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Isn’t it funny how sometimes you think about something and in your mind you use certain words to frame the thought and you’re not sure why that word might have sprung into your mind? Then, sometime later, that reference seems like a premonition? That’s what happened to me. Walking back to the house after being fucked on the golf course by both Nick and Harley, my thought was curiously marveling at the way things were progressing and I thought, ‘that he was going to continue pressing, extending my willingness to be a bitch …’

In my frame of reference, my only thought was how he might come up with new ways for Harley and I to mate. That was my only frame of reference. The only variable I saw was were, when, and how. But, always with Harley.

I was wrong …

We went out onto the golf course frequently at night. Nick continued to vary the experience, keeping me from being able to predict any night’s activity when we did. Some nights were simple walks when I was wearing a t-shirt or tank top. That might be all, but I would be wearing something, at least. Other times, I would be naked, either with Nick carrying my shirt or with a promise that he would take his off. Yeah, like that was going to work … We might walk much of the course and stop someplace, often different each time, to neck on a bench at one of the tee-boxes. Of course, there were times when either he or Harley or both would love me. He even got to the point of having Harley take me on a green. He did select one that was more isolated, but still … the greens are very exposed.

On a Friday night, it changed and I knew there was going to be something different about this night before we even left the backyard. We were reading on the couch together and my mind was drifting with the stirrings in my body. We hadn’t made love the night before because he had been out of town for the night. I was trying to read since he seemed absorbed in his book, but it was working. I was itching to touch him and for him to touch me. As a result, I was rubbing into him, touching his thigh with the fingers of my right hand.

I noticed him checking his watch several times, which seemed odd because the weekends were normally our ‘pay no attention to time’ days. He put his hand on my fingers teasing his thigh, squeezed them, and stood up.

“Let’s go for a walk.”

I nearly jumped from a sitting position, if such a thing is even possible. My mind said, Excellent! Exactly what I needed. He left the family room and I presumed that he went to get Harley’s leash. When he returned, I did a double take. He did have Harley’s leash, but he also had a second leash. I wasn’t even aware of a second leash. The second one was shiny, black leather and he was also holding something else … the shiny, black dog collar I bought for myself to indicate to Nick that I was good with mating with Harley. He stood in front of me and held out the dog collar. I looked up into his eyes, at the collar, and back to him. I took it from him without questioning. He wanted me to wear it, that was enough. He then told me to take off my shorts and shirt. I took a deep breath because I thought I saw where this was going and it cause me to shiver.

Nick clipped the new leash to my collar with the shiny tag that said ‘Sam’ on it. I stood in the family room, naked with a dog leash hanging from a dog collar around my neck, while Nick bent down to put the leash on Harley who was very excited. The nights when I went out naked were sometimes rewarding for him, too.

Nick opened the gate in the back wall and did his usual check each way along the cart path that passed alongside the back property of the houses on our street. Satisfied, he held the gate for me to pass. He held the leashes with Harley on his right and me on the left. I was naked like numerous times before, but this time it felt much different. A simple thing like having a collar on and a leash connected to it made for an interesting effect on the psyche. I felt more vulnerable, even though I wasn’t. I felt more exposed, even though I wasn’t. I felt more controlled, and that might have been true, at least to some degree.

That wasn’t all going through my mind at the moment, though. This was a clear stepping up of challenges for me and the psychological effects of Nick’s latest challenge approach was indeed significant. But, there was more that made me curious. Exactly what was he up to? What was the significance of using the collar, which had been forgotten by me since that first and only time I used it? And, the leash, what was the intention of introducing that? Merely a play on my psyche to be treated similarly as Harley? Well, if so, it was working. My pussy was already lubricated and, as I walked, I could feel wetness on the outside as well. With all that, or perhaps despite all that, my reaction to him was also intriguing to me. I never hesitating to comply. Not a second or fraction of a second. He came to me with the collar and handed it to me and I only looked up at him before putting it on, even to the care of making sure ‘my name tag’ was centered between my collar bones. I stood patiently as he attached the leash and dropped it between my breasts. I think I appeared calm in my acceptance, even though my heart was racing like I had just been given a charge of adrenalin. And, here I was, quietly, even if anxiously, walking alongside him on the cart path past the back fences of our neighbors.

