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Thy Name is WhoreFor all of you like me that liked this story, but the ending was left off I found it on line at another site and author I an am posting it here with the ending. Personally I would have named it “Once a Slut Always a Slut”byMrRobbur©As I looked over the restaurant to find the client I was supposed to meet, I saw my ex-wife Susan. She was sitting with a slightly heavy middle aged man. You could tell he was once in good shape but good food and time had taken a toll on his physique. Susan was sitting right next to him and you could tell he was in his glory. The guy screamed money.As I stood in the foyer and looked at her, a whole flood of memories came back to me. It had been three years since our divorce and the emotions came right back to the surface just like it was yesterday. This is how I got to where I was standing today looking in, instead of being the one sitting next to her. She did get her wish though as you will see.My problems all started when I had to visit Albany for a meeting with a customer. I decided to make it an overnight so I didn’t have to make the long drive back. Already one hour into my car trip my client called me and told me he was in a fender bender but was alright. He apologized for the late cancelation and I told him no problem we could reschedule. I didn’t really feel up to the additional two hour drive ahead of me anyway. I told him I would make the best of it and return home to have a romantic dinner with my lovely wife. I wanted to surprise her.After 1 ½ hours later I was finally driving down my street. The first thing I noticed was that there were three strange cars in the driveway. My wife would have her girlfriends over when I was out of town to keep her company. So this was not a big deal to me. I parked my car in the street.I entered the house thinking nothing was wrong. The first thing I noticed wrong was four sets of clothes on my living room floor. I froze right at that moment when I heard my wife scream. It wasn’t a ‘help me’ type scream; it was a ‘fuck me harder’ scream I knew all to well.My heart sank and I knew my wife was fucking someone else. My entire world was crushed. I didn’t want to go upstairs but I knew I had to. As I reached the top of the stairs, I heard my wife let out a primal shout and then it was suddenly muffled. I quietly looked around my bedroom door jam and saw why. I man who I didn’t know was feeding my wife his cock as another stranger was underneath her fucking her pussy. Behind her was her boss from work Jeff Davis, he was starting to really plow his cock into her ass with speed and purpose. I never liked Jeff and now I knew why.”Sue you are a great whore and I love fucking you in every hole. Thanks for helping me with my two favorite clients by the way. I can tell they love your slutty body as much as you love using it.” Jeff bragged to her. That asshole was pimping out my wife for his business clients!All three started to use my wife like their personal sex toy. They gave her all they had and would call her all types of degrading names. She seemed to get wilder at this treatment and they abused her even more. I had never seen her act like this the entire ten years we were married. I felt Jeff’s name choice of ‘whore’ was the most appropriate for her though. I quietly backed up but they were so busy they didn’t even notice me. I quietly went downstairs and into my study. I found my digital video camera and it had a little battery life left in it. There was an old vacation tape in it with a small amount of tape left also. I didn’t want to make a full length movie, just document my wife’s actions for my lawyer. I quietly returned to outside my bedroom door and started to video tape. I got good shots of my wife’s face as well as all the others. I only took about 5 to 10 minutes of video because that was all I could stand. Now some men may find this sexy or exciting but not me. The entire scene made me sad, limp and feeling betrayed. Seeing my wife being a whore for other men was almost too much for me and I went downstairs to calm down and think clearly. I went to my study and got my pistol out of the safe switching off the safety. I am not a violent person but I was in just the mood to let off a few rounds if they started acting stupid.Then I went to the living room and took all the car keys and wallets from the trousers the men left on my living room floor. I went outside and flattened all their tires including Sue’s car. As I returned inside I got a smile on my face the Grinch would be jealous of. A great plan started to form and I knew it would work if Sue picked up her cell phone. I noticed it on the bedroom night stand while I was video taping.I got my camera ready and went behind the stairway and speed dialed Sue’s cell number. It rang several times and I got her answering machine. She knew I would be calling about this time so I called back every two minutes until she finally answered. She must have told them to be quiet because you could hear a pin drop in the house. “Hello Bobby, how is Albany?” Sue asked out of breath. I could also hear quiet snickers from the men in the room.”You sound out of breath, are you all right?” I asked her with mock concern in my voice.”Yes, I had to run up the stairs to the bedroom to answer my cell phone.” she covered up for herself quickly.”Well my client canceled and I am going to be home in just a few minutes. I was wondering if you like to go out to dinner?” I asked her with an even voice. Inside I was madder than I have ever been in my life.”You’re coming home now?” she asked with nervous voice. “That sounds great, I just need to get ready baby, see you then.” She said this all really fast and she hung up on me before I could answer back. I laughed to myself because I knew what was going to happen in just one minute.Sure enough, four very naked people started to fly down my stairs and into the living room. The men all dressed in record time and Sue also dressed and straightened out her clothes. The men all ran out at the same time with Sue pushing some shoes and a jacket out with them. She went to the door and looked out hoping they would leave before I hit the