LMT Sister Ch. 02

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Chapt 4

I didn’t know how to act either James. You stopped calling after Gina’s wedding. I’m not sure if I did something or I mean it was as if I stopped mattering to you. That hurt you know.

I’m sorry. It was all I could muster for an excuse and conveniently true. I’d kicked myself so many times I had permanent mental bruises from not calling and inviting Jenn to visit or coming home to see her. I’d dated a few women while I was away at different duties but I always was drawn to women who looked like Jennifer but not a one acted like her. So I’d end up tossing them aside and had resigned myself to find some other solution. Which didn’t manifest itself before my injury put me out. One thing led to another and back to Houston I came.

You’re sorry. That’s IT. Her hands were digging into my calf incredibly hard and fast. She was clearly upset. Jenn, yeah. I’m sorry. I don’t know what else to say.

How about telling me why. That would be a good start. I mean were we not close? I thought we were close James. Then Gina’s wedding a slow dance, a kiss and you never talk to me again. Now you pop back up 10 years later and I don’t deserve an explanation. I’m supposed to be satiated with, I’m sorry.

I didn’t answer because I’d just been mentally gut punched. She remembered the kiss.

We went to Gina’s wedding together, sort of but not as a date. I was happy she wasn’t seeing anyone. As much I’d hoped Nick was around so I could pound him, this was better. I’d get to dance with her as we agreed to and hold her hand as we walked like we agreed. She was the one who suggested we could do it and it didn’t take much to get me on board that ship. My imagination ran away with myself conjuring up trysts only porn stars experienced starring Jennifer and I.

We were having a great time, drinks flowed. Dances came and went at the reception. The bouquet toss she about knocked every other woman over to get it. I had to participate in the bachelor parade and garter toss. Guess who got the garter in the face. I think she was aiming, but whatever. Gina was always sneaky about that sort of thing.

Our family was affectionate but only really hugs and holiday special kisses on the cheek. The dance was a slow and romantic one. I don’t remember the song but I sure remember that dress. Jennifer had wanted to turn heads and turn up the heat because she wasn’t about to be shown up by Gina’s other friend who’d been chose to be maid of honor. They didn’t like one another and Jenn declined to be just a bride’s maid.

She wore a black low back strapless pencil dress that stopped two inches above her knee, slit on her left thigh to her hip. Her incredible legs and calves where on display. I notice the bronze of her skin tone and no tan lines as I peered down her deep cleavage. I swore I could see her navel and no bra. They appeared to defy gravity and she smashed her breasts tighter to my chest as we cut up the floor. She just smiled up at me her leg parting mine as our knees grazed it felt like I was going to explode in my pants there on the dance floor.

The music changed to a tango and Jenn dropped right into my lead. She knew I’d danced in high school as did she. I knew she’d want to show off some for the other girls. I thought why not. Her cheek pressed hard to my face we put on the show. I dipped her deep and long. Her leg high over us, then wrapping it around mine as I drug her across the dance floor. She was absolutely incredible to dance with. To think we’d never danced together ever before and here we were setting the place ablaze.

She laid her head back at the last dip one leg between mine, the other knee up to my side her calf wrapping around my butt. She grabbed my neck pulling me to her lips. My brain exploded.

She was right, I left the next morning without saying a word.

I don’t know if I can Jenn.

She stopped the massage for a moment. I wasn’t sure what was going to happen. She moved the sheet to tuck it between my legs exposing my entire butt cheek. Her hands came so close to the tip of my dick I was in a complete panic as I thought she’s gonna grab me. I was terrified and aroused in the same second. Her hands folded and kneaded the sore tissue of my leg hip and butt.

The silence was deafening.

I felt her move round the other side of the table tugging at the sheet and again placing it in my crack and coming dangerously close to my thickening tool. I’d a little more idea of what she was up to this time so I was more hoping she’d touch me if even by accident.

Why not? I mean, we used to tell each other all kind of things. You told me when you lost your cherry. I told you what an asshole Greg was and you wanted to beat his ass. Smoking pot, drinking, wrecking the car, stealing from the store, lust filled dreams, first orgasm. Why not, what changed James?

