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Subject: Operation Pied Piper – Part 106c IMPORTANT NOTE TO ALL READERS: Any references made to Schools, Castles and Aristocratic titled personages around England, Scotland or Russia are pure fiction. None of the story features about those places or named titles personages are true, none of what you are about to read actually happened. This story and all the characters are 100% fiction. I am grateful to Nifty for posting my stories. If you enjoyed my story or any others on this site then please show your appreciation and donate whatever you can afford. fty/donate.html No part of this story may be reproduced in whole or in part in any manner without the permission of the author. ******************** `Right Chaps, I will say no more than this; the club is disbanded; what the three of you adults do in private, is none of my business. But none of the pupils are to be a part of it do you understand? I mean it, that is an end to it and the matter as far as I am concerned. I will speak with the younger ones, but I don’t want any of you to mention it to them or to speak to them about it again. I will be taking no disciplinary action against anyone, nor will I be making a record of it; as far as I am concerned it never happened. Do any of you have anything to say? I watched each in turn the relief palpable on their faces. They all remained silent. Apart from mutters of “Thank you”. Athol finished his drink and stood up. `Right let’s get this Castle decorated up for the best Halloween party it has ever seen’ ******************* Operation Pied Piper � Part 106c – Halloween Davy continues the story Fort’s was standing behind the old guilt mirror frame; most of the silver used in ages past to make it reflective now long gone. He ducked down his image grinning through the ancient glass. `Now you look into it’ I moved forward; shit even with the lights on it was eery. `We can hide someone in make up behind the mirror, a dark room and a few candles’ `Fort’s, Athol didn’t want us frightening anyone to much’ `Davy, have you seen the place? pumpkin lanterns, sheets, cobwebs, candles, paper bats, spooky music, it won’t be us that frightens everyone, they will be shitting it before they even start to look at this’ Fort’s closed our curtains and put a pumpkin lantern on the floor in front of the mirror. `Marcus are you free? Forts hid behind the mirror pulling me down next to him. I heard Marcus’ door open. `Yes,…Oh, shit I hate this, guys its dark, don’t jump out at me, I hate Halloween…’ Forts muffled his voice with his sleeve, `I am in the ensuite’ We heard Marcus come into the room, he stood in front of the mirror and peered into it; Forts jumped forward `Jesus H Christ, Forts… you frightened the shit out of me, that’s not funny’ Forts was on the floor laughing `This is going to be great… what next Davy, what other games? Marcus left us, muttering under his breath `Well, you mentioned, ducking for apples and pin the tail on the donkey’ `Yes, Fort’s remember there will be kids from other schools here too, so nothing to outrageous’ He looked skyward; that was ominous. `Come on let’s see how Gregor and Landers are getting on, the other children will be arriving in a couple of hours’ We left out room, greeted by grinning carved pumpkins sitting at the tops and bottoms of the stairs; Dexy and the Americans had been working all out; the ceilings festooned with paper bats and string cobwebs. Forts grinned at me; `This is amazing, I have never seen anything like it’ Nor had I, we reached the kitchen as the spooky strains of Bach’s Toccata and Fugue in D minor; reached us from the Great Hall as Mr Davis had one last practice. `Come on Fort’s I have to see the Great Hall’ We hurried down like a couple of kids; we had yet to change into our costumes, we would do that just before the children all started arriving. Archie was smiling madly. `Ahh Forts, Davy, we may need you to help out, go and stand by a pair of window shutters will you’ `Wow dad, look at this place’ Athol was grinning like a kid too; the long case grandfather clock was stood at one end of the room on a small dais covered in black cloth, two small spot lights pointing at the dial. Athol got Mr Davis attention. `Hugh, one minute, can we just try the party opening again’ I jumped as he turned round a skeleton face grinning down at us, waving. `Hang on Athol’ Mr Davis left his seat at the organ and slipped behind through one of the concealed doors. Archie grinned at us and put on a spooky voice. `Watch this; once we have all the children seated Athol is going to appear up there’; He gestured up towards the old minstrel gallery. There was Athol suddenly illuminated; he gave a spooky welcome in an echoing voice and pointed towards the clock; on que the hands began to spin round racing towards twelve O’clock, as they did a gong banged out thirteen clangs; Athol shrieked out `Welcome Children, It’s Halloween’ Barely had he said that when the main doors slammed shut, this was followed by, each of the sets of window shutters slamming closed one after the other; as the final ones slammed shut the lights went off and Pumpkin lanterns were revealed on each window ledge. Another shriek from Athol of `Music maestro’ And Mr Davis was illuminated running to the Pipe organ; it burst into