Changer Ch. 01: Jackoff

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My mind would tell of bodies changed to forms new and strange.


VANO’S WONDROUS ANTIQUES JEWELRY AND ODDMENTS. Jackson’s thick lips sucked on the straw of his coke, staring at the wooden sign hanging above a wooden door along the back of the movie theater. He hadn’t noticed the strange store when he parked there, although the entrance was just in front of his car.

Must’ve been too busy thinking about Becky’s tits. Fucking bitch.

Jackson usually had no trouble sealing the deal, at least until the girl got to know him. He had a pretty boy face, curly dark brown hair with expressive eyebrows, and cute cheeks that highlighted the thing girls loved the most about him: his lips. They could almost be called plump, but that doesn’t quite capture it, Jackson’s lips were…substantive. Whether he was pouting or grinning or scowling, Jackson’s mouth could transform his face, and when Jackson wanted to kiss a girl or go down on her one sultry bite of his lower lip was usually all he needed.

But if Jackson was willing to use his pretty boy face, he was proud of his manly body. He was a wide receiver for the college football team, and, as his bros often said when they compared gains, Jackson was “fit af.” His body was ripped with a clearly defined six pack and impressive pecs lightly dusted with fine brown hair, yet he was still limber and quick. Of course, some may think this was in part compensation for a rather unimpressive 4″ penis.

Stupid whore. It’s not my fault she wanted a horror movie and then gets upset when I laugh at it. That’s the whole point, they’re so over the top you’re not supposed to take them serious.

Becky had been a little put off by Jackson cackling at the graphic dismemberment of college students, but mostly she was skeeved that he spent most of the movie trying to feel up her skirt. Jackson figured she was being playful, a little hard to get. At least until he nearly fell on his face in the parking lot, leaning into a kiss she leaned right the fuck out of.

Jackson tossed his soda on the ground and hopped in his car, checking his phone again.


The closest thing he had to a reliable fuck buddy left him on read 10 minutes ago, which meant she wasn’t interested. He figured he could probably find some action on tinder, but that would require pretending Jackson gave a shit about what women had to say. In Jackson’s mind he had played enough of a feminist for one night.

And even if I did get some action that fag Merlin would just whine about being sexiled.

Jackson put the key in the ignition, preparing to head back to his dorm with blue balls. But the sign caught his eye again. It didn’t seem like the kind of place that’d be open at 9pm on a Saturday, and back of the movie theater was hardly prime real estate.

Maybe it’s a sex shop. Sex toys count as odd, right? Could get some old porno mags to pin up on the wall, Merlin would hate that haha. Besides, I could use a new grinder, sex shops always got some weed stuff.

Jackson got back out of the car and entered the store to a soft chime. He didn’t know what he’d expected when he walked in, but it wasn’t what he found.

Guess “oddments” means every fucking thing you could think of.

The cinema must have given the store a whole theater, the ceiling was two stories high and rows of racks were filled up to the top. There were board games and nicknacks, clothes and costumes and jewelry and antiques. If Jackson were a curious person he might have been amazed at the variety of merchandise all around him, but Jackson was not very curious. He’d come in looking for porno mags and weed paraphernalia, and that’s all he was looking for.

Thankfully for Jackson it wasn’t long till he found something promising–in a corner a giant black dildo stood on a stand, lit by a single flickering candle. Jackson only glanced at it, uninterested and a bit annoyed at whoever made it. Like they were setting up guys for disappointment when they couldn’t measure up to their girlfriend’s toy.

But near the dildo Jackson found what he was looking for, a display case full of glass pipes. Most were pretty standard, cheap little one hitters, but a few had crazy intricate glasswork. He also chuckled as he realized along the bottom row of the display cabinet were a bunch of fleshlights.

Puff and pull. Doesn’t sound like a bad plan, actually.

Jackson looked around for a worker to open the case for him, but nobody came when he called. He took a better look at the case and realized the lock on the sliding glass door wasn’t latched, so he slid it open himself.

He looked at a few different pieces, none worth upgrading his old reliable pipe. But as he bent to put a piece back on a lower shelf a fleshlight in a gold painted box caught his eye. He picked it up for a better look.

