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Subject: Office Gym – Part 6 OFFICE GYM (adult-friends, authoritarian, interracial)Author email: yo[dot]cfcf[at][dot]com I appreciate all feedback! Especially on what should happen next: read all the way to the end. Part 6 As the night went on, the four masters played a competitive series of poker games. It turns out all of them were equally good – or equally bad, or lucky. As midnight approached, all four were in spitting distance of winning. For the most part, I was sent back and forth from the kitchen to grab food and drink. The masters didn’t even look me in the eye; they simply called out instructions, like “Boy, I need a beer,” or “Slave, my martini is empty.” In one exciting episode, Master Andy decided that we should order a pizza. When the delivery guy rang the doorbell, Master Phil directed me to grab the pizza at the door. “But I’m not wearing real clothes…” I started. “And you shouldn’t be,” Master Ryan cut me off. “Slaves do not protest when their masters instruct them to do something. Get the pizza, boy.” I gulped and walked to the door. Upon opening it, the delivery guy – a young white guy probably 18 years or so -looked at me with wide eyes. I handed him the cash and took the pizza. I realized Master Andy had forgotten the tip. “Excuse me,” I said, “I need to grab the tip.” I walked back in and asked Master Phil for the tip. He pulled out some cash, but a smile crossed his face. “I’ll walk back with you, boy,” he answered. He attached my leash to my collar and led me to the door. Master Phil handed the delivery guy the tip. He also handed the guy the leash. “Would you like to use our slave boy for 10 minutes? No permanent damage Erzurum Escort to the property, but you can use him for some fun.” He gestured to a guest bedroom off to the side of the entryway. The delivery boy nodded. Master Phil smiled. “Make him lock the door, wash up, and head back in when you’re done.” The delivery boy pulled me in by the leash and pushed me down to my knees, swiftly and hard. “Unzip me, slave,” he said in a harsh but hushed tone, nervous that he would disturb the audible party going on. I pulled out a thick 7-inch cock, pale with a bright pink head. “Suck me off,” he demanded. I choked as I slowly tried to get the whole thing down my throat. He grabbed my ears and fucked my mouth roughly for a few minutes. I gagged and slobbered all the way through, until he shot his load, emitting a moan. The moan was apparently a little louder than expected, as I heard the masters cheer from the other room. The delivery slave smiled. “You better not let a drop spill out,” he warned, as he buttoned his pants and walked out. I cleaned up and locked up as he left. As I walked back to the room, Master Ryan said, “good job boy. Nice to know you have some oral skills.” The group burst into raucous laughter. “Why don’t you get us some more snacks and beer?” Master Mike commanded. As I was getting together food and drink for the masters, I heard their conversation, and at multiple times felt my dick struggle against its cage: *** MASTER PHIL: I could really get used to having a slave boy. Somewhere down my family line, we owned slaves. Something idyllic about that, even though it’s not legal anymore. MASTER MIKE: There is something Erzurum Escort Bayan natural about it. Seems natural that white men like us take charge. Plus, I can’t help but notice that the slave looks more natural naked, locked, and collared. MASTER RYAN: He did take those things pretty well – almost like it was second nature to him. MASTER ANDY: In a way we did him a favor, right? He seems to have taken well to it, and it does indeed seem like the natural scheme of things. MASTER MIKE: So boys, what are your plans for the slave if you win tonight? All of us seem well poised to do so. MASTER ANDY: My fiancee is away for a work trip, so I could really use a slave to take out my sexual frustrations. Truth be told, I’m getting a little hard thinking about it (others laugh). I would just use all of his holes – I have only done anal once, and it was amazing, but my fiancee doesn’t do it. So yeah, just tie him somewhere and fuck him every which way. MASTER PHIL: It’s nice when you don’t have to worry about consent. MASTER RYAN: Well, slaves can’t consent, right? That’s the whole point about being a slave. MASTER ANDY: Exactly. It’s nice to worry just about your pleasure and not have to think about whether you’re hurting someone else for a change. MASTER MIKE: I take it you like doing it rough? MASTER ANDY: Rougher than my fiancee would like (others laugh). MASTER PHIL: I, for one, am going back to my college to meet up with other members of the lacrosse team. I would love to offer them a slaveboy for the overnight. MASTER RYAN: That poor boy – he’ll be destroyed by all of those players. MASTER PHIL: Haha, probably. Escort Erzurum Some of those guys are twisted. I think one of them might fuck him in the ass with a lacrosse stick or something. MASTER ANDY: Well that will be something – either a sex slave for me or a house slave for a bunch of lacrosse guys. What else – Mike, Ryan? MASTER MIKE: I used to make performance art pieces with human elements, and had this idea for one called “Colonization.” My idea was to have a man – not white of course – be shackled in a cage with a bit in his mouth, a cage on his dick, and a dildo stuck up his ass. The dildo would be remote controlled, and viewers can change the settings in intensity. They could also reach through the cage and touch the man, grab his nipples, etc. Well, if I had a slave boy, I wouldn’t need to convince anyone to do that. MASTER ANDY: That does sound hot. If laws weren’t laws, you could even sell the art to a wealthy buyer. MASTER MIKE: Don’t get me started; one of the downsides of performance art (others laugh). Maybe things could change anyway. Ryan? MASTER RYAN: I’m more old school, I guess. I long for the days when we had slaves in the fields doing our work. I have a plot of land in Virginia; I would take the slave there and work in the fields. I do have other workers there; maybe they’ll get some ideas. MASTER PHIL: Maybe – like they’ll use the slave boy for his holes? Or realize they wouldn’t mind also being naked slaves to a white master? MASTER RYAN: The possibilities are endless! (others laugh) Perhaps even put a bridle on him and make him pull me around like a pony slave. *** I was more turned on than before as I walked back in. “You’ve got an interesting future, boy,” Master Andy said. “And it all depends on this final hand.” I gulped. As the game wound down, one of the masters dropped his cards, and won the wager. *** AUTHOR NOTE: Let me know who you would want to win. Whose plans sound the hottest?

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