She went back to her magic as I contemplated any kind of answer. I knew she deserved one, we did share, and I’d always loved Jennifer. I just wasn’t, okay I was terrified she’d be so very angry with me even now despite our age. She’s been in serious relationships I heard of through the family vine whenever I bothered to contact Çorum Escort for birthdays etc. or feeling homesick. My mind flashed back to how the kiss felt when she pressed her perfect lips to mine. It was in front of everyone but I didn’t notice. She was the only person in the universe at that moment. My heart stopped cold dead when I realized I’d missed probably the one time in my life I’d get a shot at her. I didn’t make the move I thought I should have and was kicking myself for eternity. I suddenly got brave.

Jenn, how’d you feel when you kissed me? I mean what were you thinking at that moment?

The air smelled deeply of the massage oil mixed with incense and leather. Time seemed to grind to an infinitely small pace. I could only hope I’d said it right and didn’t upset her.

Chapter 5

How did I feel when I kissed him? My brother had somehow managed to turn the tables upon me effectively enough to cause me to sweat, my stomach to become wretched, and my breathing to become ragged. I was going to be the one in need of a massage and probably more therapy to top it off.

I continued to twist and push on James as I did the job of releasing the muscles from their deeply stiffened condition. I began to think about his muscles. The fact he’d gotten leaner and larger since last we touched was even more intoxicating. James was always well built but now, hubba hubba. What am I thinking? What was I thinking when I kissed him?

We had just been dancing and the moment felt so right. Good grief who am I kidding? I wanted him to want me as much as I him. My panties where soaked as we danced, he smelled so divine, he spoke and acted so perfect. Then the Tango. I was floating on air as we slid through space and time without anyone near. He was the only man in the universe and I wanted him to notice me as I’d been him all night. My panties were wringing wet as he turned and dipped me. I thought I’d fall for sure as I raised my leg up to his body. Worse yet I was terrified he’d smell my lust or feel my trembling and weak state. When he pulled me close, so strong I couldn’t help myself. I was going to make him mine. So, I focused all my passion and hope and pulled his lips to mine. It was a perfect kiss. That which I have measured every kiss since against.

James shifted his body to allow me access to his inner thighs. I’d move the sheet and exposed the globe of his muscular ass. His movement felt tentative and unsure. Forced to be sure. My fingers kneading and pushing his manly flesh I can feel him relax some again.

“Come on, what did you feel when we kissed? What were you thinking?”

“I’m not sure I remember. It was after all a long time ago and I’ve been focused on how upset I was with you, I’m not sure I remember anything else”. I was lying my skinny ass off and I swore my brother would see through it. I had to come up with something, I couldn’t very well tell him I was lusting for him. If he would have made a move of any kind that night, I’d have let him take me in any way he desired and I had such hopes he would. I watched for, no fawned for any sign James was willing.

I needed a way to put this back on him. I couldn’t end up with the weight on me again as I’ve been brooding for so long with no answers. “why do you want to know how I felt or what I was thinking? You left and never told me why.” I could feel his breathing stutter and become shallow. I knew I had him back on the spit turning him until well done was my intent, or well maybe not. “Come on, out with it. You know why you left so tell me. We are both grown adults here aren’t we?” I’m not sure at that moment why I pressed James, but I did. My hand was on his ass and I let my fingers slip close to the center and then down between his legs where I knew his cock head would be only thinly separated with a sheet from my fingers.

His breath caught as I grazed the spongy sensitive head. I gently manipulated the back of his quad upholding the pretense of accidental contact but my nipples and clit said otherwise. I so wanted to reach inside the sheet and stroke his cock. Gina had told me of its magnitude after she blew him. I had all I could do to not rub one out as she told his sister of swallowing all of James cum and how warm it felt slipping down her gullet. I wanted to feel his salty load on my tongue, have my nipples sucked, feel his probing tongue on my clit.

I lifted the sheet from his ass, I had to have a look at what I felt. Was it just high hopes or was it really swollen? “are you okay? I’m going to slip this off completely, your glutes are incredibly taunt and I need to work them into your lower back.” I placed the balled up sheet between his knees to ease seeing his cock. I was headed for trouble and I knew it. A couple pumps of oil into my hands at the table I tuned to see James looking up at me. Was he just checking out my ass? He was, my brother was, he was checking out my ass. I pushed my hands up from the bottom of his ass one on each cheek gliding my thumbs into his crack and fingertips to his back giving a squeeze at the top. Total bullshit but I got to grab his incredible ass. I so wanted to take my Çorum Escort Bayan lubed hand to his ball sack.

