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Subject: Dane Cody it sort of made me feel special or something. “Oh my God baby,” I groaned after about a minute of his driving his thick boy cock into me. Brett was smiling down at me as he slid his monstrous dick in and out of my body, his eyes almost closed from the lusty feelings. I let my hands roam all over his flat belly, onto his hips, and up to his chest as he loved me, his balls hitting my butt when he was all the way inside of me. Once when he was almost all the way out I reached between his legs and took hold of his balls and squeezed on them. He kept fucking me but obviously he didn’t go all the way in. I loved his balls. Finally he said, “I can’t hold out much longer Dane, I’m really ready to cum.” His breath had picked up its pace and I knew the signs. I nodded my head and took hold of my cock and began jacking off, tugging and squeezing my balls as I did it. I was pretty experienced so could get to my sperm out stage and hold it there for a little while if need be. I didn’t need to though cuz Brett was so close. “Oh fuck oh shit,” he groaned out and began really slamming into me. I let myself go, allowed myself to cum so as to make it the best for both of us. “Fuck me harder Brett, oh God fuck me harder,” I moaned as my balls began giving up their nectar. Cumming while getting fucked and having your lover cum at the same time is so fucking incredible that I have a hard time describing it. All of that and having a cock the size of Brett’s stretching my asshole to its limit made it even that much better. I could practically hear myself scream as I creamed, jet after ropey jet of sperm blasting out all over my belly. Brett held himself tight to me and wiggled his slender little butt around in circles and from side to side, creating all kinds of different pressures inside my ass and I swear to god I came again. My eyes crossed, I saw spots, I was hot and sweaty, and still he fucked me. I could feel the warmth of Brett’s sperm as his cock injected it inside my of bowels and I felt like I wanted to just keep him right there forever, his balls unloading squirt after creamy squirt of his DNA into my body. Alas, it was over sooner that either of us wanted it to be. Brett slowed down but kept up moving in and out of me, continuing to gently love me in the aftermath of an incredible orgasm. Keeping his waist in place, he leaned forward and we kissed, the long tender kind that came after a good sperming. Brett finally moved back into a kneeling position. “Are you ready for me to come out of you Dane?” he asked. I was never really ready for it but it wasn’t realistic to think that we could stay there forever. While I could easily have accepted another fuck from the cute young teen, the fact was that I’d already cummed three times that day so basically my body was satisfied. “Yeah but do it slow okay?” Brett did as I asked, slowly pulling all ten plus inches of his still hard cock from my ass. It was about like taking a good dump until his cock head came out and left me feeling empty, which I suppose, I was. “Oh man I got some stuff on me Dane.” Brett said as he backed away from me. “I little stinky too,” he added, wrinkling his cute little nose. I looked down between my legs to where he knelt and could see the residue of my body, the dark brown spots on his pale cock. That was always one of the undesired side effects of fucking someone up the butt, especially for me if it was later in the evening. “Let’s go take another shower,” I suggested and Brett moved off the bed, with me right behind him. I needed to move pretty quickly anyhow as my butt hole would be like a doughnut hole and Brett’s sperms would be leaking out like mad. I sort of clenched my butt cheeks tightly as I followed Brett back into the bathroom, once again admiring his tight little butt. In the shower we went about doing our hygiene things, Brett lovingly soaping and cleaning his snake while I reached behind myself and thoroughly soaped and cleaned my hole, which was already returning to normal. We finished, dried off, kissed a lot then got dressed. We’d both decided that we were hungry so headed downstairs to see what could be had. How we got there was bizarre. Outside of Brett’s room he stopped at a spot about a third of the way down the hall and popped open a doorway that was completely hidden in the paneling. Inside, he closed the door and a dim overhead light provided illumination for our trip down a narrow stairway. Brett explained that it was one of the maid’s stairways that allowed the hired help to come and go throughout the house without the wealthy guests having to come in contact with them. “It was also used for people to sneak around in each other’s rooms for after hours sex stuff,” he explained with a chuckle causing me to add that I was glad we didn’t have to hide our activities like that. On the bottom floor there were two narrow halls; one that went directly to the main hallway that went from the entryway toward the pool and those rooms. He had me follow him to where the other hall ended and opened a little peep hole. Looking through I saw that we were behind the mirror that was behind the bar in the game room. He closed it then moved a panel about knee level and told me to go through and in a moment we were both standing behind the bar. “How cool was that?” I exclaimed. We owned some awesome homes but this was pretty incredible. We left the game room and