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I welcome feedback from readers, in fact I thrive on it.

This story is fantasy. In the real-world consent is not only important, but also sexy.

This cycle includes multiple storylines. The stories intertwine. They are listed in the College Magic Cycle folder in the suggested reading order.

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Author”s Notes

�        Expect one chapter in the College Magic Cycle on Thursday or Friday, and one stand-alone story or chapter in a different story every Monday or Tuesday.

�        Please remember that any scene told from a single POV is subject to the “unreliable narrator” effect. A character can only see and react to events as they perceive them.

�        My Stories

o   College Magic

o   Jack and the Giant

o   Sacred Submissives

o   Bellus Cinaedus

o   Guardian Angel


The Pack 4 (Golden Boy) � Thursday of the 1st Week of School


I loved waking up in bed with Drew even if he did make me feel like his boy, the way he always ended up holding me in his arms. It was because he was bigger than me, even if it was only four inches. Both our alarms went off at the same time, so Drew must have set his later than he usually did. He was scrambling for his phone while I just tapped my smart watch.

“Do you want the shower first?” I asked.

“Unless you want to join me,” he said, “then we can save some time.”

I laughed at that thought, and replied, “I”d love to join you, but I”m not sure it will save us any time.”

We got up, grabbed our stuff, and went to the shower together. Luckily, our suitemates weren”t using it at the time. Sharing a shower didn”t really save us a lot of time. Our wolf spirits increased our sexual energy, and we were both horny this morning. Drew grabbed my cock and pulled me close so that he could hold both our cocks at the same time. It was a little awkward at first because of the difference in our height, but Drew crouched down a little to make it work.

He was grinning at me and said, “Next time we do this on the bed and then go shower afterwards.”

I let my hands run through his chest hair and pinched his nipples, making him jump a little. He slid his free hand around to poke at my hole. “I still need to spank this round butt and then fuck it,” he said, but I think we”ll have to wait until Sunday.”

I moaned involuntarily. I considered myself to be only a top, but Drew got me excited enough to want to get fucked. In the past I”d considered bottoming as something I had to do to top someone else, but with Drew it was different. It was still an exchange, but it was one I wanted to do. I was much too tight for Drew to get his finger inside me without lube, but he was able to press and to rub gently on my hole, and that was enough to push me to the edge. It wasn”t fair that my arms were shorter, and Drew”s torso was larger, and I couldn”t do the same to him. I was able to pinch and twist his nipples and that was driving him to orgasm. It was like a contest to see who could make the other cum first.

Drew came first, but I followed him before he finished. We kissed and explored each other”s mouths for a few minutes before breaking apart and getting clean. Then we brushed our teeth at the same time, playfully fighting for control of the sink. Drew”s beard was still short from shaving on Tuesday, so he decided not to trim it and I didn”t have much facial hair, so I gave it a miss this morning too. Drew had to run to a meeting, but I had time to go down for some breakfast in the dining hall.



Benjy was lying on my chest. He”d slept there all night, his skinny body sprawled over my larger, beefier frame. During the night, I”d pulled a sheet over him because he was shivering, but I”d pulled it off this morning so I could look at his body and run my hands over his smooth back. I slid a hand down inside his briefs and rubbed his little hole. He whimpered in his sleep and his little penis twitched. Slowly he woke up and smiled at me.

“Good morning, Daddy,” he mumbled, kissing my hairy chest. “Are you going to fuck me this morning?”

I sniffed my finger then said, “Pills first, then we get cleaned up, then I”ll see if you”re going to suck my cock while I play with your little hole. I need to see if you can take me yet. We may need to work our way up to the real thing.”

Benjy scrambled off me and stood by the bed, bouncing up and down slightly, like he often did when he had to wait. I got up and grabbed his pills. I made him take one with a bottle of water, then I made him open his mouth to show me it was gone. I tousled his hair and told him he was a good boy. Then I went through his box of toys. He”d packed his enema bag in the box as well. I didn”t feel a need to clean my own ass, but I usually kept an unopened anal douche bulb around for emergencies, like I had a boy over and he needed one right then. I would let them keep it and buy a new one as a backup, but I”d given the last one I had to Drew.

“This will do for now Benjy, but I want you to show me how you use it,” I said.

He ran over and grabbed it and then ran into the bathroom. I”d never seen him walk anywhere. He adjusted the water to the right temperature, and I watched him fill the bag much fuller than he needed. I stopped him and said, “This is too much. Do you always use this much water?”

He nodded his head and I said, “Okay. We”re going to dump some of this out and then you can show me how you use it.”

I poured most of the water out, leaving enough for 2-3 flushes in the bag. Benjy took the bag, hung it on the rack in the shower and knelt inside the shower. Then he tried to shove it in, wincing all the time. I put my hand on his and said, “Baby boy, this is how you kept hurting yourself. That little boy hole is delicate, and you”ve been treating it bad. Let me help you.”

I grabbed the lube I”d brought and rubbed it gently around his hole, causing him to moan. He sounded almost like a kitten purring. Then I worked my lubed finger inside his butt. “You need to be nice to your little hole. You can”t just shove things in there without relaxing it a little.”

Once he was a slippery, I lubed the tip of the enema bag, slipped it inside him and released the clip that stopped the flow. Warm water began pouring into his butt and he started wiggling. In just a moment, I stopped the flow. “We”re not trying to irrigate your colon, just clean out the playroom down here,” I said. “Now I want you to hold it inside you until you I tell you to let it go.”

I helped him to his feet and told him, “You should like this part. I want you to shake that little butt of yours until I tell you to stop. Really shake it, but keep your hole closed tight so nothing spills out.”

Benjy turned his back to me and started to shake his little butt. He was looking over his shoulder at me and smiling. “Like this Daddy?” he teased.

“Keep going boy, but don”t spill a drop,” I ordered.

I watched him for a couple of minutes. His eyes were getting wider, and he was biting his lip. I guessed he was about at his limit holding it inside. “Okay, you can stop now, boy,” I said. “Come on over here and let it out.”

He walked fast with little mincing steps, trying to hold the water in. I may have accidentally made him work it too long, but he managed to get onto the toilet before losing control. I made him do it again. It took three times before it came out clean.

“That”s the way we”re going to do it, baby,” I said as I was drying his butt on the towel. “I”ll get you a smaller bulb, so you don”t put too much in at once and I”ll order some normal saline to use instead of water to keep you healthy in there.” I remembered a long talk about anal health I”d had while sitting watch with Zeno back in my freshman year. I hadn”t been interested at the time, but Zeno had enough charisma to make you want to listen, no matter what he was saying.

I cleaned up the bathroom since Benjy was terrible at cleaning and we were in a hurry. Then I hustled his naked butt back into the bedroom. I put a towel on the bed and was just about to get started when I heard a key in the lock. I told Benjy to wrap the towel around himself.

It was Micah Blum, my roommate. He looked over at Benjy sitting on my bed in a towel and then at me and blushed. “I need to get a few things before going to class,” he stammered.

I glanced back and forth between him and Benjy and realized what had Micah so flustered. Both were small boys with olive skin tone and dark hair. He must have figured that I had a type, and that he was it. Sure, I would have tapped his ass if he”d ever given a sign that he wanted it, but I didn”t really want to get involved with a mage anyway. Too much baggage. The boys were different too. Benjy was shorter, with a light olive skin tone and dark brown hair that hung in waves more than curls. Micah was about an inch taller than him, with dark olive skin tone, making him look Hispanic or MENA, with long hair in black curls and very dark eyes. His lips were also fuller than Benjy”s. But they were both so skinny that they were borderline underweight. I knew that Benjy was 110 � 115 pounds. Micah couldn”t be much more than that.

“Has Sebastian talked to you yet?” I asked Micah.

Micah glanced in my direction and said, “No sir, he hasn”t.”

“I just got confirmation, Micah,” I said. “You and Benjy here are changing rooms.”

Micah”s eyes almost fell out of his head. “But, sir,” he squeaked. “Isn”t his roommate that guy with the long hair and beard who howls at the moon!”

I chuckled at that. It was true that Lew Muller had a habit of howling at the moon, especially if he”d been drinking. He had long brown hair and beard and did his best to look like a werewolf in his human form. He was a beta who liked to fight and hang out in bars. He was also a computer hacker and amateur electrician, not to mention an English major who wrote poetry and played the guitar. He”d been spending a lot of time at the wolf house anyway.

“Don”t worry your little head, boy,” I growled at him. I”d given him an alpha growl because I like the way he jumped like I was going to eat him. No one should be that scared. I also liked that he sprang a boner whenever he heard it. I guessed that mages had betas too. “Lew is moving into town and we”re trying to find you a roommate who won”t make you piss your pants when you see him.”

