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Chloe and Allen Ch. 03 (Daughter and Daddy have more fun)
This is entirely fiction. All characters are 18 or older.
There are daddy/daughter themes throughout this story. If that’s not your thing, you may want to move on.
This is Chapter 3. I recommend reading Chapters 1 and 2 first.
Note this is also a slow build. No couple paragraphs of exposition followed by pages of sex scene here. Go elsewhere on this site for that. In the end, this is probably more of a love story. One I hope you enjoy. Since this is my first-ever story, constructive feedback is most welcome! Emphasis on “constructive,” of course. Here we go…
The tension was building, separately, for both of them. Chloe and Allen both had erotic feelings for each other but hadn’t acknowledged them. Well, out loud, at least. Certainly not to each other. Certainly not in words. But they continued to play the games they played, flashing and peeking, and they continued to never break the spell by admitting that either one was doing so. One of the problems for Chloe, of course, was that Allen was her father. One of the problems for Allen was that Chloe was his only, precious daughter.
Allen and Kathy
Allen spent a wonderful afternoon with his wife Kathy, while Chloe was out shopping with her friend Amanda. They had lunch together, played a game of Scrabble (she won…this time!), started a jigsaw puzzle on the dining room table, and talked a little about plans for their upcoming family trip to the Caribbean. “Normal” stuff. It was cleansing to do regular things. He was very excited by the new happenings with Chloe, and he expected they would probably continue, and, being honest with himself, he very much looked forward to that. But it was also nice to have a diversion from that for a while.
Allen still loved his wife deeply, and she returned the feeling. They were still often affectionate, kissing hello and goodbye every time, sometimes holding hands when out walking, and such. But they were no longer intimate sexually. That had ended several years ago. Kathy’s interest in sex had slowly waned and then just disappeared. She felt guilty, and she and Allen had many heart to heart conversations about it, tried counseling, the works. Allen tried to be understanding, and in the end, they worked it out.
Allen was pretty good at keeping himself satisfied, but it was solo work, with the occasional help of porn and some toys. He had never seriously contemplated cheating on Kathy to have sex, though one time a year or so ago she had quietly suggested that he consider seeking other women to satisfy his needs. He didn’t feel comfortable with the idea at the time, and he thought Kathy wasn’t really happy with the concept, either. But he loved her for being brave enough to suggest it, out of consideration for him.
Mostly Allen missed being able to please another woman. While his eventual orgasm was always appreciated, his main enjoyment from sex was in pleasing his partner. He felt he was pretty good at it. He knew his way around a pussy with his mouth and tongue. And his penis was a very respectable size and shape, if he did say so himself. He wasn’t some imaginary porn star you see in movies or in too much of the erotic literature out there, with a huge, throbbing cock too big to be comfortable for an actual, real woman. His 6.5 inches was above average, with good thickness, and he knew how to use all of it the please his mate.
These new adventures with Chloe were a welcome change of pace, frankly. But they came with a whole lot of guilt when he sat back and thought about what he was doing. He would have to tread carefully if this continued. The last thing he wanted was to cause her harm or ruin their amazing relationship. He knew his bond with his daughter was very unusual and special in its closeness. His love for her was so deep and pure, he couldn’t stand it sometimes. And he knew she felt the same.
Allen greets Chloe
Chloe had a great time shopping with Amanda. They had so much fun! Her best friend was easy-going, cute, and smart, and they got along wonderfully. They were completely comfortable with each other, and they were good at egging each other on, when needed. This time Chloe did the egging, and they got lots of sexy clothes together. She didn’t know what Amanda was going to do with her selections, but Chloe couldn’t wait to share hers with her Daddy. She had ideas, and plans were forming, but she also vowed to herself to take it slow with her playtime and the teasing of her Daddy. She wanted to keep it seeming unintentional or casual if she could, but she also wanted to keep making him feel good, and if a little exposure play caused that, they both could enjoy it! And these clothes would help her step it up a notch, which she thought would Kars Escort be fun.
