Wife Changes Husband

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Wife Changes HusbandChrisMy name is Chris Wood and I would like to start my story bysaying that I am married to the most wonderful girl in the world,and that just having her as my wife and knowing that she loves memore than makes up for anything that she has done to me. Janiceand I met at a party and although she was a great deal older thanI, (she was thirty-five and I was twenty-one) we were both veryattracted to each other. She was working with a psychiatrist namedDr. Laura Shullman who was also an expert in hypnoses. Janice wasgoing to school, and was about to get her doctorate in psychiatry,and become a full partner in Dr. Shullman’s practice. I had justreceived a four-year degree in computer science, and was workingfor a small consulting firm that installed computer systems forcompanies who were too small to hire their own computer staff. Westarted dating each other immediately, and shortly after that fellin love. Six months later we were married.I don’t know for sure when it started, but the first time thatI remember her trying to feminize me was about four months after wewere married. We were both sitting in the living room watching tv.Janice was doing her nails, when she looked over at me with asmile. “How would you like to have some fun?” “Sure.”, I replied,”What did you have in mind?” Janice picked up her emery board andnail polish and slid over next to me on the couch. She startedtook my hand and started filing my nails. “What in the world areyou doing?” “I’m doing your nails.” I had not trimmed themrecently so Janice was able to file them so that they were allslightly pointed and all the same length. When she was done filingmy fingernails she picked up her bottle of nail polish and shookit. “Oh no, not nail polish.” “Yes nail polish. I’m going tomake your hands look pretty.” Looking back on this incident maybeI should have stopped her right there, but I didn’t. Janice putnail polish on all ten of my fingernails. When she was done eachof my nails was bright red and very shiny. Janice seemed veryturned on by what she had done on and started coming to me veryaggressively. Eventually I undid my pants and she startedmasturbating me. All during the time she kept telling how prettymy hands were, and how maybe I should think about wearing nailpolish more often. After I had reached orgasm, I started tomasturbate her. She grew very excited, very quickly, and justprior to her reaching orgasm she said, “Common, shove that prettyred fingernail deeper inside. Faster little girl, faster!”Putting nail polish on soon grew into more elaborate forms offeminization, and soon she was doing something to me every time wehad sex.CHAPTER 2JaniceChris is the dearest, kindest man I have ever met. Andalthough it is true that I think he looks prettier as girl than hedoes, hansom as a man, my efforts to feminize him have not gonetotally unencouraged by him. To listen to him you would think thatI was an over baring woman who didn’t care for anyone’s feelingsbut her own.When I met Chris, I was just coming off of a relationship witha man who was very dominating and self centered. And Chris, who isjust the opposite, was very good for me. Whenever we go anywhereor do anything, Chris always makes sure that it is something thatI want to do. He is always surprising me with flowers or littlepresents or just something special that he has done for me. Theonly area in which Chris has ever lacked is sex.Let me start by saying that I love Chris very much. And thatjust having him as a husband and friend would be enough evenwithout sex, but from the first time that we tried to haveintercourse, Chris had a hard time reaching orgasm. After thatmost of the time Chris would not even reach orgasm at all. Eachtime we tried Chris would become very depressed afterwards. I havetried to comfort him many times by telling him that it was ok andnot all that important to me, but it never seemed to help.I would like to describe an incident that until later made mesuspicious of nothing. It was before we were married. Chris andI were coming home from a date. We were sitting at a bus stopwaiting for a bus. As we were sitting there, I took out my compactand proceeded to powder my nose. I looked over at Chris and he waslooking at me very intently. Just as a joke, I loaded up themakeup brush with powder and said, “What’s the matter, you wantsome too.” I brushed his nose and then spread the powder out ontoeach of his cheeks. I had just intended to lighten up the mood butChris acted very strangely. He sat their kind of stunned forseveral seconds and then gave a deep sigh, as if something weremaking him nervous and excited. All during the ride on the busChris kept touching his nose. Finally I asked him if something waswrong. “No, no, nothing’s wrong.”, Chris replied as if startled bythe question. After that he made more of an effort to act normallybut I could tell that something was going inside that mind of his.Like I said that incident on its own did not make me suspicious.Another time, shortly after we were married, I had justarrived home from shopping. It was raining very hard. I had thishot pink, plastic rain slicker with a hood that I wore whenever itrained. (Now that I think of it, I have noticed Chris looking atit longingly on a few occasions that I had worn it before.) I hadjust laid it down on the couch, when Chris said that he was goingout to the mailbox to get the mail. “Chris, you can’t go out inthis rain, you’ll get soaked.” “I’ll be fine.”, He replied. Ipicked up my rain slicker and held it out for him to put on.”Here, at least wear this.” Chris looked very surprised, almostscared, then turned around and put his hands into the sleeves ofthe raincoat. I slid the coat up over his shoulders, turned himaround, zipped up the front and pulled the hood up over his head.”There you go. Now you’ll not only stay dry, you’ll look cute asa button.”, I said jokingly. I went into the kitchen to makemyself some lunch. I must have taken at least five minutes andwhen I came back to the front room, Chris was sitting on the couch,still wearing my raincoat. He was looking very intently at it,rubbing his hands up and down the sleeves. “Gee, if I knew youliked it so much, I’d have bought one for you.”At this point I began to grow suspicious about Chris’sdesires, so I decided to conduct an experiment. The next night wehad sex. I had just finished masturbating Chris. Just to satisfymy curiosity, I picked up my panties. Chris had not noticed whatI had done and when I looked at his penis it was not erect at all.I took the panties and dangled them over his naked body. “Do youlike my panties?”, I asked in as sexy a voice as I could. Ilowered the panties down so that they just touched his penis. ThenI slowly dragged them up his body until they were over his face.Then I brought them back down until they touched his penis. Bythis time he was starting to get hard. “Oh, I guess you do!”, Isaid with delight. “I do not!”, he said with some irritation inhis voice. “You do too. Look at how excited you’re getting.” Icontinued to slide the panties up and down his body, just lettingthe crotch brush up against him. I started to laugh as Chris gotmore and more excited. “Chris likes my panties… Chris likes mypanties…”, I said in a sing songy voice, taunting him in jest.The more I teased Chris with my panties, the more excited hegot, so I decided to try and find out just how far I could take it.”I bet you would like to wear them wouldn’t you?” “Oh Janice,please.”, Chris said with desperation in his voice, as if there wassomething about him that he didn’t want me to know. Something thatI was getting dangerously close to. I couldn’t stop at this point,I had to know more. “Come on Chris, tell me. Would you like towear my panties? You acted very strangely yesterday when you werewearing my raincoat. Now something’s going on here and I want youto tell me, do you like wearing women’s clothes?” “I don’t know.””What do mean you don’t know?” “Well there was a time, but Ireally not sure if I liked it or not.” “What time?” “Well acouple of girls—. No, it’s embarrassing.” “Tell me about it.””Please Janice.”, He pleaded. “No, I want to know.” “No.”, Hesaid growing very uncomfortable. I reached down and grabbed histesticles and started to squeeze. “Ow. That hurts!” “It’s goingto hurt a lot more, now tell me.” I squeezed a little harder.”Ok, ok! I’ll tell you!” I loosened my grip a little, but stillkept my hand there, keeping Chris in a vulnerable position. “Goahead, I’m waiting.””Well, you know I grew up with just my mother and oldersister, Jennine.” “Yes, go on.” “Well, when I was about ten, mymother had lost her job and money was very tight.” Chris seemed tohesitate at this point and again I had to ask him to continue.”Well, all of my underpants were bought at the same time and allstarting to get holes in them and the elastic waistbands werewearing out. My mother told me that she couldn’t afford to buy menew ones, but that I couldn’t continue to wear them. When I askedher what she wanted me to do she told me that I would have to sharemy sister’s panties until she could afford to buy me newunderpants. I protested and told her that I would be willing wearmy old underpants or go without wearing any underwear. She told methat I couldn’t do that and I had to wear panties until she boughtme new underwear.Jennine thought that this was very funny and with greatfanfare, brought me a clean pair of panties every morning. I didnot know it but Jennine had told her friends and about a week latera group of older girls came up behind me as I was walking home fromschool. “Hay, I hear you wear girls’ panties.”, One of the girlssaid.I did not reply although I was very scared. I started to walkfaster, but the girls picked up their pace to keep up with me. “Doyou wear panties?”, she asked me. Still I did not reply. Then oneof the other girls said, “Maybe we should make him show us.” Allof the girls started to laugh, and a couple of agreed that theyshould make me show what I was wearing under my pants. Finally Icould hear one of the girls running toward me.I started to run as fast as I could, but the one that waschasing me was much bigger and faster than I was and she soongrabbed me by the collar and forced me to stop. All of the girlsformed a circle around me and the one who stopped me, (She seemedto be the leader.) insisted that I undo my pants and show them whatI was wearing underneath. I refused and started to cry, but theystill insisted. Finally the leader said that if I didn’t showthem, that they would drag me into the woods and find out forthemselves. I told them to let me go, but they refused and draggedme into the woods.When we were out of sight of the road one of the girls grabbedme around the ankles and pushed me to the ground with her shoulder.Then four girls held me there, one on each arm and leg. Then theleader said, “Well, lets see if those rumors are true.” She bentdown and undid my pants. I started to scream and struggled for allI was worth, but the four girls held me there with no trouble atall.When my pants were undone she grabbed the cuffs of both ofthe pant-legs, had the two girls let go of my feet, and she pulledmy pants off. That morning Jennine had given me the laciest pairof panties she owned. They were bright pink with ruffles aroundthe waist, legs, and across the back. I had protested when shegave them to me, but she said that it was the only clean pair thatshe had.So there I was, in front of all those girls, naked from thewaist down, except for a pair of pink, lacy panties. One of thegirls said that I looked so cute wearing the panties, that theyshould remove that ugly boys’ shirt that I was wearing because itwas spoiling the look. That was all that one of the girls neededto hear. She bent down and tore my shirt open, popping everybutton. After that it was as if they all went crazy. They startedtaring and pulling at my shirt, taring it to shreds. “Put somelipstick on him.”, the leader said.One of the girls reached into her pocketbook, took out herlipstick, and applied it to my lips. Another girl took out abottle of perfume and almost emptied the whole thing on me. Afterthat they let me up. The leader asked me if I wanted my pantsback. When I reached out to take them she pulled them away andtold me to show them how I could walk like a girl. They tauntedand teased me for about ten minutes. After that I guess they justgot bored.The leader threw my pants at me and they all ran away.” I wasable to go through the woods to get home, crossing roads only whenabsolutely necessary. When I got home I was able to sneak in theback door and upstairs to the bathroom where I washed off thelipstick and took a shower to wash off the smell of the perfume asbest I could. I hide the shirt in a bag of rags in the garage.My mother had me wearing panties for quite a while afterthat.” “How long?” “I don’t remember exactly but it was a lotlonger than necessary.” “How do you know that?” “Because she hadfound a job and had bought Jennine several new outfits before shefinally bought me any new underwear,”I don’t know if Chris had intended to tell me all of what hehad. Before he had started his story he had admitted that hewasn’t sure weather he liked it or not. Then, once he started totalk, it was as if a dam had burst he told me the whole story ingreat detail as if subconsciously had wanted to tell someone aboutit for a very long time. As he was talking his penis grew varyhard and remained that way.I started to realize what made my husband tick sexually. “Andyou’re not sure weather or not you liked what those girls did toyou?” “What do you mean? They forced me, how could I like it?””Just a few minutes ago, before to told me the story, you said thatyou weren’t sure you liked it.” “Oh. Well I don’t think I likedit.””Are you sure? What if I made you wear my panties, would youlike that?” “Oh, Janice!” Chris began to grow very excited.”Maybe I’ll make you wear my panties, then I’ll put lipstick andperfume on you, just like those girls did!” Chris’s penis was hardas a rock, and I started to masturbate him. “But I won’t stopthere, I’ll make you wear a bra, shave your legs and put stockingson you. Then I’ll make you wear a dress and high heels. I’ll putribbons in your hair and make you wear earrings. I’ll make you bea girl. How would like that?” “Oh, Janice, Janice!”. “Yes, Ithink I’ll turn you into a little sissy-girl.”At this point Chris was out of his mind. His mid-section wasbouncing up and down on the bed as I was masturbating him. Finallyhe shot his load and lay there totally exhausted.It took Chris quite a while to finally regain his composure,but when he finally did, he masturbated me with more enthusiasmthan he ever had before. When we had completed sex I lay there inbed totally satisfied. Not only had we both enjoyed a sexualexperience together more than we ever had before, but I had alsofound the key to turning him on.A few nights later I was doing my nails. I was in a playfulmood (I get that way with Chris sometimes), and just for fun Idecided to do Chris’s nails. It was at this point that I realizedthat I enjoyed making Chris more girlish. The first night with thepanties, I did have fun but I thought that it was just because Ihad found something that turned him on. Now, I would never want todo something to Chris strictly for my own pleasure if he didn’tlike it too, but as I was filing and polishing his nails I noticedhow feminine they looked. As I thought about, a strange tingleran through me, and I was really getting turned on by doing it tohim.I have done Chris’s nails several times since and I could tellhe really liked it too. each time I did it I would leave his nailsa little longer. At first I just thought that he would keep themtrimmed as normal but to my surprise he stopped cutting themaltogether and just let me care for them. I didn’t keep them verylong but they were longer then most men have them.CHAPTER 3ChrisThings were going fine sexually, but as time went on Janicebegan to grow more and more demanding as far as feminizing me. Onenight, a few weeks after she put the nail polish on me, we werehaving sex. She was telling how she was going to make me wear herpanties the next day. This was not unusual, but when she told methings during sex, usually it was just a fantasy, especially if itwas something daring like making me wear her things out in public.The next morning as was getting dressed for work, she cameinto the bedroom with a mischievous grin on her face. She washolding something behind her back. “I have a surprise for you.”,she said slyly. “What is it?”, I asked. She brought her handaround from behind her back. She had a pair of yellow panties inher hand. “These are the panties that I wore yesterday.” “Andwhat do you expect me to do with them?” “What do you mean? I toldyou last night that I was going to make you wear my panties today.””How am I going to do that? I have to go to work.” “It’s easy youjust hold them out in front of you and step into them one leg at atime. Here, let me help you.” She got down on one knee and heldthem out. I don’t know why, maybe I should have argued, but I justblindly stepped into them and she pulled them up into place.”There you go, you look sweet. Now put your pants on.”That day I went to work wearing my wife’s panties. All day Iwas very embarrassed and scared. Several times during the day Iremembered back to the time when my mother made me wear panties toschool and I had a strange feeling that it would not be the lasttime I was made to wear Janice’s panties to work, and I was gladwhen I finally got home that night.Things went on fine for about a