The boy looked down to make sure he hadn”t wet himself. I put a hand on his shoulder, and he flinched. “You don”t need to be afraid of me, boy,” I said. “I”m not going to hurt you. No one in the local pack is going to hurt you.”

“Okay sir,” he said. “If you say, so.”

I shook my head as he scurried sideways out the door. Cameron Campbell and Oliver Rankin, the other two members of the Twink Trio, were waiting outside. That was my name for that group of magelings that everyone assumed were a gay polyamorous trio. Rumor had it that they had most of their classes together. And everyone knew that they always ate together and slept in the same room.

When he left, Benjy said, “He likes you Daddy.”

“I don”t think so, baby,” I said. “He was raised to fear all werewolves and he thinks I want to eat him, maybe fuck him then eat him, but definitely eat him.”

Benjy jumped up, letting his towel drop and said, “Sorry Daddy, but your wrong. His eyes were open wide, and he kept licking his lips. I saw him when he turned away from you.”

I picked the towel up and put it on the bed, then lifted Benjy up and put him on the towel. “I don”t think so boy,” I said. “I think his eyes were wide with fright and he was licking his lips because they dry from fear.”

I put some lube on my finger and started rubbing Benjy”s little hole. He was wiggling and moaning. “You can spank me for arguing with you if you want Daddy, but I saw his nostrils open, and he was breathing deeply. He”s a boy like I am, and he liked your scent. I know when a boy likes a Daddy, especially if it”s my Daddy he likes.”

I smacked his butt. “Don”t argue with me, boy,” I growled.

I felt sorry for Benjy. He”d just found his Daddy, and he was getting jealous that another little twink could be eyeing him. But just in case, next time I gave Micah an alpha growl I”d give him a sniff and see if he was excited or just getting boned from fear.

I pushed my finger inside Benjy”s ass and lubed him up good. For all his desire, he didn”t have a lot of experience and he was probably anxious about losing me. His little warm butt felt so good on my finger, I thought there was little chance of him ever losing me. I was the one who should be afraid of losing him.

I worked my finger in his butt until it was relaxed, then I added a second and started over again. He was panting a little already. I knew that I”d have to stretch him out a lot more if he was going to enjoy my cock in his ass. Given how rough he”d been with the enema nozzle earlier, I imagined that he”d simply tried to shove his toys in without teasing his hole a little to loosen it up.

“Do Daddy”s fingers feel good in your little boy hole?” I asked.

Benjy wiggled his butt and said, “Oh yes, Daddy, they feel great. Please fuck me, Daddy.”

I worked a third finger inside him. He was groaning a little now, but he kept saying repeatedly, “Fuck me Daddy! Fuck my butt harder.” Now I could begin to stretch him by expanding my fingers when they were inside him. I didn”t stint on the lube. I wanted him sloppy and slippery for my cock.

Once he was loose enough, I took my fingers out and lined my cock up with his hole. Mine wasn”t a monster like Drew”s (or apparently Simon”s from what Drew had said), but it was on the large size of average. I was glad that mine wasn”t giant sized because Benjy was tight. I was able to slide inside him without causing him a lot of pain. He winced a little when the head went in past his little ring, but then he started moaning.

“Yes Daddy! I love having your cock inside me!”

Now that I was inside him, I flipped him over and threw his legs over my shoulders. I wanted to see his pretty face while I took his virginity. It didn”t disappoint. He was arching his neck and breathing heavily. His little pink tongue was licking his lips and his eyes were open wide. When I hit his p-spot, he squealed in delight.

“That feels so good, Daddy! Do it again!”

I made sure to aim for the spot on every thrust. Benjy”s hand went down to his own little hairless cock, but I smacked it away. He was good for a minute or so, then his hand snuck back down. I slapped his ass hard and growled, “Get your hands off that little penis boy! You don”t touch it without Daddy”s permission.”

“I”m trying Daddy, but you feel so good inside me. I can”t help it.”

I grabbed his wrists and pinned his arms above his head and kept pounding his butt. He felt so warm and tight that I knew I wasn”t going to last much longer. Judging from his little twitching penis, he wasn”t going to last either. It was red and looked swollen.

“You feel so good on my cock, baby,” I growled. “Are you going to be a good boy and cum for your daddy while he”s fucking you?”

“I can”t Daddy, you won”t let me touch it!” he pleaded.

I gave him the alpha growl and his whole body tensed. It always had that effect on submissive boys. He was so close that he was ready. “Cum for me baby,” I growled. “Cum for your daddy.”

“Oh God, Daddy, I”m cumming!” he yelled as his little penis erupted, sending his cum flying all over his chest and abdomen. His little hole clamped hard on my cock, and I came harder than I”d expected.

He was crying, so I held him close. I kissed him then asked, “Did you like that baby?”

He panted, “I loved it, Daddy. It was better than I”d ever dreamed it would be. I”m so glad that you”re my daddy.”

“And I”m glad that you”re my good little boy,” I said. Then we cuddled on the bed for a few minutes before Benjy jumped up and swallowed my cock, cleaning all the cum off. Then he cleaned his own cum that had been smeared on my chest when we were cuddling. Last he scraped as much as he could off his body and his little penis and shoveled it into his mouth.

I took him back to the bathroom and wiped us both down with a warm washcloth. Then we had to get dressed and go to breakfast. In the past I was careless about skipping meals, but I had a boy to take care of now. He leaned against me as we went through the breakfast line. I ordered for both of us and then made sure he ate it all, even though he started complaining about halfway through. He was a handful and was going to require my full attention, but I was happy to give it.



I had just sat down with a plate full of eggs, bacon, and toast when a young man with auburn hair and blue eyes came up to my table with a tray. A light dusting of freckles covered his fair skin. I remembered seeing him at the pack meeting Wednesday night, so he had to be one of us.

“Can I sit here?” he asked. He seemed a little nervous. I couldn”t be that intimidating, he was taller and more muscular than I was.

“Sure,” I said, “Be my guest.”

He sat down and shuffled the food around on his tray a bit before saying, “My name is Conor Tighe, and I saw you Wednesday night standing on the rock. I was in the back, so you probably didn”t see me.”

I was nodding as I chewed my food, then I said, “Simon Carter. I did see you there. You”re better looking than those guys you stood between, so you did stand out.”

He blushed a little and said, “Thank you … um … sir. You”ve been seen a lot with Darren, Drew and Xav, so I was wondering if you were an alpha? No one really introduced you that night.”

“That”s what they tell me,” I said. “I”m new to all this business. Xav was my … sponsor. Were you there when it happened?”

He nodded yes. “I saw it, and everyone says that if Xav bites you then you”ll definitely be an alpha, but I wasn”t sure if that was true.”

This boy was cute in an understated way. He wasn”t as cute as Benjy, but part of that may have been that he wasn”t bouncing all over the place.

“Drew and Darren both say that I”m an alpha, but I get the impression they can”t tell for sure until I change, and I can”t do that until the next full moon. I”m going to Xav”s house tonight so he can talk to my wolf spirit. He can probably tell then.”

He blushed a little when I said that I was going to Xav”s house. “Well, I was wondering about this boy.” He showed me the picture of the golden boy on his screen. “The word is out to look for him and that Drew wants him brought in. Do you know what he did? Why is the pack hunting him?”

“He helped to set up the ambush in the woods on Monday,” I said. “We need to figure out why and who else was involved.”

He seemed like he wanted to say something, but he was too nervous. “Go ahead and tell me, Conor,” I said. “I can tell that you want to.”

He hesitated and looked around the room, then whispered, “I think he may be in trouble. I heard some of the guys talking. They said that they were going to teach him a lesson. Another said that we didn”t have to worry about bringing him in because Xav can talk to his ghost to find out everything we need to know.”

“Have you told Drew?” I asked.

“I can”t just go up to Drew and talk to him,” he said with wide eyes. “He”s the pack leader.”

“He”s not that scary, Conor,” I said. “What about Darren?”

“I didn”t go to Darren because …,” he leaned closer and whispered, “I heard that he”s a killer, too. They say that he and one of the pack sisters killed a few people then year before I came. For all I know, he”s in on it.”

I laughed at him, then said, “Sorry. I don”t mean to make fun, but have you ever talked to Darren? He”s gruff, but he wouldn”t hurt someone … unless they really deserved it.” I was suddenly thinking of Darren last night, of his takedown of Kyle and what had happened afterwards. I shook my head.

“If you say so,” Conor said, looking skeptical. “But I couldn”t watch what happened last night after the fight. I saw what Darren did to him with his fists and I heard what came after, but I was sitting behind a tree not watching because I didn”t want to see it. If Drew knew that I was such a coward last night, he”d beat the crap out of me.”

“Hold Çeşme Escort it,” I told him. “You don”t know Drew very well, or Darren either. I can guarantee you that neither of them was happy with what had to happen last night. And Drew wouldn”t be angry because you didn”t want to watch people beat on someone who was already defeated or … rape them. But why are you telling me all this about the boy?”

