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SEDUCING MISTRESS part 1Story is put in present time, as it can happen to everyone. Main actors in story are 3, Matthew, Leyla ( also known as mistress Nipplesucker) and later on Susan ( also known as slave Hotbody and Leyla’s female slave). Matthew searches for penis pump in adult shop, and us in dilemma which one should he get. When he finally picks one, lady in in short dress comes in and watches some sexy short dresses. Matthew recognise her and he goes to underwear. He is peeking on her, then lady turns in his direction and goes straight to shop cashier. Then she asks her if her things came. Cashier says, they did, and she can check if she would like any other things. Lady turns around, and they see each other. Matthew says:” Leyla, is that you, I can’t believe, you’ve grown up in such sexy lady.”Leyla responds:”Matthew, my Matthew, you still haven’t lost that sense of humour from secondary school. Tell me if you have some time, we can go on coffee later on.”Matthew, still staring at her says:” Woow, certainly. It would be my pleasure lady.”Then Matthew takes g-strings and Leyla also canlı bahis her packet. On coffee they talk about how life separated them.Matthew tells her, that he finished that college, then had great plans of moving to her in other country, but he couldn’t find her. He got married once, then wife left him with his best friend. After that he was in relationship with girl named Susan, and they had such great time, then she disapeared. So, life was cruel for him. Now he works in small company, and he is happy.Leyla tells him, she moved to that city to get college degree, but she never did as everyone thought she would sleep with them for that. Then she met nice older couple and she lived with them for 10 years, but she was like in prison there. She wasn’t allowed to walk out. The couple died 3 month ago in car accident, and everything what they have, they signed to her, as they didn’t have any other relatives. She never had a boyfriend because of that. And she tell him, she is here for about 3 weeks. And he could show her what changed in this 10 years. Matthew agrees that he’ll show her country, canlı casino siteleri and he makes a plan, as they are both free and he still wants her. They go on trips on mountains, seaside, castles,…Then she says she can come over to her for a lunch and he agrees. Leyla tells him address.She doesn’t tell him she’s prepairing him surprise, but she slaps him on butt and says:“ I bet you get this a lot, handsome. So, you’ll come to my place on saturday?”Matthew says in return:” Yes, why shouldn’t I come. Specially this butt slap deserves to be returned with extra.”Leyla:” Just promise me something, bring those g-strings with you, but not on you when you come. You’ll get them on while we are at my place.”Matthew replied:”Well, speaking of that. What you had in your packet? It seemed lots of things. I’m also curious to find that out. And I will bring them with myself.”Leyla says:”Just come at 12 to my address, which I gave you with instructions how to come. This Saturday, will make you lunch for patience that you showed me country.”Leyla and Matthew then go home.———————That casino şirketleri day Leyla comes to her castle and tells her maid, also slave HotBody that they get different kind of guest.HotBody is puzzled and asks her with dissapointed voice:” No massaging of guest , or anything else? Did you sell me to other? Please, let me be with you, you’re so kind, I’ll do anything.”Nipplesucker says while taking mobile phone out of purse:” Let me find him. Here is picture of him,” and she just let slave see photo for 5 seconds.” Anything particular you would do for him, Susan?” Slave get all red in face and says:” This is crazy, he was my last true fucking mate. We were so spontaneous, but don’t know how he ended with calling you, you’re so known mistress aboard.”Mistress Nipplesucker replies:” He doesn’t know. We met about 1 month ago in adult shop, when I bought you leather harnesses and some other toys. He was my first love, but our lives took different ways. He still has that sense of humour. But won’t tell you too much. He comes tomorow at 12. I want you to be in this sexy outfit which consist of this leather harness, pinky short cocktail dress and 14cm heel sandals. Also you will be my maid till I say it clearly, and you will make his best meal.”————————————————To be continued in part 2

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