week. Janice had not made wewear her panties, and I was beginning to think that all of myworrying that day was for nothing. But one night, a week later shepainted my toenails with nail polish and during sex she told methat she was going to make me leave it on. I didn’t think shewould really do it because she said she would do a lot of thingssince she made me wear the panties, but hadn’t made me do them.After sex I went into the bathroom to take the nail polish offand she followed me in. “What are you doing?” “Taking the polishoff.”, I replied. “I thought I told yo to leave it on?” “Yes,but—” “No but’s, I want you to leave it on. Now come to bed.”She did not let me take if off the next morning either, as a matterof fact a week later when it started to chip, rather than let metake if off, she took it off herself and reapplied new nail polish.Three days after she had painted my toenails the first time, shehad me wear her panties again. Then two days later she did thesame thing again. Initially, during sex, when Janice would talkabout feminizing me, it was just a fantasy and she would veryrarely actually make me do it but as time went on, more and more Irealized that she didn’t want this to be just a pretend game, shereally would make me do these things, and before long I was wearingher panties more than I was wearing my own underpants.During this time I had been trying to get some free lance workinstalling computers in an attempt to get my own business going andit was about this time that I landed a very large job with a beautysalon. This was the break that I was looking for. It was a verylarge CAD (Computer Aided Design) System. It would allow them totake a picture of a customer, scan it into the computer, bring upthe picture on the screen, and show them what they would look likewith a particular hair style or a certain type of makeup.The system would also contain inventory, payroll, and bookingsystems. There would be seven terminals throughout the salon, withthe main computer in the office. The entire system was worthseveral hundred thousand dollars and would take about six months toinstall. At this point I quit my job with the company I wasworking and started working full time for myself. Before long, theowner of the salon (her name was Colleen Summers) became veryimpressed with the job that I was doing and promised that she wouldrecommend me to anyone whenever she got the chance.One night about four weeks after I had started a the salon,Janice and I were having sex. She had me dressed a pink panty andcamisole set that she had worn that day. She told me that it wastime that I graduated from just panties and tomorrow she was goingto make me wear the camisole too. “But Janice,” I said “What ifthe girls at the salon see it through my shirt?” “Well, then Iguess they’ll just find out what a sweetie you really are.” Sureenough the next morning she made good on her promise and made surethat I was wearing the panties and camisole before I got dressed.As time went on, not only was she making me actually do thethings that use to be just fantasy for her, but when I protestedshe would become upset with me. The worst time was one when shehad bought this red plastic undergarment and wanted me to wear it.When I told her that I didn’t want to she became furious anddecided to punish me for my unwillingness. This triggered thelowest point in our relationship to date.CHAPTER 4JaniceI must start out by saying that I admit to being very unfairand out of line the first night I made Chris wear The red vinylleotard, but I will talk more about that later. Chris has left outa lot of details that I will try to fill in. When He first told meabout what the girls had done to him when he was younger I foundout that I could sexually stimulate him by telling him I was goingto dress him up like a girl and it didn’t take long before Irealized that I got excited with these little fantasies too. Butas time went on I noticed that Chris (and me too) did not become asexcited with them as he did at first.Being the tease that I am, Every now and then, after sex, Iwould make him stay dressed as he was. After a while I noticedthat if I actually made Chris do the things that I told him I wasgoing to make him do, the next time we had sex he would get a lotmore excited when I talked about feminizing him. It didn’t take melong to figure out that if Chris really didn’t believe that I wasgoing carry out the little fantasies I described during sex hewouldn’t react as well.As time went on I also discovered something else. If hethought I was going to make him wear some item of womens’ apparelout in public, especially if he thought it was something peoplemight notice him wearing, he got a lot more turned on. I rememberonce, I had been making wear my panties for about a week and I hadjust started making him wear nail polish on his toenails. At thatpoint Chris would have believed that I would actually carry outjust about any fantasy. I told him that I was going to put blushon his face the next morning and make go to work that way. Chrisgo so turned on that I almost thought he was going to explode. Ididn’t really make him do it, (although I probably should have) Idid decide at that point that if our sex life was going to beexciting that I would have to make him do everything that I toldhim I was going to make him do. This was going to be hard, becauseoften in the passion of the moment, I got carried away.This turned out to be a problem sooner than I thought. Twonights later, during sex, without thinking, I told him that it wastime that he graduated from wearing just panties and that I wasgoing to make him wear my panty and camisole set to work the nextday. I had been making Chris wear my panties and nail polish onhis toenails, and he had no reason not to believe that I would makehim wear the camisole too.Chris started to protest, saying that people notice it throughhis shirt. I told him that I didn’t care and that he was going towear it anyway. As I said this I could feel his penis growing inmy hand and I have to admit that I became excited, think about therisky situation that I would put him in if I did make him do it.Then I remembered the promise that I had made to myself. Would Ireally make him do this?He usually wore light colored business shirts to work, and thepossibility of the camisole showing through was real. Then Ithought about the times that I had not made him do things and howunresponsive he became during sex to my little stories. Afterthinking about it I decided that I was going to really do it. Ithought to myself, “My husband, wearing a womens’ camisole. Wouldthe women at the salon notice it through his shirt?” As I askedmyself this question I could feel myself growing more and moreexcited and at that point I determined that he was going to wearthe extra item of womens’ clothing.The next morning Chris protested again about wearing thecamisole. I grew annoyed with him and he immediately reciprocatedand put it on. He put on the darkest shirt he had which was amedium blue and unless you were really looking for it you could nottell he was wearing it.At this point I was making Chris wear my panties about half ofthe time. When I made him wear my panties I usually made him wearmy camisole too. Chris would complain when I made him wear mycamisoles and each time he did I grew a little more upset with himand as my announce with grew, his protests became a little weaker.It wasn’t long before he stopped complaining altogether. Ithink after a while he became more comfortable about wearing mycamisoles because one night when I told him that he was going towear my panties the next day he actually asked me if he was goingto have to wear my camisole too. I really wasn’t planning to makehim wear it, but since he asked, I figured, “Why not?” and made himwear that too. If we both didn’t enjoy this little game so much weprobably would have realized how much risk of getting caught I wasactually putting him in, but as time went on we both became morebrave.A few weeks later we were having sex and I told Chris I wasgoing to make him wear my panties and camisole. I didn’t thinkabout it, but that day I had worn my black panty and camisole set.It didn’t seem to phase Chris much. He put them on withouthesitation. Whether or not he realized what he was doing, or if itwas just coincidence, I don’t know, but he wore a white shirt madeof a very thin material. When he came down for breakfast I couldplainly see the camisole through his shirt even in the dim light ofmorning. I probably should have said something to him but thethought of making him do something that risky was exciting to me.As a matter of fact I almost wished that he noticed how boldly thecamisole showed through his so he would protest and I could makehim wear it anyway. Sure enough Miss Summers, at the beauty salon,noticed it, but I’ll let Chris tell you about that.CHAPTER 5ChrisThat morning I went to work. I was at the point in theinstallation of the computer system where the terminals had beenset up throughout the salon and I was spending most of my timehooking them into the main computer in the office. At about 11:30Colleen came in and asked me if I wanted anything for lunch. Oneof the girls was going out to a sandwich shop. “No Thanks.”, Ireplied, “I brought a sandwich from home.” “Oh good, so did I.Lets break early and have lunch in here. I’d like to talk to youabout a couple of things.” “Why, are you unhappy or upset with meabout something?” “No, on the contrary, as a matter of fact one ofthe things I want to talk to you about is someone else that isinterested in having you do some work for them. The other, I justwant you to satisfy my curiosity a little. Let me get my lunch andI’ll be right back.”Colleen left the room and returned a few seconds with herlunch. I was sitting a the desk where I had been working and whenColleen came in She sat on the couch. “Do you remember a whileback when I told you that I would recommend your talents to anyone,if the subject came up?” I nodded my head. “Well, one of myproduct suppliers wants to know if you can do some computerprogramming for her. She owns the company that makes the shampooline that I use here in the shop. The company is located inCalifornia but I told her you might be able to do it through one ofthose modem things.” Colleen handed me a piece of paper with thegirl’s name and address. “I told her I would ask you to give hera call tonight to discuss it.” “Gee, thanks a lot Colleen, Ireally appreciate it.What else did you want to talk to me about?”. “Come over andsit with me.” She sounded a little nervous as she patted thecouch, indicating that she wanted me to sit next to her.” “What isit?”, I asked as I sat down with her. “I want to start off bysaying that there is nothing wrong, and all of us here at the salonlike you a lot.” By the way she was talking I could tell that whatshe was about to say was making her uncomfortable. “Well, this isa little difficult.”, Colleen said stammering. I just sat therewaiting for her to tell me what was on her mind. Finally she spokeup nervously. “You can tell me this is none of my business andI’ll shut up, but why are you wearing womens’ underwear?”There was silence for a few minutes. “Oh,” I said sheepishly,”It was a just a silly game my wife was playing. We got a littlecarried away this morning and she had me wear her underwear.””Again I know this is none of my business but this is not the firstday, the girls and I have noticed on a number of occasions that youwere wearing a teddy or camisole, and Kathy, the manicurist,noticed that you’ve been keeping your nails fairly long and filedto a uniform length for quite some time now.” “Oh.”, I saidhanging my head. “Chris, don’t be uncomfortable. Really we don’tmind. Like I said the girls and I were just curious.””Well, to tell you the truth it’s something my wife does to meon a regular basis. She enjoys it and I didn’t see any harm in it.So I just let her do it, but if other people are noticing maybe Ibetter have her stop.” “Well, what you and your wife do is yourown business and you don’t have to stop on our account. As amatter of fact, Sally, one of the hairdressers, said that shethought you’d make a cute girl. I just promised the other girlsthat I’d ask you about it. Now I can tell that you’re allembarrassed. Really, I wouldn’t care if you came in, in a dressand heels as long as you kept up the good work on the computersystem.” “Thanks Colleen.”The tension in the air was so thick that you could cut it witha knife. She didn’t want to embarrass me further or make me feelany more uncomfortable than I was already feeling so she picked upher lunch, got up and left the room and did not mention it again.I was very embarrassed but I was glad that she had taken theattitude that she did and as the day wore on I grew lessuncomfortable about the situation.That night when I got home I took the paper out of my pocketthat Colleen had given me. “Crystle Arden, Arden Beauty Supply,San Francisco California.” I called the number at the bottom. Ihad a long conversation with Ms. Arden and as it turned out thewoman was looking for a very customized program that would keeptrack of an inventory of ingredients used in her line of hair careproducts, based on the sales of the finished product. That way shecould not only keep track of how much product she had on hand, butbased on current sales rate she could determine when she wasrunning low on the ingredients necessary to manufacture it. I toldher that I would be able to do the job. I would start working onit and send her a rough shell of the program via modem for herapproval in about a week. After I had made any changes that shewanted we would see if we could come to an agreement on price.CHAPTER 6JaniceAll during the day I had feelings ranging from fear thatsomebody would confront Chris and give him a bad time toexhilaration that I had made him go out wearing female attire thatwas obvious to anyone that looked at him. After Chris got off thephone he told me that Miss Summers had noticed the camisole throughhis shirt. “What did you tell her?”, I asked. “I told her that itwas you’re idea.” “And what did she say to that?” “Just that itwas between you and me. Oh she also said that she and the othergirls had noticed that I had worn them before and even themanicurist had noticed that my fingernails were manicured.” I wassurprised how calm Chris was taking the whole thing. As a matterof fact he almost seemed proud as he spoke, like he had conquereda fear. As he was talking, the concerns that I had for him duringthe day, melted away and were being replaced by thoughts of sendinghim out wearing other articles of female attire. maybe even ablouse or girls slacks or maybe even a pair of girls shoes. Mydesire to make him go even further was growing inside me.Whenever I became upset with Chris for not wanting to dosomething he immediately crumbled and gave into my wishes. Overtime, I began to enjoy having him circum to my wishes. This reallycame to a head at one point. I was shopping in a local leatherstore, looking for a new skirt. As I went through the racks ofskirts, looking for something that interested me I happened toglance over to the back wall. This was where they put their moreexotic fashions. Just to satisfy my curiosity I decided to checkthem out. As I was going though them I came across a red vinylleotard. It had long sleeves and a high neckline and was made tobe very form fitting. There was only one of them and oddly enoughit was Chris’s size. As I held the garment in my hand I couldpicture in my mind exactly what Chris would look like wearing astuffed bra and the leotard. I had never bought any womens’clothes for Chris before and at first I had no intention of doingso. I stood there for quite some time thinking of how Chris wouldlook wearing it and I began to grow excited. I thought to myself,”Should I actually buy this for him?” Finally I just took theleotard to the front of the store and paid for it.On the way home I realized that I had forgotten all aboutgetting a skirt for myself. When I got home I began planning howI was going to spring this on Chris. I knew him quite well and Iknew that my buying him an article of womens’ clothes would makehim very uncomfortable. As I thought about it some more, I figuredthat if he gave me any resistance, I would just make him do it.”Maybe if he does give me a bad time, I’ll punish him for hisarrogance.”, I thought to myself.As this thought went through my mind I became very turned on.”Maybe I’ll even humiliate him.” I thought about dressing him upin the leotard, putting lipstick and makeup on his face. “MaybeI’ll even put some perfume on him. Finally I’ll put my red highheels on him, and invite some of my girlfriends over to show themwhat I do to my husband when he disobeys me.” Although I knew thatI would never do this to Chris, as I played this fantasy out in myhead I took some strange sadistic pleasure at the thought ofcarrying it out.Chris arrived home at about six P.M. “Come on upstairs Honey,There is something I want you to do.”, I told him. “What is it?””You’ll find out.” I led him upstairs to the bathroom and told himto remove his clothes. As he was doing that I got out the razorand shaving cream that I used to shave my legs. “What are youdoing?”, he asked. “It’s not what I’m doing, it’s what you’redoing. you’re going to shave your legs.” “The hell I am!” “Hay,watch that mouth of your’s.” I was speaking to Chris as if he werea youngster. “Now, take my razor and shaving cream, get in theshower and shave your legs like I told you to.” “Awe come on,Janice.” Chris reluctantly took the razor and shaving cream andstepped into the shower.I waited for him in the