JACKOFF Custom Mould Premium Masturbation Sleeve, it read in big, bold letters. Jackson flipped the box over and read the description: The Jackoff is the Mersin Escort world’s FIRST premium masturbation sleeve designed for YOU. Just dip your stick in our patent pending polycarbonate material and enter a world of ecstasy. The Jackoff’s next-gen masturbation software morphs to form a perfect fit for any pecker.

In smaller print below the description was a disclaimer: Limit 1 per customer. Check quality seal before purchase, no refunds. And sure enough, along the crease was a small sticker seal.

Well at least they’re not selling used sex toys, Jackson thought, as he turned the box in his hands. The description did intrigue him. After all, who wouldn’t want a fuck hole literally shaped to your dick?

Jackson was considering calling out for a shopkeeper again when he saw the price tag. The original $250 tag was clearly visible, but it had been crossed out, and a post it note underneath it read $500.

God damn, Jackson thought. His parents were loaded, and he had a weekly allowance that would see other students through a semester, but even he balked at the idea of paying $500 for a fleshlight.

They must’ve gone out of business. Maybe it was too good and $250 wasn’t enough for them to make money. I mean if this pawnshop is gonna mark it up 100% it must be like, collectible right?

Jackson smiled to himself. His lips made for a great smile, like an earnest but naughty kid’s. It had gotten him out of trouble countless times before, and he figured it could again if it had to–still smiling, Jackson slipped the box under his jacket, and headed for the exit.

Jackson had enjoyed the thrill of shoplifting since he was little, and as he tried to walk out as quietly as he could he could feel his dick stir with the excitement of the risk and expectation for the reward. But then he couldn’t find the exit. The stacks of merchandise seemed to grow thicker, the rows more jumbled, and soon Jackson didn’t know where he’d been or where he was going.

Just when he was about to give up and stuff the fleshlight on a shelf so he could call an employee for help, Jackson found the door. Relieved, he sprinted for it, chuckling to himself at the small red sign by the exit: SHOPLIFTERS SHALL BE PUNISHED TO THE FULL EXTENT OF THE LAW.

When Jackson walked out the door the bell that had chimed softly when he entered started ringing like an alarm. Jackson burst out of the store, jumped in his car, and peeled out of the parking lot.


The moment Jackson was back in his freshman dorm he got to work opening the box. The seal was really strong, but once he cut it with a pocket knife the whole thing smoothly fell open. The Jackoff certainly felt like an expensive piece of equipment. Its white anodized aluminum shell had a good heft to it that was comfortable in the hand, while the cap twisted free with a satisfying click. But Jackson was disappointed to see the rubbery material wasn’t even shaped like a pussy or ass or anything, just a thin slit in a boring beige rubber.

He put a finger to the slit to see what the inside felt like, but for some reason his finger wouldn’t go through. The material felt soft and pliable enough, but around the entrance there was zero give. He looked back in the box and found a one page manual.

The first few diagrams seemed to explain Jackson’s problem. There were cartoons showing a guy trying to put a finger or a pencil inside the toy X’d out with a big NO! underneath them. Then there was a cartoon of a dickhead at the slit with a big thumbs up.

The written instructions were simple–place the Jackoff fully on your erect penis, wait 5 minutes and it’s ready to go. No lube or batteries necessary.

Jackson wasn’t sure when Merlin would get back, but he also didn’t really care. His dick was already hard in his pants, ready to try out its new toy. I’ll just use it in bed. He comes in and I’ll cover up. What’s he gonna do, yell at me for jerking off? More like he’d be jealous of the toy.

With that thought Jackson stripped his shirt and admired his own body; his washboard abs, his thick, defined pecs, his curved, powerful biceps. He might’ve had shitty grades, but he got into the the school cause he took care of his body for football. He flexed, and his dick jumped in his pants as he thought about how strong he was, how easily he could fucking destroy his fag roommate if he had half a reason.

Jackson hopped in bed and put on some lesbian porn on his phone as he shuffled his pants down around his ankles. He gave his dick a few short strokes between his thumb and forefinger. Then he lined up with the Jackoff’s plain slit, and his dick effortlessly glided in.

The fleshlight immediately felt amazing. It was like a warm liquid pulled him inside, but it also made his dick tingle coolly, almost like menthol on the tongue. The head of the toy nuzzled in Jackson’s untrimmed pubes and Jackson’s eyes rolled and his toes curled. The liquid seemed to grow thicker and started Mersin Escort Bayan sucking on every inch of his dick with a vacuum seal. Licking his lips, Jackson set a 5 minute timer, then dropped his phone as the toy started releasing then sucking his dick again.