traversed the house, ending up in the kitchen where we found everyone, including a blonde guy I’d never met, sitting and chatting, a tray of dessert looking thingies in front of them. We were invited to join them, Harriet asking if we wanted some milk to go along with the pastries. We nodded our heads and sat down while she jumped up and went about getting our milk. I was introduced to the blonde guy, whose name was Jordon and who had just started working for John doing the maintenance and whatever was needed around the property. He lived in the area above the garage, quite a nice little setup from what I gathered. Jordon was pretty cute, sorta messy dark blonde hair and not all that tall. I found out that he was barely older than David. We all chatted and ate then Brett took me outside and showed me the dogs, which were awesome looking Husky type things that looked like wolves. And man oh man were they friendly. Brett showed me the garage, they have a cool old Bentley, and the living quarters above the garage which was where Jordon now lived. With two bedrooms and baths, an open living room, kitchen and small dining area, it was pretty big, open and light with leather furniture and lots of old Charlie Russell and Edward S. Curtis prints on the walls. It was pretty nice, like a man’s rooms I guess you’d say. We ended back in the house and shooting some pool in the game room. D came and joined us followed by Jordon, who I noticed walked with a heavy limp. We played some team games, switching off partners to sort of keep things even. D and Jordon were both very good whereas I was okay and Brett pretty much sucked, which would change. Jordon seemed really nice, friendly, and had plenty of interesting stories about growing up in the Seattle area in one of its more wealthy families. We split up about eleven, Brett and I going to his room up the back stairs and D and Jordon headed back toward the living room. I wondered out loud if they were going to sleep together and Brett just shrugged his shoulders. In Brett’s room we stripped and climbed into bed. We lay facing each other, hand on the other’s hip or shoulder and talked quietly about our day and then the coming week. Brett was very excited about going to Hawaii and I got into his excitement, looking forward to showing him the sights and things and all but forgetting that D actually lived there. I was the first to drift off and as I slipped under Brett kissed me tenderly on the lips and I wasn’t sure but I think he may have said he loved me. As a rule I generally wake up at least once in the night, often traipsing off to the bathroom. I didn’t wake up once that first night I slept with Brett and when I did, it was six forty five in the morning. I opened my eyes to see Brett propped on an elbow looking down at me. I’m sure there are worse things to wake up to. He said good morning then leaned down to kiss me. I sort of kept my mouth closed and when he backed off of the kiss I said “dog breath.” “Oh, speaking of dogs,” he said then climbed out of bed and headed toward his bedroom door giving me a great shot of his glorious butt. He opened the door and whistled then waited about thirty seconds before opening the door and standing off to the side. He’d barely moved out of the way when two Siberian Huskies came crowding through the door, stopping of course to stick their wet noses in Brett’s exposed crotch, which he somehow managed to get covered. They saw me and ran toward the bed, leaping onto it and going for my face, sniffing around then showering me with doggie kisses. “This is Sacha and Sabaka,” Brett told me by way of the formal introduction that I hadn’t gotten the day before and when I asked he told me Sabaka was the male. Brett climbed on the bed and the four of us wrestled about a little bit. The dogs lost interested after a bit so Brett let them back out of the bedroom and on his way back to the bed I all but stared at the hose of a cock dangling between his smooth thighs. I felt my cock stir a bit remembering that he’d been inside of me the night before and how fucking great it had been. “I’m starving, wanna go see what Harriet has for breakfast,” my young lover asked. My answer was to nod and climb out from the warmth of the waterbed. “Gotta pee first though,” I said, heading toward the bathroom, my half hard dick bobbing as I walked. Brett allowed as how he needed to do the same so there we stood, thick yellow streams crossing each other and splattering into the toilet bowl. Five minutes later we were dressed and headed downstairs. The rest of the day was uneventful. D took us all out to lunch, the stately old Bentley garnering a great deal of attention. Back at the house Brett and I went for a swim, naked of course and of course we had to play with each other and of course we sucked each other off. Brett was surprised that I could take as much of his thick cock into my mouth as it did but I reminded him that I’d had plenty of practice on David. He allowed as how he was looking forward to seeing the hot looking older teen naked and I assured him that he’d have plenty of opportunity as we all went naked a great deal of the time at the Kahala house. Being new boyfriends and all it was necessary for both me and Brett to drink up each other’s sperms and while I managed to swallow up every drop that his big nuts had to offer he couldn’t manage all of mine and ended up with my cum running out the corners of his mouth. It was hot as all hell seeing