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Subject: Lockdown Master Part 6 Lockdown Master Part 6 Thanks for continuing to read. Please contribute to Nifty to keep the stories flowing fty/ Much to Adam’s surprise, instead of just handing him the Aloe Vera, Dan climbed onto the bed next to him and squeezed some of the lotion on to his bruised arse cheeks. The combination of the cool lotion and Dan’s strong hand gently massaging it in felt like absolute bliss to Adam — well worth the pain of the previous night’s belting. He was still hard from imagining Dan naked in the shower and now he felt like his erection was drilling into the mattress. For a big, muscled guy, Dan was surprisingly tender and when Adam dared to look round over his shoulder, he saw a look of intense concentration on Dan’s face. He could hardly believe that his backside, albeit quite a cute one, was the focus of this straight stud’s attention. After 10 minutes of careful massage, Dan lay on his side next to Adam and asked if he was OK. “That was amazing, thank you,” replied Adam, genuinely grateful. “It was the least I could do, said Dan, “I was the fucking idiot who lost the plot and hurt you in the first place.” Adam took a deep breath. It seemed to him that it was one of those now-or-never moments where what he had to say would either send Dan running for the hills or lead to the best sexual adventure ever. “Last night was scary because you were drunk and angry, but…” Adam tailed off, trying to find the right words. “But, in general, I like the idea of you belting me, or spanking me. Showing me who is boss.” He hadn’t dared look Dan in the eye as he was talking, but he glanced up after the word `boss’ to see what Dan’s reaction was. Dan had a look of delighted disbelief like a kid at Christmas who has just unwrapped the karabağlar escort present he dreamed of, but didn’t think the parents could afford. Dan paused for a while, then started speaking very slowly, “so for example, if I had a bad day at work, I could come round here, order you to strip and assume the position and give you a good leathering to vent my frustrations?” Adam nodded, blushing. “So what’s in it for you?” Dan asked. “Well, maybe it would turn you on to beat me and I could suck you off after — to thank you for my punishment.” Dan grinned and adjusted the now tenting towel that was still around his waist. “Well, you had your beating last night, boy, and I still haven’t had my thank you blow job,” he said, undoing the towel to reveal his hard on. “Sorry Sir,” replied Adam, before wrapping his lips around Darren’s beautiful cock. Dan lay back to enjoy an expert servicing from his eager neighbour, letting Adam show off his skills without the need for too much instruction. This time Adam was prepared for Darren’s load and savoured the taste of soldier spunk in his mouth before swallowing it down before licking Darren’s knob completely clean. After taking a few minutes to recover from his orgasm, Dan got all straight and business-like again, getting out of bed and scouring the floor for his discarded clothes and trainers. “See you around,” he said over his shoulder as he loped out of the bedroom. Adam lay back on the bed, analysing how much to hope for from the noncommittal `see you around,’ but then his immediate need for release overtook his concerns about the future and he had a rapid, but very satisfying wank that ended in his hairy chest being covered in his own jizz. It was to be the first bayındır escort of several wanks over the next two days. Two days with no word from Dan! It took all Adam’s willpower not to text or email. The silence was killing him and he wished he had some work to do to stop him obsessing over his sexy neighbour. Finally, he received a longed-for text from Dan `can we talk?’ `Sure’ replied Adam with unseemly speed. `Be at yours at midday’ was Dan’s response. Dan hadn’t deliberately kept Adam hanging for 2 whole days. He was still confused. Whenever he wasn’t working or working out, he was mulling over the Adam situation. On reflexion, what Adam had said made sense — that you don’t have to change your whole identity to enjoy what turns you on, whether that is with a woman or a man. Dan still had his doubts though. Adam seemed pretty keen on him and he was a neighbour — what if he made a scene in the lobby? What if he told Kerry when she was allowed to visit again? From his army training and then recruiting for his private security company, Dan thought he was a pretty good judge of character and, from what little he had seen of him, Adam seemed a decent bloke. He would have to set strict parameters, of course, but he reckoned that the stricter he was, the more Adam would like it. Nothing wrong with sugaring the pill though, he thought as he dug some old army gear out of the back of his wardrobe. Adam’s doorbell rang at exactly midday and he opened the door to see Dan dressed in old army combat trousers, a khaki vest and the shiniest black boots Adam had ever seen. A large army duffle bag was slung casually over his shoulder. Adam was speechless with lust and silently ushered Dan into his flat. Dan did narlıdere escort not beat around the bush, “I’ve been thinking about this a lot and if we are going to keep seeing each other, there have to be rules.” Adam nodded. Still silent, his eyes soaking in every inch of the 6’2″ stud before him. “Rule 1 — whenever I come in here, you show respect by kissing my boots or whatever I’m wearing on my feet. Get to it.” Adam was on his hands and knees in a flash, giving each boot a single kiss. The smell of the boot polish was strong and the leather so shiny that he could see a distorted reflection of his own face in the toecaps. He raised himself back on to his knees and stared adoringly up at Dan. “Rule 2 — this remains absolutely secret. You tell NO ONE. Understood” “Yes Sir. Of course Sir,’ replied Adam in the steadiest voice his nerves would allow. “Rule 3 — No pestering. You are not to call or text me without permission. I will see you ONLY when I want to.” Another `Yes Sir’ affirmed Adam’s agreement. “Rule 4 — no other blokes for you — you are exclusively mine until I decide otherwise” Adam couldn’t imagine any guy that would tempt him away from Dan, but kept his remarks to a `Yes Sir.’ “Rule 5 — you follow all my orders to the letter, swiftly and respectfully. Any infractions will be punished. A final `Yes Sir’ from Adam sealed the deal and Dan dropped the commanding, official tone he had used to recite the rules. He said softly, “Stand up. You’re a good boy” and reached round into his duffle bag to produce a well worn, but clean jockstrap. “Get into the bedroom, strip and put this on. Report back to me in the living room.” Adam was back in the living room in under 2 minutes. The jock was a bit on the large side, but his erection ensured that the pouch was well filled and the faded cotton already displayed the first spot of precum. Dan had moved a dining chair into the middle of the room and was fishing some rope out of his army bag. He glanced up at Adam and nodded his head towards the chair. “Interrogation time,” he announced, grinning. Feedback always ail

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