Each time it sucked seemed harder than the time before, like it was discovering parts of his dick to stimulate, new angles to reach every curve of the head, every sensitive line of the underside.

Jackson could feel his pre leaking out in buckets, but the toy never got sloppy. It was almost as if whatever material was mapping and massaging his dick was absorbing every drop of pre he had to give.

It wasn’t long before the rhythm of sucking and gentle massaging brought Jackson close. But the moment he felt near the crest it was like the toy knew, and the vacuum sensation became tighter. It had his dick in a death grip, sucking every inch in a constant pull. Then it started to get warmer. The tingling feeling became more intense, and then so intense it was almost like a shock, a buzz that hummed through his whole body even as the tip of his dick felt ready to explode. It was so much Jackson almost ripped the fleshlight off, but all at once the toy became cool and his 5 minute timer went off. Jackson silenced the alarm and the JackOff merely hugged his dick like a particularly tight and pleasant fleshlight.

Damn that was a lot, Jackson thought as he took the toy in hand and gently started short strokes up and down his dick. The moment he moved it his whole body shivered, as the liquid gel felt indescribably amazing–at once like feathers gently teasing but also the tightest virgin hole you’ve ever had.

Jackson nearly moaned as he stroked himself, totally oblivious to the moans coming from his lesbian porn. The sensations in his dick seemed to make his whole body sensitive, and while his right hand kept up a relentless stroke his left started to roam over his body, feeling his abs, pinching his nipples, cupping his balls.

But no matter how good it felt, for some reason he couldn’t get any closer to cumming. He began thrusting his hips in time with his strokes, and sweat began breaking out all over his body as he stroked faster. He screwed his eyes shut and bit his lip, trying to focus on the amazing sensations around his dick. It didn’t help.

Still not as good as a pussy. Honestly not even as good as a blowjob.

Then Jackson started thinking about the bj Merlin gave him last weekend. He’d struck out at the house party, and was shitfaced when he got back to the room. Merlin was already back, nearly as shitfaced as he was and lying in bed. Jackson didn’t say anything. He just walked over to him and took his dick out. The little cocksucker knew what to do and he was fucking good at it. Better than any chick.

At least till Jackson got close. The little faggot must’ve known cause he pulled off Jackson’s dick and wagged his own dick at Jackson. The pipsqueak had an absurdly big dick, easily twice the size of Jackson’s. When Merlin wagged it at him Jackson almost thought he was mocking him, then he had the balls to say, “I think it’s my turn.”

Wiped that smirk off his face quick, Jackson thought, remembering the fear in Merlin’s eyes as Jackson grabbed him by the throat and near lifted his whole body off the bed. He brought Merlin’s face inches from his and hissed, “I’m not a fucking faggot.” Then Jackson shoved Merlin back on his dick, fucking his face as his puny body struggled beneath him. When he finished cumming he didn’t let go till the bitch swallowed every drop.

The memory made Jackson’s dick jump and he finally felt like he was getting close. He imagined Merlin walking in right now, seeing him fully naked, his perfect body splayed over the too small twin mattress. There’s no way the fag could resist.

He may make some noises, complain it’s his room too. I’ll just have to point and he’ll be right between my legs. I’ll make him beg to lick the toy clean when I’m done with it. Or maybe if I’m not done I’ll just pin him down and take that flat little ass he wags around the room. Can even slap that useless big dick, show him what a real man can do with a normal sized dick.

Jackson was very close now. He was pumping his dick as hard and fast as he could, his curly brown locks were stuck to his forehead and the entire bed was damp with his sweat. He could feel the orgasm building deep inside him, slower to come than any he could remember but promising to be the biggest of his life. Jackson’s legs locked and his toes curled, his ass lifted off the bed as he held himself up in an arc and his pretty lips made a perfect O. He was almost–

Jackson yelped as it felt like he tried to yank off his own dick. The JackOff had suddenly become stuck. Jackson was so close he futilely tried to gyrate his dick inside the toy, but it was trapped firmly in place, and all the sensation his dick was getting was little more than a tight rubber Escort Mersin grip.