street. If she wasn’t so flustered, she would have noticed my car parked on the street in front of our house.The men all started to yell to her at once and she went to the front porch to hear what they were saying. At that very moment I shut the front door and locked it behind her. My wife just saw my face as I closed the door and she tried to look in the side window and talk to me with pleading in her voice. The time for talking was over. All the other men went back to my front porch and started to pound on my front door for several minutes. I knew they wanted their wallets and keys. I called 911 and reported people trying to break into my house. The dispatcher said she just got a call from one of my neighbors also. I gave her my name and address. In about only two minutes a black and white showed up at my house. I waited for the police to question my wife when I open the door and went out to the two police men on the scene.”Officers, these men were r****g my wife and I want them all arrested!” I declared to the police.This brought an instant reaction from the men. They all started to shout at once “I was invited”, “she wanted it”, I didn’t **** anyone” and “she wanted it from all of us.”Everyone including me looked at Sue for an answer. She looked down and wouldn’t make eye contact with me. In a small voice filled with shame she said “I invited these men into my house. I had sex with them and no one ****d me. I did it on my own free will.” The men all seemed relieved not to be looking at a **** charge.There were two more cop cars showing up about then. They took everyone’s name for their report at my request. The lead cop then told me “If your wife invited these men into your house and they are all over the age of 18, there is not much we can do for you. I would suggest counseling or something along that line.” He said this as he looked at my wife like she was a piece of shit on his shoe.I told the police to call a cab and that Mrs. Thomas was not welcome back on the premises tonight. One of the guys called a cab because they found all their tires flattened. They tried to accuse me of taking their wallets and keys also but I told the officers I had no idea what they were talking about. I turned and went back to the porch. Sue stayed with them until just before the cab arrived.I just stood on the porch and had daggers in my eyes. My wife tried to come up to the porch and talk to me, which was a brave thing to do at the moment. If she knew how mad I was and that I had my gun on me she might have started running the other way.”Bobby, I am so sorry for …” she tried to say something but I cut her off right then and there.”You broke my heart and I will never forgive you. Jeff’s name for you was whore and I think it fits. From this time on I will call you Whore and never use your real name again. If you ever need to talk to me again, do it through Tad.” And with that last comment I went inside the house and locked the door leaving her standing there. She ran back to the group crying and Jeff tried to hold her. She pushed him away and I felt a little better about that for some reason. My good feeling quickly died when I returned to my bedroom. The whole room smelled of sex and my pillow had cum on it. This just set me off for some reason and I started to trash the entire room. I took the mattress and dumped it on the front lawn. I went to the garage and got my tool box. I started to take apart the bed and throw it in sections on the front lawn, along with the box mattress.I returned to the bed room and picked up Sue’s cell phone off the floor. I checked her number list and messages. Sure enough she had nasty emails, pictures and even some video of some guys I never knew fucking her in every hole. From the pictures it seems she knew them very well however.I started to look for trash bags to put all her clothes in and I had to laugh at myself. I was being considerate to her but those times were over. I carried every drawer in our bedroom downstairs and put each of the drawer’s contents on the front lawn in its own pile. I then started on all her extra stuff in the guest room. That is where I got my next surprise.I carried each of the guest room dresser drawers to the lawn just like I did to Sue’s bedroom stuff. The last bottom drawer was stuck and wouldn’t open all the way. I was in no mood so I took out my anger on the drawer. I pulled real hard and heard plastic cracking. I pushed in the drawer and tried to open it slowly. It opened right up and I could see what was causing the problem. Below the drawer were 7 or 8 DVD discs. I had broken one of the plastic cases but the disc was still in good shape.My heart sank again as I looked at the discs. I didn’t think I could feel any worse but I did. As I was walking down the stairs I read the titles on the discs and it didn’t make me happy. I went to the living room and put each one in to review.The first was Sue with her best friend Sara at Sara’s house. Sue would help at her Avon parties every Tuesday and Thursday (or so I thought). They were really fucking some guys at her house. There were several hours of Sue and Sara doing all types of sex acts with multiple partners. I started to cry but stopped when I saw the last two discs. The first was Sue fucking her tennis instructor (during lessons I paid for) in every hole. She would go every Saturday and always came back too tired to make love on Saturday night. Now I really knew why. The second disc was Sue being fucked on her work place boardroom table with Jeff her boss and Jeff’s boss Bill Evans. Bill was a big man in the community and was always getting his picture in the paper for this event or that. I watched as he performed his charity work on my wife’s pussy and ass.I got a big envelope and put the cell phone, discs, and the tape I shot earlier into it. I planned on giving the entire envelope to my lawyer and best friend Tad Worth. We had been friends as long as I can remember. He was one of the only two people in the world I really trusted, the other one really didn’t matter anymore.I looked over at the computer desk and saw Sue’s computer. I pushed the space bar and it came to life. I made copies of everything on the computer. Every