My New Neighbor

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My New NeighborAfter I finally split with my womanising boyfriend I moved into a large Victorian house that had been turned into a number of small apartments. It seemed that they were mostly occupied by single woman, but with the mood I was in then I only saw that as a plus. My apartment is best described as ‘okay’, a bit small, but then there was only me, and somewhat oddly proportioned because of its earlier life, but it was handy for shopping and convenient for work and so I figured it would do nicely. As I was busy moving in a woman from an apartment down the hall came out to welcome me with an offer of a coffee, which I thought was nice.’Hi.’ She said. ‘I’m Cara and I guess you’re my new neighbour. I bet you haven’t got everything working yet, so would you like a coffee, I’ve just made a pot?”Thanks, yes, I’d love one.’ I brushed wayward hair out of my eyes and looked around at a tall, beautiful blonde. ‘And I’m Alison.’She was right, I hadn’t got my coffee pot working yet and I felt the need of a break. She was maybe fifteen or twenty years older than me, somewhere in her early forties, but that didn’t seem to matter, we were soon chatting away as if we’d known each other for years. Eventually, after an hour that seemed to fly by, I had to excuse myself and carry on with my move, though I genuinely felt reluctant to get up. Cara seemed disappointed that I couldn’t stay longer and extracted a promise to call around to see her again as soon as I could. It never occurred to me at the time that there was any ulterior motive behind her friendliness.It was a few days before I got the chance to pay a return visit, and then only because when I came home a note through my door informed me that a parcel had been delivered when I was out and it had been left with her. I grabbed a quick sandwich and went round to see if it was the set of tablemats that I’d ordered.’You’ve got a brilliant sense of timing.’ She told me as she hooked an arm over my shoulders and ushered me down the hall, past a stand with a tablemat shaped package on it. ‘I’ve just opened a bottle of wine so now we can share it and welcome you properly.’It was perhaps a bit presumptuous, but I didn’t really mind because I’d enjoyed her company so much the last time.She guided me into a seat at one end of a cream leather sofa and then disappeared into the kitchen, leaving me looking around a wonderfully uncluttered lounge, not a bit like my untidy place. On a table to one side stood an open bottle of red wine and one half full glass, so I guess she was telling the truth about the wine, even though I did wonder about it later on.A minute or so later she reappeared carrying another glass, which she filled and held out to me. Our hands touched as I took it, and it seemed that maybe she held on just a second or so too long, but again I thought nothing of it. What I did wonder about was why she went to stand behind the sofa without taking her own glass. I was soon to find out.’You have lovely hair.’ She said, reaching over the sofa back and playing idly with my long dark tresses. ‘I think I prefer brunette.’ Her hand rested momentarily on my shoulder as she played.’Thank you.’ I replied, wondering about the frisson of pleasure her touch had provoked. ‘I always wanted to be blonde like you.’ ‘Oh no, Alison.’ She exclaimed, her hand resting lightly on my shoulder again. I was wearing a singlet style top and her fingers felt warm on my skin ‘With eyes as dark as yours blonde would look all wrong.’I didn’t reply and she stood silently behind me, her hand cupping my shoulder before very softly and gently wandering down my arm as far as she could reach. It felt good, but a little confusing because I wasn’t sure what had made her want to stroke me like that.’Your skin is lovely too.’ She spoke softly, still running gentle fingertips along my arm. ‘Oh, to have young skin like yours.”Thank you.’ I answered again, any doubts calmed by the compliment. I changed my glass to my free hand to take a sip from my wine.’Nice?’ She asked.I wasn’t sure if she meant the wine or the touch of her fingers on my skin, but it was true of both although I couldn’t understand why she was stroking my arm.’Yes.’ I told her, taking another sip of wine in an attempt to show I was answering for that rather than for the feel of her fingers.I felt rather than saw her smile knowingly and her hand went back to my shoulder, gently pushing my hair out of the way so that her fingertips could caress my neck. It made me shudder with pleasure, and I think she realised it because she pushed my hair further out of the way and quickly bent down to plant a tiny kiss on the nape of my neck. That kiss, just a tiny touch of her lips, set the alarm bells ringing, but it felt so nice. It was the first sign of affection that anyone had shown me since before I’d caught my ex texting his latest conquest. Without thinking I bent my head forward, inviting more, but Cara simply chuckled and walked around the sofa to come and sit beside me.’Drink your wine.’ She instructed me calmly, totally ignoring what had just happened. Confused and slightly anxious I quietly obeyed, downing the rest of the wine and then sitting for a short while with the empty glass in my hand before I suddenly realised and leaned over to put it on the table.When I sat back she twisted in her seat to face me, reaching out with her hand to start again stroking my arm with the back of her fingers. I sat staring straight ahead with my hands on my knees and my heart beginning to beat faster and louder. I knew now what was happening, but I felt like a passive onlooker who could do nothing to stop it – nor wanted to. It was as if all I could do was to let it happen. I’d never had a woman come on to me before and she was stirring uncomfortable feelings that I didn’t know I had. Her hand roamed up and down my arm and along my shoulder, further each time until she reached my neck. But this time she let her fingertips slide forward, caressing my throat so gently until she cupped my chin, exerting gentle pressure to turn my face towards her. My head turned before my eyes did, but eventually I had to turn my gaze to her face, to see pale blue eyes regarding me warmly as her full mouth moved slowly towards mine.I let her kiss me. It wasn’t anything passionate or intense, just a tender meeting of lips lasting seconds before it was over and she pulled away again.’All right?’ She asked, looking questioningly into my eyes and sounding faintly anxious.For some reason that slightly nervous tone in her voice helped. I nodded and cleared my dry throat. ‘Yes.She leaned in for another kiss but this time her arm slid over the back of the sofa to pull me towards her as well, and this time the kiss was just a little firmer, just a little less tentative. I didn’t kiss her back, I was far too nervous and my heart was still beating far too fast for that, I just passively allowed her to kiss me. She pulled back a little way and looked hard at me as if to understand my reaction, and then she kissed me again. Her kisses now followed one after the other, her arm around my shoulders held me tighter and the other reached across me to clutch my arm and enfold me in a complete embrace as she kissed me, so that slowly but surely I began instinctively to respond, my lips parting slightly and pressing themselves against hers.She didn’t push things, her tongue didn’t force its way into my mouth even though our lips were parted, so that it seemed more affectionate than sexual. Even so I intuitively knew there was a distinct sexual element to what she was doing and soon my own free arm had found its way across to hold güvenilir bahis siteleri her arm too. We were cuddling properly and now our tongues came into play. We began to probe between each other’s lips, and I’m not absolutely sure who started it – but it felt nice.As we kissed I felt her hand run slowly up and down my arm. I enjoyed the feel of her caressing me like that, until I suddenly realised that the heel of her hand was brushing against my breast more and more each time. Once more my mouth went suddenly dry and my heart pounded again. This was definitely sexual, there was no disguising it, although I think she was trying to stealthily move right over onto my breast before I realised what was happening. I just sat there and let her kiss me as she did it, unable or unwilling to say anything, passively allowing her to feel my breast through my summer clothes. I could have, should have, stopped her, but it was too nice and it just felt good to be wanted.For a little while she fondled my breast as we kissed, making me feel unexpectedly thrilled, until all of a sudden she stopped and pulled away, looking closely at me again. For a moment I felt confused, rejected almost, and wondered what was wrong. But then she smiled and stood up, holding her hand down for me to take.I reached up and climbed to my feet, feeling her arms go around me and pull me into a full embrace, kissing me briefly before whispering in my ear.’Shall we go and do things properly?’ It was phrased as a question but she was already leading me through into her bedroom.It was quite a big bedroom, larger than mine anyway, with the high ceilings inherited from the room’s past life and a massive window that the late sun shone through. It was as strangely proportioned as mine but Cara had kept it entirely feminine and cosy with lovely soft furnishings and a net curtain over the window to keep it private. The bed itself was a king size with a simple white duvet and pillow set that contrasted beautifully with the deep pink of the carpet. I was taking all this in even as she led me to the bed, kicking off her shoes and waiting as I did the same.She embraced me again, kissing me deeply before her hands went to the hem of my top and began to work it up between us. I whimpered softly as my fears cut in.’Don’t be nervous.’I wasn’t nervous, I was confused and terrified. My heart had begun hammering once more and I could hear my breathing harsh in my ear. Moving into the bedroom had suddenly brought the reality of what was happening home to me and I was scared stupid. But the trouble was that I didn’t want it to stop and I couldn’t explain the contradiction. It was like riding a train where I was enjoying my journey but frightened to reach my destination. I raised my arms submissively as she pulled my top over my head and then looked about wildly as her hands went around me to unclip my bra. Then I just meekly stood there as my bra joined my top on the floor, gazing resolutely downwards as she held me at arm’s length to look at me naked to the waist.’You are beautiful.’ Cara told me in a whisper. I sure as hell didn’t feel beautiful, but it was good to hear her say so. She held me by the shoulders for a minute or so and then her hand went to the fastening of my skirt, I heard the buzz of the zip and then the sight of the skirt pooling around my feet. She dropped to her knees and her fingers sought the waistband of my pale lemon panties. I couldn’t suppress the sudden thought that yellow was just the right colour for the way I was feeling right then. I gripped her shoulders for balance and obediently raised each leg in turn for her to work them over my feet. I was naked in another woman’s bedroom and trembling from a mix of fear and excitement.She stepped back and I raised my eyes to meet hers, watching as she reached back and unzipped her long summer dress, allowing it to fall to the floor without taking her eyes from me. We watched each other intently as she unclipped her deep red bra and shook her arms to let it fall, and then balanced herself on the edge of a cupboard a she pushed her matching panties down and stepped out of them.I couldn’t help it; I stared at her, taking in the view of a beautiful, grown-up, naked woman. She wasn’t slender and girlish like me; she was a mature woman with a mature body, full, curvy, and very feminine. I couldn’t keep my eyes off of her, especially when I saw that she had shaved her pubes. I’d seen shaved pubes in porn films and a couple of my friends admitted (while drunk) that they shaved theirs, but I’d never come across it in real life, so to speak. I thought it wonderful, especially suited to Cara’s colouring, blonde and pale skinned. She let me look at her for a few moments and then she climbed onto the bed, sprawling on her side and patting the space next to her in obvious invitation. This really was it; I was nearing that destination I’d been so worried about. I was being seduced by another woman and this was the moment of no return. I either went with it or pulled back from the brink and although my mind still hesitated my libido wanted to go on. My libido won, I found myself walking around the bed like an automaton and then climbing on to lay on my back beside her, arms and legs straight down and staring anxiously at the ceiling. She leaned over and kissed me long and passionately, making me very conscious of our nakedness with the warm sensation of her skin on mine all the way down my body before she leaned away to rest on one elbow and gaze down at me again.’All right?’ I nodded and licked my lips. ‘Yes.’She smiled and reached over to run her hand up and down my body, reaching down to just below my navel and then flipping it over to trail its way up, with the backs of her fingers catching on my nipple as they rode over my breast and making me quietly catch my breath. Several times she did this, watching me intently each time as if to be sure I was enjoying her touch. Then, satisfied I was, she laid her hand on my breast and drew lazy sensuous circles around it with her fingertips.’Don’t be nervous.’ She whispered.’I’m not.’ I assured her, lying through my teeth.Yes, I was nervous, very nervous, but not in the way she meant, it was a different sort of nervous now. Before I’d been nervous about her touching me, nervous about being seduced and maybe even made love to, but now I was nervous that it might not go right, that I might chicken out, or she would decide she didn’t want to, or anything that might leave me high and dry. Like I said, it was a very different kind of nervous, but I tried to reassure her by putting one arm around her neck and dr****g it across her shoulder.She played with my breast and I enjoyed letting her do it. The feel of her fingers circling around my nipple, and then squeezing my breast or gripping my nipple and tugging on it, all served to turn me on. Soon I wasn’t just letting her touch me; I was actively encouraging her with little sounds of enjoyment. I was becoming more and more aroused. Eventually she must have come to the conclusion that the time was right and she wriggled down a little way, leaning over to replace her fingers with her lips, taking my nipple into her mouth and sucking it hard. At the same time her hand slid down and across my stomach, coming to rest with her fingertips buried in my bush. I waited excitedly; knowing what was coming but not entirely sure if she would go straight there.My arm tightened on her shoulder, trying silently to press her over a little more and encourage her hand to explore further, but she still teased me for a few minutes, running her fingertips lightly asyabahis up and down over my stomach at the same time as she licked and sucked my breast. I