life once more with alsancak escort Bach’s Toccata and Fugue, as more candles were illuminated a few more low-level lights came on revealing three black witches cauldrons; the bobbing for apples positions, lanes set out for a sack race and egg and spoon races, pin the tail on the Donkey points, Bean bag Pumpkin toss, Witches Hat ring toss; that one Margery, had come up with, finally bobbing for Doughnuts and then tables laid out with all the food. Athol and Archie, joined us `Well, what do you think? Fort’s grabbed him in a bear hug. `Bloody amazing dad, bloody amazing’ Archie was smiling like the preverbal Cheshire Cat. `Now all we need are the kids’ We both nodded. I grabbed Forts arm `Come on let see if Gregor needs a hand? ** McPhee continues the story I hoped Gary was right about this. As the children from the three invited schools got off their buses; I did as instructed; and had them all line up along with the pupils from Castle Fraser boy’s school, on the courtyard, facing the Castle. Pumpkin lanterns leered down at us like so many demons from all the window ledges; I could hear the kids gasping as well as the teachers. I was covered with a white sheet with holes for eyes, carrying an old tome from the library, to silence, I opened it and began to regale the children with the story of the ghost of Castle Fraser. Startled heads; with worried faces, began to glance around, and ears pricked up as I reached the part in the story when the horse with its eyes blood red carrying his Lordship on his way back to the Castle, foundered in the terrible storm: maybe I was making it to spooky. I saw a couple of faces spin towards the stable block as the first whinny drifted across the ground to us, then a second and a shriek; everyone was now looking towards the stables as the huge black horse appeared; rearing in the archway; it’s eyes glowing red as it reared once more and then began to gallop towards us. My que `Boys of Castle Fraser, grab a new friend from our visiting schools and get them to the safety of the Great Hall’ Luckily the other teachers had been tipped off and together we made sure everyone got inside; just in time as the horses faceless rider laughed and swung a pumpkin lantern as if it was his head, while his terrible mount reared and whinnied, its blood red eyes flickering. I watched as Gary turned Pegasus back to the stable block, he would join the party soon. We got all the kids into the great hall and the party began. ** Archie takes up the story With over one hundred children in the Great Hall, Athol, started off the entertainment and what a party it was. The small schools in the area, usually only had a couple of classes at most, the children in each class ranging over a number of years in age. I ended up speaking to one of the teachers from one of them, they called over a couple of boys one fourteen the other fifteen; a quick look round showed them to be the eldest children from the other schools. `Boys let me introduce you to Mr Campbell, he is the Factor to his Lordship who owns and runs the school, Mr Campbell allow me to introduce, Malcolm Fitzgordon and Banner Douglas’ The two boys nodded and held out their hands `Very pleased to meet you Mr Campbell’ `Good, and I am pleased to meet you too, are you boys having fun? They both gave a week smile. `Hang on let me get someone over for you to meet, someone more your ages’ I waved over Brookmeyer and introduced him; he led the boys off to introduce them to some of the others. The boy’s teacher, Mr Brown, went on `Our school, only caters for boys up to fourteen really, out of a service to his family we have kept Malcolm on, but to be honest, he isn’t getting the best education with us, alas he has no means of travel to get him to the Academy in Aberdeen.’ `The Academy? `Yes both Malcolm and Banner, have passed the entrance exam…’ He let it hang there… `That’s such a shame, especially if they are both clever enough to go to the Academy’ He nodded, shrugging his shoulders… `Yes such a pity’ He stared at me; I knew exactly what he was hinting at, I called over Fort’s and explained everything to him. `Well with Ron now gone, perhaps? I nodded, `Let me speak to Athol, why don’t you have a chat with the boys, learn a bit more about them, whether they would fit in here’ Forts winked and made his way over to Brookmeyer and the two lads. I turned to Mr Brown. `You don’t know who that was do you? He shook his head `Should I? `Probably not, that fine young chap is His Imperial Highness Prince Drageon Drageonivanov Romanov, a Prince of the Blood Imperial, one of the last surviving members of the Romanov bloodline, he is also the adopted son of Lord MacDonald’ Mr Brown continued to look at me `The reason I tell you is that Drageon, or Forts as we all call him, has set up scholarships for disadvantaged boys to attend this school. It would be good if that scheme was extended to include boys from the local area too…let me see what can be done, in the meantime, let’s enjoy some of this food before it is all gone’ ** Forts continues the story The ducking for apples, had been really popular, the kids really enjoying it, the floor was soaked and we kept having to mop it up. I had left two of the Prefects in charge when Archie called me over aliağa escort to him. I knew exactly what he was hinting at and it