Suddenly, a tug on my hand by Nick, pulling me into the fairway and moving me to his opposite side, brought me to awareness of my surroundings and saw that Harley was focused on something down the cart path. I followed his attention as Nick led us quickly out into the fairway. With the moonlight shining on the whiteness of the concrete path, I was able to discern a large man walking slowly down the path.

“Nick, is that you?”

Nick squeezed my hand as he moved me behind him. “Jack, hi. Yes, we are out for our walk. Didn’t know you walked the course, though. Haven’t seen you out here at night before.”

“No, and with my poor night vision I probably won’t be. Thought I would give it a try, but I think I better stick to the sidewalks under the streetlights.” He was stopped now and peering out toward us. “Sam and Harley with you?”

“Hi, Jack.” Jack was a retired man about 70 who lived around the corner, the opposite direction we were now headed.

“It is a nice night for a walk. Enjoy it.”

He turned his attention to the path and I breathed a sigh of relief. Nick laughed and I playfully slapped his arm. “So much for you giving me your shirt, huh?”

We walked quite a way, taking us around other residential groupings, until I wasn’t confident Nick knew where we were going, so I challenged him.

“Thanks for the confidence. That’s where we are going.” In the dark except for the full moon overhead, all I could see was nearly nothing. There was a line of trees ahead but then I couldn’t discern anything familiar. “This is the northern most point on the course as it borders the mountains. There are no residences along these fairways.”

“Why did we come all the way up here?”

He reached out and hugged my shoulders. “You’ll see. Do you trust kurtköy escort bayan me, Dear?”

“Of course! You know that by now. I may not always be sure what you have in store for me, but I have been willing, haven’t I?”

“Yes, you have and I love that. I’ve had to adjust to doing this for you, but you have been wonderfully accepting and willing. And, it has been fun.”

Just then I stopped. Up ahead, visible in the light of the full moon, I could see two people standing near what appeared to be a bench, which were common at tee-boxes. “There are people over there.”

“Yes, all part of the evening. Just following my lead.” All part of the evening? So, he planned on these people being here. Whatever he had in mind for this night would somehow involve them and I was naked with a leash, being held by Nick, exactly the same as Harley.

I thought there was a large shrub behind the two people until I saw it move away from the shadows behind it. It had the shape of a small, skinny horse. The a****l was intriguing, but the presence of the people caused me the most concern and nervousness. I decided to take Nick’s advice to heart and play along with whatever he initiated, hoping that would alleviate my active interaction with them while finding the role he intended for me. As we got closer, I was able to identify more about them in the indistinct light of the moon.

The two people were a man and woman. Both were perhaps in their 60’s and overweight, not grossly so, but they were heavy. I was surprised that the skinny horse didn’t occur to me sooner … it was a Great Dane. It must have been between 2.5 and 3 feet at the shoulders. I had a sudden premonition of what this night could have in store for me and I took an involuntary step back.

Nick stepped up to them and extended his hand to the man. “Ben, I am glad you could make out tonight.” He turned to the woman and introduced himself and she back to him. Her name was Sarah. No last name or other information was exchanged.

Ben released some of the leash so there was slack in the lead. The dog sniffed the air and came to me. Harley moved in front of the much larger dog and growled to protect me. Nick called Harley back, but he first looked up at me before sitting between Nick and me. The big dog moved right up to me and continued sniffing, his snout lowering to my crotch. Ben pulled the dog back.

“By the way, this big fellow is Duke.” He looked down at Harley who was having trouble staying in his position with the large dog so near me. I had noticed before how much more protective he was when I was present. Ben stepped closer to me and put out his hand to turn my tag in the light. “Sam.” He turned to Nick, “This is the bitch? Your dog seems to be protective enough about her. Is she experienced?”

