White Sucks Black (Employee)

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White Sucks Black, Black Fucks White (Employee)

Straight white boss fucked and enslaved by Black employee.

If stories about dominant black men turning straight white men and their families into cocksucking sex slaves offend you, then try reading some other story. If you are looking for loving relationships between men, try the gay romance section; this story isn’t it. If you don’t like bisexuality, father-son incest, lots of facial cum or the occasional golden shower, this is not the story for you. If degrading sex and over-the-top racial stereotypes offend you, stop reading now. All characters are over 18. This is all pure fantasy, none of this is real; do not attempt this at home. And of course, in real life, always practice safe sex (or better yet, maybe just jerk off to these stories and nobody gets hurt.)

White Sucks Black, Black Fucks White (Employee)

“You may suck my cock now, Mr. Collins.”

My brain cramped up at the unexpected mix of matter-of-fact vulgarity and formality. The black employee I had hired some months ago was standing at the foot of my hotel bed, completely naked, with a monstrous cock jutting up arrogantly. How dare he speak to me, the President of the company, that way? As a retired military officer and business executive, I was certainly not used to such insolence from a subordinate.

“What the hell did you ask?” I finally stammered.

“It wasn’t a question. You’re going to suck my cock,” he said, as he confidently stepped closer.

“I’ll do no such thing. I’ll have your job for this!”

“No, you’ll give me a blow job. You’ve been ogling my black dick ever since we got here. I fact, I know you’ve wanted to suck my dick ever since you hired me.”

“How they hell could you know that?”

“So am I wrong?”

“Of course you’re wrong!”

“No, I’m right. Because the reason is – you’re white.” By this time he was standing next to the hotel nightstand, that big, black, hard cock only a few feet away. Now I was really regretting that I was naked under the covers. My wife and I always slept nude at home, and without really thinking I had stripped everything off before I got under the sheets in the hotel room bed while he was in the shower. Now, damned if my dick wasn’t hard as a rock. I tried to blame that on the porn that he had put into the DVD player, saying he needed it to relax him. Trying to be cool, I had agreed.

Because the atrocious weather had fouled up hundreds of flights, the hotel was over-booked and the two of us had to double up. Even now lightning flashed outside the window. Expecting some typical boy-girl action, I was shocked to see a middle-aged white woman, with her hands tied behind her back, being gang-banged by a bunch of black guys. It actually looked more like a gang rape, which I assumed, or it least hoped, it really wasn’t, because my dick went instantly erect as the black thugs quickly stuffed all her holes with their massive cocks. I noted the woman’s wedding ring was plainly visible, and damned if she didn’t look just like the wife of one of my senior managers. (I would later learn that the DVD was from the Bound Gangbangs series, and in fact the woman was who I thought she was.)

Marcus was already naked when he put the DVD in, and then had gone into the bathroom for some reason, leaving me alone to watch the simulated gang-rape of the poor married white woman. I wondered if her husband knew. It was when Marcus came out of the bathroom that things started to get out of control.

“What’s being white got to do with it?”

“Because all white men secretly want to suck black cock!”

“That’s bullshit.”

“It’s the truth. Every white man I’ve wanted to suck my cock has sucked my cock. 100%. Every last one of you, and you’ll be no different.

“Not a chance!”

“Really? Then why haven’t you moved?”

Because I was naked and I didn’t want him to see my hard on. Before I could react, he straddled my chest, pinning me to the bed, his dripping cock now only inches from my face, aimed right for my mouth.

“You know you want it, Mr. Collins. You know you want to suck it. I bet you thought about sucking it when you interviewed me for the job, didn’t you. Admit it!”

No! Well, wait. Actually the thought had crossed my mind. But it was more like I was reminded of the scene from Blazing Saddles where Lily von Stupf asked Sheriff Bart if it’s true that you people are gifted, and I remembered the next scene with the Schnitzengruben. And, yes, for a moment I thought about what it might be like to get down on my knees and suck him. But I had banished it almost immediately.

You were staring at my dick down in the gym earlier, weren’t you? Trying to hide the fact you were getting hard looking at it.”

I had been trying hard not to look at it, but he was flaunting it, after he came out of the shower, carrying on a conversation with me without bothering to cover up at all. I kept trying not to look, but he kept standing with his hefty dick only a few feet away from my face as I sat on a bench. It was massive soft, and I couldn’t Bodrum Escort help but wonder how big it would be hard. And yes, I couldn’t explain it, but my dick did start to get hard with that big cock staring me in the face. I tried to hide it under my towel, hoping he didn’t see me squirming. I guess he did. Now that cock was right over my face, and I could plainly see how big it got when hard.

