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Mason Letter 5Mason: Letter 05Dear Figaro, I have resigned myself to the fact that my life is a rollercoaster, I tried to fight it, but it’s taking too much of a toll on my mental health, I will be much happier if I just roll with the punches. It feels like I am living a movie, everyone seems to have secrets or hidden agendas, I plan on just writing and working and focusing on myself. I will keep you posted on how that works out.Anyways how have you been? I am sorry once again but I am not sure when I will be able to visit you, once things die down a bit here I will rent a hotel room close to you and organize visitation. I hope that is ok? I know you must be struggling in there but please know you are always on my mind. I pretty much have been locked in my room since my encounter with Myles, he keeps calling and texting and I hear him knocking at the door shouting “I just want to talk to you”. I will have no choice but to hear him out but I am not ready yet. I have given strict instructions to Theo and Brad not to let him in or even talk to him, I made up an excuse and I think they bought it. Brad still gives me lingering looks whenever it is just me and him alone. I have not been returning them but once or twice Theo has seen him staring at me but as far as I know hasn’t said anything to him about it. I am still messaging Tommy, I always smile when I see I have gotten a text from him, he seems sweet and keen so I am going to meet up with him soon and see how things go. Lockie is still pissed at me, I have not heard from him since the drunken conversation a week ago. I have left him messages across all the platforms I can think off without hiring a fucking sky writer, hopefully he will come around, I miss him and hate the way things have been left. I have officially arrived on the gay porn scene, my video with Dylan O blew up, as expected, I even feature on non porn websites. The attention he has been getting is astronomical, it was trending word wide and the scene has been viewed over 3 million times. My other scene views have quadrupled, I now have nearly eight hundred thousand followers on line. Curtis called me the other day practically jumping out of his own skin.”Mason, have you seen the website, it’s fucking insane. The investors and I are going to have a meeting in a few days to see how we can capitalise on this, subscriptions have gone up by over two hundred per cent in the last week, the studio has even been nominated for an award.” He said, without taking a breath. “You are number one out of all our models Mason!”That news floored me, I wanted to be successful at the studio but plans for being number one were not on my agenda.”We are going to set you up with an agent to field the offers you are receiving, and we are going to offer you an exclusivity contract.”I heard him mumbling to someone, presumably Sy.My brain went into over drive- Agent, offers, exclusivity. This was all moving too fast.”Hang on a minute Curtis, slow down, what does all that mean?””You are getting a few offers so far but once we have more videos you will be a superstar for sure, as for the new contract that is just to ensure that we retain you, you like working for “In’DaMan’d” don’t you?””Yes of course I do, I just not sure about any of this.””Oh.” He muttered, sounding hurt.”I will have to think about all of this, you kinda just landed it on me. I have a few days off to finish my class project so why don’t we talk about it on Monday.” “I guess we could do that but Mason, in this industry guys come and go, you are in right now so it’s important to keep it going while the interest is there, understand?””What kind of offers am I receiving?””A gay club wants you to do an appearance, a toy site wants to mould your cock for a dildo.””What!” I spat. “Yes, I know I have heard of it happening but usually they only ask established performers for a mould, that’s why I think we should sort everything out ASAP.”I could tell by his tone of voice that he was not expecting my hesitation, but Figaro the whole studio thing has been a whirlwind and I just needed some calm to figure stuff out. “Listen Mason, take a day or two then come into the studio we will discuss everything and we can go from there, any questions email me ok?””Thanks Curtis, I appreciate it.”I hung up and went to my room, trying to breath and relax, I couldn’t believe I was the number one viewed star on the site, strangely enough I actually felt proud of myself. I booted up my manuscript and began editing my first four chapters, the project required three finished ones but I wanted to get a head of the course work, writing as always takes my mind of things. I made quick work of the redrafts and began to feel bored. I logged in to my “In’DaMan”d” account, my promo vid was the first thing to greet me, Curtis had me shoot two, one where I list the benefits of subscription, the other where I welcome the user after they logged in, easily the worst thing I have done since I started making videos. I clicked my profile and watched as the views rose and rose. The scene with Dylan and I was easily the most viewed. A banner ran across the top of my screen, saying its #1 cam star was returning after a week off. I knew the week off was not voluntary but they billed it as ‘a break’. I clicked on Lockie’s page and seen a countdown to the start of the session. I had not watched one of his cam sessions before, I almost logged off before the timer ran out and he appeared