‘Bitch’?!? Did he just refer to me as a bitch? My hand was being squeezed by Nick across Harley’s head. I looked to him and saw a wink. If Ben and Sarah were paying attention, they would have seen it, too. So, this was the part about following his lead.

Nick handed my leash to Ben and I lowered my eyes but waited. When I felt a tug on the leash, I stepped up to him and Sarah. She now inspected my tag. She touched my neck softly, “That’s a lovely tag, Sam. You must be very special to these two.” I glanced to her face and saw she was fighting to control a big smile from covering her face. She was obviously attempting to play the game, but her husband was better at it than she was.

Then, I heard Nick’s response to Ben’s question, “Harley is indeed very protective of her. He enjoys her very much, so you can imagine that he would be protective. The two of them are very active, almost as active as she and I are with each other.”

Ben was now touching me, feeling my breasts, running his hand down to my hip. “Duke has never been mated. Do you really think she can handle him?” His hand was still on my hip.

Nick stroked my back from my neck to my ass, up and down. “I have no doubt about that. Sam is very talented with cocks. And, almost always ready for some.” He gently turned me to face Ben directly. “Feel for yourself if she isn’t ready …”

My mouth dropped open, I couldn’t help it. Nick just invited Ben to feel my pussy. But, I recovered as best I could, shifted my weight, and spread my feet an extra foot or so. His hand moved around my hip and I held my breath as this strange man to me slipped his fingers between my legs and touched my pussy lips. He slid a finger over the length, but refrained from penetrating me. I knew then that this was not meant to induce any sense of violation of me by him. The game was not him and me. My eyes focused on the Great Dane. So, the game is between you and me, I thought out to him.

Ben leaned into me and whispered into my ear, “So my dear. I couldn’t help myself. I didn’t mean to offend you.”

I put my hand on his arm, “My Nick gave you the opportunity …” I smiled at him and the tension he felt dissolved.

He turned to Nick. “Since Duke has never done this, how do you suggest this happen?”

Nick turned to me. “Well, Ben and Sarah, my suggestion would be to direct that to Harley’s bitch.” He smiled at me and that I don’t think the others could see. He was really enjoying this whole game of me being a bitch for breeding. So, I followed his lead …

“Well … I have only had Harley, sir. I think … if Duke’s … member … is at all proportional to him, that I would like to be loosened up by Harley, first.”

“You want to be mated by two dogs tonight … like a real bitch in heat?”

I blushed. I know I did. Not that anyone else could see it, but I did. I was playing along with Nick and sounding exactly like a bitch in heat. I had the option of fucking only one dog and I suggested fucking both of them.

Sarah gasped behind me, “Oh, my! This is more than I hoped for!”

Nick moved back out of the way and the other two followed him, standing five feet away from me. I unclipped my leash and handed it to Nick. I then unclipped Harley’s and handed it to Nick. The rest happened quite naturally for Harley and me. I think Harley had a few moments of audience awareness, but after my lips made contact with the tip of his cock, he relaxed and raised his leg for my access. I heard a soft running commentary behind me of Nick talking the other two through my process. There was some discussion and I heard Sarah say, “Oh, well, that’s certainly different. It makes sense, though.” And that made me think there was still more to all of this than what I knew so far. But, right now I had Harley to care for, then Duke.

It seemed to be of interest to Sarah as I sucked Harley hard and long. And, it seemed to be equally interesting to her when Harley mounted me. I heard her through the haze of my mind say something about, “that was so clean and simple”. She has some experience, at least visually.

After catching my breath, but still knotted to Harley, I asked Ben to bring Duke to me and lay him down. He seemed uncertain about what I wanted to have happen or how to do it. Nick spoke into his ear and they both moved to get the big dog into position. As it was, I still had to move Harley about half a foot, pulling him behind me by the shear strength of the knotted connection holding us together. But, once Duke was on the kartal escort bayan ground and I was in a better position, I touched his belly slowly to gage his reaction before slowly moving closer to his sheath protected penis. He did flinch as I approached his penis, but the tip also peeked out quickly, indicating to me that this might work, even if he hadn’t been mated before.