him like that. The afternoon Giresun Escort seemed to be dragging a little until D informed us that the jet was going to be three hours earlier than planned so before I knew it we were in D’s custom BMW 760iL and headed for the airport with John driving and D riding shotgun. When we got to the private terminal at Seatac David and Cody were already there and the jet was warmed up and waiting for us. Brett was pretty much impressed with the entire affair, although the plane wasn’t all that big, just a regular private jet. I told Brett that I’d had sex in the airplane at least a half dozen times in the past year and half and wanted to have sex with him in it too but I wasn’t about to do it in front of the adults. I mean I’d done it in front of them before but I dunno, I was sort wanting my time with Brett to be private like, at least for the time being. After we’d cleared Neah Bay and the Washington state coast David went forward to fly the plane, something he did on every trip we made. I explained to Brett that he had his private license and was actually working on getting licensed to fly the jet. We all chatted and snacked for a couple of hours then Brett and I napped in the recliner seats, holding hands even in sleep. We woke about forty minutes out of Honolulu and saw that David was back in the cabin so joined the guys and in no time we were landing in a clear and balmy seventy nine degree Hawaiian evening. Kamaka met us with the Mercedes and since it was dinner time and we all were rather hungry we headed to a place that D knew of and none of us had ever been to before called The Willows. Situated for over sixty years in the residential neighborhood in Mo’ili’ili, you’d never know it was there because it was completely surround by either high brick walls, it’s own buildings, or the windowless back walls of neighboring buildings. Totally private, the inside was a veritable jungle with gardens, waterfalls, and a large Koi pond that wound around pergola style seating that was open on all sides but with coverings in the event of rain. The food was a fusion style buffet with classic prime rib and potatoes as well as south pacific cuisine or you could sit down in J’s, their four star restaurant, and order from the menu. The place was amazing, the food awesome and if you ever get to Hawaii you gotta go, it’s only ten minutes out of Waikiki and if you can’t go then check it out on the internet. After getting stuffed we stopped at D’s house where we went in for a minute so Brett could see where his benefactor lived. We all hugged and said our see ya later’s since D would most likely be spending at least some of the time with us. “I can’t believe how warm it is and how beautiful,” Brett commented as we glided quietly down the city streets to our home in Kahala. I agreed wholeheartedly with him and squeezed his hand 1-2-3, meaning I love you. Cody and I used to do that a lot in the first six months or so of our relationship and now I did it with Brett. “Oh my Gosh,” my boyfriend said as we came around the hedge that blocked our house from view, although the gated wall did that pretty well too. It seemed as though every light in the huge two story home was on, giving the impression almost of the house being ablaze, even though it was barely yet dusk. I’d never really seen it like that before either so I was impressed as well. We slid past the tennis courts and stopped in the circular driveway in front of the double entry way doors made of carved Koa wood and piled out. Inside the house was just as we left it although there were huge vases of fresh cut flowers in various places. I took Brett on a tour of the house, stopping at my room to drop our bags, well his bag cuz I already had clothes there. My room has a view of the ocean and of course Brett asked if we could go down on the beach. I pulled him into my arms and kissed him hard then told him we could do whatever we wanted. “But let’s change into board shorts,” I said. Brett said he not only didn’t have any he didn’t eve know what they were. I smiled and told him not to worry then led him to my walk in closet and opened a drawer that had a half dozen pairs of the clothing of choice in the islands. We stripped down to underwear and each tugged on and tied the garment and headed back downstairs. David and Cody were sitting on the lanai and I told them where we were going and Cody nodded his head. I led Brett out through the heavy wooden gate at the front corner of the property and down three steps onto the white sandy beach. The tide was almost in but we still had plenty of space to walk. Brett had to get his feet into the water and of course declared it was awesome and the sand so soft. He came next to me and wrapped and arm around my waist. “This is so incredible Dane, you’re so incredible.” It was but I didn’t think I was; I thanked him anyway. He got a look in his eye and asked if we could swim nude here. I shook my head. “Even though it’s illegal there’s a beach below Diamond Head,” which I pointed out to him, “but other people wander around there too. The best place in at Little Beach on Maui which is more secluded.” When he asked if I’d ever done it I smiled and told him every time we were on Maui we went there and of course he asked if we would be going there this trip. I shrugged my shoulders and said I didn’t know but it was always possible. Back at the house the lights were going out so I hunted down Cody to find out he and David were going to