Conor gave me a bleak look. “Because everyone says that you”re an alpha and you didn”t participate in that brutality. I thought I could trust you.”

I put my hand on top of his and said, “You can, Conor. I”ll see what I can do, but I need to find him first. I don”t know anything about him, not even his name.”

“I know where you can find him,” he said. “I don”t know his name either, but I saw him Tuesday and he should be there today as well.”

“Where?” I demanded. I had mixed feelings about this golden boy, but I didn”t want to see some vengeful betas drag him off and hurt him.

“He has a biology 101 class in the same room as my biology 201 class. He was standing in the hallway waiting to come in when I was getting out of class last Tuesday,” he said.

“So long as no one else knows, we should be able to get to him first,” I said. “Thank you for your help.”

Conor looked distraught. “The thing is that I mentioned this information to the others before they said they were going to hurt him. They know where to find him too.”

“Well Conor,” I said, “it”s not your fault, but now that they know I must try and stop them. Are you going to help me?”

I growled the last question. It sounded weak and sad from my perspective, but Conor sat up straight and said, “Yes sir, I am.”

We made plans. Both of us had classes at the time of golden boy”s bio class, but we could get there quickly enough if we rushed. I had the farthest to go, but I”d be coming from Spanish. Since that class met four times a week instead of twice, it got out fifteen minutes earlier than the bio class. The hardest part would be trying to shake Benjy loose before going.

Conor jumped up to clean up my mess as well as his. If this was what it was like to be an alpha, then I could get used to it. I was walking out the door when Conor caught up to me. “Sir, I was wondering if maybe sometime if you weren”t too busy, maybe we … I mean … I could buy you lunch or something like that.”

“Are you asking me out on a date, Conor?” I asked.

He stammered, “N-no sir, I just thought maybe we could …”

I cut him off, “Shh! If you were asking me out on a date, I”d probably say yes.”

“Thank you, sir,” he said. “Then I will ask you sometime!”

He ran off and I shook my head. The boy was at least a year older than me, and he was getting tongue tied. I”d probably have to ask him out if it was going to happen. At this rate, I was going to need a calendar to keep everything straight. College was awesome. I was getting more action than I ever had in high school, and my wolf spirit kept my energy levels up. I watched him run off. His ass was fine. I decided that I was going to call him.

I was walking to my business class when I saw Kyle. He was doing inclined sit ups at an exercise station that was part of the health jogging trail that went around campus. He was alone, like he had been every time I”d seen him, and he had nasty bruises on his thighs, side, and face. I could see them because his shirt and shorts were sliding towards his head due to the angle of the exercise bench. He wasn”t just alone. I felt that he was surrounded by loneliness. He was bigger than me and looked more mature, but we were the same age. This was a shitty way for him to start his freshman year in college.

I stood next to him and watched him exercising. It was like he was obsessing over his body. I cleared my throat and said, “I”m sorry, Kyle.”

He stopped exercising, rolled off the bench and stood up. He was looking fine despite the gut. He must have lost a few pounds already and his muscles were looking pumped. He seemed embarrassed when he looked at me. “No need to apologize sir. I”m the one who should be apologizing.”

Dammit! I was getting angry, not necessarily with him, but with whoever was fucking with him, probably that roommate of his. “I do owe you an apology,” I insisted. “I didn”t want the pack to do that to you. Neither did Drew. You didn”t deserve that.”

He put his arm on my shoulder and led me over to the bench. We sat down together, and he put an arm around my shoulder. “I did deserve it, sir. What I did to you was … unforgiveable. And it wasn”t the first time I”d done it.”

He paused and took a deep breath and said, “Andy was a freshman, with hair so blond that it looked almost white. His eyes were light blue, and his skin was as pale as milk. I was a junior on the football team. Someone on the team made a joke about Andy staring at my ass and getting an erection. I cornered him in the park next to the school, and I shoved him up against a tree. He looked scared and I popped a boner. I punched him in the stomach, then slapped him around. He was the first. The more I hit him, the more excited I became. I didn”t stop until I shot a load in my pants. He refused to tell his parents what happened, but he wouldn”t go back to school. His parents moved him to another school, just to get him away from me.”

I looked horrified. Kyle”s voice caught in his throat. “Later that same year,” he said, “there was a kid named Tim. He had brown hair and brown eyes. He wore his hair a little too long, and he had one of those voices that was a little bit too high, and little bit too gay. He worked at the mall selling pretzels at a booth. He was a little bigger than Andy had been. He was only four inches and about fifty pounds lighter than me. When I stopped to buy a pretzel for the girl I was seeing. She whispered a joke to me about Tim being into me. I sulked while we walked the mall. When I saw him walking into a bathroom, I followed him. He made the mistake of looking at my cock while we were both pissing at the urinals. I slammed him into the wall and punched him repeatedly. I didn”t cum in the bathroom. I did that later when the girl was blowing my cock. I kept picturing Tim”s face behind my closed eyes.”

“Then …,” he started to go on, but I stopped him and touched the tears at the corner of his eyes. He was beating himself up worse than the pack had beaten him last night. It hurt me to see him in pain, not as bad as the physical pain he”d caused me, but still bad.

“Don”t,” I said. “I get it. You did some horrible shit, but you said you”re different now. I want to tell you that I”m going to forgive you for what you did to me.”

He broke down and started crying for real. “You can”t forgive me for Andy or Tim or Douglas or Jeremy or Donny or Philip. Don”t tell me that I don”t deserve what happened to me, sir. I know what I am.”

“Dammit Kyle,” I said. “I came here to apologize, not to get involved in your trauma.”

“Sorry sir,” he said, rubbing the tears from his eyes.

“I wasn”t finished,” I said. “I didn”t come here to get caught in your trauma, but I”m going to give you some advice Mom Chrissy gave me. You can”t go back in time and change the past; you can just move forward from here. I can”t forgive you on behalf of all those guys, but I can tell you that you can be better. Do you have anyone to talk to about all this?”

I was gesturing at his slutty outfit when I said all this.

“No sir,” he said. “I didn”t come here with any friends, and I think all the gay guys in our dorm hate me, except for my master and he isn”t really one to talk about feelings.”

“So, you”re coming out all at once, despite having been a self-hating homophobe most of your life,” I said, “and you don”t have anyone you can talk to. You must be going through hell. Give me your number, so we can talk.”

He gave me his number and I used it to text him, so he”d have mine. I wouldn”t be the guy my moms had raised if I didn”t reach out to a guy who was in this much pain.

“I can”t believe you”d do this for me Simon,” he said. “After everything I did to you, I can”t believe that you”re willing to talk to me at all, let alone share your advice. Was it hard for you to come out?”

I laughed. “I have two moms, dude. My moms knew I was gay before I knew what gay was. But I have known a lot of people who had a hard time with coming out. And I think I know a lot about being gay. I”m happy to listen to you and help you if I can. No one should have to do it on their own.”

“Thanks sir,” he said. “I don”t know how to tell you how much this means to me. I”ve been trying to figure it out on my own and I don”t know what the hell I”m doing.”

I put my hand on his arm and led him into the building. “Come sit by me so you”re not alone,” I said.

He looked at me like I was his guardian angel, and I realized that he had indeed been alone, from the moment he arrived on campus. He”d been a horrible person when he was in high school, and he hadn”t gotten better until he fell under Domenic Chase”s control, but enough was enough. Someone had to treat him like a human being, and it was going to have to be me. He needed me.

The class went fast, and Kyle and I agreed to get together to go over notes. He seemed happier than I”d seen him this year. I couldn”t help but notice his muscles and his square, masculine jaw. I wanted to touch him. I wanted to bring him back to my room and fuck him. But I felt that he needed me now as a friend more than a lover. He always smelled of sex these days, so I was pretty sure he had enough lovers.


Spanish was my last class. When I got there, Benjy had taken some of his books out of his bag and put them on the desk he was saving for me. A student was glaring at him, looking disgruntled as he walked by. Benjy had pulled a can of coke out of his bag, and he was setting it down at my desk when I came in.

“I got you a coke because I know you like them, and I had to put my books here because that guy was trying to take your seat even though I told him that I was saving it for you because you helped me in class. I thought he was going to push my stuff on the floor, but he didn”t he just stared at me like this.”

He was making a comically mean looking face, and I couldn”t help but chuckle at him. He shoved the can of coke at me while I was putting my backpack down. “I”ll drink it later, Benjy. Thank you,” I said.

He”d been waving his arms while talking and I thought the can would probably spray all over the place if I opened it now. I looked at the guy who”d tried to take my chair and gave him a shrug and a smile. He seemed relieved that he hadn”t insisted on sitting there.