sounded an amazing idea, I made my way over to Brookmeyer who was with a rather fearfully dressed Gary; still wearing the ghostly robes he had greeted the kids on while riding Pegasus. Brookmeyer nodded as I approached `Forts, this is Malcolm and Banner’ I nodded and shook hands with each of them. My eyes immediately making a connection with Banner’s. Maybe I should describe them, I will start with Banner, he was about five feet six, blond hair; hazel-coloured eyes, his body looked toned from what I could see of it under the sheet he was wearing; this was confirmed moments later, I grinned `You’re a ghost too, great outfit, better than mine, give us a spin’ I moved him so that the light from a nearby spot like shone through his sheet, wow, he was naked apart from a pair of pants and his shoes and socks, I gripped his arm `Hey you have great muscles too’ He blushed and mumbled `Thank you’, his eyes never leaving mine. `Brookmeyer, can you look after Malcolm, I am just going to show Banner, some of the games we have going on’ Brookmeyer gave me a knowing nod. I led Banner round the various games, first introducing him to Margery Matherson; yes she had managed to get herself invited and with a couple of the Land Girls was running the witches hat hoop toss. As we walked away Banner gave a bit of a high-pitched giggle; his voice obviously at the breaking stage. `She was scary’ I nodded and grabbed him round the waist; cackling into his ear, pretending to be a witch. We passed the old mirror; dad had decided it was too scary for the young children, so now it became just a prop. I showed it to Banner, laughing as he jumped. I looked round, Davy was watching us, I led him over to him; as you all know Davy can read me like a book; he smiled shaking his head; he leant into my ear. `You have my permission, but I want to hear all about it’ I kissed his lips; Banner stood his mouth hanging open; I watched his eyes, they never left mine. I began to lead him away, he glanced back at Davy; who gave him a little nod. `You could never get away with kissing a boy at our school; well not in public’ I let it hang; he blushed, his voice practically a whisper `I have never kissed a boy’ I led him out of the hall and down the corridor, smiling down at him `Do you want to? Staring at the floor he nodded; I opened the door behind me and led him into the linen cupboard, as the door closed we were immediately plunged into darkness; I flicked on the light switch. He gasped as I took hold of his arms through his sheet and pushed him against the wall. `Are you okay?, you don’t have to do this if you don’t want too’ I leant down; kissing the tip of his nose; he smiled up at me `Who was that boy you kissed? `Oh, that’s not a pupil, that was one of the Masters, Mr Thomas’ `A Master? I nodded and kissed his nose again, leaning my body against his; the flimsy sheets we were both wearing doing nothing to hide my now hard cock as it rubbed against him. I began to slide his sheet up and pulled it off over his head; I had been right his muscles were toned; I felt his abs. `Nice’ He coyly looked at me, now in just his underpants and socks and shoes `Do you work out? `Only on my dad’s farm’ Another gasp as my hand cupped the front of his briefs; I looked deeply into his eyes `Are you okay with this? `He nodded’ I pressed my lips to his, my tongue ran along the tight seal his lips were making; I eased off kissing him gently again, several times on the lips and nose, I let my tongue lick the end of his nose and then his lips, he got the idea and soon his tongue was meeting mine, curling and tumbling together; firstly, outside our mouths and then as he cottoned on inside as I held him tightly; my hands exploring his amazingly fit body. I broke apart from him and stepped back; he looked confused. Gasping `What have I done? I just smiled and pulled the sheet off over my head; he gasped again as my thick rock hard eight-inch cock appeared; I threw down the sheet standing in my kilt socks and brogues, and reached for his hand. His eyes began to water, pleading without words, then he mumbled, as he followed me into the other room. `You will be gentle, won’t you, it’s my first time’ I got him down on to the mattress, we kneeled facing each other, my cock bobbed against his stomach; I reached for his briefs `Can I take them off? He nodded, again his eyes fixed on mine; I slowly pushed down his underpants, his hard cock sprung up, it was maybe five inches long; not very thick, uncut, his cockhead wet with precum; his balls swung loosely in their sac the whole package with a clump of darker brown hair above his cock. He glanced down `Your so much bigger than I am’ `I am older than you, …can you cum yet? I whispered as I continued nibbling his ear? He nodded. I dropped to his cock and took it deep in to my mouth; tasting his sweet boy nectar as his cock slid over my tongue; I eased his foreskin back with my tongue fully exposing his bright red cockhead; he moaned pushing his hips forwards; I sucked up and down his shaft; his hands soon grabbing my head `Please, please, I will cum, I don’t want to cum yet’ I released his cock and our lips joined once more; I felt him tire escort curl his hand round my shaft; he squeezed. I sat back on my bum, my legs folded under me, my cock sticking straight up `Do you want to have