The pastor’s family 12

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The pastor’s family 12Phillip texts me and says he can spend the night. I am thrilled. I haveclean sheets on my bed and my room is neat. I wait in the den playin my XBox for him to drive up. About 30 minutes later I see him pulling into heyard. I meet him at the drop and we hug and kiss. He smells so good. Hecomes in and we sit in the den and he says he hasn’t eaten. I call andorder a pizza and wings. I grab csh from dad’s room that he left for us toeat and I put in on the table by the door. We play X box and are siting asclose as we can. In this moment, life is perfect. The guy I love and thatloves me, spending the afternoon and the night together.Luke comes down the stairs and yells, Mattie your ass needs to get mysheets washed and dried and put back on my bed before you go to sleeptonight. Luke looks into the den and sees Phillip. He says I didn’t know`we’ had company. I look at Luke and say I have company and I will get thesheets done. Luke stands in front the TV taking so we pause our game. Heis wearing only basketball shorts and a tank top.He is asking what wedoing. I say we ordered pizza and are going to play games and watch amovie.Luke says shame I have plans, but there is always next time. Luke issmiling at Philip the entire time he talks. Finally he turns and walks into the kitchen. Luke yells back to me, Mattie, I need to talk to you upstairs for a minute. I ignore him. HE comes back in the den and says Ineed to talk to you upstaters for a minute, is that a problem. I get up andtell Phillip to keep playing, I will be back. I start up the stairs andLuke is behind me.We get to the top of the stairs and I say I will get your sheets cleanedand put back on. Luke says you better. Then he grabs me and turns me aroundtowards him. He pulls my face close to his and whispers. Did I say youcould have anyone over, did I say you could invite your boyfriend. Don’t Igive you all the dick you need. I see we still have more lessons that youneed to learn.I say we are just hanging out, and besides, you meet up with all thesegirls… and I feel a slap to the side of my face. Luke says you belong tome. Your ass, mouth, hell your entire body is mine. With that, Luke pullsme over to the wall and pushes me down to my knees. He steps forward andcrushes my face with his crotch. The back of my head is against the wall,and he is grinding crotch into my face. He steps back and pulls his shortsdown. He is wearing no underwear. His cock is thick and already hard. Iclose my eyes as he dick slaps me all over my face.I hear him command me, Look at me. I look up as he towers above me. He saysyou have 5 minutes to get me off or we do it in front of your boyfriend. Hesays to me, Lay on the floor on your back. I lay down. Luke is kicking offhis shorts. He kneels over my head and aims his cock at my mouth. Withoutwarning or care, he goes into b**st mode and is ramming my mouth andthroat. I struggle to breath. Luke pulls out and we get in the 69position. Luke shoves his cock in my mouth. In this position, I can takehim all if he allows me to get used to the size of his cock, but he isramming again into my mouth.I feel his cock hit the back of my throat over and over, and then he holdsit there and pinches my nose shut. I panic for air, and my throat opensright up to his assault. He is going balls deep in my mouth and throatnow. I get into his rhythm so I can breath. I am wondering if Phillip canhere his grunts. I hope not. And then the moment is here. His thighs clampon my head as he goes all in and he holds. I can feel him spurting his loadinto my throat. He pulls out and I gasp for air as he continues to cum inmy mouth. I swallow all I can as Luke jabs into my throat over and over. Hefinally pulls out of my mouth and stands up. The evil grin on his face saysit all. He is jealous of me and Phillip. This was nothing more than himshowing his dominance over me.He grabs his shorts and puts them on. As he walks down the stairs, he saysdon’t forget my sheets. I wipe my eyes and sit against the wall. I have cumon my shirt. I rush to the bathroom and wash my face and then grab thelinen off Lukes bed. I get them in the washer and I finally get back to theden.Luke is there and he has he hand, pulling Phillips hand over to his bicepssaying this is what happens when you are a real man. Luke sees me walk inthe room and he says I better go, I have a date with virgin pussytonight. Luke looks at me and says my bed best be ready when I get back. Isit next to Phillip as Luke leaves.Phillip looks at me and says your brother is an ass. I laughed say youdon’t know the half of it. Phillip says the pizza is here too. We grab thepizza and a drink. In the den, we switch it from X Box to tv so we canwatch a movie. We go to iTunes and see the new Thor Ragnarok movie andstart it. We sit on the couch and watch the movie as we eat. The movie ispretty awesome. Phillip has