“And Daddy said to remember to give you my phone in class because I was always using it even when I was supposed to be working, but he said to tell you that there”s an alarm set on vibrate and when the alarm goes off I have to eat this granola bar.” He barely stopped to point at a granola bar that he”d opened and set neatly on top of its packet. Then he continued without really missing a beat. “And he said to ask you please to let me know when the alarm goes off and to remember to call you sir like a good boy and that I can”t forget to eat the granola bar and that he wants you to text him if I don”t finish the whole thing and if I don”t he”s going to give me a spanking and that means a real spanking, not just playing with my butt like he knows I enjoy.”

I put a hand on Benjy”s shoulder and whispered, “That”s enough, Benjy. Share time is over.”

Students behind us were giggling uncontrollably and Benjy seemed oblivious to it all. I was smiling because I found him more amusing than annoying. I assumed that he had just taken his meds and that they hadn”t taken affect yet. Darren must”ve been timing it so that Benjy would be with me when he was on the cusp between doses. Either he trusted me, or he hated me. I put Benjy”s phone in my shirt pocket.

I noticed the teacher standing in the doorway, motioning me to join her in the hallway.

“I”m glad that you”re here in class with him,” she said. “He”s a special young man and I don”t think he”d do well without you. Are you his paraeducator?”

“No ma”am,” I replied. “I”m not even sure what that is. He”s just a friend who needs help sometimes.”

She was writing a note and she handed it to me. “Benjamin needs to see someone in the Office of Special Needs. If he needs a paraeducator, he should get one. If you”re filling that role, maybe they can pay you or something.”

We looked back into the room and Benjy was offering everyone around him Reece”s Pieces from a giant bag. A few of them were taking them. If Darren didn”t stop him, Benjy would end up buying snacks for everyone in all his classes. I guessed that was how he made friends back in high school. I heaved a sigh and went in to make him turn around and pay attention.

He calmed down in about 15-20 minutes and then his alarm went off and I told him to eat the granola bar. He made a face and picked at it during class. When the teacher announced class was over, Benjy shoved the remaining two thirds of the bar into his mouth. I wanted to get out of there, but Benjy was taking his time packing up and I wanted to make sure he ate his snack. The guy Benjy had driven away from my desk, clapped my back as he walked past and whispered, “Better you than me, dude. Why are the cute ones always crazy?”

We were walking out of the building, and I realized that Benjy hadn”t said anything since class ended. I stopped him and said, “Open your mouth, Benjy.”

He chewed really fast and grimaced for a couple of minutes, swallowed, and then opened his mouth to show me that the granola was gone. “You tried to trick me son,” I said. “Either I”m going to tell Darren, or I”m going to have you give you a real spanking and not just play with your butt, like I know you enjoy.”

“Don”t tell Darren, sir,” he begged with big eyes. I couldn”t imagine Darren hurting the boy, but he seemed afraid.

“Why don”t you want Darren to know?” I asked.

Benjy not his lip and said in quiet voice, “Because Daddy said that if he must give me a spanking because I”m not eating, he won”t play with my butt or fuck me at all tonight. He”ll spank me and make me go to bed in my own bed. And if I tell everyone in class that he said that he”d make me go two nights without him fucking me.”

I”d been halfway joking before, but I knew that I had to give him his spanking later so he wouldn”t get in worse trouble. I told him I”d spank him during Spanish study time today, but he said he and Micah had to change rooms and that was the only time Micah could make it. I promised to text him later to make an appointment for his spanking, then I sent him running to his next class.

After spending extra time with Benjy, I had to run back to the science building if I was going to catch the golden boy before his hunters found him. As I was running, I felt my newborn wolf spirit rising inside me. It wasn”t trying to take control this time. It was simply enjoying the run. I would have to find time to go running at least a few times a week. Darren had told me that physical activity could feed the good nature of my wolf. Too bad I hated exercise.

When I got to the lobby it was filled with students, some coming out of classes, and some going in. I spotted Conor with the golden boy on the far end of the crowd. They were going out a side passage. I ducked back out the front door and ran around the building to see the two struggling on the sidewalk on the north side. Conor had hold of the golden boy”s arm and suddenly there was a flash and Conor flew back onto the ground. The boy ran.

When I got close to Conor, I could see that his hair was disheveled and that he seemed a little dazed. Before I could stop, he started climbing to his feet and said, “Don”t worry about me! Go after him! He has a mean shock!”

I ran after him. I was naturally fit, even though I didn”t really exercise. However, my wolf spirit was getting into the chase, and I could feel my energy levels rising. The golden boy was running through the parking lot towards the woods and the Arcadia trailhead. What was he thinking? That”s the worst place to go if you”re being hunted by werewolves. He must have seen me behind him because he ran as fast as he could. I”d never seen anyone leap a fence as easily as he did. I pushed myself to run faster, but I had to climb over the fence. It wasn”t tall and I had no faith in my ability to jump it.

I fell behind but could see where he”d blundered through the underbrush. I followed as quickly as I dared. If he”d stuck to the paved trail, I might have lost him, but he was trying to circle back around to campus. I saw him through the trees ahead of me. Buoyed by the extra boost from my wolf spirit, I caught him. Seeing what had happened to Conor, I was wary of laying hands on him, so I grabbed his backpack and spun him around onto the ground. I stood over him with a feeling of exultation.

The boy looked up at me in fear and resignation. “I”m sorry!” he cried out. “I didn”t know what they were going to do until it was too late.”

I knelt beside him and said, “I”m not here to hurt you. I just need some answers.”

He sat up and put head down with his hands covering his face. “I know that you”re friends with the werewolves,” he said. “That”s why they grabbed you and took you. They wanted you to be bait, to lead the werewolves into a trap.”

“And they did,” I said, then asked, “I can”t keep calling you golden boy. What”s your name?”

“Ethan Lowry,” he said.

“Okay Ethan, I”m Simon. Where are you from?” I asked.

“I”m from Long Island, Riverhead,” he said.

“Why did those guys want to kill the werewolves?” I asked.

“Because they”re werewolves!” Ethan said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “Werewolves are killers. Everyone knows that.”

I extended a hand and touched him on the shoulder. “Not all werewolves are killers,” I said. “Most of them are just people who want to live their lives without trouble.”

“No, they”re not!” Ethan shouted. “Werewolves killed my dad � and my mom. I know they did because I saw them kill dad. I was hiding in the barn, and I saw them through the window. I couldn”t do anything because I didn”t have a gun and I was only ten years old. When they were done, they went into the house. I never saw my mother again.”

He was on the verge of tears now and was holding them back with some difficulty. I tried to calm him down. “Okay some of them may be bad people, but that happened in Long Island, and this is Ohio. Different werewolves in different packs in different parts of the country.”

“Not true,” he said. “The werewolves who killed my dad were led by a man named Howard Cromwell. My uncle and the other hunters investigated them before killing them. Only the leader got away. Uncle Joe tracked them back to this town. He said that Howard Cromwell led the pack here. It took three years before I was old enough to go to college. I chose this school and Uncle Joe said there was no way they”d turn me down even though it was a private school and didn”t take that many applicants. He said the school would do anything to get me here and he was right. Then he needed me to watch the college for him while he and the hunters watched the town.”

“But Drew Janowski leads the pack here, not Howard Cromwell,” I said. “Your uncle was wrong. Drew seized control of the pack 18 months ago. Your uncle was too late.”

Ethan was shaking his head. “Howard Cromwell is still here. And Uncle Joe said that some of the wolves in that big house on Clover Street still meet him in a bar in the next town up the road. He said that Drew was really working for Cromwell and just pretending to be in control.”

“Ethan that”s not true!” Drew is the pack leader. He and the others hate the old pack leader; that”s why they drove him out. If he”s back in town then Drew will want to drive him out for good this time. Your hunters attacked the wrong werewolves.”

Ethan broke down and started sobbing. It was clear that he didn”t know what to think. I was shaking his world view, but nothing I said would have mattered if he hadn”t already begun to doubt. “I haven”t heard from my Uncle Joe since the ambush and I don”t think he”d just leave me without saying anything,” he said. “He”s an asshole, but he”s my dad”s only brother. His family are the only relatives I have.”

I didn”t want to tell him that his uncle was dead, that I thought that I might have been the one who”d kicked him out Çeşme Escort Bayan of a tree, and that he probably broke his neck. If that hadn”t been him, he was still dead. The pack had left none of the hunters alive.

“Ethan,” I said, “we”ve got to get back to campus. I need to get you somewhere safe. We”ve been looking for you and some of the pack may have gotten too excited at the thought of finding you. I want to make sure that you”re safe.”

He looked up at me with red eyes and said, “Do you think you can stand in the way of werewolves?”

“Dude, I”m beginning to think I can do anything,” I said. “I”m promising to protect you. Maybe I can, and maybe I can”t, but let me ask you this. Do you think you have a better chance of escaping this situation without me than you do with me? Because if you don”t, you need to let me try and help.”