file, email, photo canlı bahis siteleri and video I copied. It took about an hour to copy everything and I then sat down and started to look at my wife’s computer.There were videos of her fucking just like the discs I found. I found pictures you only see on porn sites with her in them. I then started to read her emails going back about 6 months. She tried to hide them under some stupid software file name but I found them. She had several from Jeff and some other men. The rest were between Sara and her. They progressed to just last week when I read one that literally almost killed me. I thought about using my gun but knew she wasn’t worth it. I had to be strong. The one email that got me so upset was from Sue to Sara. Sara had asked her why she didn’t dump me and become single again. She also asked for Sue’s perfect description of what she wants in a future husband. This is what she answered back. ‘Sara,I don’t want to do anything about him now. Bobby is as faithful as he is dumb. I do feel it is only a matter of time though before he discovers my secret lifestyle, he is not totally stupid, just love blind. He has kind of let himself go lately (his belly is getting bigger every day). It’s tough to get attracted to him sometimes when I compare him to the studs we fuck. I also hate the beard and mustache. It makes him look like, I don’t know, sort of gross. I guess I did love him once but the excitement of the past few years is too much to turn down. His best friend is a lawyer and if he gets involved it could get difficult.Jeff and Bill from work are hinting about a promotion and a raise (also including the rise in their pants) LOL. I also want the house and the car at least. If I do it right I could also get some alimony every month ta boot. I am looking forward to our Tuesday party. I should be there if I can still walk after my tennis lesion LOL. Boy, Tony is a machine!Make sure I get a video from last Thursday. That was the first time I ever did that many guys at one time. My pussy is still sore LOL.As far as my dream wish man, I want one who is loaded, devoted, controllable and dumb. He has to kiss my ass anytime I want and still ask me what cheek LOL. I don’t care about the bedroom department as long as he doesn’t have a tinnie winnie LOL. I can get what ever I need, somewhere outside the house. It seems almost too easy sometimes.shit bobby is home right now, got to go, see you tuesday, call me.Sue (BFF)’ I read the letter so many times I could almost memorize it. The words ‘gross’ and ‘past few years’, really hurt me more than words can say. Is this how she really felt about me? Was I so love blind that she was fucking around on me for over two years? I went to sleep just after that and slept on the couch.I woke up early and called into work. I really didn’t sleep well and mostly tossed and turned. After calling in sick to work I called my best friend Tad Worth. He was my friend first but he was also my lawyer in most matters.Mary answered the phone. She was Tad’s secretary and I knew her almost as long as I did Tad. I asked for an emergency meeting that morning and she said he was going to be in court for the day.”Mary, tell Tad to meet me in one hour at his office. If he gives you any shit, mention the name Tammy Brown. That should get his attention. See you in an hour.” I told her as I hung up the phone before she could answer.I started to get dressed and my cell phone rang. I looked at the number because I didn’t want to talk to Sue at all. It was a number I didn’t recognize so I picked up in case it was Tad calling back from somewhere.”Hello Mr. Thomas? This is Bill Evans from Susan’s office. If possible I would like to talk to you about the trouble you had last night at your house. If you could see fit to see me at my office today, I would like to help straighten things out for everyone concerned.” I wasn’t sure he knew I had video of him banging my wife at his work place but I knew he was worried about Jeff Davis’s two big clients. Also my wife and Jeff were valuable to him. I don’t think he wanted to loose his valuable employees. I also knew he was worried about negative publicity for his company and him personally.”Mr. Evans, I have an important meeting this morning but I promise I will call you back at this number before noon to set something up for today.” I appeased back at him. My tone was even and I made it sound like he was going to be able to reason with me. Boy was he in for a big surprise.As I walked out the door I could still see what looked like a really weird yard sale. The broken bed and all Sue’s clothes were all still out there. One of my older neighbors gave me a little wave and had a funny look on his face. I knew I was going to be a nine day wonder as they say in the news business. It was a close neighborhood.I drove downtown and got a bite to eat. I force some food down and went right to Tad’s office. Mary had a cup of coffee waiting for me. Lots of cream and no sugar, we really did know each other for a long time. “Holy shit Bobby. I don’t know what you got on Tad but I mentioned that name and he told me to cancel every appointment today. I could use a months vacation if you feel like telling me who Tammy Brown is.” she added jokingly.”You will have to ask Tad. Where is he by the way?” I asked her.”He said he will be right here. He needed to reschedule with the judge for today’s court session.” she told me. Just at that minute he came through the door.”Holy shit Bobby! Tammy Brown, you must be in some deep trouble to mention that name to me. Come in to the office and let’s talk. Mary, hold all my calls for right now.” Tad said this all very fast.I took my coffee in and he closed the door so we could talk. I told him of the events of last night and what I found out about Sue’s new life style. I then gave him the envelope full of stuff I collected and he finally started to talk. He listened to my story and never interrupted once. I could see the legal wheels working in his head as I recalled last night events. I also told him of Bill Evans’ request for a meeting today.”Well Bobby, first things first as they say. I have known you a long time and know you are crushed. Is there any chance you are going to