bed. “Remember baby boy, it’s almost one in the morning on your time clock.” I yawned and the tiredness hit me. Cody was right. So, we shut the house down and trundled upstairs to our respective bedrooms. Brett and I took a shower and tired as we were we did the job, caught no wood and ended up sound asleep snuggled beneath a light coverlet, the bedroom windows being wide open to the seventy five degree night. The following morning we found David and Cody down by the pool enjoying coffee, croissants and the Honolulu Advertiser. As usual they were naked as the day they landed on this earth enjoying warmth of the morning. Cody Speaks “This was kind of a last minute trip baby,” David commented to me, “any thoughts on what you’d like to do?” I shook my head. “No there isn’t really. It might be fun to just hang out and do nothing for a change, although I can’t imagine Dane or Brett will settle for that.” “You might be surprised my sweet man,” Dane said as he approached from behind me. I turned my head enough to see that he and Brett were carrying glasses of fresh squeezed orange juice and a pastry. Like David and I they too were naked, Dane swinging as he walked and Brett more just swaying if there’s a difference. As I’ve said before I’d always wondered what David would have looked like at that age and now I knew. If one were able to place his and Brett’s cocks side by side I doubt there would be much difference, both hoses reaching close to ten inches long. David had grown into his however so it didn’t look too out of place while Brett on the other hand was still a somewhat thin fourteen year old boy so ten inches of cock was definitely a sight to behold. The tube was moderately thick with blue veins running up and down the entire length, his smooth large balls similarly veined. The patch of dark brown hair at the base of his pride and joy was small, not much more than four inches wide and two high. “Yup, that’s pretty much what I looked like at that age,” David said as he stood so that Brett could see that he wasn’t alone in the big dick department. They came close stopped and Brett said, “Wow,” that’s what I’ll look like when I get older huh?” David nodded his head. Then the two of them engaged in a little conversation about the hazards of being so hung and so young, Brett stating the problems that he’d encountered and David nodding his head in support. It was easy to see that it was a conversation that Dane’s new boyfriend needed to hear. Meanwhile Dane and I had our own quiet conversation after giving up our morning kisses and hugs. “So how are things going for you too baby boy?” I asked my gorgeous green eye boy, noticing that he seemed to be going through another growth spurt. “Awesome Cody,” told me. “He’s so much like I am its amazing.” Dane looked at where his love and mine were laughing and talking then my boy said somewhat wistfully, “I know it sounds weird but even in such a short time I think I love him Cody.” I smiled and reminded Dane that it wasn’t so strange, that the same thing had happened to David and me. He nodded his head in understanding, his brown hair bobbing as he moved. “You know, he fucked me that night at his house. It’s been really strange Cody. I hadn’t even jacked off thinking about him after I first met him. In fact I wasn’t even really dying to have sex with him like I have other boys I’ve met. It’s like I maybe respected him or something, I can’t explain it. We jacked off together at our house then even sucked on each other then that night when we were taking a shower it was like I just had to have him in side of me, I needed to have his sperms in me so I could be closer to him. It wasn’t at all about his cock cuz it’s really no different than David’s but it’s his, its Brett’s cock. I feel like I’m talking crazy.” “No baby boy it’s not crazy at all. Remember you felt the same way about me in the very beginning, just as I had, both with you and with David. You may well be in love my sweetest boy in the world and neither David nor I can express to you how happy we are for you.” It was true; David and I had talked about what we saw and thought was happening and our happiness for our boy was totally heartfelt. Dane came over and bent down and kissed me again, a longer more intimate kiss. I reached out and felt his softened cock and asked, “Is it me or has this thing grown some more?” He stood and looked down and smiled. “Another quarter inch,” he informed me with pride as the twin long cocks came toward Dane and I and I swear they could easily be brothers, from head to toe. David re-asked the question that he’d put to me and of course Dane had all kinds of suggestions since it was Brett’s first time in the islands. We decided to toss some towels and water into the Thing and do the typical round the island tour; heading from our home toward Haumama Bay, Makapu’u, Sandy’s and Kailua Town, stopping when the mood struck us. The waves were up so we decided to skip Sandy’s and Maks as the undertow is really strong. We stopped at Kailua Beach and waded a bit then headed back toward the North Shore, stopping at the Pipeline and driving through the parking lot at Waimea Bay but not stopping as it was jammed, as usual. We ended up a Haleiwa and had lunch at Haleiwa Joe’s then headed to the end of the island at Mokule’ia where we did the glider ride, me and Dane in one, Brett and David in the other. Giresun Escort Bayan It’s an incredible “must do” experience when one visits Hawaii’s