Ethan stood up and took my hand. “We can die together then, if you want,” he said with a smile. I loved his smile. It lit up his entire face, but I wasn”t going to let him get away with just a handshake. I pulled him in for a hug.

“Ethan, you”ve already had your hands wrapped around my cock,” I said. “I don”t think a handshake will cut it between us.”

He kissed me and I smelled the scent of fresh air after a storm. He smelled so good. “We need to get you back to the dorm where it”s safe,” I added.

I led Ethan through the woods back towards the trailhead. When we got back onto the trail, we saw the three guys who were stalking Ethan. We were between them and the campus, but they saw us. They pointed towards Ethan and came running. I grabbed Ethan”s arm and told him to run. We took off along the trail toward campus, and they ran after us. We were running as fast as we could, but they were closing the distance. We reached the parking lot just ahead of them. We had to get somewhere safe.

“Over here!” someone yelled. It was Conor. He was holding his phone up and recording us as we ran. When we reached him, he kept taking video of the three coming at us, and he was speaking into the phone as well.

“So, Simon and Ethan are safe now, but these three guys look like they mean trouble. They”re the ones who are trying to get around Drew”s orders. I heard them earlier planning to “get the boy and make him pay” despite Drew saying he wanted him brought in safe so he could talk to him. They specifically said that it didn”t matter because Xav could talk to his ghost. Their names are Adrian Stringer, Edgar Kraus, and Gordy Hooper.”

He hit send just before they got to us. Then he thrust the phone screen in their faces. “I just sent this to a friend who”s going to send it to everyone in the pack, assholes! Drew”s going to see it.”

Adrian glared at Conor and said, “You”re dead meat! You sold us out!”

I couldn”t take any more of their crap. I growled at them, “You can”t sell someone out to the pack leader, unless that person is working against the pack! Are you three working against the pack?”

My alpha growl was weak and feeble and had no visible effect on the three bullies, but I”d just accused them of treason. They calmed down, at least on the surface. “Did Drew”s little alpha bottom just growl at us,” Edgar laughed.

Conor interrupted, “And what does that make you, taunting an unchanged packmate? Do you think that makes you brave?”

I said, “I”m taking Ethan in to speak with Drew. If you try and stop me, he will want to know why.”

Adrian glared at me. “You”d better make sure that he gets there then.”

They”d saved as much face as they could, so they turned and left. I was sure that something else was going on with those three, but I couldn”t figure it out.

“I don”t want to talk to Drew,” Ethan said. “My uncle is missing and he”s your leader. There”s no way that he didn”t have something to do with it.”

I put my arm around his shoulder and said, “I”ll be there, Ethan. I won”t let him do anything to you. You don”t have to be afraid of Drew. He”s one of the nicest people I know. He wouldn”t hurt or let you get hurt.”

He was still resistant. I kissed him on the lips and said, “You know you don”t really have a choice, Ethan. Let”s do this the easy way.”

He sighed with resignation and then followed me. Conor walked with us to the dorm. I put one arm around Ethan”s shoulder and the other around Conor”s waist since he was taller than me. I escorted Ethan into my room and then spoke with Conor in the hallway.

“I want to thank you for all your help,” I said. “If you hadn”t sent that video to everyone, those guys wouldn”t have backed down.”

Conor blushed and admitted, “I only sent it to you. I didn”t know who to trust, so I was passing the responsibility to an alpha.”

I grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him down a couple of inches so I could kiss his lips. “We”re going to get dinner on Saturday and then we”re coming back here to the dance in the Student Union. I”m buying dinner and the dance tickets. If it goes well, we”re coming back here.”

“Yes sir,” he said, giving me a broad smile.

I went into the room. Ethan was sitting in a desk chair. I took a seat on my bed and gestured for him to join me. He sat next to me, and I threw my arm around him and leaned in to kiss his neck. He whimpered a little, so I knew he was interested. I licked his ear and nibbled his earlobe. He started to melt into me, but then he stopped and pulled away.

“Are you one of them, Simon?” he asked. “Are you a werewolf?”

“I am,” I said. “When those hunters took me out there and set an ambush to murder everyone, I got bitten.”

Ethan sat there in silence for several minutes. I let him have the time. Then he reached over and took my hand. “I”m sorry, Simon,” he said. “I didn”t know they were going to do that. I should have, but I didn”t. It”s easy to hate people when you don”t know them. The way you and Conor protected me today means I must have been wrong about all werewolves being bad, but I can”t forget that werewolves killed my dad.”

I kissed him. “I forgive you,” I said.

Then I kissed him again and pulled him back onto the bed. “Are you okay with this?” I asked, “because I want to get dirty with you right now and I don”t want to make you feel pressured since I made you come here.”

“Kiss me Simon,” he said. “Show me that werewolves aren”t all bad.”

He slid his hand over to my lap and let it rest on top of my rapidly hardening cock. I grabbed the waistband of his shirt and pulled it off him, revealing his slender chest. He had good muscle definition and very little body hair. I kissed his chest and bit his nipples gently.

“Damn that feels good, Simon,” he said.

I fumbled with his shorts and pulled them down, exposing his boxer briefs. “Tell me what you want to do,” I said, throwing his shorts over my shoulder onto the floor.

“I don”t know,” he said. “I”ve never done more than kissing and a little light petting. My uncle didn”t want to admit that I was gay.”

There was no way that I was going to rush the boy”s first fuck. It should be special in all the ways mine hadn”t been. I”d let myself get pressured into giving my virginity to an older classmate in the bathroom when I was fourteen. Ethan”s was going to be better than that.

“Then I”m going to show you how good a blowjob feels. All you need to do is lie there and let me teach you,” I said.

When my lips touched the head of his cock, he gasped and tensed every muscle in his body. His dick was on the low end of average now that it was fully exposed, but it was a pretty thing, the same color as his skin (where did he do his nude sunbathing, I wondered), with golden blond pubic hair. It didn”t feel trimmed, but it was still sparse. I loved the way his cock jumped whenever I touched it.

I kissed the head again and teased the tip with my tongue. He wasn”t going to last long. I took the head in my mouth and swirled my tongue around it. His moans of pleasure sent a thrill down my spine. His hands grabbed my hair, a little too tight, but I had to excuse him. He was a sexy boy getting his dick sucked for the first time.

I knew he was close, so I moved from his cock down to his sensitive balls and licked them. He squealed like a little kid being tickled. Then I took him gently in my mouth again while my hand grasped his balls firmly but not enough to cause him any pain. The nice thing about a smaller cock is that I was able to swallow the entire thing without choking. I sucked hard and let him feel the pressure from my cheeks, while I squeezed his balls firmly, but not too hard. He exploded in my mouth, and I sucked his seed down my throat. I didn”t stop until he had finished thrashing around on the bed and was whimpering from post-orgasmic sensitivity.

I kissed his lips again. His eyes were closed, but they fluttered open. He had tears in his eyes. “That was amazing!” he said. “I thought my heart was going to stop there for a minute. I never imagined …. It was so much better than masturbating!”

I kissed him again. “It was good for me too, Ethan.”

“But you didn”t even cum,” he said. “Maybe I should have ….”

“Shh,” I said, putting a finger to his lips. “You were a virgin. And now you”re not. Every guy gets this experience only once in his life. I wanted it to be about you. And when I take your anal virginity, I”ll still make it all about you.”

We kissed some more and made out on the bed, slowly enjoying his post-coital bliss. We were still wrapped around each other, him naked and me fully dressed when Drew came in. Ethan jumped to pull his underwear back on. In his haste he tried putting both legs in the same hole and fell over. I laughed and helped him do it slowly.

“Sorry guys,” Drew said with a smile. “Not even a text asking me to let you know I was coming, so don”t blame me because I got a free show.”

“This is Ethan,” I said, “and Ethan this is Drew.”

With some prompting, I got Ethan to tell his whole story. Drew seemed especially enraged that Cromwell had been seen in town. He made Ethan describe him in detail to make sure that he wasn”t mistaken. He described him both in human form and in wolf form, and Drew nodded. Once we had all the information, Ethan seemed to have calmed down enough to trust Drew somewhat.

“So, we need to keep you safe for now,” Drew said. “Simon has another appointment this evening and won”t be back until tomorrow morning. If you think you can trust me, you can sleep in his bed. Don”t worry, I”ll sleep in mine � unless you decide that you”d be more comfortable with me.”

Ethan looked timid and unsure. It didn”t help that Drew waggled his eyebrows at him suggestively. “Drew is just teasing you, Ethan,” I said, shooting Drew an annoyed look. “He won”t touch you, but he wouldn”t kick you out if you crawled in with him. Don”t feel pressured.”

Drew laughed and said, “I”ll be a perfect gentleman if you want me to. I”ll even buy pizza. I need you to go with me to talk to Xav tomorrow before I take you to see one other person. I promise that you”ll be safe, on my own honor and that of the pack.”