“Take a good look, Mr. Collins. You’re going to be seeing a lot more of this dick.” And with that, he slapped my face with his hard cock. Not enough to hurt, but enough for me to know it was no accident. I thought about giving in, of taking that monster meat in my mouth. Pinned as I was, I wasn’t sure I’d have much choice. Why didn’t I resist? Why didn’t I throw him off? I was still in pretty good shape, although with Marcus’ muscular build there was little doubt he could take me. In more ways than one.

“Please, Marcus. This is getting out of hand. Get off me and we’ll just forget this.”

“Oh, no, Mr. Collins. I guarantee you’re never going to forget this,” as he ground his cock into my face.

“I’ve got a wife and kids. I’m a happily married man.”

“That just makes it even better. I’ve fucked so many happily married white men I’ve lost count. You’re all the same, begging not to be fucked. And then begging to be fucked. That’s right, Mr. Collins, you’re not only going to suck my cock, you’re going to take it up your ass too. Tonight. And, for all you know, I’ve already fucked your wife and kids.”

As I felt his cock and balls grinding over my face, I was horrified at the thought he could have fucked my wife or my daughter. Or even my three sons. Embarrassing images of my wife with a black cock in her mouth, or my children being fucked in the ass raced through my mind. My oldest son had just graduated from college and gotten married. My middle son was in his second year at college. My youngest son and his twin sister were still in high school, but had just turned 18 a couple weeks ago.

As I thought about my wife being fucked by Marcus, I realized that she was the one who first told me about the rumors going around the company. Marcus was a really good employee, highly intelligent, a real-go-getter, right out of college, and I was very pleased that I had decided to bring some diversity into my company, which was still pretty old fashioned, mostly a bunch of middle-aged white guys. But it wasn’t long, my wife had said, that word went around that he was screwing the female employees and a number of the wives of the male employees. The bombshell was when my wife told me that he was even screwing some of the husbands. I was somewhat surprised my wife didn’t seem that put off by the idea. But then, I suppose as a highly successful divorce lawyer for women clients she’s probably screwed a few husbands herself. Financially of course. My wife was a beautiful woman, with a 30-year old’s body, even in her 40’s, but I could never imagine her being unfaithful.

The hairy balls smothering my nose brought me back to the present.

“I’ve fucked lots of married white women. Their husbands all think their wives are so faithful, but all white women are sluts for black cock. Every last one of them. They all fantasize about it. Sooner or later they’ll all act on it. Like this cunt in the video. If that looks like Mrs. Carson, that’s because it is Mrs. Carson. She’s living her gang rape fantasy dream, and her husband is clueless. She’s clueless that her husband is sucking my cock regularly at work and taking it up the ass from dozens of black brothers.” Well, that answered my previous question.

Jesus, Bill Carson was as straight and macho as they come — former football star, but a real smart guy too. I wondered if his kids knew their dad sucks black cock? I wondered if he was the guy sucking cock in the restroom. I walked in one time, and I could plainly hear the sounds of sucking coming from one of the stalls. I could see that there was a white man kneeling in the stall, because his feet and legs were bare. I could tell there was someone sitting on the toilet, but they had their shoes and pants on. I don’t know why. As company president I should have done something, but I chose to treat it like a UFO sighting, and I backed out of the men’s room backwards. Then it dawned on me that it couldn’ t have been Carson sucking, because I saw him go in after I left. How many of my male employees were sucking cock? And at the office, no less.

As I felt the weight of Marcus’ pelvis pressing his hard cock down on my face, all of a sudden I felt him jerk away the blankets and sheets, exposing my naked body and my erect dick.

“See, what’d I tell you. Black dick makes white boys hard.”

I guess it was true. Between the black cocks banging Mrs. Carson on the TV and the one grinding on my face, my dick was as hard as it had ever been. I was overcome by shame at the thought. Shame that I wasn’t man enough to resist. God, what would my family think, knowing what I now knew, that I was about to suck cock. Big black cock. My dad would Bodrum Escort Bayan die of shame if he knew his only son was a cocksucker.

As Marcus shifted back to slapping my face with his cock, I was able to blurt out submissively, “Let’s get this over with.”