“Fuck!” Jackson swore as he felt his orgasm fade away, accompanied by a deep pain in his nuts. The worst blue balls he’d ever had, even worse than that time his ex’s dad walked in mid fuck.

Jackson sat up and wiped the sweat from his face. Then he looked at the fleshlight hanging uselessly between his legs. He tried to pull it off again, but it was like the opening was glued to the base of his dick. He couldn’t get a finger in the slit to loosen it at all, then he realized he couldn’t even twist it.

Jackson wasn’t worried, he was pissed.

No wonder this fucking company went out of business, who the fuck sells a $500 dick trap, he thought as he stood up, feeling the heavy weight of the toy on his dick fall and swing between his legs. For a moment Jackson thought of the way Merlin’s long dick swung between his legs when he’d seen him after his showers in the mornings. It made him jealous, thinking about what that must’ve felt like. His own dick was really short when soft, barely going over his balls.

Fuck Jackson, priorities, Jackson thought as he slapped his own cheek. His fag roommate had been giving him way too many faggy thoughts. He had a problem to deal with right now.

Jackson bent down and grabbed the instruction manual and box from the ground. Maybe he’d fucked up the calibration software or something. He looked at the cartoon instructions again, but it didn’t say anything about a fucking dick lock function. Jackson was about to crumple the paper into a ball and throw it across the room when suddenly he saw a bright red stamp appear in the middle of the paper: “VOID.”

Suddenly the word began multiplying, and every inch revealed a new “VOID.” Jackson dropped the manual like it was on fire.

The fleshlight suddenly tightened on his dick and Jackson’s stomach dropped. He picked up the box and tore it inside out, trying to find a key or more instructions or something. The toy kept getting tighter as Jackson became more frantic, and it felt like it had actually moved farther down his dick.

Unable to find anything Jackson read the box again, looking for any hint about what was happening or what he could do before he had to go to the health center or hospital or something. That was when he realized. The quality assurance seal had turned the same bright red as the VOID stamps. The same bright red as the shoplifting sign back at the store. It read “Unauthorized Purchase.”

The box fell from his hands as Jackson reeled. The Jackoff vacuum sealed to his dick ten times harder than it had before. He could feel it pulling further down his shaft till it reached the top of his ballsack. Jackson barely had time to blink before he was yelling, as all at once his balls were both vacuumed into the fleshlight along with his dick and the gel began squeezing them.

Jackson fell back on his bed, desperately trying to tear the toy off. He squealed as he felt the gel start to push inside his pisshole, felt it travel down his shaft and then it was truly inside him, filling him, pulling him deeper.

Jackson became hot, hot all over, so hot he could’ve thought the pool of sweat he lay in was steaming as it touched his skin. Then all at once Jackson went limp. He couldn’t even lift his head to see what was happening to the fleshlight, but it felt like the vacuum had kicked up another notch. He felt his legs seize up in the worst charley horse of his life, then suddenly they relaxed as they snapped tight together. Slowly he began to realize he was being dragged down the length of the bed, down and down as the tightness began to spread up his belly.

Jackson tried to cling to a sheet, tried to pull himself away from the constant pull of the toy, but his fingers could barely flop together, they squished and bent like rubber as he tried to hold on. He could feel his insides changing, could feel his organs rearranging and compacting, could feel an emptiness opening deep inside him, traveling up his throat.

The bed was getting bigger. His arms were suddenly yanked down to his sides, a collar was tight around his neck. He felt the vacuum yank his head straight back, and watched as his eyes were slowly swallowed beneath the lip of an aluminum ring and the world went dark.

When he awoke the room was bright with sunlight. Jackson didn’t open his eyes per se, it was more like he awoke to discover his eyes were already open. He was beneath his sheets, although the bed seemed bigger, and there was something wrong with his vision, like everything was out of focus. Then he realized he wasn’t able to blink. He tried to pull himself up, but then found he couldn’t move. And not only that, he couldn’t even feel his arms. Or legs. Not even his dick. All he could feel was tight metal all around him. Well, that and his lips. He felt them when he screamed.


Merlin’s morning wood woke him up. He’d fallen asleep in the outfit he’d worn the night before, and his tight jeans were like a straight jacket for his hard on, pinching his dick while also making the need to piss even more acute. He rubbed his knuckles in his eyes, shocked he didn’t have a hangover. He didn’t even remember coming back to the dorm last night.

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