finished eating and has pulled me closer so hecan lay his arm over me and rest it on my chest.I lay back and lay my head on his chest. I can hear his heart beating. Helooks down at me and says, I love you Mattie. I say I love youmore. Phillip leas over and we start to kiss. This is what love feelslike. I love the feel of his lips on mine. His tongue licking my lips,looking for a way in. I open my mouth and we deep kiss. I am inparadise. His tongue darts into my mouth and he breaks the kiss. Phillipsays your mouth tastes like cum. Whats going on. And he pushes me away ashe moves down the couch. I get up and look at him. He says are you cheatingon me and with other guys. I say no no nothing like that. My mind wasracing. I couldn’t tell him it was my older brother Luke’s cum in mymouth. What was I going to do.I saw the hurt on his face. I said I jerked off this morning, and I alwayseat my own load. Phillip looked at me sideways and said really. I noddedand he said once he cums, he is done and cant do that. He moves back besideme. A sense of relief comes over me. I hate that I lied to Phillip but Icouldn’t tell him the truth. We lay in each other arms again and finish themovie. I get up and put Luke’s linen in the dryer and come back. It isalmost 11. We look for güvenilir bahis something to watch but find nothing that interestsus.Phillip says lets go to your room. We get up and head upstairs. In my room,Phillip immediately takes off his shoes and then his shirt. I walk over andgrab his belt buckle and pull it open. I unbutton and unzip hispants. Phillip says someone is horny tonight and laughs. I say I am justhelping you get comfy. I push his jeans down and he has on boxers. I cansee his dick flapping around inside them as I pull the jeans off his legs.I stand up and my hands immediately go to his boxers and I grab hisdick. He lets me play with it a few minutes. He pulls my shirt up over myhead and pushes me back onto the bed. He doesn’t even undo my jeans. Hejust pulls them down and my boxer briefs come off with them. My little dickis hard, but no where near as big as anyone else’s that I have seen.Phillip gets in the bed and pulls me close to him. His hands are all overmy body as he kisses my neck and ear. The entire time, he is moaning so Iknow he is enjoying himself. His hands are on my ass. He is riding intome. I say take off your boxers. Phillip pushes them down his legs, but theyend up around his ankles. He pushes me onto my back. My legs open for himas he lays on my stomach and chest. I can feel his hard cock grinding intomy nut sack. He kisses my nipple and then sucks it in his mouth. I feel himate down and its like pure electricity shoots through me. He moves over theother one and does the same thing.He lays beside me and grabs my head. We kiss and then he pushes my headdown. I know what he wats. He wants my mouth on his dick. Phillip isalready leaking when I lick the head of his cock. I kiss the head and thentake him inside my mouth. His hips push up every time I go down on him. Hishands on the back of my head, but just there, not forcing me down. I slipmy hands under him and massage his ass as I suck him.And then I hear the buzzer. The damn dryer has finished. I look up atPhillip and he says I understand. Lets do it together. So to nakedteenagers, both with major hard ons, run and grab the sheets from the dryerand go into Luke’s room. We are putting the sheets on the bed and I seeLube on the nightstand. Philip just looks and smiles. We get the sheets onand the bed made. Philip says he likes to have people to do everything forhim. I didn’t respond. We turn the lights out and go back to my room.Philips hard on is gone. We climb in the bed and he says lets cuddle. Heholds me in his arms and we start talking. He asks what my plans are withall this. I said I hope that we are together forever. What about you andPhillip says I want that to. He reaches over and turns the lampoff. Darkness fills the room as we cuddle and drift off to sleep.I awake to Phillip shaking my shoulder. I open my eyes, but the room isstill totally dark. Phillip says your brother is home. I say its ok. I rollover and face Phillip and then I hear it. I hear noises from his room. Itsounds like a rough make out session. I just giggle quietly as Philliptells me not to make any noises. We lay there and I can hear Luke sayingsuck that fucking cock. You been wanting it all night. Phillip whispers,your brother sounds mad. I prop up on my elbow and listen. I hear him ashe tells the girl to get her ass undressed. I know that voice. Thats drunkLuke.We lay there and listen and we hear the girl gagging. I know she is tryingto blow him. Luke is talking loud saying to keep your teeth off mycock. Before long, I hear him say to her, get on the bed like the bitch youare. A little shuffling can be heard coming from his room. Then the girllets out a scream straight from her soul and I hear Luke grunting. I knowhe has started