His First Noel Ch. 03

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Robbie drove home and put an ice pack on his hand. Once he was comfortable on the couch, he also held a cold beer against his head. He took a good punch to the forehead just above his eye, and it was swelling up accordingly. He wasn’t worried about his head, that was plenty hard. If he injured his hand, that could affect his work and his job. He finished the beer and briefly considered a second one before opting to stop after one. He was expecting company later, and he wanted to be sober for his guest. He knew who would be stopping by later, he just didn’t know when.

He listened to the radio and thought about his Noel problem. Plenty of pros and cons to think about. She was hot as fuck, always had been. She was also a thief, and had been spoiled rotten. She could be kind, and fiercely protective of her friends. She was somewhat naive, and didn’t understand how the world worked. She had no idea how her looks opened doors for her that were closed to others. She had horrible taste in me, but looked like an angel when she was having an orgasm.

The bigger problem was his feelings for her. Despite what she had done, he still deeply cared about her. Robbie was trying to quantify exactly what those feelings are, and how strong they were. He warmed up some leftovers for dinner and tried to think of something else for a change. He smiled when he remembered how easy it was to set up Klay earlier. That should take care of that problem for a while. The best part of the incident is that Klay didn’t even know who set him up, or even how. It was just one of life’s big mysteries in shit-bag world.

Robbie was thinking about taking some aspirin and going to bed when she knocked on the door. He took his time walking to the door and then stood there several moments while he looked through the peephole. He knew she heard him, and she knew he was watching her standing there. Robbie waited an extra ten seconds to let her think he might not open the door. He might not want to speak to her. When he opened it, the relief on her face was apparent. He stood to the side to motion her in, and Noel walked into his apartment without a word or hug.

Tonight, she was wearing a cowboy duster jacket that reached past her knees. The only thing Robbie could see under the jacket were a pair of black sexy heels with ankle strap. She carried her purse and an oversized clothing bag on her shoulder. She placed both the bags on the table and then swept off the riding jacket. There was a lot of bare skin happening under that jacket. She was not wearing a shirt, only a black demi cup bra that lifted her chest in a fantastic way. Down below she sported a black lace thong that showed more than it covered. As soon as the jacket was folded over the back of a chair, she walked purposely towards his bedroom without a word. Her sexy heels clicked loudly on the hard tile floor. Robbie was no fool, so he quickly locked the door and followed her into the bedroom.

Noel was standing at the foot of the bed, bent forward at the waist with her head and chest laying on the bed. Her legs were spread wide for access, viewing pleasure, or both. Robbie stopped in the doorway and took in the view. Was this her version of an apology? Was this penance? He didn’t know yet, but he was willing to find out. He moved past her, wanting to see how she looked from the other side. She looked good from every angle. He put a hand on her ass and caressed it softly before drawing his hand back and spanking her hard. The slap was sharp and loud in the small bedroom. Noel made a noise, but it wasn’t the kind of noise that meant stop. Robbie caressed the other cheek, squeezed it once, before slapping it just as hard. She made another noise, like a long-drawn-out sigh of relief. Robbie went to the dresser in the corner and took out his camera. He made no pretense of hiding it, and made sure the flash was on. He took a picture of her, with the flash lighting up the room. She lifted her head to look at him once, and then put her head back down. Robbie took all the pictures he wanted, including close ups of her pale ass with his red hand print on it. He moved her legs together while he pulled the lace thong down her legs and slipped it off her feet. He tossed it to the side and saw it fall behind his hamper.

“Spread your legs,” he said.

It was the first words they had spoken since she arrived, and she complied immediately. He reached out and touched her slit as softly as he could. She was wet of course, and he gently worked that moisture down towards her clit. When it was thoroughly lubricated, Robbie took her exposed clit between two fingers and squeezed it softly.

“Fuck!” she gasped, body jerked and shook.

He traced her opening with one finger, and then slowly penetrated her, dragging his finger against her front wall of her sex. On the bed she gasped, arched, and squeezed her muscles on his finger. He drew the finger back out, and then pinched her clit again, harder than last time.

“Ung!” Antalya Escort she yelled.