bathroom asking him several times kaçak iddaa howhe was doing. Finally about a half hour later he said he was done.I opened the shower door and inspected him. There were stillseveral blotches of hair on his legs. “I’m glad you don’t shave mylegs they look terrible.” I took the razor and shaving cream fromhim and proceeded to complete the job he had started. When Ifinished shaving his legs I told him to raise his arms. He knewthat I was about to shave his underarms and he looked at me as ifhe were going to protest but the look on my face made him backdown. After I finished with his underarms I said, “Turn around andface me, I’ve decided I’m going to shave your chest too.When I finished shaving him I got out the leotard, an underwire bra and a pair my panties to stuff in each of the cups. “Seewhat I have for my pretty girl to wear.” “Janice, where did youget that red thing?” “That red thing is a leotard, and I bought itfor you today.” “What for?” “For you to wear, what do you think?””Why is it made of plastic?” “To make you look all the more sexy,my dear.” “Well I don’t want to wear it.” “Well you’re going to.Now get over here!”Chris walked over to me. I put his arms through the bra, slidit up into place, turned him around, and fastened it in back. Ithen took the panties and stuffed them into the bra. With thatfinished, I picked up the leotard and was about to put it on himwhen I got an idea. I went and got a spray bottle of perfume andsprayed the inside of the leotard, and then returned.The leotard was designed to be very tight and it was quite astruggle to get him into it. I tucked his penis between his legsso that it wouldn’t show after I had gotten him into it. As I wasgetting him into it Chris said, “Come on Janice, this isridiculous.” “Shut up, you’re going to wear this!” After aboutfive minutes of struggling with the garment I finally got him intoit I had him turn around so that I could zip it up in back. It wasa bit of a struggle to get it zipped up but eventually I wassuccessful. I had Chris turn around so that I could see him. Iwas flabbergasted.The leotard fit him like a second skin. There was not awrinkle in it. His artificial breasts protruded out from theleotard like they were real and the slick vinyl glistened as thelight reflected off of it. As I stood there looking at my husband,The desire to control him, to rule over him, to make him give in tomy slightest wish was overwhelming me. I grabbed him by the armand without saying a word dragged into the bedroom and sat him downat my vanity.I started by applying bright red nail polish to his finger andtoenails. Then I proceeded with his makeup. I started with aheavy pancake base. Then I put a dark brown eye shadow on hiseyelids. next I darkened his eyebrows with and eyebrow pencil,extending them out in order to make them look thinner. Finally Itook my bright red lipstick and put a very heavy coat on Chris’slips and covered that with lip gloss. “Now for giving me such abad time I’ve got something extra for you.” Chris just sat thereand did not say a word. At this point the nail polish was dry andI decided that My paten leather high heels would be a nice touch soI got them out of my closet and put them on his feet. Then Iwalked over to my bureau drawer and got out a red bathing cap. Itook bottle of perfume and sprayed the inside of the bathing cap.Now, I wasn’t going to make you wear this, but maybe it willteach you to be more cooperative in the future.” I put the bathingcap on Chris and did up the chin strap. I led Chris downstairs tothe living room and had him sit down. It was a warm night and inthe vinyl leotard and bathing cap, it didn’t take long before Chrisstarted to sweat. “How long do I have to keep this stuff on?”, heasked. “Until I say you can take it off!”, I replied indignantly.We sat there watching TV. Eventually I got up to go to thebathroom. When I came back I noticed that Chris had undone thestrap on the bathing cap and folded up the sides. “And just whatdo you think you’re doing!” “Awe common Janice, I’m hot.” “Awe,the poor little dear is hot.”I went into the bedroom and returned a few minutes with twostockings and a pair of dirty panties from the hamper. “Stand up.”Chris did as I told him “Now, put your hands behind your back.”As Chris was putting his hands behind his back, he said, “Janice,please don’t do this.” I tied his hands behind his back. Then Ipulled the bathing cap back down into place and did up the chinstrap. “You’ve been belligerent, rude, foul mouthed, anduncooperative, and I’m tired of hearing you gripe and complain.Now open your mouth.” Chris just stood there. I slapped his faceand screamed, “I said, open your mouth!” I rolled the dirtypanties into a ball and stuffed them into his mouth. “Now keepthat mouth open!” Chris held his mouth open as I had told him todo. I took the other nylon stocking, stretched it lengthwise,placed the middle across his mouth and then tied it behind his headin order to hold the panties in his mouth. “Now stand right thereand don’t move.”I went over to the hall closet, emptied it of the coats thatwere hanging there, went and got a small folding chair, placed itin the closet and had Chris sit in it. Then I took the steamhumidifier down from the shelf in the closet, filled it with water,plugged it in and placed it in the closet with Chris. “You thoughtyou were hot before now you’re going to see how hot it gets whenyou defy me!” I shut the door on Chris and left him there.As I sat to watch TV I could feel a rush of power. I hadsuccessfully controlled and humiliated my husband and he had givenin to every one of my wishes. Then as time went on guilt feelingsbegan to grow inside me. What I had done to Chris was rathercruel. From the time we first met he had never done anything tohurt me. His had always considered my feelings and happiness inanything we did. He had comforted me when I was sad. He couldhave stood up any time and opened the door to the closet if he hadreally wanted to, after all he wasn’t tied into the chair. Hecould have refused to do any of the things that I told him to do,after all he is physically stronger than am. But no, he dideverything I had asked him to, even though he didn’t want to, hewas doing it because it’s what I wanted him to do. And now, howwas I rewarding him for all his love and caring. I had dressed himlike a girl, tied him up, and put him in a closet to suffer inhumiliation. The longer I sat there The worse I felt.Chris had been in the closet about two hours when I couldstand the guilt no longer. I don’t know why, I should have toldChris how terrible I had been to him and begged him for hisforgiveness but my foolish pride would not allow it. I walked overto the closet, opened the door, had Chris stand up, turned himaround untied his hands and the gag in his mouth, turned him aroundand removed the panties from his mouth, and told him he could comeout now. I could tell had Chris had been very uncomfortable inthere. His makeup had run all over the face from sweating and helooked about as wilted as a human being could get.He just walked over to the couch and sat down. He did not saya word to me. What made me feel worse than all the physicaldiscomfort that I had put Chris through was that I could tell thatI had hurt him inside. He just sat there with the saddestexpression I had ever seen. he did not move. The TV was on and hejust sat there staring at it. This went on for what seemed like aneternity, but in actuality it was only about forty five minutes.Finally I spoke up. “You can take that stuff of if you want.”Chris got up without saying a word, Chris got up and went upstairs.He returned about thirty minutes later with all the makeup washedoff, the nail polish removed, and wearing his pajamas. We satwatching TV, without saying a word until about 11:00PM, when wewent to bed.The next morning we got ready for work. We sat there insilence eating our breakfast. He didn’t even kiss me good-bye whenhe left for work. The days wore on in painful silence and theguilt built up inside me. What had I done? Why had I done it?These two questions rang in my head, We had a very happy marriageand now it was falling apart because of a moments pleasure on mypart.After about a week of this I could stand it no longer. Wewere eating supper and I felt that if we were ever going to breakthis silence, talk about this terrible problem that I had caused,and try to get back some of the wonderful relationship that we oncehad, it was going to be me that initiated it.I was extremely nervous. What if I did get him to talk and hetold me that he didn’t love me any more. He would be completelyjustified in feeling that way, I just don’t know what I’d do if hefelt that way. My hands were sweating and I couldn’t think ofanything to say. I just didn’t have the courage to come right outand ask him to forgive me, so I decided to just try and start aconversation about anything. “I noticed you cut yourfingernails.”, I said as cheerfully as I could. “Uh huh.”, Chrissaid very quietly without looking up from his plate. I could tellthat he was still very upset and hurt from the incident of a weekearlier. I wanted to keep the conversation going, but I was justtoo afraid and I couldn’t think of anything to say. The both ofsat there and finished our dinner in silence.After supper we were in the living room reading Chris lookedover at me and said, “Didn’t you want me to cut my fingernails?”My head snapped up and I looked over at him. He had actually saidsomething to me. “What?”, I asked with my voice full ofenthusiasm. “Didn’t you want me to cut my fingernails.” I didn’tknow what to say and there was silence for several seconds.”Well, I don’t really know, I thought you cut them because youdidn’t want them long anymore.” Chris looked at me with a confusedand surprised look. “I thought you didn’t want to do that sort ofthing anymore.” “Why would you think that?” “Because I gave yousuch a bad time when you dressed me up last week. I’m sorry Janiceplease don’t be mad at me anymore. I promise that from now on I’lldo anything you want me to and I won’t complain or give you backtalk or anything. Please Janice!” Chris was crying at this point.I didn’t know what to say. Finally I spoke up. “But Chris, I wasso mean to you.” “And I’m sorry that you had to be.”, he saidcrying.I had assessed the situation all wrong, Chris thought that Iwas mad at him and that is why he had been so quiet. “Chris, I’mnot mad at you.” “Really, I’m so glad. What made you change yourmind.” “Change my mind, I was never mad at you.” Chris again hada confused look on his face. “I don’t understand, you acted so madlast week when I said I didn’t want to shave my legs or put on theLeotard. If you weren’t mad at me then why did you tie me up andput me in the closet?” “It was a stupid fantasy that I had. I wasselfish and cruel and I’m very sorry.”We hugged each other for several minutes, then Chris said,”Don’t be sorry.” Now it was me who was confused. “What do youmean, don’t be sorry. Are you saying that you didn’t mind that Idid those things did to you?” “Well, now that I know it was afantasy, It’s kind of exciting and the next time you do it to meI’ll know. I just didn’t like you being mad at me.” “Chris, areyou saying that you didn’t mind me tieing you up?” “Not if I knowyou like doing it to me.” Chris looked at me with the most lovingexpression. His face was red and his eyes were all swollen fromcrying.I thought for a minute trying to asses the situation and thenI decided to ask a more direct question. “Does that mean you wantthings to go back to the way they were before?” Chris smiled at meand batted his eyelashes. “Except for one thing.” “Oh no”, Ithought to myself, “Here it comes. He won’t let me dress me upanymore.” “What is it?”, I asked. “You have to promise me.” “Howcan I promise, if I don’t know what it is?” “You just have topromise.” I hesitated for a second. “Ok. I guess after what Idid to you I deserve it. I promise, no matter what.” “You have toquit holding back. If I’m not mistaken you’ve always wanted todress me up more often and make me wear more things, but you’vealways held back because you thought it was farther than I wantedto go. Am I right?” “Well yes, I guess so.” “You have to promisethat from now on, if you want me to wear some new item of women’sclothes, or if you want to do something to me to make me morefeminine, that you’ll do it regardless of how you think I may feelabout it.” “Really?”I was shocked but my heart leapt for joy inside me. I hadalways had a fantasy of dominating Chris into womanhood and here hewas telling me to do it to him. “Yes really, and I want you to sayit.” “What do you mean?” “Say, I promise that if I want you towear something, or if I want you to do something, or if I want tofeminize you in some way, that I am going to do it, even if you maynot want me to.” “But what if it really is something you don’twant to do?” “Listen Janice, When you tell me that I have to dosomething that I am afraid to do, it makes me even more excited toknow that you’re forcing me to do it and I like it even more.””Chris, are you sure about this?” “Absolutely.” “Ok then, let’sdo it up right.” “What do you mean?” “Wait here.”I went and got a pad of paper. When I returned, Chris asked,”What’s that for?” “I’m going to put it down in writing and thenwe’re going to sign it. That way neither of us can back out ofit.” “Ok.”, Chris replied, smiling. I thought for a minute andthen started writing. “I Janice Wood, do solemnly swear to makeyou, Christopher Wood, wear any women’s clothes that I want you towear, anytime I want you to wear them, and make you wear them foras long as I want, as often as I want, and to make you do anything,regardless of how you may feel about it.” I handed the paper toChris. “There, how’s that?” Chris took the pad and read it. “Itsounds good to me.” “Now for you’re part.”, I said with a sly lookon my face. “My part?” “Yes, your part. I’m going to make surethat neither of us can back out.” “Ok.”, Chris said in a tone ofvoice as if to reassure me that this was what he wanted.Again, I thought for a second. “I, Christopher Woodunderstand that the above statement, duly signed by my wife Janice,is irrevocable by me, and will remain in effect permanently.” “Howdoes that sound?” Again Chris took the pad and read it. He raisedhis eyebrows and swallowed. “Ok.” “Are you sure. Because if wesign this, I intend to keep my end and I expect you to also.” “No,this sounds good just the way it is.” We both signed the contract,placed it in an envelope and put it in the top desk drawer.”And now I think it’s time for Mommy to get her little girlback again.”, I said like a mother speaking to her young c***d.Without saying a word Chris leapt forward and hugged my neck.”Yes, I think Mommy is going to have to turn you into her littlegirl again. I’ve missed her so much.” I could feel Chris’s armstighten around my neck as if to say, “Thank you, thank you!”I finally understood. This man who could single handedlydesign and program computer Systems worth hundreds of thousands ofdollars. This man who could take and emotionally hurting personsuch as myself and through his loving kindness and compassion nurseher back to health until she was psychologically a whole person whocould feel good about herself again, was inside, just a c***d whodesperately wanted and needed someone to force him to fulfill adesire that was hidden away in a remote corner of who he was.With all my psychological training I should have realized itearlier. there was a small c***d inside Chris who wanted to becontrolled, and told to do what he desperately wanted to do. Thismarked the end of the lowest point in our relationship. The bottomline was that things were back to normal except I knew Chris alittle better. We were still going to get to play our littledressing game, but I was going to have to put a little more effortinto dressing him and do it more often. Also I realized that withChris’s fragile personality I could never treat him cruelly everagain. “Lets take you upstairs and get you out of that awfulunderwear and put some nice pretty underthings on you.” I tookChris by the hand, led him up to the bedroom and dressed him in myunderwear.The next morning while Chris was getting dressed I came in andtold him to start wearing My underwear again. Chris smiled at meand got my panties and camisole. He was about to put them on whenI got and idea. I picked up my bra and walked over to him. “Iwant you to wear this too.” I handed him the bra. “Oh Honey, thatwill show through the shirt.” “Come on, everybody at the salonalready knows.” “Yeah but, this will be even more obvious.””That’s ok, they don’t mind and besides I want you to do it.”Chris did not say anything he just slipped his arms throughthe straps of the bra and pulled it up into place. I turned himaround and fastened it in the back. I smiled at him and gave hima kiss. “That’s my good girl.”, I said to him. I turned andwalked out of the room. Chris came down stairs a few minuteslater. It was fairly easy to tell that he was wearing a bra. Theextra material in that area plus the two sets of shoulder strapsthat showed through made it almost impossible not to notice.As time went on Chris started wearing my underwear more andmore and it wasn’t long before Miss summers noticed that along withthe camisole, he was also wearing a bra. She even suggested oncethat he try padding it a little. I knew then that I didn’t have toworry about sending Chris out wearing even more articles of womens’clothing, so I started making him wear my pantyhose too. At firsthe did not like wearing the them. He said that his leg hairs gotcaught in the weave and if he moved the wrong way they pulled. Onenight