tried to entice her, letting my legs deliberately drift a little way apart and making little pleasure sounds every time her fingers strayed close to my pubes, but at first she was having none of it. It almost got to the point of me directly asking her to touch me before she finally relented and lifted her head from my breast and gazed at my face again while her fingers ploughed through my bush and down onto my pussy.The feel of her cool slender fingers gently exploring me was all I needed to make everything all right. They were so different from anything I was used to that the fact that they were attached to another woman ceased to matter at all. I had already given in to the idea that a woman could turn me on and now I found I was so right. All the men I had ever been with – not that I’d been with that many – had rather clumsily sought out my hole and blundered in, but Cara didn’t even go there at first, she just gently stroked my curls out of the way and explored me all the way from the tender skin between my holes right up to my clitoris, and I loved every bit of it.Soon she was homing in on my clit, wandering closer each time until finally she was concentrating solely on my little button. She knew just what to do, of course she did, and soon she had me wriggling with pleasure as she rubbed it, stroked it, flicked at it and even took hold and squeezed it between finger and thumb. All the time she looked directly at me, locking her gaze with mine, so that I was pinned by her lovely pale blues eyes, unable to do anything but enjoy her touch. It seemed no time at all before I began to feel a climax building, my first ever from another woman.She could sense that I was getting near and her movements began to speed up, rubbing me faster and harder so that I gasped from the sensation that flooded through me. Then as I got closer to coming and my breathing became ragged and my muscles began to tighten she did something I really didn’t expect. When I was right on the brink she placed the heel of her hand on my mound and raised her fingers, bringing them down sharply to play a rapid rat-a-tat-tat on my clit so that a shock of sensations shot through me and I pretty much exploded into an orgasm. I’d never thought of doing that to myself, but it sure worked because my climax was one of the longest and most ferocious I’ve ever experienced. When it passed all I could do was to lay there panting for breath and trembling from head to foot, uttering little gasping cries from each aftershock.Cara just rested her hand quietly on my pussy and, when my breathing returned to something like normal, leaned down to kiss me gently on the lips. ‘Was that nice?’ She asked, grinning.’What do you think?’ I responded between breaths.’I’m glad.’ She smiled. ‘I wasn’t sure how you’d react.’I wasn’t sure if she meant rapping my pussy or seducing me into bed in the first place, but the answer was the same for both. ‘A whole lot better than I might have expected to.’ I told her ambiguously.She smiled knowingly, still propped on one elbow and looking down at me as if she understood exactly what I meant. The look on her face was so warm and caring that I couldn’t help a sudden surge of affection that flooded through me. I pulled her down towards me.’Kiss me.’She smiled again and then she did as I asked and her mouth came down on mine, kissing me hungrily. I kissed her just as fervently, my tongue dancing with hers as I held her close.’I like your kisses.’ I told her truthfully when we eventually pulled apart.’Oh, I can do better than that.’ She smiled sexily. I stared at her with my lack of understanding plainly written across my face.She smiled broadly. ‘Wait and see.’I still didn’t understand, but then she leaned down and gave me a quick peck on the lips before wriggling from my embrace and heading down the bed. It took me a moment or two even then before comprehension finally dawned, but when it did, my heart gave a sudden lurch and I found myself trembling with anticipation. Cara was intending to go down on me. She’d said she could kiss me better and that was what she had meant. I closed my eyes and waited.She settled herself between my legs, urging them further apart before she used her thumbs to push my bush out of the way and then part my labia. I waited with my eyes tight shut, knowing she was staring at my pussy from so close up that I could feel her breath on my skin, and I was feeling both excited and embarrassed because of it. I didn’t have long to wait, but her first touch was so light I wasn’t even sure I’d felt it. It must have been the very tip of her tongue that just gently touched my clit, and then trailed lightly all the way down my pussy. I felt myself tense just for the moment at that first contact, but then I relaxed and gave a quiet sigh as she licked me from one end to the other. I’d never been licked so tenderly before, it was almost a caress by her tongue as it descended and then turned and made its gentle way back along my slit. Her fingers moved out of the way now and her hands rested on my thighs, pushing them further apart ready for the strokes of her tongue. The