I”d told Drew about the three who”d threatened to kill Ethan, and he said that he would take care of it. “Soon you”ll be safer with the pack around than without us.”

I kissed Ethan goodbye, then Drew winked at Ethan and kissed me goodbye as well. I had to run to Darren”s room so he could take me to see Xav. I would be early, but Darren had a truck and Benjy had an appointment before me.


The trip to Xav”s house didn”t take long, but it was an event, mainly because Benjy was excited to go, and he was squeezed between Darren and me on the bench seat of Darren”s truck. He”d had his meds before Spanish class, and it wasn”t time for him to take them again for an hour. He was wearing a pair of light blue and red striped shorts that came less than halfway down his thighs and a gray t-shirt with Sponge Bob on it.

Xav lived in small two-bedroom house with a fenced in yard just outside of town, nestled under the eaves of the woods. There were two vehicles already parked in front of the house. One of them belonged to Xav and Drew, but the other belonged to another member of the pack named Kevin McNeil.

Kevin was in his early thirties and lived in town. He had a job as a mechanic, but he also cleaned Xav”s house for him. I later found out that other pack siblings did his yard and maintained his hot tub. They had a rotation for taking care of their spirit talker.

Xav greeted us when we came in. He was as beautiful as ever. His long blond hair was braided and hung past his shoulder blades, and he wore a pair of small, square cure knit shorts. I could see the thick band of a jock rising just a bit above the shorts. He had a few tattoos on his chest and arms that looked like ancient pictograms.

He took Benjy by the hand and led him into one of the bedrooms that had been converted into a meditation room, complete with thick mats on the floor and American Indian artwork on the walls. It was all authentic because Xav claimed the pieces had more protective power when made the traditional way and he refused to buy anything that appropriated native culture instead of giving money to real native artists. They closed the door, and Darren and I were left to our own devices.

Darren had brought two six packs of beer that he put in the refrigerator. He also pulled a pack of hamburger out and some cheese. While Xav was busy with Benjy, Darren opened bottles of beer for me, Kevin, and himself. I wasn”t much of a beer drinker, but I nursed that one beer all night. The conversation was mostly of the wolf house where Kevin lived. I got the impression that it was a big house with four bedrooms and a barn. An outbuilding had been added to the property with a dozen studio apartments in it. Keven seemed to think that the wolf house was in desperate need of a leader. Both men were anxiously awaiting the arrival of someone named Zeno, apparently Dawn”s brother, who was supposed to take charge out there. Apparently it was the pack headquarters under the old pack leader, Howard Cromwell.

When Darren”s timer went off on his phone, he fired up the grill and cooked us half pound burgers. He got them done right around the time that Benjy had finished his session with Xav. We all sat and ate. Benjy sat on Darren lap and Darren had to make him finish his burger. He was too excited telling us about being with Xav.

“It was like were asleep, but still awake. Xav was behind me, with his arms wrapped around my body and we were watching our wolves and they were running in the field and playing, and I”d never seen my wolf like that and Xav wouldn”t let me go out and play with them because he said we were already there. That didn”t make any sense to me, but it felt good sitting there with Xav even if his cock wasn”t hard and poking me in the butt like Daddy”s is now, but it would have been better if I could run with the wolves, but then it was like I was the wolf and Xav was his wolf, and ….”

Darren didn”t seem to get embarrassed at Benjy rambling about his erection. He just smiled and bounced the boy on his lap a few times. We let him talk since he was so excited about being inside his wolf, instead of his wolf being inside him. The only one who could silence him without touching him was Xav.

“Thank you Benjy, for that delightful account. I”m so glad that you enjoyed it. And thank you Kevin for cleaning up and Darren for cooking. But it”s time for Simon and me to have our session now if you”ll excuse us. Please lock up when you leave.”

Xav was gentle and never ordered the guys to do anything, but Benjy got quiet, Drew picked up the trash and Kevin washed the dishes, while Xav led me into the meditation room. He lit some sage and beeswax candles, then turned the lights down. He put on music that had nothing but drums and flutes playing softly. He had me sit on the mat and he sat behind me and put his hands on my shoulders.

“Aren”t you going to wrap your arms around me,” I asked, trying to bring a little levity to the situation.

Xav squeezed my shoulders with his hands and said, “I think you can center yourself without compression. Benjy needed a little boost.”

Xav led me through some meditation techniques and soon had me calm and utterly relaxed. I could feel my wolf inside me, and I could feel Xav”s wolf behind me. My wolf was small compared to his. It seemed that his wolf was licking the face of my own wolf, cleaning him, and wakening him. It was like his wolf was the mother or father of my wolf, and in many ways that was true. I heard Xav”s whisper, or perhaps it was his thoughts inside my head, “My wolf is both mother and father to your wolf, just as my wolf is both son and daughter of the great spirit.”

“Your wolf is transgender?” I asked. I wasn”t being sarcastic. I wanted to know.

“My wolf is pan-gender, all genders at once,” he explained. “Just as all humans have both male and female spirits within them, so do the wolves. To become an effective spirit talker and not just a magician who compels the spirits to do his bidding, you must balance the spirits within you. My human and wolf spirit are aligned. It”s hard for even me to see where one ends and the other begins. In the same way, my male and female spirits have become one. On the spirit plane, I am as �pan-gender as my wolf.”

“Are you always this forthcoming with personal information?” I asked.

Xav embraced me from behind. “Only if the questioner is truly seeking understanding and not just trying to satisfy his prurient interests.

“Your wolf spirit is very strong, Simon. It”s already awake and it”s capable of rising even during the waning moon. That”s amazing for a new spirit. We need to meet weekly for this first month, maybe longer. I need to show you how to become one with your wolf. It”s too powerful for you to dominate, not that domination of the spirit is a good relationship for anyone, and if you don”t learn to coexist, it will dominate you. This is the reason why so many of our pack siblings engage in bad behavior and blame it on the wolf inside them. You”ll be a leader among us wherever you go, and you need to lead by example.”

“Darren said that you could train my wolf,” I said. “How do we do that?”

Xav whispered in my ear, “Everyone”s gone now, so we have more options. The easiest way is to bring our wolves out to play, not in the physical world, the moon is waning, and your wolf is still preborn, but we can bring them out in the spirit realm.”

“Like you did with Benjy?” I asked.

“If that”s what you want,” he replied. “There are other ways, but I don”t want to pressure you into anything you aren”t comfortable with.”

I took a deep breath and said, “Darren told me that you and he had sex and it helped his wolf grow stronger.”

Xav said, “We did. We didn”t do it to make his wolf stronger. We did it because we were drawn to one another. His wolf did become stronger, but I only follow this path when there”s a real attraction between me and another.”

It was time for honesty. “I”ve wanted to be with you from the moment I saw you,” I said. “Before you bit me, while you were biting me, after you bit me. You”re beautiful and I get excited when I think about you.”

Xav let his hands slide down and fall in my lap, then he leaned forward and kissed my neck. I turned around to face him and I looked deep inside his sapphire blue eyes. In his pupils I saw the face of a wolf. I leaned forward and kissed his lips. He let me take the lead, so I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him down onto the mat next to me. My hand traced the sparse hair on his chest, then slid inside his shorts. He was wearing a jock, so I could feel the firm muscles of his almost hairless butt.

Xav”s body was responding to my touch. His small nipples had become hard, and his cock was pushing against the pouch of his jock. He was breathing heavily. Either he enjoyed what we were doing, or he was a great actor.

I slide his shorts down and he kicked them off. Then he pulled my shirt off and threw it across the room. I wanted him completely naked, so I slid his jock down his long slender legs and threw it on the pile of clothing. I had to undo my own belt because I liked complicated clothes, but soon I was as naked as he was.

I kissed him again. We were about the same height, and we lined up perfectly. I was tender, but very aggressive and dominant at the same time. As I was kissing his neck and nibbling his ears, I felt his wolf spirit unfold around us. As I was taking charge physically, his wolf was taking charge spiritually. Escort Çeşme

I kissed his smally, pointed nipples then kissed down his abdomen. I gave him a quick peck on the head of his penis, then moved down lower to kiss his groin and then his scrotum. Xav was moaning in pleasure. His wolf was licking mine, across the face, down the tummy and across the bottom. I lifted Xav”s legs and kissed his perineum. Then I moved lower. I”d never done this before, but I wanted to try with him. His butt drew my eye every time I looked at him. I let my tongue tease the crack of his ass and was rewarded with a loud gasp of pleasure.

I explore his bottom further, sliding my tongue along his crease. It tasted a little musky, but not much different from his groin. Growing more daring, I tickled his anus with my tongue. It didn”t taste bad, so I poked at it gently. Xav”s hands moved to my hair and gave me an encouraging pat on the head. His sphincter opened slightly, and my tongue dipped inside. I was hesitant but determined. The more he opened, the farther inside my tongue was able to go.