a closer look at him? He blushed again, another coy nod, he lowered his head and I could feel his breath on my cockhead; then his lips delicately kissed the tip, I felt my cock throb from the depth of my balls, rewarding his kiss with precum, his tongue licked across my cock lips and then slowly his lips stretched over the sides of my glistening cock head; his technique wasn’t the best, but the fact he was doing it; was amazing. I let him suck for a while and then pulled his head level with mine again; once more pressing my lips to his, tasting my own precum. I turned him round so he was on all fours facing away from me, what Davy and I referred to as Doggie position now; I shuffled in behind him. Wow, I stopped; taking my time to look at his pert muscled arse; this so reminded me of Davy, when we first arrived at the school, and what with his blond hair; he could have been Davy’s younger brother. I ran my middle finger from his coccyx down between his pert cheeks, his legs spread further apart; just what I wanted to happen. His little dark pink rose bud peeked out at me, his balls gently swinging in their sac as he shuffled, his muscular thighs apart. I leant forward and smelled him; breathing in his bodies aromas. I hovered centimetres from his arse cheeks; I reached up and took, a cheek in each hand easing them apart, I breathed in deeply again; his smell intensifying. I buried my nose, just above his rosebud and let my lips kiss it; certain it had kissed me back; I licked my broad tongue across it; another groan, his head went down to the mattress; his arse rising. `Can you reach back and hold your butt cheeks apart’ I moaned, his hands soon took over from mine; I licked again, then blew on his tight rose; it gave a little shiver; I pushed my lips to it and let my tongue push its tip against its centre. All the time getting it wetter and wetter, I moved a finger up to join in the assault on his hole; he gasped and looked back at me with is puppy eyes `Please be gentle’ I gave him one of my now famous smiles. Oh, I was going to be; but I wanted his virginity, I wanted this tight arse wrapped round my cock. I kept up my work on his hole, slowly getting him opened up; first one then two fingers; gently scissoring them apart widening his hole; then back to licking and sucking, my tongue getting deeper and deeper into him; my third finger slid easily in along side the other two. I worked the three digits deep and stretched them wide. Raising up on my knees I leant over his body, whispering in his ear `Are you okay? He nodded `Are you sure about this? Another nod I sat back and took hold of my shaft; I slapped my wet leaking bellend against his hole; smearing it with my precum, before locking the tip of the head into the centre of his spiders web. `Push back like you want to shit’ I felt his pucker kiss against my cocklips, as I increased the pressure; for a moment nothing seemed to happen, then slowly ever so slowly, his hole began to open, his body stretching open, his sphincter stretching back over my invading cockhead; with a pop, I was inside him; just the head; his arse tensed; I heard him whimper `Are you still okay’ He gasped `Yes it’s just so big’ I held position for another moment and then spat on the back of my shaft, smearing it over my cock, I began to push it home; halfway in, he slapped my thigh `Please stop, it’s hurting so much’ I eased back; feeling him trying to shuffle forward. My cock pulled from his arse; his hole gaped wide an angry red colour. He collapsed on to the bed and immediately began crying, pulling his arms up over his head, pulling his knees up and curling himself in to a ball. I flopped down onto the mattress beside him and put my arm round him; he glanced round `I am so sorry, I wanted to’ I kissed him and wiped his eyes. `Don’t you worry, there is always another time’ There was a knock on the door and Davy’s head appeared; he immediately looked worried, mouthing “is he okay?” I nodded and stood up, helping Banner up off the floor, I gave his tearstained face a little kiss. `Just today wasn’t to be his magic day’ I gave Banner a hug, Davy joined us and hugged him too. `Hey don’t worry, even I have problems taking that big dick sometimes’ Banner made eye contact with Davy; they exchanged grins. Davy handed Banner his sheet and pants. `Best get yourself dressed’ He looked at me `Forts, the other schools are all getting ready to leave, Athol wants you to help with the party bags’ ******************** Folk’s Thank you for taking the time to let me know you’re enjoying this story. There’s nothing more rewarding than hearing from you with suggestions or even just that you’re enjoying the story, please email me to let me know. Other Nifty stories by this writer: `NightCam Fun’ � Gay/Encounters `Exploring my brother’ � Gay/Incest `Joshs Adventures series’ – Gay/Adult Youth `An Army life for me’ – Gay/Adult Youth/Military `Grandmas Bedroom’ � Bisexual/Incest `Dominic Online’ � Gay/Adult Youth `Vampyre’ � Gay/Adult Youth `Operation Pied Piper’ � Gay/Adult Youth `Scream if you want to go faster’ – Bisexual/Adult Youth `Red and Nick’ � Bisexual/Military `The Extraordinary Christmas Party’ � Bisexual/Incest `A Brother Used’ – Gay/Incest `A very English Trailer Park’ – Gay/Adult Youth

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