next time she licked me it was slightly firmer and so was the one after, and soon I realised it was the flat of her tongue that I could feel now, the tip just flicking out at the end of its journey and making me gasp as it caught my clit. I opened my eyes and looked down, catching sight of her eyes returning my gaze from under a mass of blonde hair that moved slowly up and down as she pleasured me. I think I felt her smile as our eyes met, but I couldn’t be sure. One thing I was sure of was the smile on my own lips, I’d got over my awkwardness and I just lay there and enjoyed what she was doing to me. It was beautiful. She was making each pass a little more positive than the last until she was nuzzling firmly between my pussy lips, her face getting wet from my juices as she buried her mouth in me. My hips were soon beginning to twitch of their own accord from the sensations I was feeling and I knew I was going to climax for a second time under Cara’s attentions. She must have realised how close I was becoming, for she suddenly moved her hand from my thigh and slid two fingers right into my pussy, thrusting roughly in and out of me and heightening my pleasure. I was right on the very brink of coming again and enjoying a woman in a way I would never have dreamed possible, and then for a split second I felt almost guilty and I promised silently that I would repay her before I surrendered to the waves of happiness that washed over me.Afterwards she cupped her face in her hands and gazed quietly up at me, smiling at my breathless fulfilment until I finally managed to speak.’My god, Cara. What have you done to me?’The question was almost rhetorical. I was really asking how she had managed to persuade me to enjoy a woman’s touch, and in a way I was thanking her for it. ‘Only what you needed doing Alison.’ She replied, equally ambiguously, climbing onto her knees and gazing down at me.I nodded silently, thinking about what was happening and making no attempt to cover myself. I’d come out of a heterosexual relationship with all the hurt and regrets that entailed, so perhaps Cara had caught me at just the right vulnerable moment. Whatever the reason I was enjoying being with her and learning just what a woman could do. All those thoughts ran through my mind, taking my attention so that I hardly noticed when she moved closer and lowered asyabahis giriş herself onto all fours over me, the feel of her full breasts brushing over my smaller ones the only thing that caught my notice. I glanced down, enjoying the unexpected sight of her heavy breasts beneath her, her nipples standing stiff and engorged over mine. I wanted to reach down and fondle them, but I wasn’t quite confident enough to do that just yet.She lowered her mouth to mine, still propping herself up on her hands and knees as we kissed gently. I wrapped my arms around her and tried to pull her down into a full embrace but she pulled her mouth away and shook her head.’Touch me, Ali.’ She whispered, using my pet name, moving forward a little so that her breasts hung invitingly in front of me. ‘It’s your turn.’I knew it was my turn. All the while until then it had been what she had done to me, the pleasure that she had given me without anything in return. Maybe it was simply a statement of fact, or maybe she wanted to remind me that everything had been one way traffic so that guilt would make me respond. It didn’t really matter which because I was already longing to join in and her request gave just the assurance I needed. Emboldened, my hands threaded their way between us to cup her suspended breasts, and it felt wonderful to have Cara’s firm mature globes nestling in my palms. I fondled them, squeezed them, and tugged at them, pinching and rolling her nipples, all the while listening to the tiny little pleasure sounds that she made. And that helped too, because I was in unfamiliar territory playing with a woman, and her little noises let me know I was getting it right. She moved a little higher on the bed, purposely I think, to bring her dangling nipple level with my mouth, mutely insisting that I took it into my mouth. I did as I knew she wanted, taking the firm little cylinder between my lips and sucking on it. She let out a noise from deep in her throat when I did that, a lovely noise of satisfaction and arousal, making me smile around her nubbin.I was fondling one breast and sucking at the other, but my free hand, that had been holding her breast, now had nothing to do and so, almost as if of its own volition, it began to stroke her belly from below, fingertips running along her torso from breast to hip. I knew what it was doing, and I knew where it was headed, but it was as if I had no say in the matter, even when it found the join of her legs and held her pubic mound in its palm. I let it have its way, sliding under and between her thighs to cup her pussy and feel its wetness on my palm. Cara was so aroused, so turned on that she immediately began to press herself into my palm, moving her pelvis sexily to work my fingers between her pussy lips. I helped her, seeking and finding her clit, letting my