She also bought some new lip gloss. Amanda often wore it, and Chloe thought it was very pretty on her girlfriend’s lips, as they were all shiny. She had bought a few colors and flavors, and she had a sneaky notion of sharing those flavors with her Daddy. Would he be able to taste them if she kissed him on the lips? There was one way to find out!
Allen heard a car door and knew Chloe was home. He smiled with love for her, happy to soon have her presence back in the house, as he sat at the dining room table doing some of the jigsaw puzzle with Kathy. He also knew he’d better stand up and head towards the door, since she’d want to greet him in her usual way! The dining room was just to the left of the front hall, so he didn’t have to go far.
His beautiful daughter came bounding in with her typical happy energy. She was always such a sight and a delight! His heart melted a little more just seeing her come home. Then she grinned at him with a gleam in her eye, dropped her shopping bags, yelled “incoming!” and launched herself up and into his arms. He loved when she did that! And she did it often. Her arms wrapped around his neck, and her legs wrapped around his torso. With a laugh, he wrapped his arms tightly around her to catch her and hold her up.
His little girl was so petite, Allen’s arms always were able to reach all the way around her back, and his hands could actually grasp her on each opposite side. Depending on where she landed, he could sometimes feel the side of whatever bra she was wearing. If he squeezed hard enough, he could probably reach farther and cop a feel, though of course he never did that!
The way they were standing, Chloe could see into the dining room. “Ooh! A puzzle, yay! Hi, Mommy!” Kathy smiled and greeted her in return. (Allen knew Kathy enjoyed the bond he shared with their daughter. They’d talked more than once about how special it was–and how important it was to preserve it.)
Chloe gave him another squeeze and then pulled back to give him a kiss. He barely had time to notice how shiny her lips were before she planted a kiss right on his lips. Not his cheek. His lips! She smeared her lips back and forth a little before releasing him. What was that about? She pulled back a little to look into his eyes, a bit mischievously. She was obviously expecting something, but what? Then he noticed a flavor as he breathed in. He tentatively licked his lips a little. Then more. Mmmm! Was that from Chloe?
“Strawberry?” he asked, with some confusion. Chloe gleamed at him and nodded, obviously happy the flavor had transferred. Then she dropped to the ground, grabbed her bags, and bounded upstairs. On her way up, she exclaimed with a giggle, “Now you taste like meeeeee!”
Allen’s gaze followed his daughter up the hall stairs, enjoying the view of the beautiful bottom on the young woman who was his precious baby girl. He stood in stunned silence for a second before turning to Kathy. She just looked at him, shrugged, and rolled her eyes with a grin. Allen licked his lips again and smiled; he could still taste his daughter.
“I kissed Daddy!” Chloe exclaimed to herself. She had kissed him before, naturally, but this time she got to play with her new lip gloss with him, and it went perfectly. This was also the first time her meeting him at the door included a kiss on the lips. Usually it was on the cheek. She had just gotten away with a nice lip kiss, including in front of her Mommy. So, that was a keeper. On the lips from now on!
She found from her few recent experiences, she really liked her Daddy’s kisses. His lips and hers seemed to fit together perfectly, like they were made for each other. And kissing him felt…right. She had taken a chance kissing him longer than a peck last night, and that had gone well. Smearing her lip gloss on him just now meant she again got to spend extra time with their lips together, and there had been no fallout from that, either. She took that as encouragement to kiss him more! It wasn’t like she was going to start making out with him or anything; he was her Daddy. But she definitely wanted to spend more time with his yummy lips.
TV time
After dinner, everyone traditionally got into their pajamas before gathering in the family room to watch TV together, assuming they didn’t have something else to do. Chloe was already done with her homework for tomorrow, so she’d be able to join in.
She set about carefully selecting her outfit for the evening. It was time to share a little of today’s purchases with her Daddy. She smiled.
Allen sat in his usual position on the left end of the sofa. He had butterflies in his stomach, wondering if he could be so lucky that more playtime fun might occur. He knew it was unreasonable to expect that his baby girl would have another wardrobe malfunction, and he resigned himself to the possibility nothing new would occur. But he also held Kars Escort Bayan out a little hope. Chloe wasn’t here yet, but Kathy had already joined him, sitting on the other end of the couch. She was in a pretty but conservative pajama set, with satiny green shorts and a blue and green striped top to match.