on the screen. He was sitting in his room on a computer chair, behind him I could see his single bed, no personal items were on display. He looked better than I thought he would, after his recent drinking spell I was expecting him to look gaunt and strung out but he looked more toned than before. He must have used his time off to get his act together, his skin had obviously covered in oil, it shimmered in the light. The camera he used must have been really expensive Figaro, it was crystal clear and you could make out every detail on his body. His hair was pulled of his face by a red bandana, it had grown quite a bit, he was wearing blue short shorts and black ankle socks.He smiled at the camera before announcing that he was happy to be back and missed everyone, the live comment feed exploded with welcome back messages and compliments on his body. He told the camera that he loved the hearing from everyone but would only accept requests if you donated fifty coins to his balance. He would cum once he reached the fifteen thousand total. I still didn’t know if I should be watching this, I was getting turned on when I heard all the chimes of the coins dropping. Lockie began to smile and rub himself. “That’s it guys keep them coming in, I am so horny and I have a three day load I want to share with you.” My mouth began to get dry, in less than ten minutes he was nearly at his goal, canlı kaçak bahis he told his fans that he was trying to fit in a comeback session before his main show in the evening. Someone sent him a thousand coins and requested that he expose his hole. He stood up and pushed the chair back towards the bed, he toyed with his shorts pulling down one side slowly before pulling them back up again, he had them eating out of the palm of his hand. He dropped them eventually and turned his back to the camera. His bronze bubble butt practically burst onto the screen, he slowly massaged oil onto one cheek, sliding his finger up and down his crack before he bent over and showed his glimmering hoop. It had the faintest ring of hair around it, it was a light purple color. He began to pat it with one finger, lightly at first before he upped the ante.The sound his oiled finger made when it came into contact with his hole was amazing, the coins dropping in a flurry. His bulging ball sack was visibly between his legs, he started stroking it with the same finger, pushing it against each ball, making them pop. He sat down again and was fully erect now. The pink helmet visible against his beige foreskin, his stare never left the camera, he was eye fucking everyone, me included. I was stiff now, but refused to touch myself, I was too enraptured by the display before me, wondering to myself why the fuck did I not watch any of his previous shows. He jerked his shaft from helmet to sack, teasing the audience. His giant vein pulsating with each stroke. Lockie moved the camera downwards, focusing on his torso. The pre-cum slowly slid out of his slit, he pinched it and began to squeeze it out. After that display his total was reached.”Way to go you horny fuckers.” He said, a devilish grin spread across his face. “I been dying to nut all week. Thanks for all the coins, you guys never let me down.”The comments came thick and fast as he began to beat himself off more furiously. He was standing sideways from the camera, one leg rested on the chair, you could see his balls slapping against his hand as he bashed. The other hand was resting on his ass cheek, gently squeezing. I will say Figaro that his cock looked amazing on screen, the oil really accentuated that girth at the base, I allowed myself to rub my nipple as he continued to fuck his fist, he added in moans now and guys were still donating coins to him even after he had reached his goal. I could see why he was number one cam star, his positions and movement were like a dancers. His ridiculous body along with his great rapport with his fans made him a natural. If one of them got out of line with requests or demands, he calmly told them it was not cool or just kicked them from his room. It was plain to see that he had a lot of love.Both his hands were now working his shaft, he had his sleeve tattoos on display, pushing his pecks together. He announced he was going to come, he quickly sat down and pointed his cock towards his face. The first spurt landed above his navel, the second shot up to his throat, the third landed on his chin, it was so fucking hot, he continued to pump himself until he had emptied all his seed on to himself. I lay there watching him as a ribbon of jizz hung from his face, he wasn’t deterred, he just flashed his cheesy grin and rubbed it with his thumb. He collected all the nut from his torso in to his hand and showed it to the camera.”All for you guys, all for you.” He said breathlessly. After flexing for a few minutes and zooming in on his now flaccid dick he said his goodbyes, promised to be back and logged off. My cock was throbbing painfully in my pants, that was such a turn on. I could now see why Lockie was so protective of camming. I had a quick shower and took care of my throbbing issue, I was meeting Tommy at his place, he was cooking me dinner. I picked out a nice grey sweater to wear over black jeans and grey sneakers .I was going causal as it was at his place and he already had seen me in my clubbing outfit so I wasn’t over thinking it. I quickly made my way down the fire exit, avoiding Myles at all costs, luckily he was nowhere to be seen. The bus to Tommy’s took