He removed his fingers, letting the blood flow back into her clit. He spanked each of her checks hard, overlapping hand prints on her ass. She whimpered with each slap, but then wiggled her ass after each hit. It looked like an invitation for more, so he kept going. He put her through a rotation, alternating the order each time. A spank, a finger plunge, a squeezing of her clit. Every now and then, he swirled a wet finger around her hot button. Only once or twice though. Enough to make her cry out with joy, but not enough to make her cum just yet. He also changed how fast and how hard he did each thing, keeping her guessing. Robbie was in no hurry, and Noel’s orgasm was way past due.

She whimpered and she begged him for release. She cried and she promised him anything. She bucked her hips and tried to increase the contact, but he would pull his fingers away and leave her hanging. Sweat had broken out over her body, and the shaking was continuous now. She was past words, and only able to make noises now. All of them pleading.

He took his hands away for half a minute and blew his breath across her clit, making her groan and twist in agony. Noel had suffered long enough and he was ready to finish her. He squeezed her clit rhythmically with one hand and used the other to saw two fingers in and out of her. It didn’t take her long to get close, and she moaned and yelled in her fever. Her whole body was shaking now, and her hips were thrusting of their own accord. Robbie was listening to her voice, and feeling the contractions of her muscles. She was delirious, on the brink, out of her mind. He took mercy on her and stopped squeezing her clit. Now he used the pads of those two soaked fingers to rub her clit up and down as fast as he could. His fingers were a blur, and Noel went to volume eleven. She screamed the word yes four times. Each time they were closer together and louder. Noel took a breath, took another, gasped once, and then buried her face in the bed and screamed.

She also squirted again, three spurts, one with each contraction. The clear liquid ran down his hands and dripped from her swollen lips. Her body was shaking so bad it was difficult to keep his hands on her, and after a few seconds she collapsed forward onto the bed.

Robbie got undressed while she was slumped over and temporarily out of her mind. He climbed into bed and got under the covers. He waited for Noel to come around and it was a few minutes before she did. She looked disoriented for a moment before noticing him lying there watching her. She blushed a cute shade of red before climbing up the bed and joining him under the covers. Her head disappeared and she wasted no time in getting her mouth on him. Fuck she was good at this. Despite how fast her mouth found him, she remembered what he liked and slowed down to his speed. The torture was exquisite. He didn’t know if she was trying to pay him back for denying her earlier release for so long, or if she just wanted to do this slowly. Either way it was incredible. He used the opportunity to lean down and unclip the bra, which was tossed off into a corner. She looked good in it, but she looked great out of it. Her chest hung down from her body as she leaned over him. Her nipples were hard tips that brushed against his legs, his waist, and his cock. By the time Robbie warned her he was getting close she was moaning almost as much as he was. She never sped up, and she never slowed down, and when he came, it felt like he blew her head off.

This time it was Robbie who came back to earth slowly while his breathing slowed down. Noel was curled up against the side of him with her head on his chest. She was watching him with an unreadable look on her face. Love, guilt, contentment, or worry. It was hard to tell. She moved up to kiss him but he stopped her with a hand before their lips could touch.

“What?” she asked.

“I saw his phone before the police took him away. I saw what you texted about me. Now get the fuck out,” Robbie said as coldly as possible.

“No, wait, you don’t understand, I…” She said voice breaking.

“I’m done listening to your lies Noel, and I can’t trust you. Just leave.”

Noel started crying harder now and looked like she wanted to say something, but didn’t know where to start. She got out of bed and looked around for her clothing. The bra she found right away, but she couldn’t seem to find the tiny black thong. It was still behind the hamper but he wasn’t going to volunteer that. She gave up after a minute and left his room crying harder now. He could see her through the bedroom doorway as she put her duster jacket back on, and did up the front buttons. She looked more exposed than ever with no panties or bra under the coat. She wiped her eyes a few times before grabbing her bag and making her way to the door. Robbie listened to her progress and her crying as she Antalya Escort Bayan made to leave. He waited to hear the door open but never did, but he could still hear her crying. After five minutes he got out of bed and put some sweats on. He went out into the main room to have a look at what she was doing. Noel had made it as far as the door and then slumped down against it. She was crying with her feet pulled up against her, exposing that incredible ass of hers. Shit, he thought; that ass is going to be my downfall. Robbie considered walking over to her and sitting down next to her, but that might make him appear weak. He needed to be strong right now. Instead, he went and sat down on his couch, where he could keep an eye on her.