Allen was in his same pajama shorts as last night and this morning. He had wondered about exposure possibilities, but there obviously wasn’t too much he could do with Kathy there. He couldn’t do the same trick with his fly, since he sat on the left end of the couch, and that would expose everything to everyone. But before anyone else arrived, he did take some time to arrange things just in case. He had gathered the leg material so that both legs were pulled up a bit, and they were a little shorter. He also pulled his right shorts leg wide to the left, creating a useful gap on the inside of that leg. And finally, as he sat, he rolled his balls and sack a bit under him, so his penis would lie flatter on the couch inside the leg gap. Nothing was showing, since he was mostly soft (though making all these arrangements had increased both his pulse and his length a little already).
Allen could almost feel the room brighten just before he was aware of Chloe bounding and bouncing into the room. She was a vision of sexy young womanhood. Her hair was in a loose bun, with some hanging strands framing her beautiful face and drawing him into her gorgeous green eyes. She had on one of his oversized t-shirts, as always, and she was wearing what looked like a new pair of pajama shorts. They were a pretty pink color with small, white flowers and looked like linen material or something similarly light. Good for the upcoming warmer months. He also took particular note of the leg holes, which looked at least as loose as last night’s shorts, if not more. (Was it really only last night that all this began? he wondered with some amazement.) They were also very short, and his precious girl’s legs looked long and luscious and fantastic as she stood there a moment, surveying the room and deciding where to sit.
When the couch was free, Chloe would often lie down across it like last night. With her Mommy joining them, that option wasn’t open. She’d sometimes lie on the floor on her stomach, facing the TV to watch. On Tuesday Movie Night, her place was always snuggling with her Daddy. She also would occasionally sit in the chair to the right of the couch that angled to face both the couch and the TV. Or she could just sit in the middle of the couch between her parents. She opted for snuggles. She cooed a silent “incoming!” and looked at her Daddy.
Allen’s heart skipped a beat as his daughter apparently decided to sit next to him and snuggle, like she always did on Movie Night. She silently looked down at him and smiled then stepped forward. Time slowed again for Allen as she bent and put both hands on his right leg, grasping his bare thigh right below where the legs of his pajama shorts ended. She looked him in the eyes and leaned over more as she slowly pivoted on her hands to sit down to his right. As she did, Allen noticed two very exciting things.
First, as Chloe pivoted, her fingers on each side of his leg turned 90 degrees and actually reached up under his shorts leg, briefly caressing his upper thigh. Chloe had no idea how close she had come to touching his cock! It had grown a bit and was extended down that same shorts leg. It was slightly separated from his thigh, since he had gapped the shorts, and her petite fingers caressed his leg just inside of where his cock was. If she had flexed her fingers even a little, she’d have felt him right there next to her hand!
Second, from the first time she bent and throughout the entire pivot, he could see straight down the neck of her t-shirt. It hung forward so much he could see all the way through to her pink shorts on the other side, past her flat, sexy, kissable tummy. But of course his eyes were not drawn there. They were drawn to her beautiful, perfect breasts. Her bra looked so sexy on her!
Her bra looked like it was almost all red lace, not quite sheer but tantalizingly close. The bra straps were thin and wispy across her delicate shoulders. The cups were wide apart, so with her leaning forward, he could see the glorious inside curve of each breast, with a clear view across her freckled chest, through her cleavage, to her cute belly button below. The lace was scalloped across the front of each breast, and her areolas were barely contained within, as the material was mostly on the outer side of each breast, with the lace reaching across her nipples to rest on her smooth, creamy skin on the other side. A slight edge of each lovely areola peeked out from the sexy red lace.
Allen’s cock stirred some more as Chloe settled on his right. He felt a guilty pang and looked over at his wife, who was fortunately focused on the television.
