s outdoor patio, I couldn’t help feeling underdressed and under make-upped. My hair was a mess, my clothes weren’t decent enough to put in a Goodwill box, and my eau d’Ivory Soap definitely didn’t stand up to the top shelf perfume that Cherie was wearing in the middle of the goddamn day. It’s not like I had anything against the woman, I actually had always admired her in a way, but we hadn’t ever exchanged much more than passing pleasantries at the kids’ baseball games.

I left the chit-chat mainly up to her, chiming in with an occasional “uh huh,” or “really?” I felt like an idiot for having nothing to contribute, even after getting the story of Danny Tate’s mother’s affair while she was on a trip to Key West with “the girls.” When the other couple on the patio finished their scones and left, Cherie fixed me with a curious look. She took a sip of her coffee, set it down carefully, and cleared her throat.

“I suppose you’re wondering why I really wanted to talk to you alone.”

“Um…I guess I am, if it’s not catching up about the boys.”

“Well, it is in a way, Darlene. Or should I say…Monique.”

That name was like a cold knife stabbing straight into my chest. My stomach knotted, then knotted again. She didn’t just use my fake webcam name, did she? No, impossible.

“My stars, you’re pale as a ghost.” She smiled, clearly enjoying the effect the grenade she just dropped in my lap was having. She reached over and put her hand on mine. “Yes, darling, I’m afraid I know your little ‘secret.'”

My mind raced but went nowhere. How did she know? What did she know? Did she hear a rumor from someone? Was Jesse telling people what we were doing? All it would take is one slip while he was drunk and angry. Oh God, I was on my way to prison. This was it. This is what I get for being an idiot. How could I have been so stupid? Stupid, stupid, stupid!

“Cherie…I…I don’t know…”

“Relax, Darlene. Breathe.” Cherie signaled the waitress. “Can we get a glass of ice water, please?” She waited for the girl to leave, then squeezed my hand. “Does PowerCouple69 mean anything to you?”

Her words sounded like they were coming to me from a long way off. I tried to grasp at what she was saying. Yes. PowerCouple69. I recognized that.

“It…it’s a screen name.”

“Yes it is.”

“I’ve seen it before,” I struggled to think. “In my private shows…recently”

Cherie nodded with a knowing smirk. “My husband and I were both born in ’69, and it also happens to be one of our favorite sex positions. Darlene, we’re PowerCouple69.” She leaned back in her chair and let that sink in.

The waitress arrived with the ice water, and I grabbed for it. My mouth had never been so dry. After a few gulps I was feeling only slightly more grounded.

“This can’t be happening,” I muttered.

“Oh, don’t be like that. I find it to be a rather fortunate situation.” Her voice was no longer a cheery chirp, but had taken on a more sensual tone. “Keith is a big fan of yours. Or, more accurately, of you and your son.”

“Oh, God,” I moaned. I was already making plans in my head for me and Jesse to flee the state.

“Keith and I have watched several of your shows together, and I found them extremely arousing. I have to confess that it’s led to some amazing sex with my husband. I don’t mind telling you that he hasn’t fucked me that good in over a year. I wanted to thank you in person.”

“Thank…me?” This was too much. The classiest, most successful woman in Escort Giresun town was telling me she not only watched me committing incest with my son online, but that she got off on it? This was everything I had dreaded and convinced myself could never happen. There were thousands of cam sites, and millions of cam girls — what were the chances that someone I knew would ever stumble on mine? Obviously better than I’d thought.

“Yes, I owe you a big thanks. I’m a very sexual woman, Darlene. As much as I love my husband, he simply hasn’t been able to keep up with my level of desire lately. I need a lot of sex to satisfy me. I thought things would pick up between us when Jeremy went away to college, but it was just the opposite. At least until we found your webcam.”

“I only started doing it for the money,” I tried to explain. “I never meant for Jesse to get involved, but…I don’t know how I let that happen.” Was it my imagination, or were Cherie’s nipples hard under her blouse? Yes, they definitely were.

“Don’t feel like you have to apologize to me, dear. I understand.” She put her hand on my knee and gave it a reassuring squeeze. “Trust me, I understand.”

“I’m sorry if I’m not making much sense,” I said, looking around for my purse. “I guess I’m kind of in shock, and I…I don’t know what. I should probably go.”

“That’s fine, but before you do let me ask you something. You said you’re doing this for money. What’s the money for?”

“Our house. The mortgage…so we don’t get foreclosed on. We’re still two months behind.” I was babbling.

“What’s your monthly payment?”

“Nine-hundred dollars. A little under nine-hundred, actually.”

Cherie took out her checkbook, wrote out a check, ripped it neatly away from the rest and slid it in front of me. It was made out for a thousand dollars, but there was no signature. The words “consulting fee” were written on the comment line.

“As I said, my husband is a big fan, and his birthday is coming up. If you and Jesse come to our house this Saturday night and put on a private show for us, I’ll sign that for you.”

I didn’t dare touch the check, but I couldn’t take my eyes off it. A whole month’s mortgage payment for one show. I shouldn’t even have been considering it, but how could I not?

“I…I don’t think Jesse would do it. I mean, I’m almost sure he won’t.”

“I suspect you have ways of convincing him.” She leaned in close and patted my thigh suggestively. And, damn, did she smell good. “All mothers know how to get their sons to do what they want.”

“I can try, but…”

“Perfect.” She took out a twenty and tucked it under her saucer before standing up and slinging her Louis Vuitton over her shoulder with practiced grace. “We’ll see you Saturday night.”

And just like that I was watching her shapely ass, sheathed in a designer skirt, swaying out of sight through the café I picked up the check before the wind could take it, folded it, folded it once more, and tucked it away. Taking this offer would put me one step closer to truly being the whore that Jesse always accused me of being. But not taking this deal could also lead to me being the homeless person I always feared I might become.

I knew I’d made my decision when I realized I was already trying to figure out the best way to convince my son to perform a live sex show for the richest people in town…PowerCouple69.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Jesse came home through the kitchen door and caught me masturbating for the second time that day. I was leaned against the counter, surrounded by grocery bags, my hand working fast between my legs. It wasn’t because I was doing a cam show, or because I was horny, but only because I needed to work off some stress. Jesse shook his head with amusement when he saw me.

“Fuck, Mom, you know you’re going to go blind if you keep that up.”

“Sorry, I didn’t hear you pull in.” I turned away from him and drew my pants up from around my knees.

“Hey, don’t stop on my account.” He got a beer out of the fridge. “I don’t mind the smell of hot pussy first thing when I walk through the door.” He grinned at me as he popped his beer and sat down.

I went back to putting away the groceries. “Any luck finding a job?”

“No one’s hiring anywhere in this shitty town.” He was keeping a close eye on my ass as he drank his beer. “Where’d you get the money for all this?” he asked, meaning the groceries.

“You’re not the only one who can hit the lottery.” The truth was that when I returned to the store they had bagged up what was in Cherie’s cart along with what I had. Apparently she’d phoned them, put it all on her account and told them I would be picking up everything. I hated to take her charity, but I’d given up my right to stand on pride the day I accepted money from strangers to jack my son off all over my face.

“We doing a show tonight?” he asked casually. “I’m dead broke again. Could use some cash.”

“We could,” I said, knowing he wanted to do a show for more than just the money. “But there’s something I need to talk to you about.”

“Here it comes,” he grumbled and took a swig. He was probably expecting some sort of guilt-laden lecture. I pulled out the check, unfolded it and put it on the table in front of him. “Cherie Sheppard? Jeremy’s mom?”

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