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Part One
Chapter 1
Will Weston sat on the living room sofa and relaxed, as he watched a Saturday afternoon baseball game. A long week, too much pressure, he thought as he sipped the dry martini, a regular part of his traditional Friday night wind down from the week. “Thank God it’s Friday,” he muttered to himself.
His wife, Lana, was upstairs on her computer, finishing up her work for the week. She was an incredible woman, Will thought to himself. A great looking woman and a great partner for the last 21 years. Over twenty years married, and he still loved her madly. At 42 years old, Lana was as intelligent as she was attractive. And why not, he thought? She was tall, slim, with great legs and a beautiful figure, light brown hair, a beautiful face, all framing her bright blue eyes that seemed to cut right into his heart. On top of all that, she was quite a successful businesswoman. She had it all, he thought. He had never minded that Lana was not blessed with large breasts, he reasoned, because she was almost everything a man could possibly want. Almost, he thought, as his mind was snapped back to the television and the baseball game. “Wow,” he thought, noticing a hit in the game followed by a close play at the plate.
Will took another drink of the cold martini and starred at the tv for a second. “Damned lucky,” he murmured, thinking that the throw to the plate was wide, allowing the runner to score. “Dammed lucky.”
A knock at the front door broke his train of thought, just as his mind was getting ready to go off on a sidetrack about luck, his own luck, his good fortune and how great things were for Lana and himself. Will could make out a figure through the etched glass panes of the large wooden front door, but he couldn’t tell who it was. Opening the door, Will instantly recognized his next-door neighbor, Ron.
“Hey, Ron, come on in. Just watching the game. How about a martini? Just made a fresh batch.”
Ron Giatti laughed and stepped inside.
“Absolutely. Don’t have to ask twice,” Ron said, as he walked over to the bar cart and poured a drink.
Ron and Will had been best friends since Ron first moved in next door 7 years ago. Will and Lana had just bought their huge, new house in the Chicago suburbs and Ron had moved into an even larger mansion next door shortly thereafter. Ron was single and probably at least ten years younger than Will and Lana. He was average height, lean and Lana had once referred to him as “boyishly charming.” He never seemed to have an interest in dating steadily with one particular woman. Will and Lana just assumed Ron enjoyed playing the field. That is, until about a year ago. Then Ron showed up with a fiancé. Lana and Will thought it odd, but no big deal, they decided.
Ron was young, and very wealthy from owning his own investment company, so it was no surprise that women found him interesting. So, it wasn’t a big shock when Ron introduced Eileen out of the blue as the new fiancé. Lana liked Eileen at first, but then began to be suspicious by things Eileen said. Subtle things about wealth, money and a willingness to do anything to get them caught Lana wrong. That bothered Lana and it put her on her guard. Her friendship with Eileen cooled quickly.
But both Will and Lana were very aware that, for the last couple of months, Eileen was no longer around. Neither of them said anything at the poolside get togethers or neighborly cookouts with Ron that they had together. Will figured that Eileen was just no longer the fiancé and they weren’t together.
And Ron was quite social, that was for sure. Lana and Will could hear the regular parties over at Ron’s place, the splashing in the pool, and the music, but for many of the parties they weren’t asked over. But again, no big deal. Ron moved in a very elite social circle in the city and his was a younger crowd. And of course, Will and Lana had been over to his place socially many times, and he to theirs. Will and Ron were big golfing buddies together at the local Country Club. And they had cooked out and dined together more times than one could count. However, they were never invited to the big, secret formal parties Ron hosted.
But altogether, Will really liked Ron as a friend. Will was even amused that Ron was a borrower. He could afford anything on the planet, but he was always at the front door borrowing something. Tools, cooking utensils, you name it, Ron would borrow it. And Ron would borrow yard tools on occasion, to do work in the yard. Which was funny because Will didn’t see Ron as much of a handyman or yard worker. Ron was more of a country squire, Will thought.
Ron took a large swallow of the martini and smiled at Will.
“Hey, pal, I need to ask a favor.”
“Oh, no. I knew it. I could tell from the look on your face. You’re here to borrow something. I knew it,” Will laughed.
“Yeah, well, I’d like to borrow your wife,” Ron said.
“What?” Will asked, thinking he misheard Ron.