Harley pulling to dislodge his knot from the confines of my pussy caused me to raising my mouth from Duke’s cock and release a sharp gasp as it passed outside of me. I dropped my head down onto the ground, the top of my head brushing against the exposed cock I had been nurturing into erection. I raised my head and looked the cock I had been working on but with an only partially attentive mind given the knot working to escape me. Now, with more attention to what was in front of me or in store for me, I muttered to myself, but apparently loud enough that the others heard, “My, you are a big boy!” Chuckles came from the others standing to my side.

I could still feel Harley’s cum escaping me whenever I moved, so I was sure that as I moved into position with my ass pointed at Duke, that there should be enough enticement for him to investigate.

I overheard Nick, “Now we’ll see how much Duke’s natural instincts come into play and how much Sam will need to help him.”

I was aware that on my knees would not be appropriate for Duke to mate with me. He was much too tall, but I wanted to see if he was interesting enough to lick me. And, he was. The fresh cum leaking from my pussy drew him right onto my ass and pussy with his snout to sniff and followed by his tongue. I obviously didn’t need any more preparation to take him and I was recharging for the next experience while still tied to Harley. The idea of two dogs, one after the other, and one being a Great Dane kept me excited to discover what this was going to be like. So, I let him lick me for a few minutes before struggling to my feet to get away from him enough to look around me for an acceptable means to assist in being mounted by this giant.

The bench. I moved over to the bench and like the horny male he was, he followed close behind. I heard murmurs from the couple, but ignored them. Whatever their comments might have been, my attention was now on this new dog. His cock was larger than Harley’s and I suspected that was also indicative of what I could expect of the knot attached to it. I was more than a little curious to discover for myself what it would feel like.

I was no sooner at the bench, bent over the back of it with my hands on the bench seat when Duke was again at my pussy and ass. It wasn’t only his body and cock that was larger, his tongue was, too. As he lapped at me, it felt like his tongue had to fold in order to fit between my thighs. And, it was driving me crazy.

“Oh, Duke, your … oh … your tongue …”

Sarah’s voice, “Look at him lick her! Do you suppose he is after the cum from your dog?”

I didn’t think she was addressing that to me, but I wasn’t about to consider a response, not with that tongue lapping away at my pussy. It started deep underneath, sometime at my clit, and dragged up over my pussy lips, my puckered asshole, and up over my backside. Over and over …

“You might be right, Sarah.” Nick voice. “Harley has spent time licking her and it seems he is most interested when she cums or I have previously cum inside her. I suspect Duke is intrigue by the scent and taste left behind by Harley, not to mention Sam’s own orgasm.”

Let them talk … I was enjoying this too much to care what this must look like to be loving dogs in front of an audience. If I felt like I was a bitch for mating willingly and freely with Harley, this new experience was cementing the feeling for me. But, if I should care, I didn’t. I didn’t care if I thought of myself as a bitch to Harley, I didn’t care if Nick had the same thought, and now I didn’t even care if these strangers had the same thought about me. I was released in the sensations of being made available to these two dogs tonight.

I straightened up and called out to the dog enjoying the taste of my pussy, “Enough! Oh, god, enough … I want more … I want it now.” I bent over again and patted my ass. He went right back to licking me. I pushed his snout away in frustration, I wanted to be mounted. I patted my ass and wiggled it to try to entice him to jump up onto me. He was getting it and started licking me, again.

“No … damn, no …”, my head was hung down, my hair hiding me as it fell forward. From underneath, my voiced called out, “Nick … Ben … help him … ohhhhhhh, yesssssss … that does feel gooooooodddd … but … but, I want him inside me … pleeeeeease … I want to feel his … his big cock inside me.”

Sarah’s gasp was reassuring to me, “My god, that must be such an amazing feeling! It’s so hot just to watch.”