North Shore. After the glider ride we stopped at Dole Plantation and were surprised at the huge renovation the gift shop had undergone. Needless to say we stocked up on some of the food things that we couldn’t get in Seattle. Brett and Dane did the maze and forty minutes later we were headed back toward Honolulu. We elected to take a side trip up the West side to Waianae and were immediately impressed with the amount of work that had been along the coast; rock wall, palm trees, and an overall uplift that had been sorely needed. We stopped at a small out of the way beach known to the locals as Turtle Cove, and frolicked in the five foot waves that were crashing on the almost private white sandy beach. “Remember the pools Cody?” Dane asked me and I nodded my head. Another four miles or so up the island the road ended. From there one could hike around the end of the island coming out just above Mokule’ia but foot traffic was the only way to traverse the craggy sharp lava trail. In many places one can hike down the lava to the water’s edge where deep pools the size of hot tubs invited people to rest when the tide was out far enough. Dane and I along with Alika, or maybe Shannon, had spent a wonderful hour in sexual activity in one of the larger pools, at the end getting a clapping ovation from a couple of guys that stood high of the side of the hill on the trail. “Can we go there again Cody? I’d love for Brett to see it.” We didn’t really have time that day but we all committed to going back out to Yokohama’s and hiking to the pools before we headed back to Seattle. Everybody was hungry but not starved so we stopped at Da Big Kahuna’s in Mapunapuna and shared a couple of their huge Kahlua Pork sandwiches and some garlic cheese balls. Glenn, the manager was there and gave us free deserts, the large pie servings always a delight. Back at the house David wanted to take a walk down the beach, something we hadn’t done since moving in the house, so the boys joined us and headed toward Diamond Head. Kahala is an expensive neighborhood and the houses were huge and often opulent but still it appeared as though ours ranked up there with the biggest of them. On the way back we were approached by a couple that appeared to be in their sixties, turned out they were closer to eighty, who asked if we owned the house next to them and in the process met our first neighbors, the Sondheim’s. A tall slender man with well coiffed silver hair, he carried himself rather regally. He had been an international banker and businessman for a number of years and amassed a fortune dealing in all manner of things. She too was well coiffed and dressed and sported diamonds; lots of glittery, sparkling, big diamonds. They owned homes on three continents, seemed like really nice people, and said they were so glad to have nice young people living next door to them and would like to have us over for dinner one night soon. David and I told them that we’d be honored. “Well how about tonight, say eight o’clock,” Mrs. Sondheim said. David and I looked at each then I said we be there. She clapped her hands, said lovely, then told us to come in through the beach gate. We shook hands and left and as we headed onto our own property Dane commented on the diamonds that the old woman had been wearing and I agreed. She could have been an advertisement for DeBeers. We continued down the beach past our house and noticed a great deal of activity going on at the property on our other side. There had been a for sale sign out front the last time we’d been at the house and it appeared as though it had been sold. Looking through the wide expanse of glass that made up the front of the home we could see moving people unpacking, arranging, and rearranging. “I wonder if they have any kids,” Dane asked rhetorically. We would have an answer to that question within twenty four hours, I would be propositioned, and the boys, well Dane at least would add yet another notch to his belt, three in fact, before we left the islands. Back at the house twenty minutes later the boys elected to take a nap before dinner and judging from the day we’d had, I didn’t doubt that was exactly what they did, not that it mattered a whit to me or David. Dinner at the Sondheim’s was very nice indeed. They had a four star chef who traveled with them and that evening’s fare was a five course fusion of pacific island and European styles of cooking which left all of us quite satisfied. The elderly couple was very entertaining, both full of funny and incredibly interesting stories, many of which had to do the people ones sees on the world news, in the tabloids and on both the big and little screens. Back home around nine, all of us were stuffed and tired. We planted ourselves in front of the big screen TV and watched something mindless until we started drifting off then went to bed, the boys in Dane’s room. I wondered if and when the youngsters would ask to play with David and me. I can’t say I was hoping for it but just curious, knowing my young charge as well as I did. It happened the next morning but not quite like I’d have expected. The boys came down about nine, hair still wet from a probable morning shower. They ate some fresh fruit and then the four of us worked out going through our ritual of stretches and forms along with some self defense techniques. Brett had never been involved in martial arts so we took it slow, me teaching the youngster as we went along. None of us was dressed so I