reconcile with Sue? He asked me.”Tad if it were Cathy (Tad’s wife) we were talking about and you saw those videos and read the emails; you would have dumped her in a heart beat! I want a divorce but I also want to cause some serious damage. I am not going to go quietly into that good night” I confessed to him.’Ok, first we will sue Tony and the Ace Tennis Club. We can’t touch Sara because she is just a good friend who plays around with Sue. Sue’s company is a different matter.””Secondly I plan on suing the two clients that were at your house as well as their companies. We are also going after Jeff Davis, Bill Evans and their company.” he stated.”This could get nasty before it gets better Bobby.” he declared to me.”I don’t care if I have to stand in the street and use my fists. I am going to make these people pay for fucking me over, especially Sue.” I told him with anger in my voice.”Ok Bobby, tell me again what Bill Evans wanted again and we will start from there.” Tad said to me. We discussed several different options and I liked the last one the best. A full head on frontal attack at Sue’s company is what sounded best. I had an ace up my sleeve with the video taping of Davis, Evans and Sue in their boardroom. Tad told me that being Sue’s supervisors, they had control over her job position. It could also land them with some serious jail time. I liked the sound of that.Tad also hinted that once Saint Bill found out what we had on him his tune would change and some money would be offered. I told him if it was less than 2 million he could kiss my ass.”Tell you what Tad, make it 2.5 million, I have seen your legal fees before” I told him with a laugh.”Come over tonight at 7:00pm and Cathy will have a nice meal for us both. I think you could use a break from the house.” he demanded. I called Bill Evans back and made an appointment for 2:00pm. Just after that Mary poked her head in the office.”Tad you have a call on line one” she told him.”Mary, I told you NO calls!” he said really pissed.”Sorry Tad but it is Susan, she wants to talk to you and I thought you might like to take it.” Mary continued.”Sorry Mary, it’s been a long day so far and it’s just starting. Does she know Bobby is here?” he asked her.”Not that I know of Tad.” she countered.”Tell her I will speak to her in just a minute.” he said more softly as Mary left quickly for the outer office.”Well I bet she found her cell phone, computer and all the DVD discs gone by now. I bet she is pissed off I put all her shit on the front lawn along with our bed too.” I told him.”Wow, you did have a busy night. Let me do the talking and don’t get involved in the conversation. As your lawyer I need to straighten out a few things right now.” he hinted to me as he picked up line one.” I started to hear the one sided conversation but I could almost tell what she was saying to Tad without even hearing her speak.”Hi Susan, this is Tad.””Yes I spoke to him already.””Bobby is a great guy and my friend. I thought you of all people would have his back and not stab him in it.””No excuses Sue, I am not in the mood and yes I am going to represent him. He has a very strong case. You know it is going to get nasty don’t you?””I will talk to him but you crushed a man who was always faithful to you and loved you to death. I don’t think he cares what you think anymore. My best advice is to get yourself a good lawyer, you will need it.””Yes Bill Evans has set up a meeting for 2:00pm. I don’t think you should be there though.””Listen up Sue. If you even show up at the outside office door and use a glass to listen in, I will tell Bobby to walk and all hell will break loose. Better sit this one out and keep to yourself today.” “I know he put your stuff on the lawn, but just like you can invite strangers into your bedroom, he can throw your shit out of the house onto the front lawn. To be honest, I am surprised he didn’t shoot anyone last night.””Oh yeah he had it on him, for self defense reasons though. He thought you were being ****d remember. The police report stated such.””I don’t know, but if it had been my Cathy, I would be in jail right now. I think under the circumstances he was… tempered.””As far as your computer, cell phone, and any other STUFF that was not in the house this morning, you will have to ask the other house owner. He might have left it all on the lawn with your clothes and someone took it all. I can’t really say. I did all your escrow stuff on the house and you both have the same rights in that house. How you choose to exercise those rights is up to each of you.””Ok, I will tell him. For right now I would recommend you stay there and let Bobby stay at the house until this is all settled. I don’t think it is safe you to be in the same house with him right now.””Listen Sue, I even feel like punching you in the nose right now so don’t push it. Stay at Sara’s and I will be in touch. Please have your lawyer call me when you get one.””Crying isn’t going to help you right now Sue. Besides being his lawyer, I am his friend. Your tears are falling on deaf ears. I can be one ruthless bastard when I want to and this seems like the perfect occasion. I have always liked you and respected you until today. I am sorry you are going to see a side of me only my enemies and adversaries see. You are not going to like it.””Ok, but stay away from him and keep in your office. He wants nothing to do with you right now. Goodbye!” Tad finished and looked up at me. “I think you heard most of that?” he asked me sadly.”Yeah, I just wish I could face her again and tell her what I really feel. I don’t think I want to go through the pain of seeing her again though, at least right now.” I confessed to my friend.”Tell you what Bobby, do two things for Me.” he asked me with an instant emotional mood change to positive and optimistic. Pull out these videos for me. Tad asked me to pull out from of the envelope the video from last night, the video of Tony at the Tennis club and the video of Sue with Mr. Davis and Mr. Evans at her office. I handed him the 3 videos and he told me to take Mary to lunch on him. I gave him a funny look tipobet güvenilir mi and he answered me right back. “I think it would better if I review these