I saw Nick’s sandals next to me, then felt him struggling with the dog. But, it only took him physically encouraging the b**st for him to jump up and land on my back. I grunted in response, but my hand was instantly between my open legs, reaching, searching for the big cock, and guiding it to my loosened pussy. But, even loosened by Harley’s knot, the sudden and deep penetration of this cock brought a loud, guttural grunt from me.

This cock filled me like no other I had ever had in me. I wondered how the knot was ever going to fit, but I knew it would. He and I might have to work harder at it and the tie at the end might last longer, but I knew it would out … or in and out.

I was surprised, even if I shouldn’t have been. Despite his size, Duke fucked with the same wild abandon that I was familiar with Harley. His cock was leaking pre-cum and mixing in with the cum from Harley and my own, making this pounding just as smooth as I was used to with Harley. The size was amazing, but the longer he pumped into me, the more I realized this couldn’t be a regular activity for me. I had little option but to maintain my position on my hands to hold him at the right height for comfortable fucking … comfortable for him. If I sagged or lowered myself too much, the angle got weird and he was almost driving downward through my pussy and almost slipped out, making me hold my position firmly.

Ben and Sarah said Duke hadn’t been mated before to their knowledge and now I was sure of it. His cock was swelling inside me rapidly with each stroke into my wet pussy. In moments I felt the knot forming and pushing against my lips on the outside. At this point, it was just a knot, an obstruction trying to enter me with the rest of the cock, like Harley and I had done so many times before. I started pushing back against the knot, pressing with a firmness of body and intention to aid in taking the ball of canine flesh and muscle. As Duke pressed into me, I pressed back onto him, both of us working to achieve a tie and complete our mating. As the knot pressed into me, stretching my pussy lips and entrance, I got an indication of the size of the knot. I groaned, moaned, gasped, and sighed as I worked back against the ball trying to enter me. I could feel sweat forming on my forehead as I worked, pressing back. My sounds changed from moans to grunts, gasps to cries as my pussy worked to kaynarca escort bayan open for this knot to pass through. It felt like a g**** fruit being pushed into me. But, slowly and surely my lips and hole opened, stretched and stretched to what was seeming to be an incredible amount.

Behind me I heard Sarah exclaim, “Can she take the knot? Look at the size of it!”

The next comment gave me the courage and confidence I needed. Nick was calm and reassuring in his confidence, “Sam will take it. She’ll have to. You don’t understand something about her. It isn’t a matter of being bigger than Harley. It could be a horse and she’d figure a way to take it. I have realized that she just loves cock and fucking. It’s something she doesn’t understand. I’ve just accepted it and will provide her with the opportunities to satisfy her. Right now, in this moment in time, it isn’t even a mindful thing, her body has taken over and is completely, singularly focused on this act. Her body and soul is made for this, the experience of pleasure. She’s the most amazing woman I could hope to ever encounter, much less have as my lover and partner!”

At that moment, I hoped he had a horse waiting in the trees nearby. I knew he didn’t, but for him I would gladly finish Duke and move over to m***** the horse. Hearing Nick say that ignited something in me. It sent a charge of energy, determination, and lust through my body. But, at the same time, it was like a switch was flipped inside me somewhere. He put into words what had always been a mystery to even me. His words not only defined what I had struggled with all my life, but released me. Under his love and care, he now released me to accept myself and my needs and to go where he sent me and my being yearned to experience.

In the next moment, I pressed back with brutal force and pushed the knot in. I screamed. I moaned. I groaned. And, I pleaded with this dog, “Fuck me!” I screamed it. There was no thought to how well my cries might carry. “Fill me with your seed!” His cock and knot were pulsing inside me and I knew he was close and I was beside myself with need to explode. I was making a spectacle of myself in front of strangers with a monster of a dog I had never seen before this night and I was begging it to fill me with its seed.

All it took was feeling the first spurt of cum being shot into my pussy to send me into a richly deserved orgasm. This was a truly earth shaking orgasm. No offense to Harley, but the witnesses and the effort in taking the knot added to the level of climax pleasure I felt. My arms failed me and I was bent over the back of the bench, Duke holding me tightly, his cock deep inside me, the final leakage of semen coming from his cock.