quite a while, I was sleepy after my warm shower and wank but was looking forward to spending some time with him just chilling out. I had decided that I was going to tell him about the videos, after the recent exposure I had little choice. He had a right to know about them if we were going to be seeing more of each other. I arrived, bottle of wine in hand. He greeted me at the door. He was wearing a jean shirt and brown corduroy pants. It complemented his tall frame. I laughed inwardly at his novelty socks. His hair was as floppy as the night I met him. We exchanged hugs as I entered his hallway. I could smell something delicious. “Wow! smells amazing.” I said as I removed my shoes.”Confession time,” he laughed. “I ordered out. Italian, hope you don’t mind.””Not at all.” I replied, following him into the living room. He went to pour us some wine, as I made my way to the table I took in my surroundings. The kitchen was small and very metallic. The dining area and lounge were all one decent sized room. A giant grey leather L shaped couch faced a flat screen TV hanging over a fire place. I could see cardboard boxes lined up near the windows. “Sorry,” he said as he brought over the food. “I am still trying to unpack everything.””Carbonara” I said, as I tucked into the pasta. “My favourite.”We quickly ate the food and drank the wine. He told me a bit about his life, he was thirty one, an only c***d, had two serious relationships but they ended badly. His previous job was a website designer for a big event planning firm, the building supply manager job was just a means until he decided what he wanted to do next. As he spoke Figaro, I found myself enjoying his company more and more. He was down to earth and attractive in a nerdy kind of way. His unkempt hair made him look younger and his boyish smile was infectious.”So, enough about me, tell me about yourself.” He said as he opened another bottle of wine.”Not much to tell really,” I sputtered, the anxiety of confessing was swirling in my stomach. “I am an aspiring writer and I.. I.. have recently done some adult videos.” I swallowed the glass of wine, not looking at him. “I see,” he said eyebrows raised. “That’s interesting.”Fuck! this was it, any shot of a friendship or even more was gone. I could feel my face flush as I quickly explained more about it. He just nodded along not saying a word.”I never met a porn star before,” he finally said with a hint of a smirk, “Kinda cool actually.””Really,” I said, relieved.After that the conversation flowed more easily. I was opening up to him more, but I didn’t delve to much in to my history, he asked about my writing and the studio. He seemed bahis siteleri canlı genuinely interested in it all. We moved to the couch and we started to watch a show. His arm d****d across my shoulder, I could sense some nerves coming from him. “Nothing has to happen,” I told him. “I know,” he said shyly, removing his arm. “I’m just worried I won’t be what you are used to.””I am not used to anything,” I replied, taking another mouthful of wine. “When I film it’s just sex, there is some attraction but zero feelings. It’s all designed to look hot and sexy but there is never any connection.”Surprising myself as I said those words I realised that I subconsciously thought that all along. I figured that after the videos I shot the one thing I was missing in my life was an actual connection, Lockie and I had some chemistry but that is only because we had known each other for years.”I understand if you don’t want to get involved with a guy that does porn, I really do, and after the recent video I shot it seems that I will be busier than ever. If that bothers you then we can just be friends Tommy, but I think we have something brewing between us, but maybe that’s just me.””It’s not just you,” he said, placing his hand on my thigh, “I feel it too.”He leaned over and kissed me, it was heartfelt and I felt my face tingle. I returned his kiss and slowly moved my body closer to his. He grabbed me by the waist and positioned me so I was sitting on his lap. I ran my fingers through his hair as he angled his chin up to mine, kissing me deeper. His hand slowly crept down to my ass, I was expecting him to grab it but he just left it there, moving it occasionally. I stood up and pulled his legs towards me, making him lie down on the couch. I laid beside him with one leg hooked over his hip. I began to stroke his side as the kissing continued. The taste of the Italian mixed with the wine was intoxicating. I needed more of him Figaro, I had not been touched passionately in forever. I started to un button his shirt. His eyes never left mine as he moved away and removed it. The hair on his body was trimmed, he was naturally toned, his nipples seemed to glow pink against the swirl of dark hair around his areola. Pretty soon my sweater was gone, I was on top of him grinding, our chests rubbing together. The kisses got more sloppy as I slid my hand over his junk, a low groan reverberated from him. He cupped both my ass cheeks now as I began to bounce slightly onto his crotch. My hand skimmed is waistline before I plunged inside of his underwear. His dick was warm and already wet with pre-cum, I began to rub my thumb against his head. He moaned again, pushing me off of him. We both slipped out of our clothes. A marvelled look spread across his face as he took in my 8 inch swollen cock. He swiftly laid back down again, I smiled at him as I swung my leg over his chest. He adjusted to accommodate me. Now