personally, so as not to get you all upset before our meeting at 2:00pm. I don’t think you reviewing this material would do you any good right now and I don’t want you getting pissed off before we even meet with Bill Evans”I knew he was right and I thanked him as I told Mary the good news. She told me to take her somewhere expensive if Tad was paying. I laughed and we both left the building.Mary was a great lunch guest and she made me forget all my troubles for the next hour.When we returned I heard Tad yell and holler as we walked in the office door. We walked in and he was in a great mood doing a celebration dance by his desk. “This tape is wonderful Bobby, I don’t believe it!” he stated to me.I got a funny and sad look on my face and I think he finally realized why.”Oh Bobby, I’m really sorry. I wasn’t celebrating the videos. I know Sue has really hurt you. I was only getting excited because of what I just found.” he confessed to me.”Bobby come over here I need you to look at something for me.” Tad requested of me as I followed his orders by getting right behind him so I could see over his shoulder.”Did you look at the entire tape that Tony shot of the tennis club stuff with Sue?” he asked me.”No, I only looked at some of it. I was trying to get through all of the tapes last night without throwing up or going out and killing someone.” I told him honestly.”Well have I got a surprise for you. Just before Tony and Sue are finished, they start to draw a little crowd in the men’s locker room, the tennis club’s locker room. I don’t want to say this but she let the other men looking on gangbang her after Tony was done. I am telling you this not to get you mad or sad but because of this man right there.” Tad told me this as he pointed to the screen on his desk. The person he was pointing to was an older man with a towel around him. He had longer white hair and a walrus mustache. He asked me if I recognized him. Tad let the video play and you can see him drop his towel and show off a very large cock any man would be proud of. The only problem was he went right up to my wife and shoved it in her mouth. The next minute she was surrounded by five more guys waiting to have a turn with Sue.”Tad I have no idea who that asshole is but I guess you do? I answered him wisely.”Bobby this is for our 4:00pm appointment at the tennis club today.” he informed me. Tad was excited and then told me why. I smiled as he told me his plan. Besides Tad being my friend, he was one hell of a lawyer. I was glad he was on my side for this one.We left his office to get downtown for our 2:00pm meeting with Bill Evans. We brought a portable DVD player, some stills Tad printed before we left and several legal looking envelopes. We entered Sue’s building and went right to Bill’s office on the top floor. Sue office was on the next floor down.We waited in the lounge area until we were invited into Mr. Evans office. Just before I went in I felt like someone was looking at me. I looked down the hall and saw a woman disappear around a corner when she saw me looking. Just one guess who that was I told myself? I was just glad I didn’t have to deal with her today.We both entered Bill’s office and it was filled with expensive furniture. Every space on the wall had a plaque, award or a picture of a famous person with Bill Evans. He had a nice office and the first thought that came to my mind was did he fuck Sue in this room. At that thought I really started to dislike Mr. Evans more than ever. I introduced Tad and started doing all the talking.”Hello Mr. Evans, this is Tad Worth a friend of mine and he will be at this meeting you called today” I told Bill as we all exchanged hand shakes. “Mr. Thomas, Bob, I thought this would be a small closed door meeting between you and I?” Mr. Evans asked me. “Well I thought I would bring along Tad. What ever you say to me, you can say to him.” I told him. I did not leave it up to discussion so he accepted Tad’s presence and started to talk right to me and ignore Tad. This brought a smile on Tad’s face. I knew what was coming but was letting Mr. Evans get going first before we burst his balloon.”Bob, may I call you Bob?” Bill asked me.”No problem at all. I did think it might be a good idea if Jeff Davis was also in this meeting. I don’t know if that is possible, but this concerns him also.” I told Mr. Evans.He thought for a second and hit the intercom button. “Julie, tell Jeff I need him in my office right now. Tell him to drop what ever he is doing and get here right now.””Ok, Jeff should be here in just a minute. In the mean time let me say how sorry I am for all the trouble Jeff and Sue have caused in your life. I know last night must have been terrible but if we work on this together we might be able to help out everyone concerned.” Bill stated with optimism.”Well what do you have in mind Mr. Evans?” I asked him waiting for Jeff to arrive.”I like your wife Sue very much and …” Bill said this but was interrupted as Jeff came right in the door. He stopped right in his tracks and looked like he was going to turn around and leave but Bill ordered him to take a seat. Reluctantly he sat down and would not look at me at all. “Jeff I was just saying I liked Sue very much, almost like a daughter.” he started to say when Tad interrupted him.”Are you telling us you like i****t also Mr. Evans?” Tad asked throwing him totally off guard. I started to laugh inside because I knew what Tad’s comment was all about.”What did you say? Do I like i****t? What the hell does that mean?” he asked Tad with righteous indignation.”Well let me show you. A picture is worth a thousands words as they say.” Tad told them as he put the DVD player on Bill’s desk. “These are stills of the video you will be seeing in just a minute.”Tad handed them to Jeff and not Bill. Jeff’s eyes got big a saucers and he slowly handed them right to Bill. The pictures showed Bill and Jeff both double teaming my wife and there was no question on who was in the picture or what they were doing. I even think Bill recognized his own boardroom table they used to fuck Sue on.”Jeff, don’t you telling me you were so stupid as to video tape this and even give out copies?” Bill asked at almost a loss for words. You