I’d moved round behind but couldn’t reach without pressing my bra covered tits to his legs. I thought I’ve never done lots of this what’s one more thing. I climbed aboard the table with my brother as my knees parted his legs, I looked down to be greeted by the sight I longed for. His thick member pressed to the table protruding from his ball sack. No hair, he must shave. The smooth wrinkled flesh held my gaze a bit too long.

“Everything okay back there? You didn’t see anything scary did ya?”

Was that a tease? Did my brother just ask me if I saw his cock and was afraid? “no, I’m sure I’ve seen what you’re packing and it wouldn’t scare me a bit.” My slippery hands met the muscled back of James’s thigh pushing them up under his ass with my thumbs. I pulled them apart ever so little still holding the pretense of necessity for the massage. I ground my palms into his low back then worked slowly back down over doing it a bit for show but salivating the whole time. I felt his body soften and relax as I moved closer and applied more of my weight. My nipples where like diamonds ready to cut through the fabric of my sport bra. I was sure my pants would have a massive stain on them from the cream pouring out of me.

It’s now or never Jenn. You’ve been in lust for him since that night, and loved him for as long as you can remember. Even when you were hurt you were hurt because you wanted him back. Climbing down from the table for a moment Jenn needed more oil. Turning from the table again she caught him with his head up to look at her. She thought I’m going to satisfy this once and for all if he doesn’t make a move this time, well I guess it’s been all wrong on my part. Returning to the back of the table Jenn ascended and knelt between his legs. She could clearly see his cock, its purple helmet smiling back at her. Crossing her arms her finger tips slid under the elastic edge as she pulled the bra over her head. Her tits bouncing free.

“I’m going to try to relax you as much as possible.” She pumped some oil into her palms from the container she retrieved. Leaning over his ass she pressed both hands firmly on his globes and slid them up his back to the shoulders and back. Repeating this until his skin was slick with oil. Leaning back on her heals a pump in each hand of oil she pressed her hands to her breasts, the nipples etching into her palms as she lubed her tits up. Bending forward her hands found their mark again on his ass, James moaned softly his appreciation. If he likes that what is this gonna do for him.

Jennifer slid her hands up his back and lowered her chest to his ass. Her tits smashing heavily at first into his ass she pulled the nipples down across his ass to this thigh and back up repeating the process on the other side. Her hands wrapping around the sides of his lats and she drug her nipples up his back. He didn’t move and inch just surrendered to her touch. Slithering up and down James smashing her tits to his back and ass higher starting closer to his head each time. Using her hands to rub his shoulders and biceps Jenn wriggled on his back and ass. Her hands following down his back as she retreated to her kneel. Glancing down, his cock had grown but was pushing into the table. “feel good?”

“incredible! I’m in heaven Jenn. Is there more?”

“So, you want more then?” She slid from the table pushing her pants down and kicking them from her feet. Do I want to be completely naked? She reached for the thin strings of her panties dragging a finger through her slit as she stood then climbed back on with him. She knew her hand would smell like pussy. Stretching completely to lay across his back her tits smashed into him, she put her fingers below the opening in which his face rested and drug her finger across his lips. “This kind of more, little brother?”

chapter 6

His eyes flew open with the taste and smell of her pussy on her finger that she rubbed on his lips. His mind went into light speed mode absorbing and analyzing what was happening. His tongue slid from between his lips licking and wrapping around her finger to clean all the nectar of her sweet pussy from it. Her body now naked lay pressed to his bare back as she began to slide up and down his flesh. His cock was painfully pressing into the table trying stand at full mast. A moan of lust escaped her lips which he couldn’t help but reply to with his own deep groan letting her know of his pleasure at her actions.

You like the taste of my pussy James?

“I’ll let you know when I get a good taste.”

Her heart raced, she’d been right he did want her. Her hands griping and sliding his muscled torso she slid her naked body up and down pressing as much flesh to his as she could, landing little kisses on his neck. Her hard nipples sent shocks of pleasure to her pussy as the air became rich with her lust. She could feel the cream of her pussy running down her clit and dripping on to her brother’s ass and thighs as she slithered and smeared it between them.

I’m going to be the best fuck he’s ever Escort Çorum had, Jenn thought to herself.