“Yeah, I’d like to borrow Lana. For taksim escort a gangbang,” Ron said, peering over his glass at Will.
“What?” Will asked, both in confusion and amazement.
“Will, here’s the thing, I belong to this club. A very secretive club. A very private club. It’s a gangbang club, to be exact. We get together once a month and well, we have a gangbang. Whoever’s turn it is, hosts the party and his wife, or fiancé, is the star of the party. There are fourteen of us in the club and… well, now it’s my turn. I’m number fourteen this year and my turn to host is this Wednesday night.”
“Will, so, here it is,” Ron continued. “I’m sorta in an awkward position now. I don’t have a wife and Eileen is no longer with me. I dumped her three weeks ago when I found out she was talking about my business to other people. And she couldn’t be trusted with this club thing. No way. See, Will, it’s a very private club. Fourteen very wealthy and important men and their wives are at risk if anyone so much as breathes a word of this. And the rules forbid hiring a prostitute because they couldn’t be trusted. Well, now it’s my turn and I’m sorta desperate. So, I’d like to borrow Lana.”
“What?” Will muttered.
“I see you’re a little confused. I’ve got it all figured out. We’ll just say she’s my part-time fuck, maybe a cougar kinda thing, I’m not sure. My fuck buddy, rather. And I’m her favorite bull.”
“What?” Will repeated.
“Still confused, I guess,” Ron said, with a slight smile on his face. “Let’s see if this helps. Three years ago, I was interested in investing in the Kelton company. You know them. You did their big headquarters design for them, a while back. Well, I ran across this guy who used to work at your engineering firm. He was a little strapped for cash and he thought I might be interested in some files he had. He knew I bought things like that, on occasion. He said he had uncovered some files that showed you had altered and faked the electrical wiring design data and took some construction shortcuts on the big Kelton building development, so your company could get the bid. Which they did. And I remember you told me you got a huge bonus. A nice seven figures, as I recall. But this guy also had files from Kelton that showed you got huge kickbacks from them. And, because of that bid and the project, you got that big promotion to company VP. Let’s not kid each other here.”
All of the color drained from Will’s face, as fear replaced the confusion.
“So, now you understand my request. I need to borrow Lana for the gangbang. Will, think about it. You’ll almost surely go to jail, they’ll seize the house and all of your assets, your life will be ruined and Lana will probably leave you. Or, you can convince her to agree to do this, just one night. It’s next Wednesday night, so why don’t you two stop over later this evening for drinks. I’ll explain more and you both can let me know what you decide.”
Ron drained the martini glass and smiled. “Listen I really like you guys. You’re my best friends and I really trust you with all of this. I bought all those files as kind of a joke, to keep them safe… never planned to use them. I hate doing this, but these guys in the club are real players in the community, pro athletes, a state senator, city councilmen, corporate giants, big businessmen. And this is my first time hosting. I really don’t want this club thing to go away. And I lose a lot of money if I get kicked out. But, I really also want to stay friends with you guys, as well. So, let’s see if we can work something out. Hey, she might even enjoy it. And I’ll give you all the Kelton files on this. I really didn’t ever want to have to use them, but desperate times…”
Ron started toward the door and stopped. “Explain it to Lana and then come on over. I can explain it a little better with you both there.”
Ron smiled and walked out the front door.
Will slouched back on the sofa, limp, all energy drained. This was crazy. He knew Lana would never agree to this. She wasn’t that type of woman. Sure, she was attractive, but not in a sexy way. Their sex life had always been rather conservative. Sex just wasn’t a big part of their marriage. Never was, even when they first dated. And not even when they got married in their senior year of college. He was an engineering major and Lana was a business major with an athletic scholarship. Lana was a rather conservative dresser, classy, but conservative. She wasn’t a prude, but just wasn’t the hot, sexy type. Will had described their sex life to Ron once as “obligatory.” Ron got quite a laugh out of that.
Will and Lana had made the decision that children weren’t for them. They enjoyed the beautiful home, their pool, the country club, and a quiet, comfortable upper-class life together, so children never entered the picture. And sex had never been a crucial part of their marriage.
Now that was all going to change. Jail, bankruptcy, ruination, divorce – there were all images mecidiyeköy escort that swirled in his mind as he headed up the stairs to break the news to Lana that everything that they had worked for was now going to be lost.
