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Charity Shop – part 2
Continued from “Charity Shop”
Colin walked back to the shop after a quick lunch, thinking about what he had just witnessed. His mind went over Sara’s body, remembering how lovely her breasts were, and wondered how they felt. Then, Sara’s pussy wide open, devouring the dildo as she masturbated herself.
As he entered the back of the shop, he looked over to the office. Sara was there, working at her computer as if nothing had happened.
He called out, “I’m back !”, but all he got in response, was Sara lifting her hand up in acknowledgement.
Colin carried on working, but couldn’t stop looking over at Sara, imagining her fully naked, laying back across a table with her legs apart. The more he looked, and the more he imagined, he could feel himself getting aroused. He reached down and touched his groin, and could feel his semi hard cock. So, he adjusted his cock, so that it was in a more comfortable position (laying across to the right, under his briefs).
Then, he decided to try and see how far he could go.
He went into the office, and said to Sara, “Can I just get behind you, I need to get something off the shelf ?”
Sara, looked up, eye brows slightly raised and gently nodded, and then carried on with what she was doing.
Here was Colin’s chance to test the waters. Now, there wasn’t much room behind Sara’s chair, so he squeezed himself behind her, but pressed his groin against her back. He could feel his cock rub against her, but Sara didn’t even flinch. He reached up, and in doing so, his semi hard cock ran across Sara’s right shoulder blade. He pretended to not quite get what he was reaching for, and was secretly rubbing his cock across her back. His cock was getting harder, and now he could feel Sara leaning back slightly more. It was as if she wasn’t quite sure as to what was happening, and whether that güvenilir bahis was a cock massaging her back.
Colin, then squeezed back and stood by the desk, his groin just below Sara’s eye level.
“You haven’t seen the spare price labels have you ?”, is all he could think of saying.
Sara lifted her head, and looked at him, but Colin could see her eyes run over his bugle first.
“No, I think they are on the side in the storeroom.” she replied.
Colin turned, and noticed that Sara’s eyes had dropped back to his groin, and were fixed on that area as he walked out.
Right, Colin thought, must of got her mind racing now. So he carried on working as if nothing had happened.
A few minutes passed, then Sara came out of the office and walked over to him. She leaned back against a table, half standing, half sitting. Arms folded under her breasts, making the material stretch across her ample chest.
“Have a nice lunch ?” she asked.
“Um, yeah, very tasty. You ?” he replied.
“No, I don’t normally have lunch. Had things to do, so carried on working.” she said.
Then, there was a silence. Both of them not knowing what to say next. Colin was looking at Sara, his eyes dropping down to her chest and back again to her face. He could see the outline of her nipples getting hard under her blouse, which were becoming more prominent the longer he stared. It didn’t help that Sara was standing there with her arms folded, which made her breasts strain under the material of her blouse.
“Right, I’ll let you get on.” she said and went back to the office.
Colin watched her walk back, and thought whether he had made her curious.
The afternoon went on, both working away until it was time to go home. They said they’re goodbyes, and the usual “See you in the morning.”
Colin arrived at the shop the next morning. Mary had returned, and the shop was open türkçe bahis as usual. Sara, was in the office, working at her computer.
“Morning, want a cuppa ?” Colin called across.
“Yes please.” was the reply, so Colin duly made himself and Sara a cup of tea. He placed it on her desk, and went back out to the storeroom. He started working, but turned to see Sara half standing, half sitting against the table again. She had her arms folded, but holding her cup of tea against her chest. Suddenly, (whether she done it on purpose or not) the table moved back making a loud scr****g noise. Sara staggered on her feet, and spilt her cup of tea down the front of her.
“Oh my god.” she shouted, trying to put the tea down and pulling at the front of her blouse, keeping the hot wet blouse off her breasts.
“You alright ?” Colin asked concerned.
“Yeah, luckily it’s not too hot.” Sara replied, shaking the front of her blouse, “I’ll have to take it off. Go and ask Mary if there’s anything in the shop I can put on for now.”
Colin went into the main shop and told Mary what had happened, and Mary gave him a a white ‘V’ neck T-shirt that Sara could wear.
Colin returned, and Sara was standing there, holding the wet material off her chest.
“Here you go, Mary said it should be the right size.” Colin said.
“Hope so, I’m soaked to the skin !” she replied.
Sara went into the toilet and got changed, while Colin cleaned up the spilt tea from the floor.
A short while later, Sara came out holding her blouse, and also her bra. She was wearing the T-shirt, which, was a little small, and quite low cut. Sara’s boobs were squashed together, making it appear she had a massive cleavage. Her nipples were erect, and poking right out, and he could see the brown outline of her nipples.
Colin could not believe what he was seeing, so said, “A little too small, güvenilir bahis siteleri and a little too revealing. Better not go out into the shop in that !”
“It will have to do.” she said, and went into her office.
Sara placed her wet clothes on the side, and sat down to continue working.
Colin tried to carry on what he was doing, but could not help looking into the office, and watching Sara’s lovely boobs squashed into that top.
A little while passed, then Sara called out, “Colin, I’ve found those labels you were looking for.”
Colin went into the office, and Sara said, “You were right, they are up on the shelf behind, They are behind that box of envelopes.”
Colin looked and saw the box she was describing, so went round behind Sara again, and reached up. Again, in doing so, his groin rubbed against her back. This time, she moved her chair back, which more of less trapped Colin. He looked down to say something, but all he could see were Sara’s ample boobs squashed together. All he could do was stand there, transfixed on her breasts. As the seconds ticked, Colin’s cock began to stiffen, and before too long, had quite a large bulge in his trousers again.
Sara had her back to him, but Colin was certain that she knew what she was doing. Suddenly, Sara stuck her chest out, as if to stretch her back. More of her boobs were spilling out over the top of her T-shirt, and Colin thought that before too long, they would fall out.
There he stood, his hardening cock pressed against her back. His eyes glued to her rapidly appearing breasts. How he wanted to reach down and just grab them, but he resisted the urge.
A few seconds later, Sara moved her chair, allowing Colin to get out.
“Did you find them ?” she asked.
“Certainly did.” he replied, with a large smile across his face.
“Must be nearly lunchtime, you going down the Cafe again?” she asked.
“Yeah, think I will, you coming ?” he replied.
“No, got too much to do here.” she said.
So, Colin left the office. He adjusted his cock in his trousers and went off to lunch, thinking about what would happen this afternoon …………………………………
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