Noel cried for another five minutes before she wound down. She had noticed him watching her and spent some time drying her eyes before getting up and walking back to where he was. She kneeled on the floor between his knees and put her head on his leg, not looking up at him, just holding onto him. Robbie waited.

“I know you saw what you saw, but all those messages were before last night. Last night I…we…last night everything changed. I wanted you and wanted to break up with Klay, but I didn’t know how. You made me feel like I was special, and not just a pair of tits. I was going to talk to you, tell you how I felt, but I didn’t have a chance. Then I couldn’t seem to get away from Klay. Then he hit me, and all I could think of was to call you. I know Klay is fucking pissed about now, but I don’t care. He will probably come after me later but I don’t care. I want this, with you, whatever it is. I want you, Robbie. Please give me a chance,” she said.

Noel was hugging his leg, and he felt the tears falling off her cheeks onto his leg. They were hot tears. Did he want her? Yes. Did he think he could trust her? No; at least not yet. Robbie thought about her and thought about what he wanted. She had made the offer, and it sounded legitimate. Was this what he wanted as well? What about their dynamic? He didn’t want to go back to what it was before, before the stolen necklace. If she really wanted to go forward, they were going to go in a new direction. A direction he wanted. He was probably going to regret this, but he had said that before about Noel.

“Go into my closet and bring me back a tie,” Robbie said.

Noel looked up at him with some confusion on her face?


“Go into my closet and bring me back a necktie. On second thought, bring me back two neckties,” he said, “and take off that dam coat.”

Noel smiled and stood up quickly. She took off the coat in front of him, with more flair than normal, then tossed it over a chair before disappearing into his room. Robbie heard the closet door open and close, and she came back in half a minute with two ties. He stood up to meet her when she came back and took them from her hands. Robbie took the first tie and tied it around her neck with a slip knot.

“Klay is out of the picture for a long time. The Police found drugs in his car and he was arrested for possession. There was enough stuff that he would likely be charged with intent to distribute. He won’t get bail because there is a rumor he deals to children, and he was arrested within a thousand feet of a school,” Robbie said.

He tested the knot and pulled on it twice, tightening the loop around her neck. Then he used it to pull her closer and kiss her thoroughly. Next Robbie turned her around and pulled her arms behind her. He tied her wrists together with the second tie while he spoke.

“If you really want to be with me, it’s going to be on my terms. I didn’t like our dynamic before all this started and I don’t want to go back to it. I won’t have you leading me around like you used to. I won’t be your pet. If anything, it’s going to be the other way around. We are doing things my way. If you’re not comfortable with that, tell me now and we can go our own ways. I won’t hurt you Noel, but I am going to push you. You need to be pushed in the right direction,” he said, finishing the knot.

Robbie spun her back around and looked at her eyes while he waited for her answer. Noel looked amazing with her hands tied behind her back. The position forced her shoulders back and her chest out. She was excited by the ties, and excited by the opportunity for a second chance. He waited for her to speak but it looked like she didn’t know where to start or what to say. She opened her mouth twice but closed it before speaking. She looked afraid of making a mistake.

“Say you want to be with me,” he said, helping her get started.

“I want to be with you,” Noel said, eyes getting wet.

“Say it will be on my terms,” he said.

“It will be on your terms,” she said, breathlessly.

Robbie pushed off his sweats and sat down on the edge of the couch. He motioned her forward and she came to him with her hands tied behind her. As soon as she was Escort Antalya close enough Robbie grabbed the tie around her neck and pulled her down for a lingering kiss. She kissed back with enthusiasm until he pushed her back upright.

“You’ve been a bad girl Noel, lay across my lap,” he said.