Chloe settled on the couch next to her Daddy with a feeling of warm satisfaction Escort Kars and excitement. She knew precisely the view she was providing, and as soon as she leaned over, looking her loving Daddy in the eyes, his gaze dropped down the neck of her shirt, as she had hoped it would, and she knew he could see everything! She hoped her new bra looked as sexy to her Daddy as it had to Amanda. She knew it cradled her boobies nicely, and she was fully aware that her areolas sneaked out, which she thought was her Daddy’s first view of the naked tips of her breasts, even if just a peek.
She also hoped she gave her Daddy a little bit of a thrill by how high up his leg she had caressed him. She wondered how close she was to touching her Daddy’s penis. What if she had by accident? The possibility was fun to consider. She wondered if the view she had given him of her boobies had caused any reaction down there.
Chloe spared a glance to her right, knowing she was playing with fire a bit with her Mommy there. Fortunately, she seemed focused on the TV.
Chloe snuggled up next to her Daddy and curled her feet up under her, resting her left thigh against his right, a lot of warm skin touching below their shorts legs. She hooked her left arm around behind his right and brought her right hand to join her left in hugging his right bicep. She rested her head on her Daddy’s shoulder with an outward, light sigh of contentment and love. He smelled so good, as always!
Chloe looked at the TV as the three of them discussed and selected a recorded show to watch, her Daddy in charge of the remote, of course. She spared a glance down his handsome body, and from her vantage point, she could see the right leg of his shorts gapped between his spread legs. She happily noticed she could see the side of her Daddy’s penis nestled in the gap! Yummy! Was it a little hard? She hoped that was because of her. Chloe looked to her right to see if her Mommy might have the same view of his wardrobe malfunction. She didn’t think so, from the angle, but Chloe shifted on the couch slightly and raised her left leg a little against her Daddy’s thigh to provide a sure block.
Allen felt where his hardening cock was positioned, stretching down the left edge of his right shorts leg, pulling the material with it forward between his legs. Since he was sitting on the rest of the shorts leg, it would be creating a gap to the right of his cock that might make it visible to someone on his right. Like Chloe was.
From Allen’s view, he could see the bulge stretching the fabric but couldn’t see anything actually showing. He wondered excitedly if Chloe could see anything, since she might have a better angle into the gap in his shorts. He had better be careful not to get too much more excited; he knew his cock was just barely contained now, since he had shortened the leg length before sitting down. His cock head was straining against the bottom edge of his shorts, which curled around his tip just enough to hold him in. He had naively forgotten to count on the reaction he might have to his sexy baby girl and the risk it would create that he would pop out the shorts leg completely!
Allen reflected on his goal to give Chloe the option of whether to view his exposure and realized with a pang of guilt that he had failed again to give her a clear choice. He couldn’t do much about it now without making things obvious. Hopefully, if she really could see anything, she was OK with it, or better, enjoyed it. Given her recent spying on him, he thought so. He expected that if not, she’d move away, and that would be a clear sign.
Allen tried to pay attention to the crime procedural they had started watching, so his cock would have a chance to calm down. But mostly he noticed how Chloe’s left breast nestled softly against his arm as she snuggled against him. And he drank in the lovely aroma of his beautiful girl. At least her t-shirt neck rested against her upper chest, so there was no illicit view. But Chloe was idly grazing the fingers of her right hand up and down his arm, sending tingles through his body as they all watched the show.
Then Chloe started tracing her fingers in wider paths, up his arm then up his neck to behind his right ear and back down to his fingers. His hand was on his right leg, lightly touching her left leg, which also warmly rested there, raised slightly higher than his. Next time, from behind his ear, she traced the path of his jawline to the middle of his chin and back a couple times, lightly tickling at his whiskers along her path. She never looked his way, just watching the show while widening her caresses. He assumed they were mostly idle and innocent and wondered how much she was even aware she was doing it.
Chloe’s next arc brought her hand all the way around Allen’s jaw to behind his left ear, and her thumb and forefinger gave a gentle massage to his ear there, which felt surprisingly sensual, before her finger traced down his left arm to where his hand rested on the remote on the couch armrest. She then traced back up his arm and down his left side to his leg and out to his knee. This was mostly a one-finger trace with her forefinger, but when she got below his shorts to the skin of his leg, all her fingers gently scratched their way to his knee.
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