“YOU DID WHAT?” Lana screamed, her bright blue eyes on fire.
“How could you? And what does Ron want again? To borrow me? For a gangbang? Are you serious? ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?!”
The torrent of questions flew out of Lana’s mouth. Will could only stand there in humiliation, as he tried to explain the faking of the data on the building project, the kickbacks from Kelton and the lies he told her about the bonuses so they could continue to pay for the huge house and afford the lifestyle they now had. The kickbacks were all illegal, no taxes and no records. He had lied to Lana and said it was merit pay, bonus money. And, yes, he would go to jail, the house would be seized, and their lives would be ruined if this got out. Ron was right about all of that.
“You seriously want me to do this?” she said, a look of disbelief on her face.
“No, I don’t want you to do it. I just don’t know if there are any other choices. Yes, I fucked up. No, I don’t want you to do this. Do you want to go over and talk to Ron?”
Five minutes later, Will and Lana were on Ron’s doorstep, pounding on the front door. The door opened and Lana charged through, red-faced and screaming.
“WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING? Why are you doing this to us? I thought we were friends.”
Ron handed Lana a filled martini glass and pointed to a chair. Lana grudgingly sat, while Ron poured Will a drink.
“We are friends. In fact, you are my best friends. And that’s why I need your help. But I’m in a really bad spot here. And you two are the only ones I can trust. I was sure Eileen was going to be here when I first joined the club over a year ago. I really thought she was the one. But then she started pushing me to turn over some of my investing clients to her and to the bank where she works. Listen, if she had done this club thing, it would have ended up in blackmail or on the front page of every newspaper in the Midwest. I realized that about a month of ago.”
Ron paused, to take a sip of his drink and continued.
“Hey, I’m not the one who screwed up here,” Ron said, explaining his case to Lana. “Will did. But that’s history. I came to you guys because you’re the only ones I can trust. I need help. And we can help each other here, as best friends do.”
Lana snorted in derision, “Right.”
“Okay, and I happen to have some leverage on this. Listen, this is not some screw in a bar with a bunch of drunks, Lana. These are wealthy, powerful people. All drug free, all disease free. And discretion is a given, for everyone. And no one can ever say anything about this. Never. Those are the rules. You talk and you’re out. And you’re probably dead, both figuratively and literally. These are rich powerful men, and this is their one chance a month to let it go and be a little wild and still not cheat on their wives. And without it being in the tabloids or in divorce court. And the wives are fine with this.”
“Why don’t you just tell them that you’re out of the club?” Lana asked, the edge still in her voice.
“I’d lose my four-million-dollar deposit in the club, instantly. Then, I lose all the business connections with these guys, if I screw this up. And all their investment accounts that I manage. These are politicians, celebrities, business giants. This club has been going on secretly for over forty years and no one has ever spoken about it. And, really, most of the wives get a sort of a kick out of it. They seem to like the attention.”
“Ron, are you crazy? I CAN’T DO THIS!” she screamed. “I’m not some porn queen. Christ, I’ve never even been with another man, other than Will and one guy in college. I’m not some young babe or a pin up girl.”
“Are you kidding? Listen Lana, I’ve been with all their wives over the last thirteen months. They are just normal women, just normal wives. Believe me, you are beautiful compared to most of them. Sure, the three pro athletes in the group have very attractive, sort of trophy wives, but the rest are just average women. I’ve seen you a thousand times in a bathing suit. You got great legs and a great ass. You’ll be fine. The wives just have a few drinks and do it. They drink and laugh and let their hair down and enjoy the sex. They have a good time every year when their turn comes up. I’m sure it keeps the marriage hot for the remainder of the time. And I swear, Will will get all the files on the Kelton thing and nothing will ever be said about it. Your advertising company, what do you have now, eight employees? Over three million net last year? It was started with Kelton money. That will all go away.”
“YOU WILL NOT DESTROY MY COMPANY! I’VE WORKED HARD TO CREATE THAT!” Lana screamed, red faced, fists clenched in rage.