fucking her and prolly went all in on the first stoke. Hisgrunts are intense. He screams turn into loud moans. You could tell therhythm by his grunts and her moans. I whisper to Phillip to tun on thelight. I say come one and lets go sleep downstairs.We grab our clothes and our cell phones and turn off the light and headdownstairs. We can still hear them fucking. We walk past the den and I openthe door to mom and dads room. We walk in and I close and lock the door. Iturn on the table lamp and we drop our clothes and get in this huge kingsize bed. I look at Phillip is rock hard. I grab his cock and say you weregetting off listening to them and he says it was kinda hot. I lean over andstart to suck him and he says lets wait. I don’t want to disrespect yourmom and dads bedroom.We get settled and I hear Phillip as he is sleeping and breathing almostsnoring. I snuggle up to him. I see light on the ceiling and roll over. Mycell phone is its up. I look at it and its a text from Luke. Where areyou. I reply back why. Luke says come here now. I ease out the bed and grabmy boxers and t shirt and put on. I unlock the door. I close the door soPhillip can sleep.Dash upstairs and open the wall door into Luke’s room. The girl is gettingdressed. Luke is naked and laying on the bed. I walk over and he slurs atme to get cash out his wallet and pay the cab to take her home. He iswasted drunk. I look and there is blood stains on his sheets and lubestains everywhere. I grab jeans off the floor but no wallet, I finally findthe pair of jeans he wore tonight and grab the wallet. I ask him how muchand he says 30 will do it. I get the cash and hand to her. I ask if he hascalled the cab and she said she had. I looked at her. She looked like shehad been hit by a truck. Her hair was a wild mess. Her makeup was smearedand streaked.She got dressed and I walked to the door. I turn back and see her leaningover the bed kissing him bye and whispering something. Luke mumbledsomething. She looks at me and says tell him when I get in the cab. We headdownstairsWe wait by the door and she is on her phone the whole time. The cab finallygets here and she says bye. I watch as she gets in and they leave. I goback upstairs and into Luke’s room. I stand beside the bed and shake hisshoulder and arm, but he is either passed out from drinking or in a deepsleep. I push and shake him but all he does is mumble. I say roll over perabet onyour side. After 4 times telling him, he finally rolls over and I pout apillow in front of him and behind him so he will sleep on his side. I pullthe blanket onto him and leave.Downstairs, I open the door to mom and dad’s bedroom and Phillip is stillsleeping. I undress and get in bed. Finally able to go back to sleep.I am awaken by Luke standing beside the bed and telling me to get over. Istand up and try to pull on tug his arm until I get him out the bedroomdoor. I close it behind me. Luke is still not 100% sober. He is saying heneeds to fuck. I pull him back to the stairs and he follows. We get to hisroom and he sits on the bed. He says blow me first. I say go back to sleepand we will do all that tomorrow. That just pisses him off. Luke says goddamn it, I am fucking you now. I say no and pull away. Luke remains sittingnot he bed. I tell him to lay down and I will stay until he gets back tosleep. He lays back, I pull his blanket over him.I sit on the foot of the bed and I finally here him sleeping. I head backdownstairs and Phillip is awake and in the bathroom peeing. I watch frombehind until he is done. He asks whats wrong and I said Luke is drunk andacting crazy. He hugs me and we walk back towards the bedroom. Luke iswalking down the stairs and yells Mattie. I say please go back to bed. Lukesees Phillip and says Phillip have you guys fucked tonight. I push Phillipinto the bedroom and close the door. I pull Luke back to the stairs, but heoverpowers me and opens the bedroom door. Philip is laying in the bed andturns the lamp on. Luke is naked and smile hard and walks in. He saysPhillip I asked if you guys had fucked tonight.I say Luke, we just watched movies and now trying to sleep, Please go backto bed. Luke is now at the side of the bed and asking Phillipquestions… You enjoy fucking my little brother, He suck you off good, areyou shooting in that hole or using rubbers. Phillip never answers . I amcrying at this point. I don’t want him to mess up what I have withPhillip. I am torn because I feel Love for both of them.Luke says I know you guys fucked in my bed. I saw the cum stains in mybed. Luke grabs the covers on pulls them off the bed. Phillip isnaked. Luke says no stains on the bed yet. Luke looks at me and says,Mattie you playing hard to get with him, why don’t you give up that ass tohim. I am beyond pissed. I am crying. I just want him to stop.Luke says I am going to go back to my room, but heres the deal. One of youfaggots need to come up and let me fuck you. You decide, but if no one isthere in 5 