Hot Woman: Sizzling Superhero

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(all characters are over 18, Many thanks to my editor Kenji Sato)

Just a naked pervert. A large, not heavy, but tall and fit woman, was preparing for the day. Her day. A day of challenges, and perhaps triumphs. So far, she had not been bested. Her powers, when tested, had not been found wanting.

Slyvia, for that is her name, or at least her nom de guerre, had showered and oiled her body. Her many tattoos glowed with the oil she anointed herself with. Like an ancient Greek athlete at Olympus, she competed nude and oiled.

Her impressive form stood at five-feet-eleven-inches in height and one-hundred-forty pounds. She had large feet, and large calloused hands. Her ‘sleeves’ were coiled serpents of mythology–dragons of green and gold, hydras of black and ivory. Her face wore a tattooed mask of silver ink. Her legs were festooned with vines, laden with the forbidden fruit.

Her ass bore a crucifix on each cheek, and above her crack was a leering skull.

Her mass of pubic hair was thick, but dyed, and skillfully managed to resemble the mane of a male lion. Her sex was large, with a prominent, pierced clitoris that stood out from her vulva lips.

Her breasts were large and firm; her nipples pierced. Her stomach taut, but with a slight bulge…showing her strong appetite for food and drink.

Her legs were lean and thin, somewhat out of proportion to her upper body and massive glutes.

The Erzurum Escort hair on her head, a fiery red…not matching her pubic hair or her abundantly fleeced armpits, which were a glossy-blue black.

Her teeth were not the sparkling white of a toothpaste ad; though strong and intact, they were yellowed from coffee and various smoking materials.

Thick lips bore a perpetual sneer, due to a collision with a hockey puck in her youth. In her circle, only wimps wore face masks.

She carried no weapons. Her body WAS a weapon.

A cracked, full-length mirror caught her image…she smiled a lecherous smile…clearly aroused by her own image. She faced herself, her image in the mirror, and began a duel…her first of the day, an orgasmic duel.

Her eyes carried a powerful message to her brain, to her clit, to her breasts, and most immediately, to her hands.

Her hands embraced her body…she lovingly stroked herself from head to toes…a growing shudder of spasms racked her body.

Her clit grew monstrously, her pussy lips swelled, her cunt flowed with power juices. She tasted herself, further fueling her madness for love with herself.

Having touched herself all over, save for her engorged clitoris; she now began to jack herself off. Still, her eyes roamed over her glistening physique. She turned to catch a view of her buttocks. She moaned, clenching her ass cheeks. The Erzurum Escort Bayan pace of her clit stroking, ebbed and flowed. Fast to the point, to the edge, but not beyond it…then, a ‘maintenance stroke’…just to stay high on lust.

Her breathing was deep, always through her wide nostrils. She filled her lungs and emptied them completely…honing her powers of lechery. This was her power over men and women. The sight of her body, her masturbatory performance…could rarely be resisted.

Most humans she engaged with her powers, dissolved; not physically, but emotionally, beguiled by the glamor, the spell of her SEX power. The power was meant to incapacitate without harming those SHE had been charged with apprehending. No guns, no gas, no cuffs.

One of her many minions would record the encounter.

Her minions served her because they truly loved her; she, however, loved only herself and her calling. Her minions were men and women and several shades of gender in between. They loved her because of her calling.

They had no ideals of their own. They were completely in her thrall. Her minions were in a constant state of arousal, whenever she was nude. Therefore, until she encountered her prey, she went forth fully covered in an easily removable covering. These would vary depending on the mores of the society she was moving in.

Her minions were always clothed. They were Escort Erzurum supremely fit, and able to follow her anywhere on the planet. She had skilled pilots in her employ, and had her tech experts hack systems, so that those primitive entities, called nations, could not impede her progress over the globe.

All her minions wore modest clothing to blend in wherever they were. All her minions were ” the ‘average citizen’ in all ways, except for being physically superior. That part was not difficult to disguise with clothing.

But no minions were here now, SHE was focused on training herself…but even her self control could not long withstand her own powers. She could only shut down the spell by closing her eyes, or looking away from the mirror.

But not today, not this morning. Her powers were too strong for her to have an intimate partner, and, yes, she needed release…she craved this release…her games with herself, her training was done…she needed to FINISH.

The orgasm, when it came, was powerful, her nostrils flared like those of a charging BULL, she blew massive, dripping snot from her nose, her mouth open wide, her tongue protruding, saliva dripped, over her lips, her ears rang–then, she was deaf at the moment of completion, not hearing her own scream, or the rush of urine and cunt juices from her cunt.

Her clit was throbbing in pain and pleasure…she had grasped its long shaft tightly, as she came, rubbing it raw.

SHE fell to her knees, her legs spread wide, sitting back on her heels

It was done.

She would recover in less than a minute; then, don her disguise of the day, summon the appropriate minion and depart for the mission.


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