we were in the 69 position I got a better look at his dick, his pubes were trimmed and his shaft he was cut, long and thin. His member was tanned, in contrast to his milky white skin.I could feel his lips slide over my helmet and he began to suck me, murmuring his approval between breaths. I easily began to deep throat his cock, two fingers firmly gripped his base as I rubbed his loose ball sack. I began to thrust deeper into his mouth, he resisted at first but then accepted half my shaft with ease. He was massaging my cheeks, deeply, his fore finger rubbing my hole. His cock tasted delicious, I took him all in my mouth, feeling him press against the back of my throat, his balls contracting at the same time. He slowly began to plunge into me, I could smell a mixture of his sweat and ass, it spurred me on even more so.I was gagging on his dick when he stopped sucking me off, I could hear him spit before I felt him slide a finger into me. My constant gagging made my cunt contract so I started jerking him off and tried to relax. After some gently probing he was inside me. I resumed my sucking, slurping up all the spit on his shaft, using it as lube as he continued to pound my face. I was so turned on, I pulled one of his legs up so I could have easier access to his pooper. I licked his taint before I found his swirl. Using two fingers I prized his ring apart before slamming my tongue into him. It felt so good, it was tight around my mouth but I licked it frenziedly. Getting finger blasted and sucked off at the same time felt fucking divine. I slowly inserted two fingers as I took his cock back in my mouth, I eventually found my rhythm Figaro, I felt unstoppable. His finger blasting intensified, I could barely manage to moan as my mouth was full with his boner. I slowly began to twist the fingers that where inside of him, he was moaning constantly now. “Please let me fuck you,” he muttered weakly, carnal lust taking him over.”Yes,” I replied. “Take me right here on your fucking couch.”He went to his bedroom and returned with a condom and some lube. “I can’t wait to be in you,” he said, applying lube to the condom. “You’re fucking amazing.”I lay on the couch, leg in the air, my back to him. He slowly eased in beside me, he slapped his cock against my crack before sliding it into me. It felt so good, I closed my eyes and surrendered. His cock didn’t feel so thin when it was in, it was hitting me deep. He grabbed my leg and pulled it further in the air, he moved down a few inches and found his angle. He began to kiss my neck as he began to bang me. My senses were going into over load. I began to wank myself. The tempo was hypnotic, I felt so weak as he kept slamming into me, his sweaty chest pressed up against my back. The angle of my leg made my shit slit tighter, I felt every inch of him sliding in and out of me. I began to thrust back against him, my ass matching his movement. His hand slowly crept around my throat. My head was bobbing like a rag doll, I was surprised how good he was considering his nerdy appearance. Goes to show Figaro you really can never tell.”Yes, keep fucking me, don’t fucking stop.” I exclaimed.It wasn’t long before I felt the nerve endings in my dick ignite. I quickly shot my load all over his leather couch, he kept banging me as squirt after squirt burst out. I relaxed into him, spent. I turned to him after he pulled out of me, our foreheads pressed together, his face red. “Fucking bust all over me,” I whispered, “I want you to cover me.”He nodded slightly before I felt the first splashes of his gunk, hitting my cock and thighs. It was an average size load but felt so warm and sticky on my body, we lay there for a few moment in each other’s arms, basking in the post fuck glow. “I need to hit the gym more,” he said laughing, “Have no fucking stamina anymore.””That was you without stamina?” I exclaimed, drinking some more wine. “Sorry about your couch.”He canlı bahis took my hand and led me to the bathroom, he turned on the tap and steam quickly filled the room, the hot water splashing nosily into the tub. We kissed some more as we washed each other. He looked almost lanky under the water, I rubbed his thin body before tugging on his cock. “Stop!” he said jokingly, “I am worn out.”I pouted, turning my back as he began to rub in some shower gel, slowly kneading my shoulders.”Hopefully I’ll get the chance to cook for you again soon.”After the shower we made out some more before we went to his bed. It felt nice sleeping beside someone again, his arm across my chest felt comforting. I fell asleep listening to his deep breathing. He had to work the next morning early, so we organised another date and I left. On the bus I rang Curtis and told him I was open to getting an agent, he told me that Mr. Gent had been in touch with him and wanted to represent me. I hadn’t heard that name before, according to Curtis he was a legend in the gay porn world, former star now mogul agent. Curtis had set up a meeting with him in two days time which I found very presumptuous of him, but decided to pick my battles. I wouldn’t tell him my answer on being exclusive because I didn’t know what I wanted to do regarding that. I sneaked in the back door of the duplex trying to avoid Myles but he was already waiting for me outside my apartment. “Mason, please just hear me out.”I knew this was coming and now was as good a time as any to listen, I couldn’t avoid him forever. “Speak then,” I spat.”Can you please just come to my office, I swear it will all