Sister and her friend that hates me 3

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We were all eating lunch and I kept looking at crystal in her cute little towel and Mary noticed and said looks like my brother.liked seeing you naked lol. Crystal said ya and I can’t.blame.him and so she stude up and pulled her Mary spat her drink.out and my dick just got.rock hard. Crystal looked at Mary and said.u to have fun and get along. At.least if.I nude he won’t be.rude.or anything. Mary just blushed and staid ok. Then the black.haired girl from early said speaking of being rude I a while she looked at Mary. Mary said oh please I to embarrassed miss…. Sam the lady said and.I.the life gaurd and that’s to bad and then she yanked marys towel off her and walked away and for.the first time.ever I saw my sister naked. Her tits were amazing. Huge and.her prissy small.I never.thought of my a sexual way before but I almost came right away. Crystal stood up and tried to cover Mary with her own.body didnt help at.all. Mary just.looked at me and cry.she turned around and run.towards a tent.they have set up and.I saw.her.perfect ass. Crystal ran after her and.I just waited on the sand. Crystal caught up to her and asked if she was.ok. Mary said no. My own brother saw me naked and even.had a.Bonner. Crystal.said I know but’s a.good thing. It will bring you two closer and u don’ be.scared.about being naked in front of anyone anymore. Mary stoped crying and said well I guess.that’s true Edirne Escort we can start having fun now. No more nerviness. U don’t think the Bonner is.from me do.u? Crystal smiled and said no no u were naked. Mary said.that’s good. Well.I think I’m a nap.for a.bit.Crystal.said well.that’s a good idea I join and.let Jacob know. Mary.played down and.found Jacob and.told.him what.they were doing. Jacob my.own tent and Then they headed off. It was a.half.hour.later and everyone was a.sleep everyone but Crystal from fucking Jacob.earlier. she looked at.Mary to make sure.she was.still asleep and she.was. Then she.started to pinch.her.own.nipples and silitnley moaned,then she.put two fingers in her.pussy and her thumb on clit and started slowly minutes. Then speed up but wasn’t.getting any.pleasure. she needed Jacob but didn’t.know.where his tent and.didn’t want to look Then she.looked at Mary and started to think.Well.we are.friends.I am horny and if I am.careful she won’t know. So.she.studd up and took her friends.fingers and.put she.screamed and pushed.the more and faster.and.was moaning but.decided.she need more and and so she.stud up and carefully sat on.her friends face and felt.her.tounge on.her pussy.she.moaned loudly. And.couldn’ suck on.Mary’s.breast. Mary moaned in her sleep and unconsciously Edirne Escort Bayan with her own.pussy. This didn’t.go.unoticed by Crystal started to.lick Mary’s.clit which caused Mary to lick crystals pussy even faster. They were.both moaning with pleasure and.10.minutes.later.They both came. Crystal.screamed and Mary. Woke up with.her own pleasurable.screamed. All Mary.saw.was.her of.her. molosted by her own friend. She screamed and.pushed Crystal off her and.looked at.her with a face of betrayal. Crystal looked back and.said I can explain. Mary looked at her and.just.started gaurd tower. Crystal ran.after.her yelling wait. the tower.first and knock.on the door saying let and.I can explain. Mary explain out there.u fucking freak. Crystal said.please let me explain in there in.private. Mary.didn’t know.why she.did.but she did she.opened.the door. and locked.the.door. she started.explaining and Mary. Cut her off and said so.u.fucked my brother and. Couldn’t wait again u raped me?.Crystal said I know.what.happened was.wrong but I couldn’ my self. Please forgive me I will never again and I do anything to fix.This. Mary looked at.her and said look it was wrong but we been friends since kindergarten and I don’t our friendship but u will never again if u promise me that I will forgive u and somehow get past this. Crystal Escort Edirne hugged.her friend and said.I.promise. Mary hugged her back and.there.breast touched. Mary looked at her friend and something just eyes. She thinks somehow during the rape that she fell for her own friend. She pushed ground and.layed on her and started to kiss her. Mary was all Crystal could say. Mary looked at.her and said.I know.what.I said.but I got to.have.u now. They both started to make out. Squeezing each others breast. Pinching it moaning loudly. Mary went.between her friends.legs and slowly started to like.her pussy. Pushing her tongue as far as she can.go. Crystal screamed fuck yes. Mary.started to speed up but Crystal stopped her and said.let’! Mary said.ok got.into.69.position and were.licking and sucking.the. the.hell out of each others.issues. This.lasted about 15 minutes and they both screamed in a pleasurable orgasm. They took a little breathing break and kissed each other tasting each.others pussie taste. Crystal I have an idea. Mary.said.ok and.didn’t Mary moaned and and.put her.fingers in.her friends ass. Crystal screamed..This lasted about 10 minutes and.then they put their pussies together and.started to fuck each other til.They both came one.last time. They both got back to their tent and continued there nap for a while. Sam was looking for her.boyfriend Jason and said.oh ya he in the blue.tent near the bolder rocks. She entered inside.the tent and.saw that.Jason.was asleep with a. Pellow on his head like usal and said oh baby I have.a.surprise for u…..TO BE CONTINUED!!!

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