“Oh, white boy,” Marcus said, the “boy” dripping with derision. “This will never be over for you. I’m going to make you a cocksucker for the rest of your life. We’ll see who the slave is now. In fact I plan to enslave you and your entire family. After I’ve fucked all of you of course.”

Enslave my whole family? What the hell did he mean by that? At least it sounded like he hadn’t fucked my wife and kids yet, but it didn’t sound like an idle threat, knowing that soon I’d have his cock in my mouth.

“I’ll let you in on a little secret. I’ve already fucked your oldest son. Remember when you came in the rest room that time? I recognized your shoes. It was your son who was sucking my cock. Too bad you didn’t stay, I had your son bent naked over the sink, fucking him in the ass when Carson walked in. I made Carson suck my dick clean after I came in your son’s ass.”

This was too much. I tried to raise my head off the pillow, but in response Marcus slid up and planted his ass right on my mouth.

“I’m sorry white boy, you were about to say something? You’re wife says you give great head, so why don’t you put that tongue to good use and lick out my asshole. Get it in nice and deep.” How could he have known my wife said that? She had in fact told me she thought I was a good pussy-eater.

I had just resigned myself to sucking cock, and now I was being smothered by a black man’s ass. I was so shocked I meekly did as ordered, despite the fact I couldn’t breathe. As my tongue penetrated his asshole I felt utterly degraded. His ass was clean but it still tasted awful.

“That’s it. Eat my black ass you white piece of shit. Get yourself a good helping of soul food.”

As Marcus ground his ass in my face, I was having a hard time coming to grips with the fact that Marcus had fucked my oldest son. Now I wondered how many times my son had been fucked. They knew each other well at Elite University. It was my son (also Mark by the way) who had recommended I hire him. Marcus had even been the best man at my son’s wedding a few months ago. God, did Jessica know her husband had been fucked by a black man?”

As if to answer my question, Marcus continued, “Keep eating. Now where was I. I was fucking your son his whole senior year at college. Well, me and a bunch of other black dudes. In fact I fucked your son on his wedding day, moments before the ceremony. While he was on the altar saying “I do,” my cum was leaking out his ass. Good thing he had dark pants on, otherwise the whole congregation would have seen the cum stain. Of course, his slut bride went black long ago. She had several loads of black cum in her pussy when she promised to “love, honor and cherish, and spend your son’s money. She’s descended from a line of sluts. I even fucked her mother at the reception, right under her husband’s nose. On your son’s wedding night, I made him suck my cock clean after I fucked the beautiful bride and then made him eat my cum out of his new wife’s cunt, while my brother fucked him in the ass.”

Marcus was going on and on, but what I really needed to do was breathe. I was being suffocated by black ass. The taste and smell made me want to retch.

“Oh, and your middle son? I fucked him his first day at university, and now he’s a gang-bang fuckmeat slave for every black guy on campus, when they’re not whoring out his ass to rich white guys for a lot of money.”

Both my oldest sons were cocksucking slaves to black men, and I had no idea? I was devastated.

“The only reason I haven’t fucked your youngest son is that he just turned 18. But my posse and I have a real birthday gang bang party in store for him. You’ll be a guest of honor.

Finally Marcus relented and lifted his ass off my face. “How was it, white boy? I see your dick is still hard, so it couldn’t have been too bad eating my shitter.”

In fact, Marcus got entirely off me, leaving my lying there naked and defeated, my erect dick pointing skyward. “Pretty big for a white guy,” Marcus said about my 7-inch dick. I’d always been pretty proud of it, and my wife always seemed pretty satisfied by it. Now I was just ashamed as it betrayed me. Plus it was no match for Marcus’ even bigger dick.

“Get up,” Marcus ordered. I did so. He pointed to a spot in front of the full-length mirror. “Kneel,” he commanded. I did so. How could I go so fast from dominant company president to kneeling naked for a junior black employee? I could see myself in the mirror, on my knees, dick still pointing skyward. Marcus stepped behind me and before I knew it he grabbed my wrists and pinned them at my back and zip-tied them together.

“Why?” I asked, making no move to get up.

“Because you’ll enjoy it more.”

I didn’t get it.