Her heart raced and she was thoroughly enjoying what she was doing but she wanted more. Tucking her knees under her torso she slid between his knees, her hands dragging across his firm ass to his thighs. Her eyes focusing on the now thick cock poking the table cushion. She placed a pointer finger at the V of his swollen helmet. Her heart skipped a beat as she heard him inhale sharply at her contact. Drawing a small circle on the flesh she moved ever so slow wanting to enjoy this moment as long as possible. Her other hand continued to kneed his thigh flesh.

Jenn climbed down from the table urging her brother to roll over her eyes diving straight to his manhood. It was thick, swollen, and long precum glistening as its engorged head slapped his abs loudly. A grin exposed her excitement to James.

“is that for me James?”

His heart felt about ready to explode from his chest, his breath heaving and long. Completely taken by surprise at his sister’s brazen move James was speechless. Jenn reached toward his aching cock her slender oil covered fingers wrapping around its girth. James had always envisioned this moment many times spanking the monkey. She was completely naked for his eyes to finally ingest. Shaven pussy, hardening auburn nipples about the size of a 50c piece. Her hair in a pony, her skin so perfect, she was the image of Aphrodite.

“is it?” “for me James?”

His glib remark must have caught her by surprise as she went from starring at his cock to a glare at his face.

“It always has been for you Jenn. I’m sorry I never should…”

She cut him off covering his lips with her mouth her nipples punching James in his chest. Kissing him as deeply and passionately as she’d always dreamed of in every kiss with every man. This was the one she was going to make hers. Her own brother.

Her kiss caught his breath and she slammed her body into his. She climbed atop and was pressing her naked desire everywhere their bodies met. James felt his erection throb in anticipation. What would it be like to finally have this be real and not the fantasy he’d always formed in his head. He found himself reaching for her almost timidly like she would fade when he was fantasizing of her. This was no fantasy he told himself. She really was naked and they were about to finally do what he had been dreaming of.

Jenn pushed back from him a look of confusion upon her face.

“what’s wrong?”

“It doesn’t seem like you want this.”

“I have wanted this since we were kids. I…. I just can’t believe I’m here. You’re here. We are… It just seems, well unreal. Like I’m dreaming.”

Jenn just looked at James her eyes locked on his face. She sat up, he could feel the heat of her womanhood flowing over his cock. She smiled with one hand drifting between her legs. Her breasts heaved as she lifted herself on knees that straddled his defined abs. A smile of satisfaction grew on her face as her hand slid between her legs. James felt her fingers hoist is tool to touch her labia. He was instantly blown away just by the feel of her flesh on his cock head. The nerves seemed to pulse with rage he’d never felt as his sister swept his cock head through her folds. He knew what she was doing but time was at a near standstill. Feeling her opening for the first time as the tip of his sword pushed in her moist labia. Jenn swabbed his cock across her perfect pussy two more times before gently easing the head into her some. She stopped with his cock just at the entrance. James could feel her lips tease the corona of his throbbing penis. Jenn pulled her hand from between them to place it on her brother’s face. A moment of anticipation was her goal. He thought oh my Lord please let me be enough for this creature I’ve dreamed of forever.

Jenn sank slowly, incredibly agonizingly slow, the invading hard flesh touching every nerve, every inch of her she didn’t know she had. His dick was huge and longer than any she’d ever let probe her before. She could feel her cervix yield as the scorching heat of its head pushed against it. Only her massive dildo had touched that place before. A moan of satisfaction emanated from them both. She decided to sit still and enjoy the feeling of being stuffed full for the first time ever by a real dick. Her brother’s hands grasping the whole of each of her breasts. She let him fondle and was completely awash with all the feelings she had been holding for years.

Chapter 7

She had not intended to grab is dick that day on the dirt bike. She knew she’d been teasing James a little with the tight bikini and extra short shorts. Flirting a smile at him in hopes she could get a rise. She just thought he was cute and had noticed his handsome face maturing. She thought she’d thrill him a little when she caught his stare but never did she expect the thing that changed her that day. She fought it for years substituting other boys. Imagining they were her little brother. They couldn’t compare to what her hand felt that day. None came even close to what she was so surprised by that day. She could never stop thinking about what she accidently got a hold of. There were times she’d go for a ride with him again when she thought he was purposefully trying to make that day happen again. But Jenn truly felt she was imaging that. The brother she loved wouldn’t do such a thing.

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