during sex I told him that I wanted him to wear my pantyhoseto work the next day and again he complained about how they pulledthe hair on his legs. “Ok then, I want you to start shaving yourlegs on a regular basis. That way you won’t have any hair topull.”The next morning when he got in the shower I reminded him thatI wanted him to start shaving his legs and handed him my razor andshaving cream. Reluctantly he took them. That night during supperI asked him if the pantyhose were any more comfortable. He had toadmit they were. So from then on Chris shaved his legs twice aweek so that he had no excuse not to wear the pantyhose whenever Iwanted him to.CHAPTER 7ChrisAt this point I wasn’t wearing my own underwear very often andwhenever I wore Janice’s, I wore her panties, bra, camisole, andpantyhose. Because I was keeping not only my legs shaved, but myface and sometimes even my underarms, shaving became a real hassleand I complained to Janice on a regular basis. One morning, whileI was stepping into the shower with the razor and shaving cream, Isaid, “I hate this. My skin is all dry, I have cuts on my legs,and it takes so much time.” “Well, I have an idea.” “What’sthat?”, I asked. “There is a prescription that I have prescribedfor a couple of my patients. They are women and they have a lot offacial hair. For a woman that can be quite traumatic and it wasaffecting their self esteem. As part of their treatment I usedthis d**g which reduced a lot of their facial and chest hair, andmade the hair on their legs a lot lighter too.” “Chest hair?”,Chris said, “You mean these women had chest hair?” “Yes, you canimagine how self conscious that must have made them.” “Boy, that’sweird.” “Well, I’m going to get some for you and I want you starttaking it.” “It won’t make me go bald will it?” “Of course not.It wouldn’t have helped them much if they started losing hair fromthe top of their heads.” “It’s safe, Isn’t it.” “Of course it is.I wouldn’t give anything to you or my patients if it wasn’t.” Thenext night Janice brought home these wonder pills and I startedtaking two of them each morning with my regular daily vitamins.A few days after I started taking the pills I woke up with abad headache. Although it was the worst headache that I couldremember. At first, I didn’t connect it with the pills that Janicewas giving me. I took four aspirins and the pain finally subsidedto the point where I could function. About two weeks later thesame thing happened, I woke up with another bad headache. This wassomething that had never happened before and after second time, Itried to come up with a cause. The only thing I could think of wasthe pills that Janice was giving me. The more I thought about it,the more I suspected the pills, so I asked Janice, “Do you thinkthat these pills could be causing these headaches that I’m having?””I really don’t think so. I haven’t had any complaints from Mypatients and I haven’t read that there are any side affects, muchless headaches. If it were the pills that were giving you theheadaches you wouldn’t be having them every two weeks, you’retaking them every day. But I will check into it for you.”About the time of the second headache was the first time Inoticed a reduction in hair growth. I went into the bathroom onemorning to shave and noticed that I barely needed one. It onlytook about two minutes to remove what little hair there was on myface and I noticed that even that hair was softer and easier tocut.Janice got back to me a few days after she said that she wouldlook into it. “I read everything I could find on the d**g, andcalled the d**g company that makes it and came up empty. If it isthe pills causing the headaches you’re the only one that’s gettingthem.” With my beard starting to lighten, I was subconsciouslyhoping that the pills were not the cause because I was reallylooking forward to not having to shave as often. Every few weeksI would wake up with another headache, but I was able to treat itwith aspirins, and I knew that the pills were not the cause so Ifinally decided to just live with it.At this point I had been working on the program for the girlin California for about three months and sending the updates to hervia modem, over the phone lines. I had reached a point where theprogram had to be brought up on all of the computers placedthroughout her small factory. This could not be done withoutactually going out there. It would take about two weeks of work toget the entire thing set up so I spoke to Colleen about taking sometime off from the salon to go out to California and wrap up theproject. She reluctantly agreed to let me go.When I told Janice that I had to go to California for twoweeks, she seemed kind of sad. “But Honey, do you have to go,We’ve never been apart for that long. I’m going miss you so much.””I know sweetheart, I’m going to miss you too.” The next day Ibought my plane ticket and made all the other necessary plans toleave on the following Monday. On Monday morning I went into theSalon for half a day because my flight was at four O:Clock P.M. AsI was getting ready to leave to go home to pick up my suitcase astrange thing happened.All of the girls in the salon came up to me one at a time andsaid how much they were going to miss me. “You know, you girls arethe greatest.”, I said to all of them, “It’s really wonderfulworking with each of you and I don’t know what I’m going to doafter I finish up here. It’s as if each of you has become a closefriend.”Sally (one of the hair stylists), came over to me and pulledme off to the side to speak to me in private. “You know Chris,your hair is getting kind of long.” “I know, but my wife likes itthat way. so I don’t want to get it cut.” “No, that’s not what Iwas suggesting at all. Colleen told us about you and your wife.And I was just wondering, when you got back, if you wanted to staylate some night, or if you wanted to come over to my house, or evenif you’d like me to come over to your house, I’d like to do youhair sometime. I know I could make you look really pretty.” “Whydon’t you think it looks ok?” “It looks fine for a boy. I justthought—.” She hesitated for a second. “You might like to try,well—, a girl’s hair style.” I looked at her dumb founded.Colleen had mentioned that Sally thought that I would make a cutegirl, but I never thought that she would make an offer like that.”I don’t know Sally.” “I know that my offer must have come as ashock to you, and you might never want to take me up on it, I justwanted you to know that I would be willing if you ever wereinterested.” “Thanks Sally.” As I left the shop I just couldn’tget over Sally’s offer to do my hair.When I arrived home, Janice was there waiting for me. “I tookthe afternoon off so that I could see you off.” “Thanks honey, Ireally appreciate it.” I packed some last minute things into mysuitcase and was about to close it when Janice came into the roomcarrying the pills she had gotten me and the bottle of aspirins.”Here honey, I want you to take your pills while your inCalifornia. I’ve gotten use to you the way you are and I wouldn’twant you coming back to me all hairy.”, she said smiling. I tookthem from her without saying a word and placed them in thesuitcase. “Now don’t forget.” “I won’t.”, I said quietly. “Doyou promise?” I looked over at her and gave out a sigh. “Ipromise.” Although, in my mind, I knew that it couldn’t be thepills that were causing my headaches, I wanted to prove it tomyself so I was going to stop taking them on my trip but since Ihad promised Janice I wasn’t going to be able to. I closed up mysuitcase and Janice and I got in the car and headed for theairport.The first few days in California were pretty uneventful. Ms.Arden was very excited about finally getting my program on-line.She was impressed with how well it turned out and complemented meon my hard work. The fifth day I was there, something strangehappened. I began to grow very uneasy. I was nervous anduncomfortable about something but I couldn’t put my finger on it.The following night it was raining very hard when I was readyto go back to the motel where I was staying. It was only a shortwalk from Crystle’s business (I was on a first name basis with Ms.Arden by this point), but I hadn’t packed any rain gear. Crystlesaid that she was very sorry but she had planned on working allnight and had let a friend borrow her car, otherwise she would havebeen able to give me a ride. The rain was coming down in buckets.I had never seen it rain that hard back east and if I tried to makeit I would have gotten absolutely soaked. I stood there staringout the window for several minutes. “Doesn’t this stuff ever letup.” “It’s liable to keep up for several hours.” I had beenworking since Seven Thirty that morning and it was now Nine thirtyat night and I was very tired.Finally Crystle spoke up, “Look, if you don’t mind looking alittle silly, I might have a solution for you.” “What’s that?”, Iasked. “I have a rain coat, hat and boots that you can borrow.””That’s odd”, I thought to myself, “All these women in my life wantto look like one of them. First Janice, then Sally at the salon,and now Crystle.” But that thought quickly passed. Crystle wasjust trying to help me get back to my motel room without gettingcompletely soaked. “Ok”, I said, at this point I’ll try anything.”Crystle walked over to the closet and got out her rain coat,hat and boots. “Here see how these fit.” They were all made ofred plastic. I slipped ont the coat and snapped it up then I puton the hat. It was fisherman’s style with strings to tie under thechin. “This should be fine.” “Not really. The water gets severalinches deep when it rains like this and you’ll ruin your shoes.It’s just a suggestion, but you better wear the boots.”I took another look out the window and decided that she wasright. I took off my shoes and put on the boots. They were a highheeled style with about a two inch heel. They were a little tightbut they fit ok. “Boy I hope no one sees me like this,” “Comehere. With the wind blowing like it is the hat wouldn’t stay onyour head for two seconds.”, Crystle said as she tied the hat undermy chin. “I wouldn’t worry about anyone seeing you. I thought youwould look silly, but you look fine. I never noticed it before butyou’re face looks a lot like a girls’ with this stuff on, no onewill know the difference.” She stepped back to look at me. “Ican’t get over it, you look really cute like that.”, she saidlaughing.I thanked her and headed out for the motel. The water was sodeep that when I ran it splashed all over my pants so I had towalk. The walk was about half a mile and I made it in about tenminutes. When I got into my room I walked by the mirror. When Idid I could see myself out of the corner of my eye. I was shockedat what I saw. It didn’t even look like me. I remembered whatCrystle had said about my face looking like a girl’s. As Icontinued to look at myself in the mirror I began to notice adifference in my face. Sure it had less hair because of the pillsI was taking, but there seemed to be something different. Myfacial features seem to be a little softer and rounder. Afterthinking about it I brushed it off as my imagination.I walked over to a chair and sat down to relax. I was sotired that I didn’t even take off the rain gear. It felt so goodto sit down that I just sat there for several minutes. As I wassitting there I began to realize that the uneasy feeling I had wasgone. I was feeling really good. Finally I got up, got undressed,showered. As I was looking at myself in the mirror I did a doubletake. My face looked different, but also my chest looked like ithad more fullness and roundness. Without even thinking, I said tomyself out loud, “I’m growing breasts.” I went to bed but I sleptvery restlessly I couldn’t stop thinking about how it seemed mybody was changing.Over The next few days I grew more and more uneasy. I calledJanice one night when I got back to my motel room. It was so goodto talk to her. I missed her very much. She was glad to hear fromme and started the conversation. “I needed to have my hair done soI went down to Colleen’s salon.”, she said, “Those girls are verynice, and they did a great job on my hair. I think I’m going tohave my hair done there from now on. And boy, do they think theworld of you. Especially that Sally, she is the one who did myhair. If I didn’t trust you as well as I do, I’d be worried abouther.” “Janice, you know that I could never do anything like thatto you. Even if I was attracted to another girl, I love you toomuch to ever act on it.” “I know. That’s why said that I trustyou before I told that I would worry about her.” “Well actuallyit’s kind of nice having you be concerned about other women, itlet’s me know that you still love me. I rained something awful outher the other day. I was so bad that I had to borrow Crystle’sraincoat. I felt really foolish. I was afraid someone would noticeme as a boy wearing a girl’s raincoat.” “Crystle? Who isCrystle?”, Janice asked “Ms. Arden. She’s the woman who ownsarden Beauty Supply.” “Well, I don’t think you have anything toworry about, you look so good dressed up as a girl that I don’tthink any one would mind, besides your in San Francisco now peopleout there don’t mind that sort of thing as much. Maybe we’ll moveout there some day that way I can dress you up in more elaborateoutfits and make you go outside.” Janice laughed that sly littlelaugh that she has.”You know, now that you mention that I look so good dressed upas girl. When I got back to my room, I looked at myself in themirror and I looked different.” “Different? How?” “I don’t know,just different. It looked like if you put a little makeup on meyou wouldn’t be able to tell that I wasn’t a girl. And when I gotout of the shower it looked as if I were growing breasts.” “Honey,that’s ridicules, how could you be growing breasts. You’ve alwayslooked like a girl in the face. I think that’s one of the reasonsI like dressing you up so much.” “I don’t know. It just seems Ilook more like a girl than ever.” “It’s probably because yourfacial an chest hair are so much lighter.” “That’s what I thoughtat first, but as I continued to look at myself it did seem thatthere was something else different about me.” “I’m sure it’s allin your mind.” “I suppose your right. Well I guess I better getsome sleep. I got a lot of work to do tomorrow. I love you.” “Ilove you too honey. I can’t wait till your home again.” “Neithercan I.” I hung up the phone and went to bed.The rest of my trip went pretty much according to plan. Itrained three more times and I was a little less nervous aboutwearing Crystle’s rain gear. I did notice on the third time thatthe uneasy feeling that I was having, went away each time I woreher coat, hat, and boots. Again I just brushed it off as being allin my mind. One thing I did notice, was that I did not have aheadache all the time I was in California. This proved to me thatwhatever was causing them, it was not the pills.By the time the two weeks were up, the program was up andrunning. They were still keeping inventory manually, but each timethey ran low on a product or an ingredient the program eithergenerated an order for that ingredient or warned them it was timeto produce more of the product. Once it even printed an order foraloe (an ingredient used in one of their shampoo lines that theymissed in there manual inventory system. This impressed Crystleand most of the other people in the office.It was so good to finally get home. I had missed Janice somuch and it was obvious that she had missed me too. She met me atthe airport and when we saw each other we ran toward each other andhugged each other for several minutes. “Let me look at you.”, shesaid, holding me back at arms length. “It’s so good to see youagain.” Then she got an odd look on her face. I guess the bestway to describe it is surprised approval. her eyebrows raised upand she got a secretive smile on her face. Then she grabbed meagain and hugged me very tightly.The next few days were spent getting back into my normalgrove. I was very tired. I had worked between sixty and eightyhours a week while I was in California and I slept about ten hoursa night for the first two nights in order to catch up.CHAPTER 8JaniceWhen Chris first returned, I hadn’t dressed him for quite awhile and it took me a while to get back my boldness. It wasduring this time that Chris mentioned an uneasy feeling he haddeveloped while he was in California. The reason the subject cameup was because he was continuing to have these feelings after hegot home. This was obviously psychological, which was my area ofexpertise so we decided to talk about it to see if we could findthe problem. After about a week I noticed a pattern. I was backto the point where I was dressing Chris in my previous day’sunderwear. This seemed to coincide with a lessening of hisfeelings of uneasiness. They had started to subside quite a bitbut had leveled off and had not completely gone away. I did nottell Chris what I suspected, but I did try a simple experiment.Each night we sat down and talked about how he was feeling.On two occasions during the week I dressed him up extraelaborately. One night I put him in full makeup, earrings, highheels, and even some of my perfume. I kept track of how Chrisdescribed how he felt and I noticed a pattern starting to develop,a pattern that I suspected would emerge. On the nights that Idressed Chris up with extra things he seemed to feel less uneasy.When I was sure that it was not just my imagination, I decided toconfront him with my findings.”Chris, I think I can see a pattern starting to develop here.It’s a classic pattern that occurs in more canlı casino siteleri people than you wouldthink. It usually starts in