I had expected an unpleasant surprise, but I didn”t find one. The taste was musky, but not unpleasant at all. It tasted the way Xav smelled, and he smelled very nice. I continued to tongue his butt until he was loose and moist. Then I lined my cock up with his hole and pushed inside. Xav was experienced with anal sex, and he did much of the work. His sphincter opened and welcomed the head of my cock, then it seemed to nibble at the head and helped to guide me inside him.

He was so warm and tight. He used his muscles to contract on my cock, almost like he was stroking it. I felt my cock beginning to tighten and my balls to draw up close to my body. On the spirit plane it was Xav”s wolf who was completely enfolding my own. It felt like I was inside him and he was inside me at the same time.

It was like an electrical discharge hit the base of my cock. It contracted and then sent my seed exploding from the head of my cock, deep into Xav”s velvety warmth. My body shook and tears came to my eyes. As my seed flooded into Xav on the physical plane, his spiritual energy flooded into me on the spirit plane, like we formed a circle of energy, me to him to me. It was the best orgasm of my life. For a moment, I was outside my body watching it happen on two planes at once.

When we could breathe normally again, we walked naked to Xav”s room and collapsed on his bed. We held onto each other, allowing our energies to merge and then separate, like the waves in the ocean, rolling in and then rolling out again. At some point, we fell asleep.



Ethan still seemed a little skittish around me. He”d hinted around about going back to his room that night, but I insisted that he stay. He was on the fifth floor, with the mundane students and I wasn”t sure that”s where he belonged. And as much as I didn”t want to admit it, I didn”t trust all my own people right now. The story about Howard Cromwell still being in town hit close to home. And the fact that Adrian Stringer shared a last name with Cromwell”s right-hand man made me think that they may have had ulterior motives in looking for Ethan. He knew that Cromwell was still here in town, and he could describe him well enough that I would know he was telling the truth.

During the night, Ethan slept curled up on Simon”s bed. He seemed to be having a bad dream. It didn”t surprise me. If what he told me about witnessing Cromwell kill his father was true, he had to in a heightened state of fear right now. Outside the room, a storm was brewing. I could hear the wind through the windows and bright flashes of lightning crossed the sky. Ethan started whimpering in his sleep and I went over and sat on the bed next to him and put my hand on his back. I got a shot like static electricity, only a hundred times stronger. I pulled my hand back quickly, but not fast enough to avoid a burn on my fingertips. I ran to bathroom to examine them in the light. They were red and dry. I had first degree burns where my fingers had touched him.

I ran cold water on my fingers then headed back into the room. Ethan was writhing around on the bed, making strange whimpering groans. Heedless of my own safety, I ran back over to his side. He sat up wide eyed. His hair was standing on end.

“Ethan,” I asked, “are you okay?”

He was pulling his shorts down and scrambling to get out of his underwear. “It”s burning!” he yelled.

To hell with my safety, I thought. I picked him up and yanked his shorts and underwear off him, then laid him gently on the bed. There was a thin silvery tracery of lines spiraling around his cock and running up to his solar plexus and down his thighs for a few inches.

“What”s that,” I asked, letting my finger trace the lines.

Ethan stared at me with a little panic in his eyes. “I don”t know,” he whispered.

He was so scared that I crawled into the bed next to him and wrapped my arms around him. He was an inch or so smaller than Simon, so he fit well in the crook of my arm. “Everything will be okay,” I said.

I had no idea whether it would or not; I just wanted to calm him down. I held him in my arms and stroked his hair. He”d forgotten that he was afraid of me; he was probably more afraid of whatever it was that had happened to him. He clung to me and buried his head in my chest. I just laid there, comforting him until he fell asleep. I must have dozed off sometime, but I awoke around dawn and looked down to see that those strange silvery marks had faded to pale blue, looking for all the world like an old tattoo. I was going to have to get Xav here early before this boy had to go to any classes.


College Magic Cycle Characters (Readers” Version)

This list includes all the named characters introduced in the story so far. The list may contain spoilers for the story you are reading. If you want to avoid the spoilers, don”t read about new characters in this chapter.

Major Characters

�        Alonzo Ramos. An 18-year-old Latino American boy from El Paso, Texas. A cute power bottom and foundling mage. He”s powerful, but untrained. He begins the story with a height of 68 inches and a weight of 150 pounds. He has deep olive or very light brown skin, amber eyes, and long black hair. He”s a singer and a dancer. He”s a little flighty and very flirty. When his powers awakened, he accidentally cast a spell that cursed his roommate Erik. He loves hardcore BDSM porn but is discovering that he doesn”t like it in real life. He and Erik are suitemates with Jason and Kieran.

�        Darren Groves. A 21-year-old college junior from Montana. A heavy-set man with shoulder length brown hair, a short beard, and brown eyes. He”s powerfully built under his extra pounds. He”s of average appearance. He stands 70 inches tall and weighs 220 pounds. He”s Drew”s right hand man. In a fit of lust, he groped Kieran in the laundry room. Who knows what would have happened if Drew hadn”t broken it up? Despite this, Darren is a good guy. He”s become a kind of avuncular figure for Kieran as one of his protectors on campus.

�        Domenic Chase. A 24-year-old Elven-American from New York City. He has an alien mindset that others find hard to comprehend. He stands 66 inches tall and weighs about 130 pounds. His skin is pale, and his hair is almost white. His eyes are purple. When he”s not glamered to appear more human, you can see his pointed, lobeless ears, solid purple eyes (like he has no white in his eyes, just purple iris) and sharp feline teeth. He”s physically tough (he claims to be tougher than the werewolves), fast and has strong, claw-like fingernails. He can weave illusions and powerful charms, although the charms require some level of acceptance from the target. He”s a friend of Sebastian. He enslaved Kyle Mason as punishment after he raped Kieran and beat up Simon.

�        Drew Janowski. A 22-year-old werewolf from rural Pennsylvania. He”s 74 inches tall, with blond hair and green eyes. He wears a short, well-trimmed beard. He has a powerful build and weighs 220 pounds of solid muscle. He runs the local werewolf pack and helps Sebastian keep order on campus. He”s bisexual. His girlfriend Dawn commands the female werewolves. He also likes handsome men and pretty boys. He took Simon into his room after he was attacked by Kyle.

�        Erik Rucker. A 19-year-old from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. At the start of the story, he stands 66 inches tall and weighs about 140 pounds. Despite his small stature he likes weight training and is extremely muscular, although thin. Once he”s affected by Alonzo”s spell, he begins to gain height and weight. He has blond hair and ice blue eyes. He is a bit of a slob, but he”s also very smart. He”s a total top and ends up fucking his roommate Alonzo on their first day in the dorms. He and Alonzo are suitemates to Jason and Kieran. He”s learning from Jason to expand his definition of what it means to be a top. Thanks to Alonzo”s spell, his mind has been invaded by the cruel fictional character Einar Ironblood. He struggles between the two personalities. He”s in love with Alonzo and wants him to his boy forever. He”s not sure that Alonzo feels the same way.

�        Ethan Lowry. An 18-year-old boy from Long Island. He stands 67 inches tall and weighs 140 pounds. He has golden blond hair, blue eyes and always has a golden tan. In this story he was working with the hunters. His story will be told later.

�        Jason Lee. A 19-year-old (about 6 months older than Kieran) Chinese American college freshman with golden brown skin, brown almond shaped eyes and collar length black hair. He is already an accomplished alchemist. He is a dominant, looking for a submissive boy. He finds what he”s looking for in Kieran Morgan. He takes charge of Kieran and begins training him as a submissive. He gives Kieran alchemical elixirs that change his body, and he uses psychology to lead him to embrace his innate submissiveness. He has allowed himself to fall into tantric entanglement with Kieran, bringing them even closer. He believes that Kieran is his complement, the other half of his soul. Jason and Kieran are the suitemates of Alonzo and Erik.

�        Kieran Morgan. An 18-year-old boy with pale skin, golden-red hair, and green eyes. At the beginning of the story, he is deeply closeted (he is unaware that said closet had glass doors everyone could see through) and stands at 72 inches and 180 pounds of muscle. He was a high school athlete who was on the diving team, the swim team, and the track team. Jason took charge of him shortly after they moved into the dorm and began training him to let his inner submissive out. Jason gives him alchemical elixirs that are changing him physically. He sometimes struggles with the idea that he”s losing himself inside Jason, but he can”t go long without his lover”s touch. Kieran is somewhat naive. During the story he loses height, mass, and penis size. Jason says that he”s not doing it, but Kieran is sure that he is. After being raped by Kyle Mason, he suffers psychological trauma and only his relationship with Jason gives stability to his life. He and Jason are suitemates with Alonzo and Erik. He has an artistic soul. Jason has decided that Kieran will change majors to Art.