could tell Jeff didn’t have an answer at the moment and was totally tongue tied.”Well Mr. Evans, this is how it is going to go. Oh, by the way, I am Bobby’s lawyer as well as his friend. So let me tell you what we want and how we want you to handle it.” Tad told the stunned audience. I loved every minute of it.”First Sue gets to keep her job, period. Bobby feels she will need a job and she seems to get along with everyone here very well.” he said this to Bill with a little wink.”Secondly, Mr. Davis here is not expected back ever, period. Sue stays and this guy walks.” Tad told Bill as he pointed to a stunned Jeff.”Third, we want you to make us a monetary offer that does not insult our intelligence. We will review your first offer only and return a yes or no within five business days. We had planned on making it to court before two months are up or maybe even sooner, if we need to. Before they could say anything Tad pushed play and flipped around the screen so Bill could see it. It showed both men power fucking my wife over and over in their conference room. Jeff didn’t need to look since he was the one responsible for the video taping. Bill just watched with his mouth open. I could see the gears in his head working overtime. He was thinking about how to save his business, his reputation, his family life and most of all his money. I knew something was going to give soon. “Jeff when these gentlemen leave today we will have a very serious discussion about your future employment here. I will talk to my lawyer and see if we can work on a figure that will make you happy Tad. You both realize this could be very bad for business if this gets out before my offer is on the table.” Bill stated as he thought out loud.”Don’t worry Mr. Evans your secret is safe with us until we see your SERIOUS offer. I would not be to fast in firing Mr. Davis right now though. He may have a few extra copies of the video tape. He might use it as leverage if we don’t. You and Mr. Davis can discuss that by yourselves. Oh and by the way, you both could be looking at jail time for having sex with an employee that you have direct control over their employment and advancement.” Tad told them as we both got up to leave.Tad took the DVD player back and the stills we brought. We left as Bill and Jeff were about to have a little heart to heart meeting. I went to ask Tad something but he told be to be quiet until we were outside. I didn’t notice my wife standing around the corner trying to listen in on our conversation but he did. The last thing I heard was Mr. Evans barking in Julie’s intercom to “get Sue Thomas in here right away!” I smiled as I knew it was going to be a fun meeting. Bill would soon learn that I found the DVD of him at our house. When we got outside I asked him why he gave Jeff a way out by suggesting he use his own video tape against Bill.”Divide and concur as they always say” Tad told me. “It will be better if they don’t act as a team and it is everyone for them selves. That way if Bill gives us a joke offer, we will start to play one against each other. I also know Jeff and Bill have family and are church going people. You couldn’t tell by the video tapes they make though but they don’t want to rock the family boat right now.” Tad told me wisely.As I left the building I realized it would now be the place my wife cheated on me and not the proud place where my wife works. I was sad at that thought as well as many others in my head. Tad brought me back to reality.”Ok, let’s get a beer before our next 4:00pm meeting at the tennis club. We both could use one right now and I need to ask you something but not sure just how to do it yet.” Tad told me this as we drove across town towards the tennis club. We stopped by a nice little bar and restaurant by the tennis club. Tad ordered two beers and started to talk to me.”Bobby, I think Bill Evans will make an offer but only for just under a million. I know his legal team from another firm and they are very good. The main guy is also a realist. I will give him a call tomorrow and hint that a failed low offer would not be good for his clients business or family life. I will suggest they make it for about 3 million or just forget about it altogether.” he told me.”Next I need to know if the offer goes south, which it may, can I drag Susan through the mud. I will not be nice to her what so ever. I can’t do anything but what I know will win the case. That as your legal representative will be my unpleasant job if it comes to it. It could get ugly and VERY public. I will use what ever tools I have to win our case. You may not like all the details that may come out in public about Sue, your marriage, and possibly your sex life. I will make her look like the whore she has become. I don’t know if you thought about it at all?” Tad added at the last minute.”Yeah I did think about that. I am a bigger man than any of these people think I am. If it needs to be done you have my blessing. I would like to go the money offer route before we get too crazy.” I hinted at Tad.”Ok, we will see what Saint Bill offers you first. If it sucks though, I will be filing all the necessary paperwork that day. I will also use my newspaper contacts as well as my friends at the three local news stations. They would love some sample video tape or stills even if they do have to put blue bars in front of the ‘naughty bits’ as they say on Monty Python.”Tad you have always been there for me and I trust your judgment. I just wish this whole mess never happened. It was more fun being the clueless husband then the public cuckold of a cheating wife. You still have my permission to do what ever is necessary. After all I didn’t start this shit, but I am going to end it, soon.” I told him with anger in my voice.”Ok Bobby no problem, now lets go over the stuff for our next meeting. This guy Mr. Harry Rydell is the owner of the Ace Tennis Club. He is the guy I pointed out on the video at my office.” he informed me.”He will say that tipobet giriş adults will be adults and there is nothing he could do for us. Even Tony the tennis coach might be fired just for show. He could then rehire him back next week. I checked and Tony is very popular there, especially with