The aftermath_(1)

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A story about the aftermath of three teen’s escapades, home on a snow day from school.

Notice: No one was harmed, fucked, sucked, cream-pied or molested during the writing of this story! If you don’t like stories about sex then DON’T read it.

Note: this fiction no one was hurt, fucked, sucked or molested during the writing of this story.
Her toes, how sweet looking they are, with the red polished nails offsetting their negligible stoutness. As she teeters back and forth, raising one foot then the other exposing the heels of her feet, still tender without any sign of the grainy calluses a girl older than her may have.

Flowing smoothly into ankles her calves are quite balanced. The muscles are there but undetectable in there uniform elegance. Her knees, only a girl of her age can have such a refined look to them. But her thighs, they impress, compelling but gracious. She is one of few that need not wear nylons to hide any imperfections. Simply gorgeous is the way to describe her beauty from the waist down.

Those exquisite thighs can only be complimented by the rounded globes protruding outward. I can be assured that the accumulation of muscle and flesh will be the downfall of many boys to come after me as their desire and need to kiss the cheeks Düzce Escort of her ass.

She stands there, shifting her weight between each foot; legs spread, undecided in her thoughts. The lengthy blonde hair gracefully sweeping across her shoulders still matted from not being combed this morning only adds to her enchantment. The delicate breasts, still sprouting are moderately conical in shape with pinkish-red puffy areolas exaggerated from being manipulated earlier project out from her chest like two enticing orbs.

Her face, rounded with a marginally pudgy nose, enticing to a young person her own age. That’s what allured the two of us here earlier this morning. The lips, cherry pink from being sucked on. It’s astonishing what a pair of delicate lips can do on a dense piece of boy flesh. Below the entrance to her mouth is a chin, a chin that one could rest a set of testicles on after some further practice. The dimples on her cheeks, almost indistinguishable now, only a few minutes ago I witnessed those dimples as they were pronounced profoundly descending on each cheek into her mouth as she applied suction to our boy meat.

While her stance is wavering the sun is commencing to shine through the window, the pure white snow has ended its earlier Düzce Escort Bayan fury, indecisive on what or where she goes, not a lot of options for her to single out. She could depart to the bathroom, grab the pale yellow panties crumpled on the nightstand, or better yet she could lay her body back down on the full sized bed between the two of us.

I can feel a tingling desire commencing in my lower abdomen although parts of my body are exhausted my mind says something else. At my young age the temptation is too enormous, but the craving for extended sexual stimulation will determine the outcome of the balance of this morning.

What’s causing this, well her body surely has something to do with it, but it’s those thighs, those alluring thighs are tempting me beyond belief. A mere hour ago they were confined around my head, and then my friend had his encircled between them as her body contorted while releasing whispery murmurs. It isn’t exactly the shape or the look of them, more likely the fact that she has them spread allowing a excellent view of that six inch rope of viscous cum running down the inside of her left leg as globules continue to cling on the blonde hairs surrounding her inflamed pussy lips as a copious amount is still concealed.

This Escort Düzce seems almost surreal, here in this day and time that this young girl who has been the fancy of numerous young men has submitted to the desire of two of her neighborhood friends. If you had asked either of us this morning while the snowstorm was ebbing what the outcome of this Friday would be I am sure that the answer would not be the results that have transpired.

Both of us being inexperienced, still watching her indecisiveness, has her thoughts wondering also, neither of us would attempt to demand anything she didn’t want. She knows there’s a vast amount of sperm still trapped inside her waiting to exit from her fragile and bloated pussy lips, but would an additional deposit be the wise maneuver? Would there be time?

My dick is gaining rigidity; glancing beside me I see my partner has ideas also, lying back on the pillow his pubic hair moist with remnants of his ejaculation, his eyes shut tight dreaming about the chance to duplicate the preceding opportunity as he caresses his soft dick.

We will let her decision be the final word.

Waiting is a bitch.

Maybe a story that led up to the Aftermath?

Pay no attention to the following, it’s only to make the five thousand characters count that is the requirement to get posted..

Mary had a little lamb it’s fleece was white as snow, and every time she wagged her tail you could see her little asshole.

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