maybe, or possibly trying to get right with God on

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maybe, or possibly trying to get right with God ondear to whomsoever it may concern: now I know that you all may be wondering as to where have I been since that being of the last time I was upon here, & as well as it can be said when it comes down to, pardon the pun, none intended, or had not been meant, as to how come that being of my person who chooses to remain anonymous for that being of some, or of such obvious reason/s, &/or purpose/s for that being of my person, or that being of the person of my same self however said, & you know like saying having said so being of which is an obvious, without a doubt no-brainer as in self-explanatory, & as to why I myself haven’t been upon not only this one particular pornographic social-media website-address since that being of the last time that I myself was, or had been upon here, well so that being of the person of I myself say for that being of the not so obvious reason, &/or purpose, well for one thing I myself have been more, or less making that being of some kind, sort, or type of a new year’s resolution to try to watch not as much, but then rather instead as less porn, or pornography as much as I myself can, or could possibly try to think of it being of a mind’s intentions to stay away from any pornographic, or porn social-media website-address establishments being of which I myself have some, or such accounts with as I myself am a believer in God being of whom is once again trying to think of it being of a mind’s intentions to try to get right with God once again, believe it, or not, & though, although, or regardless of how some given moment in time most recently that being güvenilir illegal bahis siteleri of the person of my same self being of the said in question had been, or was cursed out, or cussed out by a willy-lynch-letter-fulfilling faggotty, or closet-faggot nigga, or nigger preacher-man within that being of the atmosphere of a nigga, or nigger church whereas it had knocked me off of my pedestal, or had rocked that being of my religious foundation/s of faith of spirituality, &/or of Christianity, not churchianity, there is a difference like so you know, & whereas more, or less that being of the person of I myself have never really been that of the same ever since that episode, or experience to have to think that somebody being of whom I myself could possibly look up to had literally, or actually cursed, or cussed me out within that being of the vicinity area neighborhood community church that is suppose to be the, or a preacher-man himself doing that being of the total opposite of that being of the gospel message, &/or the word of God, & then have had that being of the audacity, or the nerve to simply say to threaten to put that being of his physical hands upon me to make matters worse, or to add that being of some, or of such insult to injury, & for having merely talked upon an electronic device of a cellphone all the while I myself was within that being of the atmosphere of a church setting whereas he himself being of this one jive-turkey joe palooka caveman character wearing a religious collar was that being of the, or a pastor thereof, & whereas for a minute, or a moment there I myself couldn’t believe perabet güvenilir mi it, well that was up until that being of the time that he himself had literally, or actually threatened to attempt to place, position, or put his hands upon me, upon that being of my person to simply say, & whereas at first that being of my person was trying to think to give he himself that being of the benefit of a doubt that he himself was either joking, or had been drinking, or smoking something up until that being of the time that it had finally kicked in that this one particular religious-phoney sporting a clergy man’s collar was dead serious as he himself was foaming at the mouth like some kind, sort, or type of a mad-dog with rabies at me, & whereas I felt that if he himself had attempted to put his hands upon me that we would have been fighting within that being of the atmosphere of that one particular black church somewhere upon that being of the southside for a major metropolitan city within that being of the midwest of the u.s.a., &/or likewise within a predominantly black vicinity area neighborhood community, talking about how he himself would beat the living daylights out of me if I myself don’t turn off my cellphone, & put it into my pocket, spitting salt, or venom more, much more than a little bit, but then thank God, my Lord, & Savior, the Messiah-Deliverer that he himself didn’t, or hadn’t acted upon that being of his words with some, or such actions otherwise to compliment that being of a verbal threat to be transformed into something physical, I mean I couldn’t ever for a minute, or a moment there believe tipobet that this was literally, actually happening to me as I was not just talking about anything, &/or everything upon that being of my cellphone, but then whereas he himself had thought that I myself was, or had assumed that I myself was doing just that being of which I wasn’t, but then if anything that being of my person was literally, or actually talking about church matters, but then nevertheless whereas he himself just couldn’t see that, I guess he himself was just reflecting upon how he himself knows me from way back for sometime in the past when that being of the, or a person of I myself was a homeless individual person, & so whereas he himself had taken it upon himself in thinking within that ill-mannered mindset of his that that being of my person couldn’t possibly be talking about anything else, but with that being of one of the exceptions of possibly going about with some, or such street-hustling, &/or was attempting to see if I can, or could possibly get a bonk, or a hit off of somebody be that being of the money were to come out of mine own pocket at that given moment in time if I were to possibly meet up with a d**gpushing gangbanger, or streetpunk at that one particular church, or get some, or such from one upon credit until I were to be able to possibly pay back a known d**gpusher, & whereas that had offended me myself being of that of my person greatly, shows how much he himself knows, & whereas this here is suppose to be that being of one of the same preachers who use to go to this one particular rescue-mission-men’s-shelter I was in before I had gotten that being of mine ow spot once again being of that of a place of residence where I myself can, or could possibly pay some, or such monthly rent, &/or etcetera again, & you know to a landlord, & whereas he himself would show up with his church to preach, & donate food, … ..

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