the ladies if you know what I mean. He might hire him back to save face with the club members. But remember Bobby, mostly the men pay for the club dues and the woman go also. Don’t forget that fact, because it will be important in leverage with Mr. Rydell.” he clued me in on how things were.We were right on time and you could tell Mr. Rydell and Tad did not like each other. You could tell right for the first time Rydell talked.”Ok Worth, you called the meeting so go ahead and finish, I want to get this done as quickly as possible.” Mr. Rydell said to Tad without any kindness.”Mr Rydell, this is Bob Thomas,” he said nodding in my direction, “and his wife is a member at your club. It has come to our attention that Tony Simba, your tennis instructor has been having an affair with Mr. Thomas’s wife. We want to know what you plan doing about it?” Tad finished. He waited for Rydell to begin talking, but even I knew he would pass the buck and tell Tad to fuck off in as many words.”Listen what two adult people do in the privacy of their own home on their own time is up to them. I am not their mother Worth. So quit wasting my time!” Harry Rydell told us together. “As far as you are concerned Mr. Thomas, if you can’t keep your wife happy in the bedroom, don’t come crying to me and blame me if she hangs horns on your sad ass. There are a lot of unhappy wives who go to the Ace Tennis Club. Some of them keep coming back because of the personal service my staff renders them if you know what I mean?” Harry said this as he winked at me. I would have reached out and punched him but Tad held my wrist and told me to play it cool under his breath and to follow his lead.”You see harry, you go under the assumption that this took place off the club premises and that it did not occurred in full knowledge and with approval of the owners. That would be wrong of you to assume that Harry” Tad told him as he pulled out the DVD player and put it on his desk. Tad hit play and turned the screen to Harry. It was cued where Harry drops his towel and starts to fuck my wife’s mouth. You could tell he didn’t like the look of the video tape. Tad started talking before he could give Harry a chance to think.”Harry, you in full knowledge and with complicity of your fellow employee, took advantage of a paying member of your club. Mrs. Susan Thomas, a married woman, even had her dues paid by Mr. Thomas here. He is not a happy customer right now.” Tad told the very quiet Mr. Rydell.”When this gets out all the men, that is, dues paying men, will want to know if their wives are fucking around on them with them paying the bill too. I will have to subpoena everyone in that locker room that day. I am not sure they, that is, the married ones, will not be too happy with you on that.” Tad started to tell him in almost story like sound in his voice.”I also almost forgot about a reasonable expectation of privacy for even video taping in the locker room in the first place. Harry when I get done with you, your club will not be the community beacon it once was and I also think you bank coffers will be a little lighter in the near future.” Tad added for good measure.”So what we want is for you to make us a SERIOUS offer and get right back to me. If you do this is a timely manner, it could save you much embarrassment and money.” Tad finally finished. You could see Harry Rydell thinking over his options.”Tad as always, you’re a true asshole; but I can’t argue with your logic. I will call you tomorrow with my offer. If I pay all the tapes go back to me and never see the light of day. I will fire Tony for a show of good faith. Now if that is all you legal blackmailers came for, get the fuck out!” Harry Rydell told us as Tad picked up the DVD player with a smile and turned it off.”Oh by the way tell Tito Martinez I said hello.” Tad told Harry as he left the room.”Go Fuck yourself Worth!” was all Harry could come back with. Tad was laughing all the way back to the parking lot.”That was a lot of fun, so now we wait for the offers to roll in.” Tad told me as we went to his house for a great home cooked meal. By the end of the week this is what happened.Bill Evans offered just under 2.7 million and to keep Sue on as an employee. Jeff Davis got fired after he stupidly gave Bill Evans all his video tapes and had nothing on him anymore. So Bill just fired him and there wasn’t much poor old Jeff could do.I went after the two assholes that were with my wife the night I caught her with Jeff. They were the two big clients of Jeff. Well they both didn’t want any publicity company wise or personally so they each gave me an offer of a million to go away.Harry Rydell didn’t want to offer anything and told us to take him to court. We did and he lost 3 million when we got done with him. He had so many inquiries about who was fucking who at the club he lost half his membership and had to discount anyone who was left over. I think he thought he could get away with it but the judge didn’t like video taping in private locker rooms. He didn’t like people fucking other people’s wives either.I gave Sue the house and the car like she wanted. I didn’t have to give her one cent in alimony though. I only saw her twice in court. I called her Whore both times when I said hello and it made her cry. I always wondered why cry now and not before she started all the shit in my life.For being the worst time in my life, I ended up with the most money I ever had. I was smart and invested it with Tad’s advice. It still hurt and I carried the pain around to this day.All the events of that terrible year I just detailed came back in a flash. I didn’t even notice someone talking to me until I woke up from my memory nightmare and heard the restaurant manager ask if he could be of any help. I wasn’t sure how long I was standing there not moving and recalling the past. I shook my head clear and I was back in the restaurant.”I’m sorry, I just was thinking about a problem I once had. I see the party I came to see so thanks again.” I told the manager this as he was giving me that funny look you give an elderly person who is not all there. With purpose I went right up to my wife’s table.I think the surprise hit her first. When I was last married