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Marching Band Cadet– Chapter 24 This is a series about high school males in the late 1970s. They had a secret club in which they engaged in gay sex and BDSM rituals. This series is told from the point of view of a club member who served as their submissive. The initial chapters establish the background and characters. As the story progresses, in later chapters there will be hardcore sex, group sex, S&M, and some raunch and taboo activities. The series is set in the years before HIV, so condoms are not used.
This is fiction. If you object to fiction that includes the activities listed above, then you should read no further and exit from this page.
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Previously: After a Saturday full of new experiences, JT and Sam are ready for dinner and for a good night”s sleep.
JT said, “I can smell our dinner in the oven. Let”s go. Did I mention that it”s Mom”s homemade shepherd”s pie?”
After a brief stop in the rest room to wash our hands, we padded back to the kitchen. I did not know what shepherd”s pie was. JT had mentioned it at least twice, and apparently it was something special for him. He made me sit down at the kitchen table while he pulled the food out of the oven and scooped it onto our plates.
He set down our plates of food along with some glasses of water. The shepherd”s pie was awesome. It was ground beef, peas and carrots, and mashed potatoes. Everything good to eat all combined into one dish! I loved it. I asked for ketchup, but JT made it clear that ketchup would be sacrilegious.
I offered to help clean up, but JT insisted on doing it himself. When the dishes were put away, he poured a small glass of whiskey and told me to follow him to the living room.
The sheet was still spread on the floor of the living room, testimony to the busy day we”d had. JT sat down on the couch with his whiskey. I decided to sit on the floor between his legs. JT was tall, and most of his height was in those legs. And he had big size 12 feet. I wanted to sit on the floor and be hemmed in by those beautiful bare legs and feet.
“I want to go over a few things with you, boy,” JT said, tousling my hair. “First, allow me to congratulate Konya Escort you on being a stud. Three milkings in about four hours. That”s not impossible for a teen boy, but it”s a lot of action and a lot of cum in a short period of time.”
JT”s flattering words made my soft, tired cock swell up a little. I hope JT didn”t see it and start thinking about a fourth milking!
“I could probably come five times in twelve hours, but I can”t make any promises. It could be a lot of fun trying,” I chuckled. “Today was easy because everything was such a turn-on. We did a whole bunch of things today that I had never even imagined.”
JT said, “You may have noticed that when Jeff and I had our orgasms, you did not. Then later, I gave you some orgasms while I stayed in my underwear and did not shoot my load. That”s pretty typical for a Sir and his boy. Whenever I get off, you are servicing me. Whenever you get off, I am controlling you. We both get off, but it”s not always together at the same time. Some days, I”ll have more orgasms than you, and some days you”ll have more orgasms than me. In general, we should both be getting off frequently, and enjoying it. Does that make sense, boy?”
I nodded yes, and then turned my head so that I could press my face into his thigh while I continued to sit between his legs.
“Sam, was there anything that happened today that you would not want to do again? I”m not giving you a choice. But I always want to know what you like and what you don”t like. Remember the rule of honesty.”
My face was still buried against his warm thigh. I gave his thigh a big, sloppy kiss with lots of tongue. And then I pivoted my head forward so that I could speak.
“All access pass, Sir,” I said, reminding him that he had given me permission to suckle on his body whenever I wanted. “I would want to do everything again. The overmilking was harsh. I did not want to use the safeword, but I finally had to. It was agony. It was like you said, `excruciating pleasure.” I hope you don”t do it to me again tomorrow. But I hope you will do it to me again sometime. So, everything today was great. In fact, if you told me that there were things that happened today that will never happen again, I would be really disappointed.”
“Very good, boy,” JT replied. Konya Escort Bayan “Like I said, I always want to know your feelings. And I can promise you that yes, everything we did today will happen again.
“Sam,” he continued, “when we get together with the Hot Shots in a couple of weeks, you”ll have a lot of service to perform. It won”t be as intense as what we did today. But there will be several hours of it. After today, I am convinced that it won”t wear you out.
“The Hot Shots are not interested in the kind of discipline that I am doing with you. They are mostly going to be horny and eager to get off. You”ll be giving a lot of blow jobs. Someone like Jim, for example, might want you to suck him off three or four times over the course of the weekend. Each blow job would probably take less than ten minutes.
“I”ll always be monitoring you, Sam, so that you don”t get overextended or exhausted. You are bound to me, so I”ll have the final say on how much they utilize you. There are only five of them, apart from me, you, and Matt. I think you can keep all of them satisfied without getting exhausted.”
“Yes, Sir. I don”t know them as well as you do. But their needs seem pretty basic. They want to get off, and from what I”ve seen, it doesn”t take a lot of time. When you said that Jim might want me to give him four blow jobs over the entire weekend, I calculated that if I gave everyone four blow jobs, including you, that would be 24 blow jobs. Over 48 hours. I can do a lot more than that. I”d probably want to do more than that.”
JT thought for a few seconds. “Well I think that after today, Jeff will want to fuck you. He tried it and he liked it. Dewey will also want to fuck you. I”m certain of that.”
“Still, I don”t think it will be more than I could handle,” I said to JT. “Remember, I like these guys a lot. I”m very attracted to them. I want to impress them and get them to like me. I”m motivated.”
JT seemed to be thinking about something. “And what about Matt? Would you have sex with Matt?”
“I wouldn”t want to do that. But how would that even happen?”
“Well,” JT said, “I think Mark and Matt have gotten themselves into a predicament. Isn”t that what you think?”
“Yeah,” I responded. “I don”t see how it”s going Escort Konya to work.”
“It may be up to us to help them find an honorable solution. Regardless of our personal preferences, you and I both serve the band. And we both serve the Hot Shots. If we can help Mark and Matt, everyone wins and everyone lives happily ever after. I expect you to be with me 100% where the club is concerned.”
“I”m with you 150%, Sir,” I replied.
“That”s not mathematically possible, boy,” JT said, and squeezed me hard with his sexy legs. “But I expect service and loyalty from you, and I know you won”t disappoint me.
“Anyway,” JT went on, “we can be creative. Mark can put Matt at my disposal, just like I am putting you at the club”s disposal. Mark can be serviced by you at any time, obviously. However, Mark and I together could order you and Matt to suck or fuck each other, and you would have to obey us.”
I had not thought of that. It held very little appeal for me.
“Remember,” JT said, “Mark knows very little about dominating someone else. Shoot, Mark barely knows anything about gay sex.”
“No anal!” I exclaimed, practically interrupting JT. “I can”t see Matt living without anal sex for a year. Especially while I”m getting repeatedly fucked by the likes of you and Jeff and Dewey. Pardon me if I interrupted you, Sir.”
JT squeezed me hard with his legs again, but he didn”t correct me.
“Mark is inexperienced, and Matt is not naturally tuned for submission the way you are. Just keep your eyes and ears open. You are friends with Matt. He may ask you something or tell you something that we can use.
“Sam, we have to do whatever we can to help Mark and Matt. You and I have to serve the club and make sure everyone wins. I am a man of discipline, and when I finish with you, you will be a man of discipline as well.”
JT”s voice enthralled me. He spoke with such authority about loyalty and discipline. I was riveted by his promise to turn me into a man of discipline. But I decided not to ask any more questions. I was feeling very tired. I turned my head and nuzzled my face into his thigh again.
It”s been a very busy Saturday, and JT needed to take some time to hear how his boy was feeling. Not surprisingly, Sam is both happy and exhausted. But things are still in a very early stage. There is so much more ahead for Sam, and for the readers of this story…
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