fingertips rub it before her hips and my hand moved me lower, this time to find and enter her vagina. Whoever would have thought that I’d be doing this, and enjoying it?I thrust in and out of her pussy with my fingers, letting the heel of my hand rest against her clit so that her own movements could stimulate her there. I’d never touched a woman sexually before, but it seemed the right thing to do, and it appeared to work for she was soon squirming more and more and beginning to make little noises in my ear, much as I had not too long before. I knew then that she was going to come and I couldn’t help smiling to myself at my success in bringing her off. It was not long before her wriggling became so pronounced I was worried that she would dislodge my hand, but just as I was sure my fingers would slip from inside her she exhaled noisily and pushed herself hard onto my fingers, her whole body shuddering as she came. She held herself like that, gasping loudly and with her hips twitching as her climax surged through her, until finally she suddenly relaxed, slumping on top of me and panting for breath. I disentangled my hand and she shuffled down until our faces were level and then she whispered breathlessly in my ear.’I just came.’It was a totally unnecessary remark made as if in surprise, but I couldn’t help but feel suddenly proud; I’d made a woman come. I put my arms around her, aware of placing my dampened fingers against her skin, and held her close, feeling her heart thudding against me.For a few minutes we just lay still together with Cara partially on top of me, but then her mouth sought out mine and we kissed again, long and lovingly. I was no longer fazed by the affection she showed in her kisses, it seemed as right and natural as a man’s kiss would have done, and twice as tender. I kissed her back, my hands roaming up and down her back as far as I could reach, feeling the soft firmness of her skin. She murmured her pleasure softly into my mouth, her body moving gently against mine as she responded to my caresses.But then I realised that she was somehow straddling my leg, her thigh had slipped between mine and mine between hers, so that each was pressed against the other’s pussy. It wasn’t something I’d intended, and I’m pretty sure Cara hadn’t either, but the unexpected feel of her leg pressing lightly on my pussy turned me on again almost instantly. I began to move, rubbing myself gently against her thigh, feeling her respond almost immediately by pressing herself onto me a little firmer. I wanted us to share what to me was a new pleasure and so I bent my knee a little raising my own thigh so that it pressed in turn against her and waited for her to take the hint.’You minx.’ She mumbled, smiling into a kiss as she began slowly to follow my lead.At first it was a gentle movement, but soon, as we both became aroused again, the pressure became firmer and our wet slippery pussies slid over each other’s thighs. I raised my leg knee further, turning slightly onto my side so that I could press harder against her, holding her as tight as she was holding me. Kissing was quickly forgotten, we were soon panting into each other’s ears, thrusting and squirming, just waiting for the moment when our climaxes would flood our bodies with sensations.Cara came first, even though she had climaxed not long before, rubbing herself frantically against my leg, gasping harshly into my ear as I tried my best to hold my leg firm against her thrusts. Hearing and feeling her climax against me very quickly sent me over the edge too and we ended up writhing against each other, feeling the fabulous flood and surge of our climaxes and crying out in our joint ecstasy.This time when it was over we rolled apart and just held hands while we struggled for breath. I looked across at my new lover and burst out giggling when I saw her red-faced and trembling, looking every bit as spent and satiated as I felt, with her chest heaving and making her magnificent breasts rise and fall delightfully. I wanted to lean across and kiss them, but I just didn’t have the energy.’I hope you’ll come again.’ She said finally when she’d got her breathing under control.’Would you like to explain what you mean by that?’ I asked, raising my eyebrows and grinning at her ambiguity.She laughed. ‘I meant.’ She explained. ‘That I hope you’ll visit me again, although the other coming again wouldn’t be a bad idea either.”Then yes please to both.’ I told her.We lay quietly for a few minutes, just relaxing and enjoying each other’s silent company, but then a thought crossed my mind and I rolled onto my side to ask her.’How did you know?”How did I know what?’ ‘That I had…’ I stumbled over what I wanted to ask. I tried again. ‘How did you know that I was ‘bi’ when I didn’t know myself?’She turned her head and looked at me very seriously. ‘I didn’t. I was attracted to you the first time we met and I just hoped.’I thought about it for a minute. ‘I suppose that’s what we all do with potential new partners, isn’t it?’** The End – visit my page & subscribe for more content**

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