to Susan I was over weight, had long hair and a beard. I let myself go because of a bad knee from an old baseball injury. That’s what I told myself back then but I just got comfortable with my life and my wife. Now I was short haired, lean from working out every other day, and my knee fixed due to the money I received from Jeff and Bill’s company. My suits were expensive now and I always tried to look good in public. I decided to do the talking first.”You are looking great tonight Whore. I almost forgot how nice you looked.” I said trying to get her going. I still knew how to push her buttons and I was doing it on purpose.”My name is Susan, Bobby, why don’t you use it?” She replied right back in anger.”Hey, I didn’t give you your name Whore, you know who did that. I just think it is appropriate. I told you three years ago you broke my heart and I would always use that name to address you.” I told her this as the guy beside her started to protest and get out of his seat. Sue pushed him back down and told him to not make a scene.She started to cry a little and her make-up started to run. Her date said “go powder your nose Sue and fix your pretty face. I will take care of this asshole for you.” And with that she got up looked me in the eyes and I looked right back. I must have shown all the pain I had been carrying around with me for the last three years in just one look. She started crying again even harder. I was surprised she still had any feelings towards me at all, or maybe she still felt guilty. I think it was a mixture of both.”I expect you gone when I come back” she told me with tears streaming down her face. I just noticed the very big engagement ring on her wedding finger as she wiped her eyes with her hand and went to the ladies room.”I take it your Bob Thomas, Sue’s ex-husband?” he asked me with detest in his voice.”Yes, and you must be Whore’s new wish come true.” I told him as I saw the anger rise to his face.”I am Sue’s finance Peter, and I would stop calling her that if were you.” he tried to say it bravely but I could tell he really didn’t want to cause a scene.”I did that so I could talk to you alone. I have three questions for you and I will be out of your life for good.” I told him this and it brought a questioning look on his face.”I was once in your seat and I just didn’t want someone else to suffer my fate again. I suppose Whore told you I was a shitty husband, beat her, or neglected her, or was a skirt chaser?” I asked him this and could see that is exactly what she had been telling him.”Well I am not here to defend my reputation to you. To be honest, I don’t think it would do any good. I just wanted to know first if Sara was still having her Tuesday, Thursday Avon parties at her house?” I asked him.”Sue helps Sara on Monday and Wednesday selling at her jewelry parties. Shows how much you remember.” he snapped back at me.”Ok, is she still taking tennis lessons on Saturday?” I asked quickly.”Sue plays racket ball on Sundays. Boy you have a crappy memory for being married to her for so long.” he said with triumph in his voice.”OK, last question. Have you ever looked under the bottom drawer of the dresser in your guest room?” I asked quickly again.”No! Why should I?” he countered.”Those three questions I asked you are why we are not together anymore. In my office I still have all the stuff from the divorce. Legal shit, emails from Sara and Whore, as well as hours of video tapes. I have always kept this with me for the last three years, so I thought you should have it.” I said this as I was pulling a very old and folded piece of paper from my wallet.”This is what Whore wrote to Sara when she asked about getting rid of me before I discovered that Whore was cheating on me. I didn’t know her at all after I read the email, I guess I still don’t. It is all about you though.” I said as I handed him the paper.I knew Sue very well though, and I knew she was a compulsive creature of habit. She always did the same things the same way every time. It drove me nuts sometimes. I also had a feeling that just because she got a new man she would still be doing things like she always did. He seemed hesitant about taking the piece of paper but I think curiosity got the best of him. He reached out and opened up the email. I had carried it for the last three years and every once and a while I would read it and try to improve my life so no woman would ever write that about me again. Of all the video tapes and stuff I found out about, that email letter hurt the most. I think that is why I still carried it. This is the same email I described earlier in my story.Peter slowly read the letter and put in on the table. He pulled out a pen and wrote a note on it very fast and left the restaurant to my surprise. No look back, no thank you, no nothing. He was totally stone faced. I reached down and looked at what he wrote on her old email.’Sue,I am going back to the house for a minute. Please stay here and I will call you in 15 minutes. Please wait here for me! I need to look under the guest room dresser bottom drawer for some strange reason. Be right back. Peter’ I knew he had seen the light, even if he didn’t like the look of it. Something told me I hit too close to the mark on all three questions. The email was the final straw, and I think he needed to see for himself.I left the note in front of Sue’s table setting and left. There was no way I was going to sit in that restaurant tonight with anyone. I went back to the foyer and called my client. They said they were running late anyway and wouldn’t mind rescheduling. Just before I left, I took one look back at the table.Sue had returned to the table and was looking around for Peter. She sat down, looked at her old email, and at Peter’s note written below. Her face became white as a ghost as she recognized her old email and what Peter had written her.The last time I saw my wife she was crying so hard she had the whole restaurant looking at her. I did feel sorry for her but also didn’t care anymore. That was the last time I ever saw her again. I still wonder if Peter found anything under the dresser drawer. Sue’s crying told me he might.THE END
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