�        Kyle Mason. A 19-year-old college freshman from Kentucky. Kyle begins the story as a high school athlete who”s let himself go a little. He”s 74″ tall and 250 pounds. He has a muscular build with a layer of fat and a small gut. He has brown hair and brown eyes. He”s a closeted gay man and a homophobe. He has a history of beating on gay acting guys who get him aroused. During the New Student Mixer, he raped Kieran Morgan. When he got back to his room, he beat on his smaller roommate Simon until he orgasmed in his pants. In return for these acts, Domenic Chase enslaved him and is turning him into a hot jock bitch. His life has become a prolonged slave training session. He begins to show remorse and even to accept his sexuality but tries to find a way out of his magical enslavement.

�        Sebastian Trent. A 24-year-old graduate student. He”s the RA for his floor and he helps Professor Thorne to wrangle the mage and supernatural scholars on campus. His female counterpart is Clarissa Spencer. Sebastian is 70 inches tall and weighs 160 pounds. He has light brown hair and brown eyes. He was a little overwhelmed with the fallout from Alonzo”s spell and Kieran”s rape, so he allowed Domenic the leeway he needed to enslave Kyle. Now there”s nothing he can do about it. Sebastian is bisexual but prefers men. He has older men on campus who blow him in exchange for favors. He seems to have a lot of influence on campus for a grad student. He has no current boyfriend.

�        Simon Carter. A 19-year-old gay college freshman. He”s an African American boy (although his biological father was white) who was raised by two moms. He stands 68 inches tall and weighs 150 pounds. He”s of average size, but the men he likes best are muscular jock types, most of whom aren”t interested in bottoming for a skinny black boy. After getting beaten up by his roommate Kyle, he is moved to Drew”s room.

�        Xav Janowski. A 24-year-old werewolf who is spirit speaker (priest) for the werewolves. He stands 70 inches tall and weighs 150 pounds. He has long blond hair he wears in a French braid and deep sapphire blue eyes. He”s Drew”s older brother, and his closest advisor in the pack. He is the spiritual leader for the pack and gives spiritual advice to mundane clients who don”t know he”s a werewolf. He”s flamboyant and campy. He is a total power bottom and fucking him can be a spiritual experience as well as a physical one.


Minor Characters

�        Aidan Stringer. A freshman staying at the wolf house. He is a relative of Jarod Stringer, Howard Cromwell”s right-hand man.


�        Alan Somers. A freshman and newly discovered mage who took his oath to the Concordium with Alonzo and Kieran.

�        Amir Kassim. A junior, the boyfriend of the aggressive would-be dominant James McManus.

�        Benjamin “Benjy” Gold. A twink beta-werewolf who shares a class with Simon. He has dark curly hair, light olive skin and slender build. He”s very small, about 5 ft. 5 and 120 pounds.

�        Cameron Campbell. One of the twink trio, along with Micah Blum and Oliver Rankin.

�        Christopher Thompson. A big guy, over six feet tall and well-muscled, with blond hair who looks like a jock; he has a very small penis; Matt”s roommate (and possible submissive); a member of the Nerd Squad.

�        Clarissa Spencer. RA for the supernatural girls in the dorm. She works for Professor Sybil Thorne, the local representative of the Conclave.

�        Conor Tighe. Sophomore beta werewolf with auburn hair, fair skin, blue eyes, and freckles. He”s average height and build and he”s studying biology.

�        Daniel Burns. A stocky guy with light brown hair and a goatee; one of the Nerd Squad

�        David Campos. (Da VEED) A handsome man Blatino freshman of Domenican ancestry. He”s from Philadelphia.

�        Dawn Schiller. A muscular blond woman who stands 70 inches tall. She”s the female alpha of the werewolf pack and Drew”s girlfriend. She is bisexual and usually has at least one girl on the side.

�        Edgar Krause. A sophomore werewolf and friend of Aidan Stringer. He”s Gordan Cooper”s roommate.

�        Edward Mason. Kyle”s 25-year-old brother.

�        Gideon Blackburn. A muscular man with dark brown skin, brown eyes and black hair in tight, kinky curls. He”s about 30 years old and works as at a waxing salon on the edge of town that takes male clients. It seems popular in the gay, BDSM community. He likes fisting (giving, not receiving), and he”s a shifter who turns into a lynx.

�        Gordan Cooper. A sophomore werewolf and a friend of Adrian Stringer. Edgar Krause”s roommate.

�        Howard Cromwell. A large and muscular alpha werewolf in his mid-forties. He was the leader of the local pack before being drive out by Drew, Zeno, Darren, Dawn, and Meghan, with logistical support from Sebastian. He was a leader of the old school who ruled through intimidation. Under him the pack followed several traditions that Drew has tried to do away with. He originally came from New York. He is the werewolf who killed Ethan”s father. After leaving New York he wandered around for a few months before settling down near the college.

�        Jake Miller. An African American guy with dark skin and curly hair; one of the Nerd Squad.

�        James McManus. A fair skinned guy with reddish hair who shares a literature class with Jason and Kieran. He admires Jason”s relationship with Kieran and would like to control his own boyfriend Amir the same way.

�        Joe Peters. A freshman in Kieran”s writing class who was in the same religious program before school that Kieran was in.

�        Josh Higgins. Overweight and unhygienic guy who introduced Kyle to Nerd Squad.

�        Dr. Kamon Zhang. Jason”s maternal uncle, a mage and psychologist who is helping Kieran to come to terms with his trauma, and his true nature.

�        Larry Gordan. Kieran”s Art professor. He reminds Kieran of his Uncle Craig, and arouses him, a fact that disturbs Kieran but seemed unsurprising to Jason. He tried to put the moves on Kieran after his first class but backed off apologetically when he found out that he was Jason”s boy. He is a mentor to Kieran.

�        Lew Muller. A tall thin beta werewolf, with long brown hair, a beard and two black earrings with wolf head instead of a ball. He”s a computer hacker who knows a bit about electronics. His major is English literature. He plays guitar and writes poetry. He was Benjy”s roommate until he moved into the wolf house.

�        Matt Silver. A sturdy guy with olive skin tone and brown hair; he has a very large penis (almost 10 inches); the most sadistic of the Nerd Squad.

�        Meghan Connelly. A female werewolf who is one of Kieran”s watchers. She”s Darren”s best friend and she was one of the original 5 who worked to overthrow the old pack leader, Howard Cromwell.

�        Micah Blum. An 18-year-old mage boy who rooms with Darren. He spends most of his time with his two friends Oliver and Cameron. They are in a polyamorous relationship. Micah is a little afraid of Darren because he”s afraid of werewolves.

�        Michael Shank. A skinny guy with dirty blond hair and pale skin; one of the Nerd Squad.

�        Millicent Bierce. A TA who teaches the writing class that Kieran and Darren are in. She appears to be very religious and doesn”t seem to like Kieran and Darren, probably because they are gay.

�        Oliver Rankin. A freshman mage, one of the twink trio along with Micah Blum and Cameron Campbell.

�        Oscar Quinlan. A face dancer on campus. He drained Simon of psychosexual energy while they were having sex, but it was because Simon wanted to be depleted.

�        Peter Gantz. Alonzo”s Vocals professor. A heavyset man in his middle years.

�        Philip Mertz. A jock who shares a history class with Kyle Mason. He”s 6 feet tall and weighs 180 lbs. He”s about 6 feet tall and muscular, with light skin and brown hair. He”s a shifter who turns into a lynx. He becomes Kyle”s partner and trainer in the gym. He”s also a lover that cares about Kyle. Domenic saved him from a were-wolf in his freshman year. He lives off-campus near the woods by a different trailhead from the one used by the were-wolves.

�        Sally Minh. An engineering student who is in Kieran”s art class. She ships Kieran and Jason and draws pictures of them in anime style. She”s a friend to Kieran and becomes one of the watchers keeping an eye on him for Jason.

�        Sybil Thorne. Kieran”s history professor. She”s also the overseer for the magician”s Conclave here on campus. Her two assistants are Sebastian Trent and Clarissa Spencer.

�        Terrence Green. A basketball player for the school. A 21-year-old junior, standing six foot eight inches tall, with deep bronze skin color and brown eyes. He has full lips and rounded features. He wears his black hair in very short, kinky curls.

�        Vicky Garcia. A very short Latina were-wolf. She”s tougher than she seems, and she really hates rapists.

�        Willie Coombs. A 40-year-old man with dark brown skin and mid-length hair that hangs in dreadlocks. He”s Xav”s man at the Wolf House and he works at the Marriott Hotel in the kitchen. He caters breakfast at Xav”s house every day.

�        Zeno Schiller. A grad student, brother of Dawn and supporter of Drew Janowski. Drew was sleeping with Zeno before he even met Dawn.


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