“Look, lots of white men are overcome by guilt by their desire to Escort Bodrum suck black cock, so they compensate by fantasizing that they are being forced to suck. You’d be amazed at how many white guys fantasize about being raped by black men. When you joke about some guy being raped in prison by “Bubba,” in your imagination, Bubba is always big and black and the guy being raped is white. Am I right?”

I had to admit to myself he was right. Although I often imagined the white guy being raped was me.

“Married white men, like you, for some reason, especially fantasize about being raped by blacks. They want to be forced to suck several black cocks at the same time. They want to be gang-raped by powerful black men, maybe even in front of their wife and kids. You’d be amazed how many straight married white men have that fantasy. Maybe a gang of black thugs breaks into your house and threaten to rape your wife and children, and in order to “protect” your family you agree to let them gang-bang you, fucking your mouth and ass, and covering your face in cum, while your family watches. I bet you’ve had that fantasy too. Right?”

In my deepest, darkest perverted mind, I had to admit I had. But there was no way I would admit that to anyone else. Hell, it even conjured up memories of when I was a senior in high school and I’d go out into the woods, strip completely naked, and imagine I’d been captured by African natives. Too many Tarzan movies I guess.

“OK, are you ready to suck cock?” He said, standing in front of me, his massive dick pointed right at my face. And then I notice his camera in his hand pointed at my face, presumably in camera or video mode.

I looked down at the floor and meekly mumbled, “yes.”

Marcus then walked over to the sliding glass door to the balcony, pulling the drapes back and pulling the door wide open. Shit, there were plenty of hotel rooms that had a clear view of where I was kneeling naked. I could only hope that the sound of the wind and occasional thunder would drown out any noise that might draw undue attention from other curious hotel guests, some of which could well be people from my own company.

“Let’s try this again, white boy. Look up at me and say, ‘please let me suck your black cock, sir!’ loud enough for the people in the next room to hear. Damn. With the door open it would be practically impossible for someone not to hear.

I hesitated a moment, knowing this was being preserved on camera, and then said, “Please let me suck your black cock, sir.”

“Louder! Like you want everyone in the whole hotel to know you’re about to suck a black man’s cock and you’re proud of it.

“Please let me suck your black cock sir!”


“Please let me suck your black cock, aaargheg!!” as he unceremoniously shoved his cock in my mouth. Then he held it there.

“Look up, cocksucker!”

I looked up right at the camera with his cock in my mouth. Flash!

“Now look at your self in the mirror. Look right at my cock in your mouth.” Flash! “I want you to remember this moment forever. Your kids and your grandkids and your great-grandkids will someday see this and know you are a cocksucker.”

Marcus began to thrust his cock in and out of my mouth, which I could plainly see in the mirror, while he continued to talk trash. Seeing myself on my knees, naked, with his huge black cock stuffed in my mouth made my dick want to explode without even being touched. I couldn’t explain why it was so hot watching myself suck a black man’s cock. A black man half my age. I black man who had already fucked two of my sons. Or so he said. For some reason I just assumed it to be true.

“Your wife is now married to a cocksucker, and you’ll be a cocksucker for the rest of your life. Even if you never suck another one, you’re a cocksucker for life. But don’t worry, you’ll be sucking a lot of black dicks from here on out, and not just mine.”

God, the thought of my loving wife filled me with yet more shame. I’d never been unfaithful to her, yet here in a matter of only a few minutes I had succumbed to the power of black cock. Yes my wife’s husband is a cocksucker.

“Your kids will definitely be proud of you. See, dear old dad sucks cock too. We used to respect him. Now he’s just another white cocksucker. Our dad’s a fuckmeat slave for black men, just like us. That’s what they’ll say.”

My kids would be right I thought. Dad’s just another cocksucker. Maybe they’d demand I suck their cocks too. Christ where did that come from? Another deep dark secret fantasy slips out. I could suck one son while the other fucks my ass. The cock pounding in and out of my mouth was causing all sorts of bizarre and taboo thoughts. I was even reminded of the thoughts I had when I was younger and some men’s rooms had trough urinals, and I would image laying naked in the trough while men pissed on me.

“I bet you want me to cum on your face, don’t you white boy? Straight guys are obsessed with facial cum. Gay guys don’t care so much where the cum goes, but straight guys have either shot their loads on their girlfriend’s or wife’s face, or wanted to, just like in porn movies, and they wonder what it would be like to take a load of cum in their own face. You’d be surprised how many guys, white guys that is, have masturbated so they cum on their own face. Definitely a white thing though.”

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