Segal’s First Time

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Segal’s First TimeSegal called the guard: “Hey, guard, I need to pee. Do you have a bucket or something?”Biggy looked at him and shrugged: “Nope.” Suddenly Biggy heard a big disturbance coming from the stairways. Immediately he stood up and took out his revolver. Then he heard the voices and he frowned. It were Frank and Oscar and the twins Bennie and Aron. “What do they want now?”, he thought slightly annoyed. Those k**s always meant trouble. They were the personal favorites of Commander Gander so he needed to be friendly towards them. But they loved to pester him and everybody around. “Hey Biggy”, Oscar said, “we come to see what a****ls you got in your zoo!” And without waiting permission they headed straight to the prison cell.“Yuk, look at those ugly faces!”, Oscar said, “I bet they would be a big attraction at a freak show!”“These two kinda look like deformed beagles. Bet they stink just as much”, the twins replied in unison. “And look at that dumb look on lizard guy here”, Aron said, “Hey you, are you retarded or something?” “Freckle boy, is that a STD on your face?”, Bennie laughed at Bow Wow.Segal looked at them dirty. If looks could kill, they’d be dead by now. “Shut your ugly mouth boys, didn’t no one tell you not to fart through your mouth?”Frank was the only one not saying a word. Instead he couldn’t güvenilir bahis keep his eyes from that oldest k**. In fact, he thought he looked handsome and quite packed under the belt.“Let’s keep ‘em on the chain for a while. I hear a lot of barking but don’t feel any biting”, Oscar said to Billy.“We can beat you in any fight, morons”, Segal snorted. Biggy found it time to interrupt them: “Stop it, boys. If you wanna play with them, go ask the big boss. I’m sure he’ll let you.” Not being a fan of the dreaded foursome himself, he felt a bit sorry for the boys. “Meantime, can one of you accompany him to go to the restroom? He needs to go”, he said while pointing at Segal. “Let him piss his pants, it won’t be his first time”, Oscar said with an evil grin. But Frank pushed him aside and quickly said: “Don’t be such a jerk, Oscar” and to Biggy: “Sure, why not. Take him out, I’ll bring him to the restroom”. Segal felt like refusing, but he put away his pride because he really needed to go urgently.The fat guard opened the prison cell. “Now don’t try anything stupid, remember your friends are still here”, he said to Segal who shrugged and tried to kick Oscar while passing. But Frank had already taken him by his collar and pushed him up the stairs. “Don’t let them get to you so easily. The more you reply, türkçe bahis the more they’ll continue harassing you”, he said to Segal. Segal looked at him puzzled, he seemed to be a nice guy, but there’s no nice in Team Impervious.At the restroom Frank didn’t make ready to go away. “Do you mind?”, Segal said, holding his dick in his hand. But instead Frank stepped up closer and said: “No I don’t. Man said to keep an eye on you and that’s what I do.” Segal shrugged again: “Suit yourself; I’m not a shy piss.” Frank watched Segal peeing and he got turned on by the sight. When Segal had finished shaking the last drops of his dick and wanted to zip up his pants, he made another step forward and quickly grabbed the beaglebear’s dick. Without saying a word he kneeled and took it in his mouth. Segal looked down at him, surprised. He wanted to object but it felt really good. Besides he wanted to facefuck the k** roughly, just to show he was no runover like the other k**s had suggested. So instead of pushing him away, he grabbed Frank’s head with his two hands and started to pull the warm mouth as deep as he could over his dick. When the base of his dick reached the back end of Frank’s throat he stopped. “Let’s make him feel how big it is”, he thought. But Frank took it surprisingly well and even started to massage güvenilir bahis siteleri his balls. Segal withdrew a bit. Immediately Frank started to suck again, loud sloppy sucking sounds. He was really putting his heart into it and Segal’s knees began to feel weak. He closed his eyes and didn’t see how Frank took something out from his back pocket, some kinda minuscule needle. It was some high tech stuff Team Impervious used to track down people while on a mission. The needle transmitted a sign so at ay time they knew where that person was. Sneaky he held it beneath Segal’s balls sack and with one steady stab he pricked him at the base. Segal jumped up high, thinking Frank had bit him by mistake. “Damn it, don’t use your teeth on me!”, he growled.“Sorry”, Frank said sheepishly and he started to vigorously sucking off again. Soon Segal couldn’t hold in anymore. Just before cumming he took out his dick and shot his load all over Frank’s face. It was massive, sticking into Frank’s hair. Then Segal pushed his dick back into the k**’s mouth and facefucked him as hard as he could, pressing him against the wall. He was banging him hard and fast, going in as deep as he could without mercy, while roughly pulling his hair. Frank choked and tears ran down his cheek. But he loved it, with every thrust of Segal he felt alive and kicking.“What took you boys so long?”, Biggy said when they came down the stairs, “your friends already left.” Frank just shrugged and took off while Biggy pushed Segal back in his cell. Segal had a beatific and satisfied look on his face.

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