Her expression was priceless. She was shocked, then she blushed. Noel looked frightened, but also excited. She moved to the side of him and tried to gracefully lay across his lap with her hands behind her. Robbie helped her out by grabbing the neck leash and pulling her across his lap where she fell with a surprised squeak. He caught her easily and then arranged her in the exact position he wanted her.

“Wider,” Robbie said, not needing to be more specific.

Her legs parted, opening herself up for him.

“Wider,” he said.

“O gawd,” she whispered, and spread her legs wider.

One leg was up on the couch, and the other leg was down on the floor. She was as open as a woman could be for a man’s hands. Robbie ran his hand down her back, over her ass, down her legs and back. He traced circles in her skin, and brushed against her wet sticky lips from their earlier sex.

“Each time I spank you, you will count out the number, and then tell me one of your dirty secrets. If you mess up, or lose count, we will start over, and I will have to spank harder. Understand?” he asked.

“Yes,” she said breathlessly.

Robbie moved his hand over her ass, as lightly as possible. Goosebumps broke out on her skin as he drew circles and played. He drew his hand back and slapped her low on the ass, making contact with her lips as well.


“Ugh! One!” Noel gasped, “I masturbated in the car before coming up to your door.”

As soon as the spank landed, Robbie moved his hand in a soft soothing motion. He made sure to rub the spot just spanked, while brushing her clit lightly with each circle.


“Two! I uh, hump pillows in my bed at night,” she said.


“Ugh! Three! I almost came from sucking your cock today,” Noel said, opening her legs even wider.


“The thought of you pushing me to do stuff really excites me,” she said, hips rocking as she waited for the next spank.

“You forgot to count,” Robbie said, and then pinched her clit hard.

“O fuck!” she yelled and buried her face in the couch.

His hardon was returning with her naked body across his lap. The sexy confessions she was making only speeded up the process. He was rock hard for her, and she was squirming on his lap. When Robbie took his hands away from her clit, she turned her head to look at him with a sexy disheveled face.

“That felt so fucking good, I might forget to count again,” she said with a devil’s grin.

Slap! – a hard one too

“Ouch! Um, five, or is it one? I uh, doing stuff in public turns me on. Like giving blowjobs. I can’t stop thinking about you. I want you inside me again. I need you. Please. I’m dripping. I’ve been melting all day. Please Robbie, fuck me!” she begged.

“We are not done with your punishment, but I think this was a good start. I want to circle back to this another time and get more of those dirty girl secrets out in the open where we can deal with them,” Robbie said.

He pulled her up and moved her around until she was straddling his lap. Her chest was flushed red and her eyes were wild. He moved her into the position he wanted and then felt his cock bump into something very wet. Before he could reach underneath them to guide himself, Noel tucked her hips and lined herself up. She pushed down onto his waiting cock as soon as she could, eyes closing, head tipping back. She was as wet as she claimed to be. They both moaned as she settled all the way down on him.

“Thank you, I needed this, I needed you,” Noel said, rocking her hips back and forth quickly.

Robbie grabbed the tie around her neck and pulled it sideways until it got tight enough to get her attention. Her eyes opened wide, but her hips never stopped.

“Slowly Noel,” he said.

“Yes Robbie,” she whispered, and slowed down.

“Do you like your nipples played with?” he asked.

Noel closed her eyes and shuddered.

“Yes, pulled and pinched; but never twisted,” she said.

“How about teeth?” He asked, leaning forward and nipping at her bouncing chest.

“Yes,” she said softly.

“Yes what?” he asked, wanting to hear her say it.

“Bite them, the harder the better. Harder than you think I can take,” she said, not able to meet his eyes.

Robbie leaned forward and caught a nipple between his teeth. He bit it hard; harder than he thought she could tolerate. Noel hissed between her teeth, but pushed down on him even further. He swore she even got wetter after that.

“I’m gonna cum,” Noel said, opening her eyes and looking at him.

“No, you’re not. Not until I say you can,” he said.

She made a sound of displeasure and closed her eyes. He could feel her hips lighten up, not grinding as hard, trying to forestall it. He grabbed her hips with both hands and pulled her down hard against him, rocking her like he wanted.

“No please, I can’t hold back if you do that,” she whimpered.

“Don’t you fucking cum,” he warned.

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