minutes, I am coming back and fucking you both. Luke staggersout the room. I close and lock the door. I look at Phillip and he is juststaring at me in disbelief.I go to the bed and Phillip says do you guys fool around and I just stareat the floor. He says Mattie, be honest with me. Are you guys doingstuff. I lift my head and look at Phillip and I nod once. Phillip sits backon the bed. He asks me if I am ok and if he hurts me and if I want it tohappen. I said Luke made it happen, but it s my fault. I am gay and hefound out.Phillip gets up and grabs his clothes. He gets dressed and I am stillcrying. He said he needs to go home. I look at him and he said I cant behere, I need to go. I will talk to you later. Phillip leaves and I hear thebackdoor close and he leaves. I lay on the bed and just cry. Why can’t I behappy. Why cant I feel worthy of love. Why did I let this happen.And then, Luke is standing in the door. He says, where the other faggotgo. I screamed he left cause of you. Luke walks to the bed and says did hereally leave and I just nod as I have my head buried in a pillow. I feelLuke get on the bed. He lays beside me and I feel his arm wrap over myback. He pulls me closer to him. I try not to let him see me cry. Maybe herealizes what he has done. He pulls me on my side and pulls me into hischest, like we do when we cuddle in bed.He snuggles up close behind me and he moves his arm off me. I look over andhe is spitting in his hand. He rubs the spit over his cock and then inbetween my ass cheeks. I pull away, but he grabs my waist and pulls meback. I feel the head of his massive cock force itself into my tiny hole. Iscream out as he pulls me all the way on his cock. He pushes my face to thebed and rolls me over on my stomach. His cock never pulled out of my holeas he moved with me.He starts pounding me. I lay there with my arms pinned under me, as he hasboth hands pressed into my back to hold me down. I cry the entire time Lukefucks me. Luke finally moves his hands and I feel his weight on may as helays on my back. The only movement now is as ass as he humps my hole. Hesays, I told you that you are mine. You disrespected me when you had himover here tonight and you have to be punished. Over and over he berates meas he uses my hole for his pleasure. My tears stop as my sadness and usedfeeling morphed into anger and rage. I start trying to move and wiggle outfrom under him but I can’t. Luke power thrusts into me hard and says whatthe fuck you think you doing. I just wiggle. Luke pulls out. I feel himgrab my arms and flip me over on my back. His hands pin my arms above myhead but I move my hips and he is unable to get his cock back inside me. Helets go of my hands and rams his cock inside me. I start hitting him ashard as I can on his chest. His chest is rock solid. My hits have noeffect.Luke starts thrusting into me, and as usual, he grabs my throat andsqueezes. I start hitting his arm but he just squeezes harder than he everhas. I cant breathe. I finally just hold his strong arm and he lets go. Igasp for air. Luke grabs my hips and I get 4 massive thrusts that justbounce my entire body. Each thrust is followed by a word. Thrust DON’Tthrust EVER thrust DISRESPECT thrust ME. Luke holds my hips as he is buriedas deep as he can be inside me. I know he is trying to teach me a lesson,but at the same time, I love the feeling of him being totally wild andhardcore with me.I have no energy, no fight, no feelings. I just lay there as he continueshis fucking. Minutes pass and I just perabet giriş stare at him. I watch as he pulls outof me and flips me over on my back again. I wait for his massive cock tostretch my hole open. But this time, I feel his hand on my hips as he pullsmy hips off the bed. His face is buried deep in my ass cheeks. His tongueis working on my ravished hole. The stubble of his face is rubbing me.His left hand reaches around and grabs my cock and starts to jerk meoff. My dick is hard and his hand is stroking me. His tongue is rimming myass. I give into the feelings. The way his tongue works my hole. His handon my dick, I start to forget everything except the mind blowingfeelings. Luke pulls his face out of my cheeks and says don’t move. He layson his back and moves his head between my legs. He starts to suck mydick. His hands find my ass and pull it open. Now the fingering starts. Heis able to take all my dick in his mouth and the things he does with histongue feels awesome. I feel a second finger and then a third. I feel mybody about to lose control and Luke stops sucking and pulls his fingers outof my hole.Luke says you want to cum don’t you. I say Yesssss. He says how bad. I sayreal bad. He sucks my dick in and then pulls off. Luke says you cant cumuntil you swear to me that you will always belong to me. I reach for mydick to jerk off, but he grabs my hand. He sucks again and pulls off. Sayit. I say I cant say that. You know me and Phillip are boy friends. I loveyou, but I