Follow up from my last BDSM true story.

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Follow up from my last BDSM true story.I do like to share my experiences with others and wish they would with me either privately or via sites like this. You may remember that in my last episode I visited a TV Domme and was subjected to punishment and anal. Well here is the follow up. I contacted the TV Domme to arrange a meeting as usual, which was about once a month and was surprised to be asked if I would like a threesome again with the mysterious male who was at the last threesome that I wasn’t aware would be there. I pondered for a while and was told that this session would be very different but He/She wasn’t going to expand on the details. I decided that, sod it, you only live once and I love sexual encounters like this.The day was arranged and I was asked if I could travel down wearing as little as possible, but bring a full set of the rest of your clothes. Weird, I thought. I put on a pair of trousers, a zip up jacket and shoes. Packing shirt, underpants socks etc in a plastic bag. Off I went, alsong the motorway and the country lanes to the TV’s home. There was a Transit van parked outside and I had been told to back in up the driveway as far back as I could. I rang the bell and was asked in. I noticed the van back up the driveway and stop. The driver slid open the side door. I was asked to take off the bits of clothes I had on and stand there. A full leather hood was put over my head and zipped tightly at the back. There were no openings apart from a mouth zip.A güvenilir bahis siteleri cool breeze blew around my body and I felt the presence of another person, possibly two. A collar was put around my neck and a lead attached. My hands were secured behind me. A hand then groped my cock and balls giving me an erection. Because the house was so remote I was led out naked to the van and helped inside. I was sat on a stool fixed firmly to the van floor and my hands were secured upwards to the van roof with my feet apart and secured to the van floor. It was a sort of sitting spread eagle position. The door shut and we set off to our destination. The drive must have been about an hour. The last part of the trip was over some bumpy road like a farm track, as I jolted about a bit. The van stopped and I was released and told to get out of the van. Very cool air was now blowing around me and I knew I was outside. I was led by the lead to a very cool room or barn. Then I heard voices of several people. Hands started grabbing me around my arse and genitals, sometimes quite roughly enough to be painful. I soon realised I was a sex plaything. There were some obviously outlandish people there talking about cleaning me out. I soon found out that this was an enema and irrigation. It was seen as fun by a few. I was lead to another area where I sensed another sub was being trained. I could hear him or her being told to swallow and suck. Now I was getting a bit youwin giriş worried as I never really liked sucking cock and swallowing even though I had done it. I was told it was my turn next. A very large cock was wafted about my face and then the zip on the hood was undone and I was told to open my mouth. Bloody hell this felt like an elephants trunk in my mouth. It was pushed in furthur until I was gagging. “Now suck, slave” was the order. I did as I was told and within a few minutes a great big explosion of spunk was in my mouth. I was forced to swallow it. There was lots of giggling and someone shouted that he wanted my arse. I was bent over by two people pulling my arms up behind me to make sure I was suitably bent over. A squirt of lube was applied to my recently emptied arse and up went a cock. Wham bam, wham bam, it thrusted into me for what seemed like forever.Then I was straightened up with spunk running on my legs. “Get on your knees, slave” This I did only to find a very hairy cunt pushed against my face. ” Lick it bastard, and make sure you do it properly” My tongue went all over that fanny and erect clitoris until I heard moans of delight. “Don’t stop until I say” a male voice said. I carried on and then the female pleaded for me to stop. I was told to stop. My jaw was aching. “Right, now its your turn for pleasure and PAIN” a voice said. I was stood up and secured in a standing spread eagled position and I felt a hand start to youwin güvenilir mi wank me. It was the woman and she was told to be viscious doing it. “Make sure you pull that foreskin right back hard on each stroke” It was painful and then I felt the whip going across my arse like a red hot poker. Lash after lash stopping only when I ejaculated. Then as in the previous sessin I was wanked again and this time it seemed to take ages before I cum. I did in the end and my cock felt it was going to drop off. “Now for some more fun” a male voice said. I felt something around my cock and balls tighten and then the same sensation around the top of my cock. I wondered what it was. I was soon to find out it was electric shocks. I was switched to a rythmic pulsating and heard him say “just watch this” After a few minutes my cock and balls were bouncing about as if at a tennis match. Lo and behold I ejaculated again and once emptied the electrics became intense pain. They were switched off and I was taken for a shower. Well that was not quite a shower it was a cold water hosing down. By now I was wondering about the other slave as I had had all the attention. “He’s gone home as his training for today is finished and you will go home soon. I was given my clothes and asked for the hood to be removed. I was told no. Bungled back into the van we set off back to the TV’s place. When we arrived I was led out and the TV was told to remove the hood after they had left. I was told by him that he hadn’t been at the session and had been paid £200 for my use. Everything had also been filmed. I felt a bit miffed and drove home with arse and cock still throbbing. On getting home my arse looked liked a ploughed field in red and my cock was black and blue.I vowed never again.

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