c***dhood, which I think is the casewith you.” “In c***dhood, what do you mean?” “Well when a c***dexperiences something very traumatic it can sometimes have verylong lasting effects.” “Well, what traumatic experience could Ihave had?” “I think the time when those girls dragged you into thewoods and stripped you so they could see your panties, it effectedyou very deeply. That night when you told me about it, just beforeyou started your story, I don’t think you even realized you saidit, but admitted that you weren’t sure you liked what they did toyou. But when I questioned you on the statement afterwards youdenied ever having expressed any doubt, you said that youdefinitely didn’t like it.” “Well, I didn’t.” “I think, at first,you didn’t. But it made such a deep impression on you that youcouldn’t stop thinking about it.Then, in order to deal with it, you started to accept it, andeventuality, subconsciously, you even developed a liking for it.It’s not unlike a c***d who is sexually m*****ed by an adult.Quite often they grow up wanting to be tied up or whipped duringsex.” “That’s sick.” “It’s not sick, it’s a defence mechanism.If they remained as repulsed by the experience as they were when itfirst happened to them, it would destroy them emotionally.” “Doesthat mean everyone who is into the S and M scene was sexuallym*****ed as a c***d?” “No I seriously doubt that. But let’s getback to you.After I found out how much dressing you up, stimulated yousexually, I started doing it to you on a regular basis.” “But Ithought you did it because you liked doing it to me.” “I do, butI never would have started if I hadn’t found out that you liked ittoo. And once I started doing it on a regular basis you had a wayof fulfilling a desire that you had suppressed for years.” “Well,what does all this have to do with my headaches and feelings ofuneasiness?” “Well, the headaches started shortly after that timeI tied you up and put you in the closet. At this point you wereafraid of losing that fulfillment.This put you under great stress and when we finally made upyou wanted me to dress you up even more. I was a little slow atgiving you what you wanted. The stress that you had recentlyexperienced and your increased desire was what caused you headachesto start. Then when you went to California you again experiencedan extended period of time when I didn’t dress you, and again thestress built up causing your feelings of discomfort. “You know, Ibet that’s why I though I saw breasts growing on my chest and whyI thought my face was growing more feminine looking.” “Your mindwas finding impossible to deal with the fact that you were unableto dress while you were in California, and that’s what caused youruneasiness and feelings of distress, but it was something elsethat’s causing to think your growing breasts and the changes in thelook of your face.” “What’s that?” “It’s not your imagination.That part is my fault.” “What do you mean!” “Chris…” Ihesitated, trying to put as lightly as possible, in order to defendmy actions and to make Chris as comfortable as I could with what Ihad done to him.”Chris. Let me start by saying that it’s nothing that can’tbe reversed, but ever since I first dressed you, I’ve been noticingyour moods. And it’s been obvious for a long time that yourhappiest when you’re dressed as a woman. Each time I’ve had youwear something new, I’ve watched how your happier. Sure yournervous about it for a while, but then you get use to it and yourhappier.So finally I decided to take things a little farther. I knewthat you wouldn’t be able to handle it so I didn’t tell you thewhole truth about the pills.” “What truth?” “Well…”, I clearedmy throat. “They are female hormones.” “Female hormones!””Relax. the affects are still completely reversible, if you stoptaking them. I’ve always intended to tell you before it was toolate, and now is that time. That’s why I know that it wasn’t thepills that have been causing your headaches.Doctors and psychiatrists have been prescribing them for yearsand headaches have never been one of the symptoms.” “I can’tbelieve that you would do something like that without telling me.””I did it to help you and you can always stop taking if you wantto.” “I don’t know, I’m so confused.” Chris put his hands overhis face and shook it back and forth as if to say no. He finallytook his hands down and looked at me. “What if I decide to stoptaking the pills and dressing like a girl?” ” I’m afraid that theheadaches and uneasiness will only get worse and it you coulddevelop even more symptoms and I really couldn’t recommend that.””So what do we do about it?” “Well, I’m sorry to say, thepsychiatric and medical professions have been trying to treat deepseated obsessive behaviors such as your’s with virtually nosuccess. It’s not like getting a smoker off of cigarettes, or analcoholic off of drink. It’s more like trying to cure a p*******eor a r****t. “Are you saying I’m like one of those people?” “NoHoney, not at all. What you do, hurts absolutely no one. I’m justsaying that to eliminate this obsession would be just as impossibleas it would with something like that.” “So when you say, act outmy desires, just exactly what do you mean?” “Why, wear more of myclothes and things, of course.” “Like What?””Well, I want to start, by having you wear my shoes. Whenyou’ve grown used to that I want to start having you wear a littlemakeup, then some lipstick and some lip gloss, and then some blush.Eventually we could add eye makeup. When you got use to that wecould start having you wear nail polish, your nails are lookingvery nice these days. Then you could start wearing my skirts,blouses and dresses. By that point we should have your hair donelike a woman. After that, it wouldn’t be any trouble to have youwear jewelry and carry a purse.” “But, except for having my hairdone up like a woman, you’ve dressed me up in those things before.””Yes, but that was only playtime. It’s time we started doing itfor real!” “What do you mean for real?” “Wearing them all thetime.””Do you mean you want me to start wearing them to work?” “Towork, while doing errands, around the house—. All the time””No! Absolutely not!” “Honey, I won’t force you to do it, but Idon’t think you have much choice. If you don’t, your headaches andfeelings of uneasiness will only get worse, and eventually youcould even have a nervous breakdown.” “No, I think if stop wearingyour underwear, and you stop trying to feminize me every time wehave sex, that these urges will slowly become less and lessimportant to me. They weren’t all that important to me before westarted playing our little sex games and I think if we stop, thingswill go back to the way they were.””Honey, I really recommend against it. Your desires are sodeep seated that they will never go away and you run the risk ofdoing serious emotional damage to yourself.” “I don’t think so.I bet if I just stop wearing your things that the desire will goaway and eventually I’ll be fine” “Honey, believe me, it won’thappen! It’s just not that simple.” “Janice, I respect yourknowledge and judgement a great deal, but in this instance I thinkyou’re wrong. I think I know myself better than anything and Ithink I can beat this thing.” “I knew that Chris was wrong, butwhat more could I say, at this point his mind was made up.”CHAPTER 9ChrisAt that point I decided that I was not going to wear any moreof Janice’s clothes and to stop taking the hormone pills. AlthoughJanice didn’t like the idea, she agreed to go along with my desiresand not try to entice me into wearing her clothes anymore. I hadbeen wearing my hair fairly long for quite a while and I liked thestyle. It that it had nothing to do with my desire to become morefeminine, so I decided not to cut it.The next morning I got up. Janice’s underwear from theprevious day was sitting on the chair just it had been every dayfor so long. I don’t know weather she left them there as a lastattempt to get me to wear them or if she had just done it out ofhabit. I looked at them for quite a long time. As I did I couldfeel a strange feeling come over me. I was never going to get towear them again. A feeling of panic came over me and I could feela knot growing in my stomach. Finally I just went to my drawer andgot out my own underwear.That day at work was a little hard but I was able to functionok. I had to be strong in order to overcome these desires that Ihad developed. The next day I woke up to another one of myheadaches. I took some aspirin and went off to work. The aspirindid not get rid of the pain to the extent that it usually did, soabout Ten O’clock I took some more. Also I was growing a littlejumpy.After I finished lunch I sat down at the computer. I lookeddown at my hands and noticed that they were shaking. A few minuteslater Colleen came in to ask me a question. When she called myname I jumped. I turned around to face her. “Are you alright?You look awful!” “I’m sorry, I got this headache that I just can’tseem to shake, and I haven’t been sleeping well lately.” “Maybeyou should take a couple of days off. You really don’t look wellat all.” “No, that’s ok, I’m sure I’ll be fine. What was yourquestion?” “Sally is having a hard time bringing up the graphicsprogram. The keyboard locked up on her and she can’t seem to getthe darn thing to do anything.”After investigating the problem I discovered that I had madea change to one of the batch files on the main computer and as aresult it had locked out the graphics program. I went back in andfixed it and everything was working ok again.” I was pretty shakyfor the rest of the day. With my headache that never wentcompletely away and my nervousness, I’m afraid I wasn’t able toaccomplish much. I was glad when the end of the day came and I wasable to go home.CHAPTER 10JaniceWhen Chris got home I could tell that he was not in the bestof shape. he looked very tired and was very quiet for most of theevening. This went on for several more days, and by the end of theweek he was a complete wreck. I spoke to him about what he wastrying to do and suggested that instead of trying to shake thisthing all at once, he might try tapering off slowly in order tolessen the shock to his mind. (I knew that nothing he did wasgoing to alter the fact that he either he was going to accept hiscondition or else he would be headed for serious emotionalproblems.) He spent most of the weekend resting, but on Mondaymorning he did not look much better.That Wednesday I was in my office when I got a call fromColleen at the beauty salon. “I think you better get down hereright away! There is something terribly wrong with Chris!” I toldthe receptionist to cancel the rest of my appointments for the day.I knew right away what the problem was, but I was not prepared forwhat I found when I got there. Chris was in Colleen’s office,lying on the floor in a fetal position, sobbing un controllably.Colleen helped me pick him up and sit him on the couch.There were still a number of customers in the shop so Colleensuggested that we stay in the office for a while. Colleen calledup all the people who had appointments for the rest of the day andcancelled them and put up the “closed” sign in the window. Istayed in the office with Chris trying to comfort him and as thesalon slowly emptied out. The girls, one at a time, came into theoffice to se how he was doing and to see if they could help in anyway. I was very surprised to see how much concern each of thegirls had for Chris. It was obvious that each of them haddeveloped a close relationship with him and was very concernedabout his current situation.When Sally came in she looked at Chris with saddest eyes. Shewalked over to him, put her arm around his shoulder and asked, “Howare you doing Chris?” He was just sitting there, shaking like aleaf and sobbing. After the shop cleared out Colleen came in andinformed us that it would be ok to take Chris out now.Colleen and I helped Chris to his feet and led him out intothe shop. We decided that it would be best if I went and got thecar and pulled it up directly in front of the shop. When I pulledthe car around, all of the girls led Chris out the front door andhelped him into the car. Colleen walked around to my side of thecar and had me roll down the window.”Look I don’t want you or Chris to worry about this place atall. He can take as much time off as he needs. Everything will bewaiting for him whenever he’s ready to come back.” “Thanks,Colleen.”, I said, “but, Chris may be out quite a long time. He’shad an emotional breakdown, and right now, there is no way oftelling how severe it is. He could be laid up anywhere from acouple of weeks to as much as a year.”Colleen looked at me very seriously. “Janice, Chris has doneso much. Many times when we didn’t understand how to do things onthe computer, he took extra time to explain things to us, and whenI changed my mind as far as how I wanted something set up even ifit was after he had that thing already set up. And when we had tohave something explained to us four or five times, he did itwithout complaining, and he usually blamed himself for notexplaining it right the first time. And I can’t count the numberof times he spent sixty and seventy hours a week here and I nevergot billed for any of those hours.I don’t know if I could make it for six months, but as itstands now I plan wait until Chris gets better and have him comeback and finish the job himself. So you just tell him not to worryabout us or the computers, just worry about getting better.” Onceagain Chris had worked his magic by touching the lives and heartsof people he came in contact with. I thanked Colleen, trying tohold back my tears of gratitude.Chris did not say a word all the way home and looked verydrawn out and tired. When we got home I took him up to the bedroomand got him undressed. As I was undressing him he just stood therewith a blank expression on his face. I even had to sit him down onthe bed and pick up his feet one at a time to get his pants off.After I got all of his clothes off, I thought for a second.I went over to my bureau drawer and got out a bra, two pairsof pantyhose, and a pink satin nightgown. I walked over to Chrisand held out the bra, indicating to him that I wanted him to puthis arms through the shoulder straps. Chris’s eyes opened verywide and got a look of terrible fear on his face. He cried out,without saying anything and started flailing his arms around.”Stop it!”, I shouted, but it had no effect. At this point I knewthat I was going to have to be more forceful. I walked up to himand slapped him in the face as hard as I could. Immediately hestopped swinging his arms and started whimpering.”That’s better. Now put your arms out so I can put this onyou.”, I said with agitation in my voice. (I did not want Chris tosee how worried I was.) He started to cry. “I’m sorry Chris, butit’s the only way you’re going to get better.”, I said as I slippedthe shoulder straps of the bra up his arms and onto his shoulders.”Now turn around so I can hook it in back.” Chris did not doanything.After waiting a few seconds I turned him around and hooked thebra in back. Then I turned him back around an put a pair ofpantyhose in each cup. With that completed I slipped the nightgownover Chris’s head and down into place.After I had Chris all dressed I pulled down the bed sheets,laid him on the bed and pulled the covers over him. He just laythere with a blank expression on his face. I sat down on the bednext to him, stroked his hair and whispered, “I promise you Chris,you’re going to get better. It may be a long hard fight, but thetwo of us will get through it.” Chris closed his eyes and wasstarting to fall asleep, so I got up and left the room as quietlyas I could.Chris had been in bed for about two hours. I was downstairsreading a book. All of a sudden I heard him cry out. He soundedas if he were in a panic. I ran upstairs to the bedroom to seeChris laying on the bed kicking and screaming. I ran over to himan tried to hold his arms down, but he was able to push me off.”Chris, stop it!”, I shouted, but he just kept it up. “Chris, ifyou don’t stop it, I’ll have to restrain you!”I ran to the hall closet, where I kept a doctor bag with a fewmedical supplies. I got out a hypodermic needle and a vial ofsodium pentothal. (This is a d**g used throughout the medicalfield as an anesthesia. It is also sometimes used in hypnosis tobreak down mental barriers and make treatment more effective.) Ifilled the syringe, recapped the needle, and ran back into theroom.Chris was still kicking and screaming. I went over to thebed, still holding the syringe. Holding him down as best I could,I was able to expose his buttocks. I removed the cap to the needlewith my teeth and injected him with the sodium pentothal. Withinabout thirty seconds Chris started to calm down and in about aminute he was out cold.I got out four stockings and tied one to each of the bedpostsand then tied his right arm to one, his left arm to another, hisright leg to the third stocking and his left leg to the fourth. Imade sure that all of the knots were tight and secure and then Iwent downstairs. I sat down in the living room and tried to assesthe situation.I thought to myself, “If only I had not allowed Chris to stopdressing in my clothes, he never would have fell apart like he did.Then I thought about the time that Chris had made me promise himnot to let his feelings interfere with what I wanted for him, andI had decided to put it in writing and have us both sign it. Iwent to the desk and opened the drawer. There was the envelope.I picked it up, opened it and read the contract that we both hadsigned.How could I have forgotten the resolve that I had that nightand Chris’s desire for me to have that resolve. At