Pimping My Father Chapter 1

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Finding a good writing partner is a never ending battle so I have elected to go my own way till I find another to write taboo with me.

Pimping My Father

Chapter 1: Background

“Hurry up dad! You’re really pissing me off again and probably costing me money.” Trina yelled across the large kitchen. Her father Glen apologized as usual as he gulped down the last of his hurried breakfast on the fly. He felt like an idiot dressed in the Lycra biking attire Trina and her mom had made him purchase. The twenty nine year old father always thought they were gay looking but the wife held all the cards and so he followed her orders. The one redeeming factor was that she only made him wear this outlandish get up when they rode their bikes. Had she suggested he wear the skin tight outfit when they drove or walked to their destination he may have gotten the nerve to complain. True the business was Jens idea but Trina was given complete control over how to run it. And run it she did!

“Sorry honey.” he replied as he headed toward the front door held open by the impatient, enterprising nine year old. Her flashing blue eyes surveyed the good looking man from head to toe pausing momentarily at the massive bulge of cock and balls that the skin tight Lycra showcased. A flash of tiny pink tongue traced her red glossed lips as she admired her latest idea in showing off her merchandise. “Admit it dad. That really shows off your fuck package good. So good that in the right light I can just make out your cock rim even under your foreskin.”

Glen looked down and could see that the girl was correct. Trina went on, “Sides, this will be faster when we don’t have much time.”

He followed her thin boyish body down the sidewalk and had to admit that she was right. When school was out for summer and on most weekends they had hours to spend on her growing business. It was those days when they could go to the parks and playgrounds and even the shopping malls and not feel hurried. Thankfully Trina was not greedy for cash or merchandise but she still demanded at least one payment a day. Today he had to make good Elazığ Escort with only an hour to spare before her school day began.

Moments later they were riding their bikes down the long driveway toward the small residential street. Glen followed behind his daughter and between waves and hellos to their unsuspecting neighbors he admired the sun glinting off the silky, fine hairs on her toned little calves and thighs. The blonde fuzz was made even more golden in the early rays of morning and that apple ass was a sight to behold as every muscle flexed with her every cycle of the pedals. Occasionally she would turn back and smile and as always he would smile back.

They only had a few blocks more to go and once again the young father reflected on their lives. He was not yet used to this role and in reality had no complaints. It had all begun about a year ago when the youngster barged in on him and caught him looking at underaged model websites. They were tame and he knew better then to seek out more graphic images. His mind had been able to do wonders for him with only the barely legal images he had found. Trina had said nothing at the time yet she knew more then she had conveyed. Slowly she began to do her best to emulate those girl models when her mother was away on a business trip. Things progressed over the weeks and before long they would look at the pictures together with Glen giving Trina suggestions on how to dress for him and even put on the makeup he admired these preteens wearing. They were doing well hiding all of this from Jen. All of Trinas provocative outfits, makeup, costume jewelry and even her extra small fuck me heels were stashed in an attic corner. It was three months ago when Jen arrived totally unannounced and walked into Trinas bedroom. That moment changed their lives forever. She could see her husbands back face down on the tiny bed and two skinny legs with garters, hose, and three inch heels splayed out beside him. That and two thin, tanned arms and hands that came nowhere close to encircling his sweaty back was all she could see of the child dwarfed below his Elazığ Escort Bayan pumping ass.

Rather then the disgust that should have enveloped any normal mother Jen remained silent and watched the pornographic performance of her husband mating with their preteen daughter. All the while she made sure she was out of view of the security camera that was recording the incestuous sin. She had Trinas carelessness to thank for this. As much as the two lovers had thought they were hiding their illegal doings from Jen the child had made one fatal error one evening a few weeks back that even her pedo dad did not catch. She came to the dinner table having neglected to wash off the dark eye shadow she and Glen had applied in one of their abbreviated after school dress up games.

Over the following days the rules had been set in stone. The first revelation had shocked the two lovers as they all sat in the living room across from Jenny. She had admitted her own desires for the same lifestyle ever since she was herself a child. At length she went on about her own desires to couple with her own father and the thrill of watching this by proxy with these two. In fact she encouraged them to fuck freely in front of her and even went so far as to suggest they breed a bastard in her belly one day when she was able. There was a price to pay however. Jenny had the tape that would provide a lifetime of ass raping by huge black men to Glen. In exchange for her silence the plan was really quite simple. Glen had to provide a bit more cash to the household. Trina would be his pimp. Sure the meager pay was often a small handful of change or an old video game but that was not the point. Jenny knew there were many little girls that wanted their daddies cock but were not as fortunate as Trina to have a man to fuck and suck. Yes she made it clear that for now Trina was only permitted to fuck her own father but he was now nothing more then a male slut.

Just over Trinas left shoulder Glen could make out the swing sets behind the trees. It was always awkward when the kids were accompanied by one or both parents Escort Elazığ but as they were beginning to find out, even these glitches were often surmountable and even profitable. Just last week a hot milf handed Trina an extra twenty after watching Glen succeed in actually making her eight year olds throat bulge out deep in her neck with the lemon sized head of his organ.

The two perverts never knew who would be at the playground not far from the school. Often it would be some girls Trina knew from school and many were now regulars. When time was limited as today that was a good thing. Glen could turn a quick trick before the kids had to be at school. It was not quite as fun as trolling the malls for strangers or finding a new face at the playground however.

The adult followed his girl down the crushed stone path that led off the road to the secluded play area. There were a few boys playing but Jen had yet to add them to the list of clients to Glens satisfaction and relief. About a hundred feet past an intersection they had just crossed was the hidden picnic shelter where they took their clients for sex. In short order Trina pulled to the right and peddled to the bike rack and with cat like grace hopped off her bike. She smiled at her dad as he too pulled beside her. Her blue eyes sparkled and glanced toward the left as Glens followed. The boys had headed off toward school already and checking his watch he saw they barely had a half hour before the bell rang.

The bad news was that none of the regulars were there. The good news was that just as the two took a seat on one of the park benches a girl Trina did not know in a grade behind her came walking up the gravel path. The little brunette was dressed in cute little shorts and sandals just as Trina was but unlike Tris billowy yellow blouse she wore a pink T-shirt that only accented her perfectly flat chest. She was alone. They had many methods they used to lure in a client. Glen wondered which one the little tart would use this morning. Whatever it was had to be quick. He had no doubt that both Jen and Trina could see right through him when he acted like he was being used for their benefit as a male whore. It was all part of the act and they all secretly knew no child loving adult would argue with actually making money by having sex with with preteens.

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