Ron pressed his case. “This will be easy. And fun. avcılar escort All these guys just laugh and drink and in two hours everyone’s exhausted and goes home. Most of them have been doing this together for a few years, so it’s not some crazy bunch of coked up bikers. I’m the new guy in the group, a newcomer at this. We’ll tell them you and I are long time fuck buddies. That I’m your favorite bull, when you want to have some fun. Something like that. But, neither of you can ever say a word about this to anyone. That’s the deal.”
Ron paused and looked directly at Lana. Lana was unmoved.
“It’s your call,” Ron said, still looking directly at Lana. “So, do you want Will to go to jail, you both lose your house? Your company is shut down and out of business? Or do you want to have a couple of drinks, have some fun and meet some great guys? It could even be good for your business, Lana. Look, I’m sorry, but you both must understand… my ass is really in a wringer on this one. I hate doing this to you both, but you are the only option I have that I can trust.”
Ron stood there, his argument made. He stared at Lana hoping to get a sense of what she was thinking.
Lana was still shaking with rage, her jaw clenched. She was so angry at Ron for asking this, but even more angry at Will for cheating on the engineering project and jeopardizing their whole life, everything they had worked for together. And he lied to her and ruined their trust. And what Ron said was true. She owned her own small marketing firm in the city, but the money to start it did come from the big deal that Will had landed with the Kelton project and the bonus money he got. So, even her small company was at risk.
“I have to think about this. I’ll call you in the morning,” she said, stood up and stomped out.
Early the next morning, Ron’s phone rang, and the only thing Lana said was “Get your ass over here,” and hung up.
Twenty minutes later, Ron lifted his hand to knock, but before he could the door flew open, and Lana pulled him in by the arm.
It was early Saturday morning and Lana was still in her robe, no makeup and eyes red.
“Jesus, you look awful,” Ron said.
“Shut up,” Lana snapped.
“We don’t know whether you would use that Kelton construction stuff or not, but we decided we can’t take that chance. You better have a lot of martinis ready for me. But the one thing that I want you to know is that I’ll never forgive you for this. Never! Now, out!”
With that, Lana opened the door, pushed Ron out and slammed it behind him. Thirty seconds later Lana’s phone rang. It was Ron.
“You might want to get Will to find an amateur gangbang video on the Internet for you to watch. Just a thought. Oh, and be sure to get really clean down there.”
“What?!” she said, but the phone line was already dead. “Clean down there? Of course, I’m always clean. What does that mean?” she thought to herself.
Later, Lana sat at her desk in her upstairs office, tears streaming down her face, and stared at the blank computer screen. Her stomach was a twisted ball of knots, as she tried to think. She just couldn’t calm herself from the rage. Sex was really not something that she enjoyed. Yes, it was true that she had always been a little self-conscious about being somewhat flat chested all her life. In college, it was not a problem. As a collegiate women’s volleyball star on an athletic scholarship, she fit right in. She was named Big Ten Player of the Year her senior year, and it certainly wasn’t because of her bust size. She was a great volleyball player, that’s all. And none of the girls on the team were busty. The uniforms were really just tight shorts so they could move. And she did have a great ass and incredibly long legs, so not having boobs was no big deal to her. And in her mind, that’s how she looked at sex, as no big deal. That’s why Will was a perfect husband for her. Because sex for him seemed like no big deal, either.
Later that morning, Lana took Ron’s advice and had Will find several amateur gangbang videos on the Internet. She and Will both stared down at the screen watching six guys go at some heavy-set woman with enormous breasts and a massive ass.
“I guess it’s about what I expected,” Lana groaned.
“Me too,” said Will.
It was about then that one of the men on the screen pushed his greasy thumb into the large woman’s asshole.
“Ohhhh, that’s what he meant, really clean down there,” Lana gasped.
“What?” said Will.
“Nothing. Just something Ron said,” she muttered.
Monday afternoon, Lana made a shopping trip in preparation for her upcoming Wednesday night disaster. She had driven past a small sex boutique a hundred times when going into downtown to the office, but never would have considered stopping and going in. But today was different. Today she knew she had to buy stockings, maybe panties or something sleazy for an appropriate outfit. She had absolutely nothing in the house that could come even close to what she thought appropriate for Wednesday night.
She found some black stockings and lace panties and slid up to the counter hoping no one she knew would come in the store. Up at the counter, the young woman smiled and said, “Looks like you have a party planned.”
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