that moment Idecided that things were going to change. I was wrong to let himstop dressing in my clothes, and that the only way that thissituation was ever going to be resolved was if Chris had a sexchange and became a girl. I decided, first of all, to correct thatmistake and then to once and for all, turn my husband into a girl.I knew that the law would not allow me to force him to have a sexchange against his will so I was going to have to use all of mypsychiatric skills to try and convince him to become a girl.CHAPTER 11ChrisI woke up the next morning with another of my headaches. WhenI had a chance to wake up a little I realized that I was tied tothe bed. I called out for Janice and when she heard me she cameinto the room. “Well, how are you feeling this morning?” “Stillpretty shaky, but a lot better than yesterday.”, I replied. “Youstill look pretty pale. You gave me quite a scare, you know” “I’msorry. It’s all like a terrible nightmare to me. It was as if thewhole world was closing in on me. I couldn’t breath and I wastotally overwhelmed.””What you had was a nervous breakdown. Luckily you seem tohave come out of it, but we have to be very careful for a while, orit could happen again.” “I have another of my headaches. Couldyou get me some aspirin?” She left the room and returned a fewminutes later the aspirin and a glass of water. “Could you untieme?” “I think better leave you just the way you are for a whilejust to be on the safe side. what you need now is rest. We cantalk later on about when you can be untied and just what the planof action is going to be for getting you well again.” Janice wentdownstairs and without much trouble I went back to sleep.I slept for what seemed like a few hours when Janice came backinto the room carrying my lunch on a tray. It was just a fewcrackers and some broth, she wanted me to eat light for a while.She fed me the soup and crackers.When I was done she moved the tray to a table and sat on thebed with me. “How long do I have to stay tied up?”, I asked her.”We have to talk Chris. And how you react to some things I have tosay, will have a great deal to do with how long you have to staytied up.” “What things?”, I asked “About you, and how things aregoing to be for you from now on.” “What do mean?” “I never shouldhave let you stop dressing in my clothes. I knew you couldn’thandle it and now you’ve had a nervous breakdown and it’s all myfault.” “Janice, it’s not your fault, it’s a decision I’ve mademyself.” “Chris, you’re not capable of making decisions foryourself. I know it, and weather or not you want to admit, youknow it too.”I felt very insulted at what Janice had just told me. “So, ifI’m not capable of making my own decisions and you are, just whatdecisions are you planning to make for me?” Janice just sat therewith her head hanging down. Finally she took a deep breath and letit out, looked up at me and said, “I’m going to turn you into awoman.” “You can’t! I won’t let you!”, I said, struggling againstmy restraints. “You can’t stop me. Remember, I said your reactionwould have a great deal to do with how long you would stay tied up.I’m telling you right now, if I have to, I will leave you tied upthe whole time. It’s the only way you’ll ever get better.”At this point I became very angry. “That’s not true. Theonly reason you’re doing this is to fulfill that fantasy you havealways had about turning me into a girl!” “Look Chris, I’m notgoing to deny that I’ve wanted to do this to you for a long time,but their are two other reasons that can’t be overlooked.” “Andjust what might they be?” “First and foremost, you couldn’t evenlast a week without wearing my clothes.” Janice then held up andenvelope. Then secondly, there’s this.” “What’s that?” Sheopened the envelope, took out a piece of paper and held it out forme to read. “Remember this? You practically forced me to promiseyou that I would not even take your feelings into consideration indoing the things that I wanted to do to you. So, the bottom lineis, you are going to become a girl, weather you want to or not.”At that point I just turned my head away and ignored her. Janicesat there for a few minutes and then finally just got up and left.CHAPTER 12JaniceWhen I got up in the morning I called my office and cancelledmy appointments until further notice. Any of the more urgent onesI referred to Dr. Shullman then I went up to talk to Chris. I toldhim how things were going to change (which he explained to you).Things went so poorly that at one point, anything I had to saywould only upset Chris even more so I decided to leave him alone tothink about what I had told him an maybe get use to the idea thathe really had no choice.I had been sitting in the living room for about a half an hourwhen the phone rang. It was sally from the beauty Salon, callingto find out how Chris was doing, and if she and the girls couldcome over to visit. I explained to her that things were not goingtoo well and that until things settled down a little bit it wouldprobably be a good idea to stay away. “Why, what’s wrong”, sheinquired. I wasn’t sure weather I should be more specific, but Iwas feeling pretty overwhelmed and I really wanted to talk tosomeone. I remembered how the girls reacted when they found outthat Chris was wearing my underwear, so I decided to take a chanceand share with her, some of the details. There was a pause as Iprepared myself to tell her what was going on.”Well, I think you realize that Chris had been wearing myunderwear.” “Yes, a couple of the girls in the shop, noticed that.We felt kind of uncomfortable asking him about, so we mentioned itto Colleen. She talked to Chris about and he told her it was somesort of game that you liked to play.” “It may have been my idea,but it was him that gave me the idea by staring at me every time Iput my makeup on, then another time I had him wear my raincoat outto get the mail, and Sally, he kept it on for another fifteenminutes!””It sure sounds to me like it wasn’t a one way street.””Thank you for saying that, because sometimes I just feel soguilty, but I’m getting off the track here. As time went on Ifound it was the only way to get him really sexually stimulated.””Janice, are you sure that you want to tell me all this.” “I’msorry, I just feel like I have to talk to someone.” “Well, ifthat’s the case, feel free.” “Thank you, I figured that becauseyou already knew about his wearing women’s underwear that if I wasgoing to tell someone, that it should be one of you girls from theshop.Well, as I was saying, It’s the only way I could get himsexually stimulated, and after a while I had him try wearing a pairof my panties to work. It wasn’t long before he got use to thatand I had him start wearing other things to work. At this point itwas still just a game, but after an argument we had he decided thathe was not going wear women’s clothes. An odd thing happened then.He started getting headaches. After experimenting a while wediscovered that whenever he wore my underwear or some other articleof feminine clothing the headaches went away.At this point I figured that the headaches must be an anxietyresponse, and as time went on we discovered that it took more andmore to satisfy him.” “Yeah, I remember for a while we noticed hewas wearing a camisole. Then one day we noticed he was also wearinga bra.” “But Sally, after a while he needed even more things.””Well, if he wants to wear women’s clothes, and it’s obvious thatyou don’t mind, I don’t see what the problem is. I know Colleentold him that she didn’t mind. I even offered to do his hair uplike a girl sometime and I believe Kathy said she would do hisnails.” “Really. Chris never told me that.” “So, I’m sure itwouldn’t cause a problem in the shop, even if he did want to dresslike a girl.””That’s not the problem Sally, now he refuses to. That’s whatcaused him to break down yesterday and even after that he’s stillgiving me a bad time about wearing them.” “But I thought you saidhe liked wearing women’s clothes.” “He does.” “Then why does herefuse wear them, especially after yesterday?” “I don’t knowSally, sometimes he acts so immature. Honestly, if I didn’t knowbetter, sometimes I’d think I was talking to a five year-old.””You know, it’s funny you should say that. Once I went out to pickup lunch for all of us in the shop. Chris ordered a roast beefsandwich. When he got it, he noticed that they had put onions onit. He raised such a fuss and carried on so. I don’t know whatcame over me.I walked and over and told him to stop acting like such ababy. I opened the sandwich and took out the onions. He got areal sheepish look on his face settled right down and just ate thesandwich. It’s almost as if he enjoys being treated like a c***d.Sometimes I swear he tries to get us girls in the shop to act likehis mother, and because he is such an endearing person we just doit. We’re always telling him what to do. If he does somethingwrong, we scold him and he seems to like being treated that way.””He does.” “Well then if he likes being treated like a c***d,treat him like one. If he doesn’t do what he knows is best forhim, scold him. I can’t imagine him refusing after that.” “I didand he’s not refusing, he’ just pouts.”There was silence for a second and then Sally giggledmischievously. “What?”, I asked. “I was just thinking maybe heneeds a spanking.” (I thought about the time I tied Chris up andput him in the closet.) “Well, something happened a while back inour marriage, and I promised myself that I would never do anythinglike that to him.” “Janice, I’m no psychiatrist, but I bet itwould work. I really have to go now. I’ll be calling back to seehow Chris is doing. Everyone in the shop wants to come visit assoon as it’s ok.” “Thanks for calling Sally. It really helpedtalking to you.” “Hay, I was glad to be of help.”After I got off the phone with Sally I decided that it wastime for Chris to go on his hormone pills again. I went to thekitchen where I kept them and got out five. I knew the dosage thathad to be given to him. It would be three pills, five times a day.I went up to the bedroom and informed him that I wanted him to takethe pills. He just looked away as if refusing. “Common Chris,don’t be this way.” He didn’t move.I walked over to the bed, crabbed him by the chin, turned hishead so that he was facing me, opened his mouth, and stuffed thepills in. “Now drink this!”, I said angrily, holding a glass ofwater in front of him. I held the glass as he drank the pillsdown. “Since I’m turning you into a girl, I’m going to have togive you your hormones intravenously. I’ll give you the pills fornow, but as soon as I get a chance to go out to the d**g store andget what I need you’ll be getting a needle.”I turned, walked out of the room and went back downstairs. Afew minutes later he called me. I went up to see what he wanted.”I have to go pee pee.” I thought for a second. I had completelyforgot about that. I would have to go out to a d**g store and pickup a bedpan. I went downstairs and got an empty plastic milk jugand went back upstairs. I flipped back his nightgown and pulleddown his panties. “You know, the way you’ve been behaving, Ishould just let you wet the bed and make you lay in it.I took his penis and put it into the neck of the milk jug.”Ok, go ahead.” Chris urinated in the milk jug. After he wasfinished I pulled his panties back up, flipped his nightgown backdown, took the jug and left the room. After I got downstairs Ithought about what Chris had said. He had never referred tourinating as “pee pee” before. Everything I tried to do him overthe next few days got the same type of reaction from him.Sally called every day to see how things were going. She kepttelling how I was putting myself through a lot of unnecessarymisery. “Humiliate him a little bit, he’ll respond. I reallycan’t understand what’s holding you back, especially if he’streating you this way.One afternoon I was sitting in the living room. I thoughtback to one of the courses I had taken in school. I had studiedabout a doctor, who, in order to eliminate an undesired behavior,had brought the patient back to that point in his life that hadcaused the undesired behavior. He actually had him acting like ac***d. The idea was to get the patient to relearn how to behave.I thought for a minute. Could I apply this to Chris? Say I decideto treat him like a c***d as Sally had suggested. I could dresshim up like a little girl, teach him to obey me without question(and with enthusiasm), and when he didn’t, punish him.I know I had promised myself never to be cruel to him again,but which would be more cruel, to humiliate him or to let himslowly destroy himself. I had to think long and hard. was I doingthis just because it was a turn on for me, or was it really forChris’s own good. I thought about for the rest of the day. Thatnight, I finally decided that it really didn’t make any differenceweather or not I was going to like doing it to him, as long asChris got better.That night as I lay in bed planning the things that I wasgoing to do to Chris. As I thought about a certain patient came tomind. Her name was Justine. She was a sexually dominant woman.This had caused a lot of problems in her relationships, so she haddecided to seek professional help. After working for three yearswith Dr. Shullman and finally with me, I finally convinced her thatshe should become a dominatrix. She fought the idea for thelongest time, but after she decided to try it, she found that thiswas what she always wanted. I wondered if I might not be able touse her to help me with Chris.My mind went wild, thinking of all the things that I could doto Chris. By five A.M. I could stand it no longer. I went intoour bedroom to talk to Chris. “Chris?” “What?”, he replied. Hewas barely awake and I think my voice startled him a little bit.”You’ve been behaving like a spoiled little c***d, and I’m sick ofit. You know as well as I do what has to be done to you in orderto make you well again. Since you insist on acting like a c***d,I’m going to treat you like one, and since You must be turned intoa girl, I have decided to treat you like a girl c***d.” “What doyou mean?” “Well, I’m going to start by putting your hair up inbanana curls and tieing it up in ribbons. Then as soon as I get achance I’m going out and get you some little girls’ clothes towear. But that’s not all. From now on, if we are to prevent thisfrom driving us both crazy, you are going to have to learn to dowhatever I say without question. Now, in order to accomplish thisI have decided to make you do some things that may seem prettybazaar at first, but maybe, after a while you may even get to likethem, but to tell you the truth I really don’t care weather youlike them or not.” “What kind of things?” “You’ll find out as wego along, but I will tell you this.I’m going to destroy all of your self respect, that way my jobwill be a lot easier. You’re going to learn to behave like alittle girl. You will refer to me as “Mommy” and I will refer toyou as “Christine”. I’m going to teach you that I am your superiorand because the eventual goal is to turn to into a woman, I amgoing to teach you that women are superior to men and that you arestriving to become the superior sex.” Chris just sat therelistening. I could tell already that his attitude was changing.He was looking at me with wide eyed interest. “Do you understand?””Yes.”, Chris replied. “Yes What!” “Yes, Mommy.” “That’sbetter.” “This is going to work!”, I thought to myself. With justa little forcefulness Chris’s attitude had completely changed.I went over to my vanity and got my curling iron. I combedout his hair which was fairly long. Then I took sections, one ata time and curled them up in the curling iron. As I was doing itI told Chris that maybe we should dye it blond. “I think littlegirls look cuter as blonds. Don’t you?” “I guess so.”, Chrisreplied. “You guess so?” “No, they are.”, he said sheepishly.”Then wouldn’t you like me to dye your hair blond?” “Yes Mommy.””That’s my girl.” I finished curling his hair. Then I took a hairribbon, gathered all the banana curls up in the back and tied themwith the ribbon and finished it off with a pretty bow.”I went over to my vanity and got a mirror and held it up infront of him to see. “There, how does Christine like it?”, Iasked, smiling. He looked in the mirror. “It’s nice. I like itMommy.” “Then should show Mommy how much you appreciate all thehard work she did for you. And because you’re not a real girl, I’mgoing to have to teach you the ways that you are worthy to showthat appreciation.” Christine look at me very confused. “You cangive Mommy a kissy foot.” “What’s a kissy foot.” I was notwearing any stockings so I sat on the bed and took off one of thevinyl slippers that I was wearing. I held my bare foot in front ofChristine’s face. “Kiss Mommy’s foot.”Christine looked at me, not knowing weather or not to do as hewas told. “Chris! I said, Kiss it!”, I said sternly. Slowly benthis head forward and kissed my foot. Then he kissed it again, thenagain. Soon he was passionately kissing my foot. “That’s itChristine, show Mommy how much you love her and how happy you arethat she’s going to turn you into a little girl.”This made Christine kiss my foot even faster. “Oh Christine,you’re such a good little girl!” I Wiggled my toe between his lipsin order to work it into his mouth. He started sucking on my toe.I tilted my head back and moaned. I just lay there for severalminutes, enjoying having Christine suck on my toes. Finally I hadhim stop. “Christine. What a casino şirketleri good little girl! You’re learningvery fast. You did a very good job, saying thank you. If youkeep this up, I’ll be able to untie you very soon.” “I’ll be agood girl, Mommy.” “Mommy is