supposed it might have been a little odd for Brett watching the three of us go through our sets, cocks swinging as we did our turns and kicks. To his credit Brett seemed to take to nudity like a duck to water. We worked up a good sweat in the rising heat of the morning so an hour later were frolicking in the pool to clear the sweat off and cool down. The frolicking part caused the inexperienced young teen to become aroused which also caused some embarrassment on his part. Hey Brett, around our house it’s no big deal,” I told him, David nodding his head in support. The shy boy was still reluctant about leaving the safety of the water. “Hey,” David exclaimed, “how about an old fashioned circle jerk. We haven’t done that in a long time, which was true. Dane piped up and encouraged his boy saying that way he’d get over having a boner in front of others, or at least David and me, in short order. “Besides,” he added with a smile, “It’s an easy way to get prepared for having sex with these old guys.” I moved in close to my lover and began fondling him under the water. David reciprocated and the two teens did the same, a little kissing helping the project along and three minutes later we all exited the pool, four hard cocks breaking the water like so many flesh colored periscopes. As I said, I’d seen David’s dick on a regular basis for over a year so size in and of itself isn’t all that much of an interest to me any more. Seeing a fully hard ten inch cock on a boy of Brett’s age and stature was almost jaw dropping. It wasn’t a circle jerk in the classical sense but more of four guys lying around and jacking off together. Now that isn’t to say that it wasn’t hot cuz it was. I always enjoyed having a good rack off with friends or lovers and it being Brett’s first time so to speak, well it was even more fun. Dane ran and grabbed the lube, slathered himself then tossed it to Brett. Only took a moment before three feet of cock was lubed and ready for action and the action was beginning. We all sat in the lanai chairs and did the deed, legs spread out as wide as they’d go. I still couldn’t get over Brett’s dick. Standing up between his legs it resembled the floor shift in an old truck. I wondered if he ever sucked his dick, assumed he did and went back to paying attention to my own body. David and I hadn’t had sex for a couple of days, no particular reason, so I figured it should be at least a passable orgasm. I mean, is there really any such thing as a bad orgasm. Not in my book. The boys were busy as a boy could be in that situation, both loving themselves and tugging on their collective nuts. “Tell me when you’re gonna cum baby,” Dane said and his new boyfriend nodded his pretty blond head in assent. David and I had eye contact and the message passed was “nice”. I’d love to tell you that it was an incredible event but it wasn’t. It satisfied a need for all of us. Everybody changed techniques a couple of times but that was it. I knew that Dane was bringing his lover into our group slowly, as it should be, and the likelihood of Brett eventually being active will all of us was a given. And being the youngest of the group, his lover was the first to squirt and announced it to Dane. I knew that my baby boy wanted to cum with Brett, a sort of bonding experience that boys seemed to do. David and I watched, along with the two boys, as Brett stroked his big cock into an eruption of stringy white goo that splattered his upper torso. It was no huge fest since his cock head was practically there already. Dane tugged on his balls and encouraged his own body to give of the juices of life and he moaned loudly as his body cooperated and dumped a fair amount of cum onto his panting belly. The lack of a big cum shot was an indicator to me that my baby boy had been draining his young balls quite frequently since Brett came into his life. David and I concentrated on achieving our own orgasms and the boys watched. My lover held one hand at the base of his thick stick pulling the skin tight while his other hand concentrated on mauling the swollen head. Needless to say it didn’t take long before David groaned and spermed. The first shot landed on the front of his left shoulder and was followed by five more jets of creamy cum. The next few offerings were mere burps of cum followed by the oozing stage. Me, I just jacked off and came. No fuss, no muss, no big deal, no huge cum shot, a simple sperming was all it was, but a nice one none the less. Having Brett watch me for the first time was kinda sexy and helped encourage my body to perform. “Wow that was sort of intense,” Brett observed and we all agreed with him although for the rest of us it was pretty normal. We cleaned off by diving into the pool and playing for a while longer then got out, dried off and ate more fresh fruit along with breads and pastries that had been delivered to our door early that morning. Having money certainly had its perks. By then it was almost eleven and we had no plans. Dane suggested we troop on over and introduce ourselves to our new neighbors and David suggested we invite them over for a barbecue that afternoon. Everyone was in agreement so we dressed, reluctantly, in shorts, tanks, and slippers and went out our front gate. The property next to ours wasn’t Escort Giresun gated per say, having only a waist high fence that separated it from the beach. There was no gate, a simple opening in the fence sufficing for an entryway. An older “tropics” style