How my legs stayed locked in position while being tied, I had no idea. Nick appeared on the bench to offer support to my upper body, gently stroking my face and covering me with kisses.

When the knot finally popped out of me, Nick was ready to catch me. He scrambled around the bench and helped me to the ground where I lay, unmoving and unfeeling. I wasn’t sure how long I was like that, but when I felt like moving, Ben, Sarah, and Duke were gone. I felt a presence on both sides. I looked to my left and received a swipe from a wet tongue, Harley. I received a heart filled kiss on the other side from Nick. He pulled me to him and I felt Harley move with me. He continued to lick my back as I went into Nick’s arms, receiving kisses from him, too.

“I heard what you said to Sarah. Is that how you really feel?”

“Yes! You’re the most amazing woman I could ever know.”

“And, you’re the only man who cared to try to understand me. In fact, I think you might understand me better I understand myself.” We lay on the grass just holding each other. And, yes, receiving frequent licks from my other lover. I shared with him the thoughts, the revelations, I had upon hearing his words, the release and freedom to discover, accept, and experience. He held me tightly and rolled me on top of him. I put my face down onto his chest and felt the warm, secure feeling of his arms … and his love.

* * *

Nick called home from the office early afternoon. We were going to dinner at the club and he wanted to catch me before I might start organizing dinner. We would be having dinner with Abby Jorgenson. That was delightful. I knew she wasn’t a member since she lived in Green Valley so this was something Nick must have arranged for me knowing how much I appreciated Abby’s company. Her help and encouragement had opened a wonderful door of experiences for us and I would be forever grateful to her. I had often wish there was more I could do to express my gratitude than our occasional meetings.

The club was a rather formal establishment, which I assumed most were when they were private membership. They had either a formal or ‘understood’ dress code for most parts of the club or grounds. The golf course had its own, the dining room its own, the bar and patio another, and even the club pool and exercise facilities. As a result, I tended to dress more conservatively to dinner at the club. Oh, if they only knew what was happening on the course grounds late at night.

Nick let Abby know that she could find us in the bar before our dinner reservation. Nick spotted her first and I looked to the door. We had a table and I wondered why Nick chose one that could accommodate more than the three of us. She waved as recognition was made and I saw her say something over her shoulder at a man and woman who seemed to follow her through the crowd to us. The couple looked vaguely familiar but I could not place from where.

Nick and I both gave Abby a welcoming hug and I was aware that the couple had stopped right behind Abby. Nick reached past me and shook the man’s hand and hug the woman. These must be people Nick knew from the club and I just saw them here, but then how would Abby know them. Everyone had big smiles on their faces, including Abby.

Nick stood behind me with his hands on my shoulders, “I guess you don’t remember Ben and Sarah? Samantha, this is Ben and Sarah Adamly who were part of the group Abby told us about. You might now also remember them from …”

“The golf course!!” I nearly shrieked it. It came out much louder and forcefully than people were used to in the club. It seemed that a large number of people around us were now looking at me. My hands shot up to my face in a futile attempt to hide. Much more quietly, “Oh my god … you’re the ones … Duke … oh my god …” I felt an arm go around me. It was Abby. I peeked at them through my fingers, “I thought …”

Sarah joined Abby and me, “You thought you would never see us again. You thought that with strangers, that would be an experience you could appreciate without a confrontation of reaction from others?”

I nodded. Our table was ready. Nick had arranged a table in a corner to allow as much privacy as possible. After our evening with Abby, she had contacted Ben and Sarah who still lived in town. They reconnected and were inspired by the story about me and Harley and the night we shared with her. One thing led to another and Abby was encouraged to communicate with Nick. Their daughter had Duke, but was moving out of town. Everyone, including Nick, thought it would be interesting to see that meeting play out. Now, they were wondering if more might be possible, even if not with Duke.

* * * *

It’s not the ending I intended, but I am done.

* * CHAPTER TWELVE: NOW A SLUT? will follow * * Thanks for reading.

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