going to show you other ways to saythank you, and I want you to start doing them whenever you want tothank me for something and especially when you want to say you’resorry for something.”I bent down and kissed him on the forehead. “Mommy has to goout now sweetheart.” I turned to leave the room. “Mommy.” Iturned back to acknowledge him. “I love you Mommy.” I walked backto him and gave him a hug and a kiss. “I love you too, Christine.”I turned and left the room, but turned back and blew him a kiss onthe way out.I could not believe my good fortune. There was a completeturn around in Chris’s (now Christine’s) attitude. All myknowledge had told me that he wanted to be dominated and controlledbut I guess my guilt feelings about wanting to dominate him made meforget what was so obvious.I had two places that I had to go. The first was to the d**gstore and the other was to an adult book store. I went to thebottom left hand drawer, which I kept locked. I unlocked it andtook out my prescription pad. I wrote a prescription for ten, onehundred cc injection vials of estrogen. I put the pad back in thedrawer, locked it again, got my coat and purse and headed out thedoor. I decided not to go to the local d**g store where I wasknown, but to one several towns over. I got the prescriptionfilled and then headed over to the adult book store.I had never been in one of those stores before, but beingtrained in psychiatry, I knew just about every type of book thatwould be sold in a store like that. I looked around and found theTV/TS Section and started looking through the magazines. FinallyI found what I was looking for, a magazine entitled “Sissy GirlsQuarterly”. I was particularly interested in the captionunderneath the title, which read “The most complete catalog oflittle girls clothes anywhere. Everything you could possibly wantto make yourself into the little girl that you always wanted tobe.” I was very surprised when I saw how much the magazine cost.It was slightly thicker than a Time or Newsweek magazine, made upof much heavier paper stock so that it had a lot fewer pages, andit cost thirty dollars.That was nothing compared to the surprise I got when I gothome and looked inside and saw the prices of some of the outfits.But with all of that, there was one pleasant surprise. They didhave the most adorable, ultra sissified outfits that you couldimagine and they had a phone number that you could use to order.I picked out a little girl’s party dress with short puffy sleevesand lace trim around the hem, sleeves and neckline. A very largepink hair ribbon that came pre-tied into a bow came with it. Ialso picked out a pair of pink mary jane shoes to go with it. Ialso picked the same items in yellow. I called the number andordered everything that I had picked out in Christine’s size. Thetotal bill for those four items came to over three hundred dollars.Having ordered Christine’s clothes, I went upstairs with thea hypodermic needle and the one of the vials of estrogen. As Iwalked into the room Christine looked at me and smiled. “HiMommy!”, he said. “Hi Sweetheart.”, I replied. “Rememberyesterday, when I told you that I would have to give you yourhormones intravenously?” “I don’t want to do that!”, Christinesaid with a great deal of apprehension in his voice. “Well, I’msorry, but we have to.” “No, please don’t!”, he asked with fear inhis voice. “Don’t fight it Christine, there’s nothing you can doabout it.” “But I don’t want to be turned into a woman.””Christine, the sooner you accept the fact that you are going tobecome a woman, the easier it will be for you. “Please Mommydon’t.”, he whimpered as I pulled down his panties and pulled uphis nightgown.I had him roll over as far as he could (being tied to the bed)and injected him just above the buttocks with about one quarter ofa vial of the hormones. Then I had him roll over on his other sideand repeated the process. Then I pulled the nightgown up to hischin and injected him again with about one quarter of the amountthe hormones midway between his left armpit and left nipple, andrepeated the process on the right side. Having completed his firstset of hormone injections I pulled his panties up and pulled hisnightgown down again. Chris just lay there very quietly.”I know you feel kind of down now Christine, but you’ll getuse to it. Why don’t you just get some rest. You’ll feel betterafter a nap. I kissed him on the cheek, and walk out of the room.As soon as I got downstairs, Sally called to see how Chris wasdoing. I told her that things were going as well as could beexpected. I told her about the injections and how Christinereacted.”Well at least he didn’t put up much of a fight. I guessthat’s progress.” “I know, but I do feel guilty when I have to dothings to do things to him that he doesn’t want me to do.” “Justkeep telling yourself that it’s for his own good and that some dayhe’ll thank you for it.” “Thank you for reminding me of thatSally, and I do hope that he will thank me for it some day.” “I’msure he will. Have you ever known him to be ungrateful foranything you’ve done for him?” “No, It’s just so hard now.” “Comeon Janice, buck up, it won’t last forever, and if you ever need anyhelp just call me. I’ll be glad to help in any way I can.” “Thankyou so much for you’re encouragement Sally.If Christine and I get through this and our marriage is saved,I’m going to have you to thank for giving me the strength to dowhat I had to do.” “Just seeing Christine happy as a happy healthywoman will be thanks enough for me.” I said good-bye and hung upthe phone and just sat there for a few minutes thinking how glad Iwas that Sally had called.Christine slowly started to feel better over the next fewdays. He was starting to accept what was happening to him. As Isaw this change taking place in Christine I began to grow excitedin anticipation of being able to dress him up as a little girl.One morning I got up and decided that I should prepare for the daythat I would be able to start dressing him. I gathered up all ofhis male clothes and put them in boxes. I loaded the boxes in thecar and told Christine that I had to go out for a while.There is a Salvation Army Second Hand Store in the area, andI decided that I would donate his clothes to them, that way, justin case Christine decided to give me a bad time about dressing asa girl, he wouldn’t have any of his old clothes to put on. As Iwas bringing the boxes into the store I noticed a rack off to theside with womens’ pocketbooks. On the rack was a nineteen fifty’sstyle pocketbook that caught my eye. It was hard sided and made ofpink plastic vinyl, rectangular in shape with a short handledesigned to be carried in the hand. There was a flap closure withan old style latch that went through the lid and then turned ninetydegrees latch shut. I hadn’t seen that style of pocketbook formany years except for little girls. Being an adult size, I figuredthat it would be perfect for Christine.On my way home I stopped at the d**g store to pick up somepink nail polish and matching lipstick. While I was in there, Inoticed a particular bottle of perfume. It was in a bottle shapedlike a ballerina and the perfume inside had a pink tint to it. Thefragrance was called lilac. I bought the perfume, nail polish, andlipstick. When I got back to the car, I decided to put the thingsI had bought in the pocketbook and give it to Christine as apresent. I made one more stop on my way home. I stopped at adebarment store and bought two pairs of pink tights, two pairs ofyellow tights, two pairs of pink ankle socks with lace trim, andtwo pairs of yellow ankle socks with lace trim.The morning Christine’s new clothes that they arrived Iunpacked them. I could not believe how cute that they looked andin addition to the hair ribbon, there was a petticoat that camewith the dress. I took the pink outfit and went up to the bedroom.”How’s my little girl this morning?”, I asked. “Ok, Mommy.”,Christine replied. “Look what Mommy has for you.” I held up thepink satin party dress. “Oh!”, Christine said with a great deal ofsurprise in his voice. “Oh, is that all you have to say?” “Itlooks very pretty, Mommy.” “Would you like to try it on?” “Yes,I guess so, but how can I?” “Christine you’ve been a good girl forthe last few days and you’ve been tied to the bed for the last tendays. I think that you’re well enough to get up.” “Really Mommy!””Yes. If you promise to be a good girl.” “I promise!”, Christinesaid with excitement. One at a time I walked around to each cornerof the bed and untied the stockings from his wrists and his ankles.”I’m going to go fill the tub so you can take a bath.I want you to sit her for a few minutes.” Christine waslooking pretty bad His hair was a mess and he needed freshening upin general. I went in to the bathroom and started Christine’sbath. I put some of my bath oil in the water so that he wouldsmell nice and pretty. Having run his bath I returned to thebedroom. “When we finish your bath, we’ll shave you, get youdressed, do your hair, and pretty you up.”When Christine tried to get up he almost fell over. “Take iteasy Sweetheart, you haven’t been out of bed for a week and half.Sit down and then try getting up slowly.” After a few minutes andseveral attempts Christine slowly grew steadier on his feet. Aftera while he was able to make it to the bathroom and get into thetub. I gave Christine his bath just like he was a little girl. Iwashed him all over.When I got to his penis, I said, “It’s time to wash your nastyPee Pee.” “What’s wrong with my Pee Pee?”, he asked. “littlegirls don’t have a Pee Pee.”, I said trying to place in his mindthat it was something to be ashamed of. “I’m sorry Mommy.”, hereplied. “Well, maybe we can do something about it someday.”Christine did not reply, but I placed in his mind, the thought ofsomeday losing it.When I finished washing him, I shampooed and conditioned hishair and wrapped it in a towel, turban style. Then I got him outof the tub and dried him off. When he was dry, I took my electricrazor and shaved his legs and underarms. Then I powdered him upwith some of my scented talc. Then I took Christine back to thebedroom. “Well. It’s time to get my little girl dressed.” I wentto my draw an got out a pair of pink tap pants and a matchingcamisole. I handed them to Christine and told him to them on.Then I placed the petticoat on the floor and had him step into itand pulled it up around his waist. “Next is your pretty new pinkdress!” I gathered up the dress and slipped it over Christine’shead and down into place. The petticoat made the skirt flare outin a most delightful way. I turned him around and zipped it up inback, then I took him by the hand and led him over to my vanitychair.He was about to sit down without clearing the dress, so Ishowed him how to put his hands in back and hold the skirt part ofthe dress straight while he sat down. “I’ve got a special surprisefor you Christine.” “What is it Mommy?” “Wait right hear.” Ileft the room and got the pocketbook that I had bought forChristine.I returned a few minutes later holding it up for him to see.”This is for you sweetheart.” “It’s a pocketbook. Oh Mommy, it’sso pretty.” “Do you think so? I wasn’t sure weather you wouldthink so or not.” “Can I hold it?” “Not yet, I have to do yournails first.” I set the purse down on the vanity.I took my nail file and filed Christine’s nails so that theywere all even and uniform. With that done I took the pink nailpolish out of Christine’s pocketbook and applied a coat to hisnails. Then I knelt down in front of him to do his toenails. “AmI being a good girl?”, Christine asked. “Yes you are sweetheart.”He lifted his foot up to my face. “Say, thank you, Mommy.” “Youcute little imp.” I bent over and kissed his toes. Christinegiggled. “Now let’s get back to work.” I applied nail polish toChristine’s toes. I let the polish dry for about fifteen minutesand applied a second coat to his fingers and toes. Waiting anotherfifteen minutes, I applied the third and final coat.When I was done with Christine’s nail polish I proceeded to dohis hair. I undid the towel that was wrapped around his head, gotout my blow drier and brush and started brushing it out and dryingit. As soon as I started brushing his hair, Christine asked if hecould hold his new pocketbook. “Not yet Honey, your nails need alittle more time to dry.” Christine just stared at the pocketbooklongingly.After a few minutes I felt sorry for him. “Sweetheart, whydon’t we try something, I said. I took the blow drier and held itover his fingertips, waving it back and forth. After about thirtyseconds I lightly touched his nails to see if the polish wascompletely dry. They were so I did the same thing to his otherhand. When I was done, I picked up the pocket book, put the nailpolish back, and handed it to him. “There you go Dear.” Christinetook the pocketbook and hugged it.When I finished drying and brushing Christine’s hair, I tooktwo elastics, parted his hair down the middle, Leaving a smallsection of hair in front, which I combed forward. Then, using thetwo elastics, I put his hair in pigtails. His hair, in front, wasfairly long and hung down almost to his nose. I brushed itstraight and then took a pair of scissors and cut it straightacross, even with his eyebrows giving him bangs. Then I took mycurling iron and curled his bangs under in a tight curl. Afterthat I used the curling iron to make banana curls of each pigtail.With the hair style I had given him I was unable to use the largehair bow that came with the outfit, so I two pink hair ribbons andtied them in bows over each elastic.All during the time that I was doing his hair, Christine wasplaying with the pocketbook. He opened it, closed it, put thehandle over his wrist and held it. Then every now and then hewould just hug it. “You really like your pocketbook, don’t you,Christine.” “I think it’s pretty.”, he said smiling and lookingdown at it. “And do you like your new dress and your prettypigtails?” Christine looked in the mirror and smiled. “I’m prettytoo.”, he said. “How about your pretty fingernails and your prettytoenails?” “They all look very pretty Mommy. Thank you.” “WouldChristine Really like to say thank you to Mommy?” “Yes.”, hereplied. “Because I’m going to show you a new way to say thank youto Mommy. Come with me.”I took Christine by the hand and led him over to the bed.”Now I going to show you how to do Licky Bum.” I reached up undermy dress and pulled down my panties. Then I knelt down on the bedholding my dress up. Then I bent over, flipping the back of mydress over my back, and then resting on my elbows, leaving mybuttocks hanging up in the air. “Kiss my crack Christine.”Christine just stood there with a confused and slightly scaredexpression on his face. “Christine, I said kiss my crack!”, Iordered him sternly. Slowly he walked forward, bent down andkissed me. “Don’t stop, keep it up.” Again he bent down andkissed me. Then he kissed me again. “That’s it Sweety, keep itup.” Soon Christine was getting into it, kissing me all up anddown my crack. “Now, stick your tongue out and lick me.”Christine stuck his tongue out and licked me on the cheek. “Notthere, lick me in the crack.” Slowly, Christine stuck out histongue and just touched my crack. I felt a tingle go through mybody, but I not jump or flinch in any way. I didn’t want to upsetChristine, because at this point, I desperately wanted him to domore.Ever since I was a little girl I had wondered what it would belike to have someone put their tongue inside my hole, and latelywith the situation that I had Christine in, that curiosity hadgrown tremendously. Christine again stuck out his tongue andtouched my crack. Again, I felt electricity go through my body.”That’s it Sweetheart, lick Mommy’s crack.” Soon Christine wasrunning his tongue up and down my crack, over my open hole. He didthis for several minutes. “Christine?” He stopped for a secondand asked, “What?”, “You keep running your tongue over my hole.Why don’t put it inside?” Again I could sense Christine’shesitation. “Come on Sweetheart, you can do it.”Slowly he once again he moved his face toward my buttocks.Then I felt it. Christine placed the tip of his tongue inside myopen hole. It was as if a gigantic burst of electricity wentthrough my body. My whole body quivered. “Ohhh, Christine,Sweetheart, My Love, that’s unbelievable!” Christine was surprisedat my excitement and I think I gave him encouragement to continuein spite of his initial hesitation. Again he pushed his tongueinto my hole. This time a little farther. Again I cried out inexcited approval. Christine pushed his tongue even further. Soonhe was pushing and pulling his tongue in and out of my hole.As Christine continued, I was writhing in ecstacy. As Idisplayed my pleasure Christine began to grow more enthusiastic,trying to thrust his tongue deeper into my hole. At one point Iwas twitching and wiggling with so much excitement, that he had towrap his arms around me in order to keep his tongue in my hole.Christine was holding on so tight that it was as if he was enjoyingit as much as I was.After several minutes I collapsed on the bed exhausted.Christine laid down on top of me, kissing my buttocks. When Ifinally regained my composure I indicated to Christine that Heshould stop. “What a good girl.”, I said to him softly. I got upfrom the bed, took Christine by the hand and led him over to myvanity. “Can I get something to drink to wash the taste out of mymouth?”, he asked. “What taste?”, I asked. Christine hesitated afew seconds. “Th– The taste of your bum.” I sat him down. “Noyou can’t Christine.” “Why not?” “Because I want you to learn animportant lesson. “What lesson?” “To do whatever I ask withoutquestion. If you can learn to do