design, the home had a veranda that covered the entire front of the two story structure and appeared to continue along the sides. There lots of windows on both levels, paned in 8 inch square panels, the sets of “butterfly” windows open to catch the morning breeze. In the center were two sets of French doors that were open, allowing us to see into the house, although it was somewhat dark so we couldn’t see a lot. We could hear voices and as we climbed the three steps to the veranda a boy came around one side of the house. And what a boy he was. He looked to be anywhere from fifteen to seventeen. About Five seven and a hundred sixty pounds, give or take on both, he had porcelain skin framed by long and somewhat wavy blonde hair. Deep blue eyes added color to the top portion a perfectly shaped face, his somewhat rosy lips did the same for the bottom part. He was fucking beautiful. “May I help you?” the God asked in a voice that was beginning to deepen into manhood and carried an accent that sounded northern European. “Hey. We’re your neighbors,” I said nodding my head to my left. “I’m Cody, this is David, Brett, and Dane,” I said pointing to each one who in turn nodded toward the boy. “I’m Evar,” he said. “If you will wait a moment,” and he disappeared into the house. We all looked at each other and Dane actually said it. “A little weird doncha think? Beautiful, but weird.” We all nodded our heads then looked back toward the inside of the house and what I saw, and assume that the others did too, was a mountain. And it was moving. And it was moving our way. David laughed out loud and when the mountain was about to step through the door he called out, “Kavika get your happy brown ass out here and say hello.” The man stepped out onto the porch and squinted in the bright light and looked us over, the expression on his broad face not at all inviting, and in a deep bass voice asked, “Who’s asking about my happy brown ass?” Then his face broke out into a huge smile, rather like a Grizzly bear I might add, at least as big as one. “Kavika, you’ve grown up,” he said looking down at David who stepped up and hugged the huge man, sort of cuz the guy dwarfed David.. “Hey long time no see, watchu doin heah brah?” he asked lapsing into pidgin. Evar was standing next to him then another boy, identical to Evar came out from behind the man and stood at the other side. “We own the house next door and thought we’d stop by and welcome our new neighbors to the hood and invite them over for a barbecue this afternoon.” David then introduced us to the man including the fact that he and I were partnered as well as the boys. I thought that a little strange but hey. Kavika shook our hands, sort of. Actually his hand dwarfed mine. “Of course you’d have to come with them,” David added and the man simply nodded his head. “Gunnar will you find Jordan please,” Kavika asked. While the boy was gone David and Kavika sort of caught up on where they’d been and what they were doing. David asked if the man had gotten his degree and Kavika nodded his huge head. “I teach at UH part time and but still do this work which pays hella more money and gets me out to the beach a lot.” As they talked I looked the guy over. In loose white cotton pants and a t-shirt he looked a solid four hundred pounds and had to be six seven or more. His biceps looked like tree limbs in the T and I could only imagine what his legs must look like. His totally bald and suntanned head only added to the illusion of “Don’t even think about fucking with me. We heard foot steps then another man stepped out onto the porch along with Gunnar, or who I assumed to be Gunnar because yet another boy joined the group. “What, you guys cloning people in there?” Dane asked as he tried to look around the group into the house as if searching for lab equipment or more look alike boys. All three of the look alike boys laughed. “No, not at all,” Evar said. “We’re just identical triplets,” the new boy said. “We get that a lot,” Gunnar added. The new guy extended his hand. “Jordan Neal, what can I do for you?” David went through the process again, introducing and inviting. Jordan nodded his head in understanding. “Well I appreciate that but we tend to avoid socializing. For the obvious reasons,” he added. I started to ask what the obvious reasons were but Kavika intervened. “Mr. Neal, if I may. I know this guy like five years,” he said pointing to David, “They’re all friends with Mr. Bill.” Jordan’s expression was one of puzzlement then it was like a light went off. “You’re that Cody,” he exclaimed then looked to Dane. “Then you’re Mr. De Marc’s grandson Dane.” Dane barely got the nod out of his head before all three boys on the porch went nuts. All excited they swarmed down the porch and practically mobbed Dane. “This is so cool,” one said “We’re cousins,” another said “And we don’t have that many relatives,” said the third “So this is way damn awesome,” someone else said. I looked at Jordan. “Do they always do that?” He nodded his head, the flat expression still plastered on his face. “You get used to it.” The boys were all about as excited as teenage boys can be including Dane who had no relatives that he was aware of and now he had cousins, triplets at that, and beautiful to boot. “This is my boyfriend Brett,” Dane said, stepping out of the mob and bringing his lover to the forefront. “Oh man, you’re gay,” said one boy “That’s sooo cool,” said another. The one I thought was Gunnar started