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THE HOUND from HELLFormer American Air Base Bitburg in What was then West Germany in late July, 1968 and fresh back from ten days Leave in England and popping the question to now fiancée Sarah as she said yes I was a three stripe junior NCO Sergeant after starting as an Airman First Class and in charge of the Eeapons Storage Area Just off the main base proper surrounded by thick wooded forests on two sides and ploughed farmers, fields on the other two. As nuclear as well as conventional weapons were stored inside the area was well guarded with eight feet high chain link double fencing with sharp concertina wire at the top of barbed wire to deter intruders, more than adequate lighting and a high tech alarm system connected to sensors on the fence, between the fences and on the bunkers containing the weapons so a difficult area to penetrate as it should have been. The evening in particular there,d been a violent thunder storm had taken place and everything was still wet with part flooded roads, areas near the fence now muddy instead of the usual hard packed earth. The K-9 Supervisor kaçak casino had just arrived at the Main Entrance Gate and Office with the two Alsatian dog handlers and dogs about 8pm and the handlers had attached their leads to the place near the gate house provided to leave their dogs when they took coffee or toilet breaks. The supervisor SSgt Holmes was about to leave when the lovely coffee patrol man arrived so decided to have a cup as he had no more handlers to take to post and was in no hurry to start post inspections. We were busy chatting about our favourite baseball teams and how they were performing when suddenly frenzied barking and growling issued from the area where the dogs were tethered. We rushed out to witness the dogs sparring with a giant black dog that resembled an Alsatian but much larger, the dogs limited by their leads as the stranger tormented them by farting into nip their flanks then dart away before they could retaliate. Suddenly one of the leads tore loose and the now free dog charged the big black one and taken by surprise it fled toward the casino oyna rear where two guards were posted guarding a bunker in that area. One of my colleagues quickly radioed to earn the men as SSgt Holmes and I quickly jumped in my little Ford pickup and drove toward where we,d last seen the dogs. By the time the vehicle reached the access road the dogs flashed over and headed toward the perimeter fence. I stopped opposite them as the big black dog had stopped just this side and was facing an angry Alsatian. Without hesitation SSgt Holmes and I raced to intercept the fighting a****ls and as we closed in the strange dog lashed out, caught the Alsatian by the throat and began to toss it about like a rag doll. “Stop you Devil!” I shouted, my .38 calibre revolver now in my right hand with hammer cocked all ready to fire, my colleague also armed. “Don,t shoot you might hit the dog!” The Sergeant shouted a warning, but before my finger could pull the trigger a pair of burning red eyes sought me out and I was frozen, paralysed with fear and dread I,d never felt in my life before canlı casino siteleri or since! The creature then released the Alsatian, snarled a challenge at us, turned and fled THROUGH a double eight foot high chain link fence! And Didn,t set off the motion detectors or sensors installed there! SSgt Holmes and I had to blink as we thought we must be dreaming, but the creature had now reached the nearby forest and soon disappeared in the depths. Our attention was now on the dying Alsatian whos, Head had nearly been decapitated, but there was little we could do for the poor a****l. We knew no one would believe us so reported that a strange large dog had somehow scaled the fence avoided the alarms, fought with the dead Alsatian almost biting its head off and then escaped as we were too afraid to shoot for ear of hitting the Alsatian. I doubt the authorities found it easy to believe, but they had six witnesses, a dead Alsatian and it was hard to ignore thatbit had happened! Despite it being an a****l it was government property so an investigation was held, but the reports we made out were accepted. To this day I,ve never experienced such fear, under attack four years previously in Vietnam was not as scary as what happened that night! An incident to reflect on this Halloween! My CLOSE ENCOUNTER with a HOuND FROM HELL!
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