something as degrading as puttingyour tongue inside my hole, without hesitation, just because Iasked you to, and to obey me when I tell you not to rinse out yourmouth, then it will be a lot easier to turn you into the woman thatyou have to become in order to be truly happy.When I asked you to put your tongue inside my hole, you werevery hesitant, but after you knew that it was what I wanted you todo, and you saw that I was enjoying it, you started to grow moreenthusiastic. I think you did this because you are slowly startingto realize that I know what’s best for you, that’s what I want tosee more of. You see Christine, I want you to realize that I amthe only one who does know what’s best for you, and that I aloneshould decide weather or not something as simple as rinsing outyour mouth is best for you.Now, I want you to get use to the taste of my bum juices,because you’re going to taste a lot more of them and as time goeson, and who knows, you may even grow to like the taste. Do youunderstand what I’m trying to tell you Christine?” “I guess soMommy, I’ll try my best to learn.” I placed my hand on his cheekand smiled. “You enjoyed making Mommy happy, didn’t you?”Christine did not say a word. He just smiled and nodded his headyes.”Eventually you’ll be asking me if you can do things like kissand lick my toes, and put your tongue inside my bum hole, justbecause it makes me happy.” At that point I figured that I betterget Justine involved. Chris’s attitude had changed to the pointwhere I think could bring him to the next level of acceptance ofhis eventual role. I called her and informed her of the next partof my plan and just exactly what I wanted her to do.CHAPTER 13ChrisSomething happened to me that afternoon. I guess that myattitude had been changing slowly ever since Janice had tied me tothe bed that day, but it seems at that point I realized that all Iwanted to do was to put my trust in her. She had been right aboutso many things and as I thought back to all of the times that I hadresisted her I felt that from now on I just wanted her to take overmy life. My only job was to rid myself of any doubts that I had inher abilities to know what’s best for me and to obey her withoutquestion.As time went by Janice taught me more and more what my placein life was. How that because I was not a real girl, I could neverbe as good as a real girl, and to say thank you to a real girl, Iwas only worthy to kiss her feet and lick her bum. I grew more andmore able to do the things that she wanted me to. After a while,I was automatically showing my appreciation to Janice by giving herkissy foot or licky bum. My first real test came about two weekslater. Janice said that she had a friend named Justine that shehad been telling about my progress.One day this friend called and asked if she could speak to me.If it had been just a month earlier, I would have panicked andraised a big fuss about it, but I was slowly learning to obeyJanice without question. Janice handed me the phone and said”Justine want’s to talk to you.” I took the phone and said”hello”. “Hi Christine. It’s so nice to finally get to talk toyou. How are you doing?” “Ok.”, I replied. “Janice told me thatshe has been teaching about how real girls are superior to boys.”Uh huh.”, I said. “She says you’re learning to become a goodlittle pretend girl.” “Uh huh.”, I repeated. “And that you havelearned the proper way for a boy to thank a girl.” I paused for asecond. “Christine?”, she said. “Yes?”, I replied. “Do you knowthe proper way to thank a girl.” “Yes.”, I said, almost crying.There was a short pause. “Tell me.”, Justine said. “Kissy foot.””How else?”, she asked. “Licky bum.” “That’s right! That’s verygood Christine.Janice tells me that she has bought you a lot of pretty thingsto wear.” “Uh huh.”, I said again. “And that you’re starting tolike your pretty dresses.” “Uh huh.”, I said again. “Which one doyou like the best?”, she asked trying to get me to contributesomething to the conversation. “The pink one.” “The pink one?Tell me about it.” “It has short sleeves and a bow in the back.””Oh, it sounds pretty, does it have ruffles on the sleeves?””Yes.” “And Janice tells me that you have matching shoes to gowith it.” “Yes.”, I said smiling, starting to grow a little morecomfortable talking with Justine. “So, why do you like the pinkone best?” “I don’t know.”, I said sheepishly. Justine, sensingthat I was hiding something said, “Oh come on, there must be somereason. Tell me.” “I don’t know.” “Come on sweetheart, tell AuntJustine.” I didn’t say a word. “Are you too embarrassed to tellme?” “Uh huh.”, I said, softly. “Don’t be sweetheart, I promiseI won’t laugh. Please tell me.” I was very nervous and I wasn’tsure that I wanted to tell her right away. She sensed this andcontinued to try to get me to tell her. “Finally I said nervously,”Because my pink pocketbook goes so well with it.””Well, there’s nothing wrong with that. You know, I have ablack and white dress that I wear, that’s my favorite. And youknow why?” “Why?”, I asked. “Because I have a pearl necklace,earring, and bracelet set that I wear with it, the dress goes withthem so well. So you see, there’s nothing wrong with liking thepink dress best because it goes with your pocketbook.” I smiledand gave out a little laugh. I knew that my reason for liking thepink dress best was fine for a girl but I still felt strangetelling her because I was a boy.The fact that Justine didn’t even mention the fact that I wasa boy, made me feel a little more comfortable with my growinggirlishness. It was first time anyone other than Janice hadexpressed to me that it was ok to have the feelings of a girl. Idon’t know if Justine even realized it, but that conversation mademe feel a lot more comfortable with my feminization for a long timeto come.”You know Christine, I would like to come over to visit yousometime. I would really love to see you in your pink dress. Doyou think that would be ok?” I just sat there, too afraid to sayanything. “Christine, Honey. Are you still there?” “Uh, huh”, Isaid softly. “Would you like me to come over and visit yousometime?” “I don’t know.”, I replied, still nervous to haveanyone else see me dressed as a little girl. “Well, I’m only goingto do it if you want me to.” “Ok”, I said. “You want me to?”, sheasked. I had said yes, acknowledging the fact that she would onlydo it if I wanted her to, not that I was really ready for her to doit. But over the last few weeks I had grown less and lessassertive and I did not feel right telling a woman, “no”, toanything, so again I was silent.”Christine.”, she said growing a little impatient at my lackof response, “Do you want me to come over?” “I guess so.”, Ireplied. “Not I guess so.”, she said sternly, “Do you want me to,or not?” “Yes.”, I said nervously. “Then I want you ask me.”, shesaid. “Will you?”, I asked. “Will I, What?”, she replied. Ipaused for about a second. “Will you, please, come over and visitme?” Because of the lessons that Janice had been putting methrough, I automatically worded it with all of the politeness andrespect that I could. Justine perked up. “I would be glad to.”,she said, cheerfully. “Put Janice on the phone.CHAPTER 14JaniceI took the phone from Christine and had him leave the room.I had listened to his end of the conversation. When I heard himask Justine if she would come over and visit him, I couldn’t helpbut think how far he had come in the last few weeks. I decided thatChristine was ready for the next step in my plan. Justine and Ispent a long time on the phone. She listened enthusiastically asI explained my plan.The next day Christine got dressed in his favorite pink dressand put his hair up in Pigtails. I could tell as the day wore onthat he was starting to get excited about having Justine come over.About mid afternoon I sat Christine down to give him a talk.”Christine, Aunt Justine will be coming over to visit youlater on.” “I know.”, he replied. “Now you I want you to callher, Aunt Justine. After all, she is a girl, and that will showher more respect.” “Ok, Mommy.” “And she is coming over here tovisit you, so I’m going to go out. “We’re going to make Dinner,and I want you to serve it to her.” “How come you have to leave?”,he asked. “Because you have to learn to show respect to all girls.Not just me, and not just when I’m around.” “Ok Mommy.” “Now sheis going to a lot of trouble, going out of her way, to take timeout of her busy day, to come all the way over here. I think you’regoing to owe her a big Thank You.” “I’ll remember to thank herMommy.” “Yes Honey, but she’s a real girl, just like Mommy. Youhave to show her the proper respect. You can’t just say ThankYou.” “Oh.”, Christine said, “What should I do?” “Well, I thinkat the very least, you should give her a kissy foot, but probablya licky bum would be more appropriate.” “But Mommy, I never givenanyone but you those things. What if she doesn’t want me to doit?” “That’s not your concern Sweetheart. She is a real girl andyou must show proper respect. You should at least offer, and ifshe doesn’t feel that your worthy enough to give her licky bum thenthere is nothing you can do, but if she says it’s ok then you mustat least give her the best licky bum that you can.” “Ok Mommy,I’ll ask her as nicely as I can and maybe she’ll let me give her alicky bum to thank her.” “That’s my sweetheart.”, I said, smilingand patting Christine on the knee.Justine arrived at about Five thirty in the evening.Christine was a little nervous. Justine looked at him and said, “Ihave a present for you, Christine.” She reached into herpocketbook and took out a large, pink, rubber flower. Then shetook two bobby pins and pined it in Christine’s hair. “There yougo, an artificial flower for an artificial girl.” I could see apained expression on Christine’s face, which made me feel pity forhim, but I knew that it was going to help put him in the state ofmind that I wanted him to complete the next part of my plan.”Christine. What a nice gift. Don’t you think you should say,thank you, to Justine?” Christine looked at me.”Aunt Justine. I would like to thank you for coming over andbringing me such a wonderful present.” “That’s all I get, just athank you?” “No. I would like to give you something special.””What’s that?” “I would like to give you a licky bum.” “That’sgood. It’s nice to see you’re learning proper respect, but I thinkI’ll pass for now.””Well, it’s time for supper. I think I’ll be heading out.Christine has set the table and everything is all set. You twohave a nice visit” “We’ll be just fine. I’m sure Christine and Iwill have a nice visit.”CHAPTER 15ChrisJanice put on her coat and left. Justine went into thedinning room and sat down. I followed behind her, made sure thatshe was comfortable, and then went into the kitchen to get dinner.As we were eating, Justine restricted the conversation to thesuperiority of girls, and the proper place for boys. “So. Whenare you going to become a real girl?’, she asked as if this was theonly logical thing to do, and there was no decision to be made. “Idon’t know.”, I replied. Justine just shook her head and went backto eating.After dinner we went into the living room to talk. We hadbeen there about ten minutes when Justine got up and excusedherself, saying that she had to visit the little girls’ room.About three minutes later she called my name. “What, AuntJustine”, I called. “What?— Come here!”, came the reply frominside the bathroom. I opened the door. Justine was sitting onthe toilet. I just stood there, not knowing what to do. “Don’tjust stand there, come on in.” I walked in, leaving the door open.”Christine. If a girl told you to do something that you didn’twant to do, Would you do it?” “Yes.”, I replied. “Why?”, Sallyasked. “Because she’s a girl, and girls are superior to boys, andboys should do what they are told.” “So. Because you are a boy,you would do anything any girl told you to do.” “Yes.”, Christinereplied. “Ok.”, Justine said, “Lay down on the floor, face up.”I did as he was told. She got up off of the toilet and stoodover me, strattleing my face. Slowly she squated dowd, bringingher knees up into her chest, until she had lowered her hole withinabout an inch of my mouth. “Lick my bum, Christine.”, she ordered.”But Aunt Justine, you haven’t wiped yourself yet.” “Do it!”, sheyelled. “I can’t”, I said, crying. “Do it, or I’ll sit on yourface and wipe it all over you!” Slowly I stuck out my tounge andlicked some of the mess from Justine’s bum. At first I held mytounge out, afraid to do anything else. “Go on eat it!” sheordered, looking down at me. Slowly I put my tounge back in mymouth, swallowed and then stuck it out again licking her again.”That’s it. Lick me clean. Eat my chocklet.” I started lickingfaster and faster. When I finally thought I had it all. Justinesaid, “Put your finger up my hole and get every last bit of it!””But my pretty nail polish!”, I said crying. “That’s ok, you canjust put your finger in your mouth and clean it off.” I did as Iwas told, repeating this process four or five times, until I hadcleaned her inside and out.After several minutes Justine was satisified with the job Ihad done and told me that I could stop, if I wanted to. She let meget up, but I was not allowed to rince out my mouth or wash myfinger. She took me into the living room and sat me down.”Have a seat Christine.”, Justine said. I sat down on thecouch and she sat next to me. “The reason I treat you this way, isbecause you a boy. I know you try to be a girl, but still, you’rejust a icky boy, and as such, this is the only way that you areworthy of being treated.” Justine went on this way for what seemedann erernity. As she was talking I felt more and more ashamed ofbeing a boy. By the end of the evening, with all that had happenedto me, I had never felt so dirty and humiliated in my life.CHAPTER 16JaniceI arrived home at about 9:00PM. When I got there Christineseemed very down and dejected. I pretty much knew what hadhappened, because Justine and I had discussed what would take placethat evening on the phone the day before.Justine left about a half hour later. As she was leaving shelooked at Christine, and said, “It was nice meeting you. I hopeyou learned something tonight.” Christine smiled a weak smile ather.After Justine left I could tell that Christine wanted to talkto me. I did not want to push the issue, so I decided not to pushthe issue. At about 10:30PM We had cleaned up the supper dishesand I was getting Christine ready for bed. As I was about to tuckhim in he looked at me very nervously. “Mommy?”, he asked.”What.”, I replied. There was a long pause and then he started tocry. I reached out and took his hand. I could tell there was agreat deal of tormoil going on in side of him. After a fewminutes, he calmed down enough so that he was able to speek. “Idon’t want to be a boy anymore. I want to become a real girl.”I took him in my arms and just held him and rocked him forseveral minutes. He cryed the whole time. I could tell that thelast bit of his resistence had finally been stripped away. I hadsuccessfully molded him into what I wanted him to be, what heshould be, and now he was going to become a she. I continued tohold him and he continued to cry. “It’s Ok dearest. Mommy willtake care of everything. You’re going to become her pretty girland everything is going to be all right.The next day I went to work setting up the necessaryappointments in preperation for Christine’s sex change. As alicensed psychiatrist, I was able to cut through most of the redtape, I said, when I was filling out the legal forms, that he hadbeen living, full time as a female for last year, which wasn’ttrue, but I knew from my professional training, that if there wasever a candidate for a sex change, it was Christine, and besideswho was going to find out.About a week later the girls from the beauty shop came over tovisit. Sally washed, cut and set Christine’s hair, and Kathy gavehim a petecure and a manicure with a set of false fingernails.When she was done she painted his toenails and fingernails withbrightest red nail polish that I had ever seen. They treated himlike a queen, which only served to renforce his decision to becomea real girl. After about two weeks, Christine was admitted to thehospital for his operation. I visited him every day, and seemdstronger and healthyer every day.EPILOGChristine is comming home tommorrow, so I thought I wouldfinish off our story. I just want to let the reader know that Istill intend to be the boss and to let her know what is best forher (and she has agreed that it should be that way, but I no longerplan to put her through the himilating things that I have in thepast (of course unless her behavior warents it).Oh yes. One more thing. Those headaches that Christine washaving have gone away. Actually I have a confession to make. Ihave become a very accomplished in hypnotism, and I used it to helpChristine along with her decision. I did this without his/herknowlege. I would give him a shot of sodium pentithal while he wassleeping, and then conduct the hypnosis on him. The d**g helpedbreak down his resistence and accept what was best for him.Unfortunately, it can cause headaches as a hangover type effect.If you remember ealier in the story, Chris had an uneasyfeeling when he came back from California? That was because, thenight before he left, I had hypnotised him, and suggested that hewould get very nervous if he was not made to dress in women’sclothes for an extended period of time.She will probably find out that I did this to her someday, butby then I’m sure she will understand why I did it, and even if shedosn’t, there is nothing she can do about it.THE END

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