to say something but Jordan shushed him. The boy gave Jordan a look and the boy gave it right back. “He’s family Jordan, they all are sort of, they’re not gonna say anything. “We’re gay too,” the boy said looking at Dane and Brett, “but it’s a very closely guarded secret.” “Because if our fans found out,” another boy said. “Then it might be a huge problem,” said the third. “Do you guys always do that, finish each other’s sentences?” Dane asked looking at the triplets. “Yes they do,” Jordan said. “But you get used to it,” I added, cutting Jordan off, and everyone started laughing including Kavika. “What fans?” Dane asked. “Are you guys like, famous or something.” “Well if Kavika is hanging around they’re either very famous or very rich,” David said, adding his two cents worth to the conversation. “You don’t recognize us? A boy asked and Dane shook his head and shrugged his shoulders. “Have you ever heard of a band called TIMES THREE, another boy asked. “That an X instead of time, like the multiplication symbol,” the first boy ask. All of us were shaking our heads in response to the question. None of us had a clue what they boys were talking about. “Oh man this is so cool,” a third boy stated, the same boy who kept using that phrase. “Gosh we can be ourselves,” a boy said “regular teenagers for a change,” another boy said and of course “so cool” said “This is so cool.” “Evar, you have to get a different phrase,” Dane said. All three triplets stopped and looked at Dane with a look of shock on their faces. “Sorry,” Dane said, feeling a like he was being chastised for making a huge mistake. One of the boys picked up on Dane’s feeling. “No, no,” the boy said, “That’s okay, it’s not that,” a second said, he too seeming to have read Dane correctly. “How did you know I was Evar?” Evar asked. By then we were all staring at Dane. I damn sure couldn’t tell the difference and judging from the looks on everyone’s faces, Jordon included, few if any people could. “Simple, you’re wearing an emerald earring, emerald for Evar.” Dane looked at another boy. “Garnet for Gunnar” and then looking at the third boy said, “Jade for Jorgy.” The triplets began whooping and hollering like cowboys at a bull riding contest, clapping their hands and jumping all over the place and patting Dane on the back and shoulders like he’s just won a million dollars or something. Even Jordan’s jaw was hanging open a mile. “Nobody’s ever got that,” Jorgy said, clearly excited. “Except Jordan,” Gunnar said. “That is so.” and Evar stopped as he caught himself, “awesome,” the adorable boy said and again everybody laughed although Jordan’s jaw was reeled back in and he didn’t seem all that amused by the turn of events which I thought a little odd, the turn of events and his attitude which was bordering on antagonistic. “So what’s this TIMES THREE thing,” I asked and Jordan went on to explain in a somewhat business like voice. “The boys are the hottest band in Europe and at the top of the charts here in the US as well as in every civilized country on the globe. Their first CD went double platinum the first month it was out in Europe and platinum in the US the day it was released. They can’t walk down the street anywhere without people recognizing them so finding people who don’t know who they are is unusual to say the least. Then there are the autograph hounds, paparazzi and of course the favors and everything else that goes along with that. The boys sort of promote a wholesome and thus heterosexual lifestyle although they don’t date and have a canned statement about that which is used for interviews. No one outside of this group right here knows they’re gay so if I seem a little protective that’s the reason. I’m the boy’s general manager,” “And best friend,” Evar said cutting the man off. “In the whole world,” Gunnar added softly. Jorgy didn’t have anything to add to that except an expression that resembled love or at least adoration. “I also handle all accounting, merchandizing etc etc. etc.” He said. “In short I make it all work without problems, or at least as few problems as possible so this,” he said, waving his hand, “Poses a problem in my mind.” I started to say something and the man held his hand up. “However, you Cody were recommended by Mr. De Marc as a possible person to bring on board to handle some of the business in this country. I’d been planning on contacting you as soon as we got back from this little sojourn. So that goes along way toward relieving some of my anxiety.” “Well, no offense you guys but I’ve never heard of you,” Dane said and Brett nodded his head in agreement. “We tend to private, probably even more than you guys do, celebrity status not withstanding” David said with a smile. “Radio, TV and such things are not even remotely important in our lives. I don’t want to sound braggy or anything but all of us are used to being around the rich and famous. We don’t generally get impressed by that or them and we certainly don’t talk about it to others. I understand your concerns Jordan and hope that I can convey the fact that any information about you is sacrosanct with us, it goes no where.” The tension in the air was almost palpable but Jordan let go a big sigh and said, “Fair enough David, Cody.” “So back to the barbecue; we’d love to have you over and it seems even more appropriate now than it did before. “How could we refuse,” Jordon said but he said it with a smile.

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