love Phillip just the same. Luke lets me go and I am flippedover onto my back and he is onto of me. My arms are pinned down by hishands and he says you belong to me Mattie. Luke kisses me. My body justwants to cum. I twist my head every time he tries to kiss me and he finallykisses my neck and then I feel him bite down. Not hard, but I know he ismarking my body as his. I try to pull away. Luke moves and then he startson my chest and bites my nipple.The feeling is a mix of intense pleasure and a little pain. He moves to theother and does it again. He says tell me what I want to hear. My dick isred and I want to cum so bad. I say I cant say that Luke. Luke pulls myarms to my stomach and uses one hand to hold them there. He moves betweenmy legs. Finally he is going to finish letting me cum. His other handstrokes my dick and says that feel good. I just moan and say yea, let mecum. He lets go of my dick and grabs my balls. I know he loves to squeezethem so I try to prepare for that. But instead, Luke is licking my smallnut sack. Sucking each ball into his mouth. His hand moves to my dick andstrokes me. It feels so good. He puts bth nuts in his mouth and sucks andlets them pop out one at a time. I am getting close. He takes both nuts nothis mouth and then I feel the teeth on my right nut. It gets harder and Iscream out. Luke lets it drop and stops stroking my dick. He still holds myarms on my belly. He says tell me what I want to hear.I beg him to just stop. I say I love Phillip as much as I love you. Pleaseunderstand. I feel Luke bite on the tip of my cock. My body tenses andwithout anything else, I start cumming in Luke’s mouth. He starts suckingand I feel the power in his mouth as he sucks. Never has he sucked sohard. I finish cumming and he pulls up. I can tell he hasn’t swallowed. Hegrabs me and pulls me out the bed. We get to the den and he pushes my chestdown over the end of the couch. He kneels behind me and pulls my assapart. I fell as he is pushing my cum inside my hole from his mouth. Hemoves and my ass closes. I can feel my own cum dripping out of my ass. I goto stand, and Luke pushes on my back and gets behind me.In one thrust, he is again buried inside me. The way he has me over the armof the couch, I cant move. The couch is against a wall on the other side,so the couch doesn’t move. All the power from his thrust are sent into mybody. There is no give to the couch. He says this all ends when you saythat you belong to me. Power fucking is the only way to describe what he isdoing. Each thrust jars my body harder and harder. Each time become moreand more addicted to sex and his style of sex and love.Luke says put your arms behind you. I shift around until I can get my handsbehind me like I am being arrested. Luke grabs my wrists in each of hishands and every thrust into me, he pulls my body back to meet thethrust. My head is bounced around from the power of his fucking. My cockrubbing on the couch has me hard again.Luke slows down and says do you want to tell me now. I say Luke please letstalk. Another round of pounding. A few minutes later he slows again. Mybody is totally limp, my cock is almost rubbed raw from the couch. My assis being destroyed by his massive teenage cock. He says do you want to tellme anything. I nod. He stops fucking and I say, I am yours. Luke jabs hisdick in my, say it louder. I say louder, I belong to you. Now this isnothing more than a drunk power trip. Luke has what he wants, but he makesme keep saying it over and over. Each time, followed by a powerful jab ofhis cock deep into me. What he doesn’t understand is that I am loving thisas much as he is.Finally, I feel a rhythm and he stops talking. I feel the all too commontensing of his body and he goes all in and holds. He floods my insides witha huge load of his jock cum. A few short thrusts later, and I feel his cockas he pulls out of my hole. I know I am gaped open because the minute hepulls out, all of his cum starts dripping out of me and onto the floor inthe den.Luke walks around and sits on the couch. I can barely move after theintense fucking. My legs are wobbly and I am light headed. I start to walkand Luke grabs me and pulls me onto the couch. I am sitting on my legs andmy ass is slick with his cum dripping out. He pulls me into his chest andsays don’t ever challenge me again. I nod. He says tell me what I want tohear. I look up at him and say, I belong to you. He smiles and says letsgo shower.I know I am stupid but in some weird way, I feel more love towards Luke nowthat I ever have. Moments earlier I was hating him and now, I love himdeeply. Maybe I am just sleepy. I should be pissed. I should be filled withrage and anger. Where did those feelings go. What will Phillip say abouttonight when I talk to him. Will he even talk to me again. But all thosefears go away as I reach out and grab Luke’s hand as we walk up the stairs.To Be continued…

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