make sense.” I stared at him in silence before turning on my heel, waiting for him to lead the way. In his office I stood at the kitchen counter, he sat at his desk.”I was always going to tell you, it was just unfortunate how you found out.” He said, his face going red with embarrassment. Today he was wearing dark suit pants with a lilac shirt.”Tell me what, why do you have files on Channing and I? did Figaro put you up to this?” The thought that you had anything to do with this only sprang to my mind as I looked at Myles.”No, not directly, he has helped me out a bit but just let me explain.”I crossed my arms, waiting for the axe to fall.”When Figaro brought you two into the station a few years ago, he knew your case would interest me,” he said, running his hands through his hair which flowed free around his shoulders. “My older brother feel in with a bad crowd, started doing d**gs, he started robbing and dealing to support his habit.”I didn’t know how this had anything to do with us. “He slowly pulled away from the family, my mother and I rarely seen him, and if he did show up at the house it was only to steal something from us to sell. My mother kicked him out one night, told him never to return, it was breaking her heart seeing him like this. I tried my best to help him but he was too far gone. One night, the police arrived at our door, my brother had been shot by a rival dealer, he died alone at the side of the street like road kill. After that my mother went rapidly downhill, not eating or sleeping, she died eight months after my brother, broken hearted. I was lost and alone in the world, I vowed to find the man who destroyed my family. I went to live with an aunt, applied myself to school and got better grades than anyone expected.”He stood and placed his hands on the back of the computer chair, not once making eye contact with me. “Soon after I graduated I enrolled in the police force, I was a natural. I never forgot my vow though, Figaro was my boss at the time, he could see it in my eyes that something was eating away at me. I told him my story, he knew of the dealer that controlled my brother. It was the first time I heard his name, or his street name at least. Kash.””Excuse me!” I stammered.”Yes,” he said resignedly. “The prick ruined both or lives Mason, that’s why I have your files. Kash was spotted thirty miles from here, I have heard rumours that he has branched out into the city.””Woah,” I said, pacing back and forth now, “Kash is here, why wasn’t I told?” I screamed.”Figaro knew Mason, he got you the apartment here so I could keep an eye on you, you know what went down better than anyone, we have to deal with Kash off the books, he is too protected.””So you just gonna hope that he finds out where I live and come for me, do you think he is behind the letters?””I don’t know I am still looking into it, I have a meeting with a cop friend now he is going to see if he can help me. I am wary of police officers since Kash got to my old boss and put pressure on him to fire me, he had d**gs planted in my locker and car, anyone who knew me knew that it was bogus, I am totally anti-d**gs. I was fired regardless.”My head was spinning, Kash was in the city and you knew Figaro, I felt betrayed, I know you are looking out for me, but you still could have warned me. I groaned, all the fucking press attention I was getting online since the Dylan shoot would alert any of Kash’s cohorts into tracking me down. “Listen Myles, I not sure if you know but I have been doing videos online and they have gotten a lot of attention, he can track me down easily now.””Don’t worry, I have hired an extra security guard and have the CCTV guy coming on Monday to install some more cameras on your floor. I wanted to tell you sooner but I thought it would be best not to worry you until I knew more, had more confirmation. I am sorry for what happened last week, my urges just took over and I should never have crossed that line with you.” He turned to look out the window. “So what happens now, do you think he will come for me?””I am not sure, he might, we just have to be vigilante until the time is right.” He said, a hint of ice in his voice.”I have not seen Kash since the night Channing disappeared.” I whispered, trying hard not to give into the lump forming in the back of my throat. “It will be fine Mason, I am working on it, I will do my best so that you never have to see him again.” He walked towards me as if he was going to comfort me. “I better go.” I said, moving towards the door. “I’m tired.””I will call you after my meeting,” he said, dejected at my dodging his hug. “Thanks.”I went back to my place, my mind all in fog, as I lay on my bed I looked back on the last twelve hours. I went from sleeping with a guy I actually like, to being told evil himself was lurking thirty miles away. Fear crept through every inch of my body, I never expected or wanted to see that man again, he was meant to be hiding on the far side of the country, lying low. He was obviously not afraid of people knowing he was here, you would think the fact that he got away with murder would make him less cocky. Last time I had to deal with him you were here to save me Figaro, what am I going to do this time?I wish you told me about why you got me this apartment, I would have understood. I will write to you soon with developments when I get a chance, even though you seem to know more about what’s going on than I do at the moment. Mason X
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