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Subject: college ball -14 Jeremiah University is a predominately black college campus in Minnesota Maryland. It’s a large school, and very well received by the College Guide Association Of America. There was a large library, an auditorium, a sports center, a stadium, a student hall, an academic building where classes resumed, male and female dormitories, a clock tower, and several houses where the college fraternities and sororities pledge. (This story is the property and copywrite of NPhillydogg@aol). ____________________________________________________________________________ COLLEGE-BALL-14 ONE Wild and crazy rumors started spreading amongst the Jeremiah basketball team players about just WHO might be behind the gloryhole in the team’s equipments room after practice sessions. Suspicions ranged from some of the team’s cheerleaders (including 2 gay male cheerleaders that seemed the most obvious choices) to some of the members of the school’s illustrious alumni whom seemed to bend over backwards to accommodate some of the players requests, to the teams Coach himself. Most of the players quickly dismissed Brown as the one behind the hot blow jobs, until someone pointed out that Coach Brown always seemed to disappear just before the dick sucker shows up at the hole, AND someone else questioned just who at the school besides the Coach would have keys to the infamous closet leading to the hole? This caused teammates to wonder if the 6 foot tall dark brown bald head divorced man was really the one behind the stunning blow jobs the team’s been getting lately? TWO The team had been treating team captain Tyrome Smith “funny” since their recent loss to the Seymour Wildcats. During the loss the two team captains had made a private side bet, making the loser perform oral service on the winner. When the Jaguars lost, Tyrome had to blow the Wildcats captain (Darius Jones) in the team’s locker room. Tyrome’s teammates were against the bet, pleading with Ty to dishonor the bet by walking away. But Tyrome chose to honor the bet, having lost every bet he’d ever made against the Wildcats to their team captain. Now his teammates looked at him differently, knowing he’d sucked another man off (an enemy at that). During a practice session Coach Brown lectured the team on having “to do better” in order to beat the Seymour Wildcats and end their unstoppable streak to the championships. He made the team practice their offensive moves by making them team up against each other in teams of two. It was during this exercise that 21 year old Mikiah Washington stopped dribbling his basketball, spun around and pushed 21 year old Tyrome Smith backwards violently, nearly sending Tyrome to the ground. “What the fuck is your problem…??!” asked Ty, catching his footing. “Keep off my fucking back, man! I don’t play that shit!” yelled Mikiah, lividly. “We’re practicing defense…, I’m supposed to be on your back!” defended Tyrome. “I ain’t fucking with you, Ty…, touch me again and I’ll break your fucking face!” threatened Mikiah as other players began holding him back from charging the team captain. “I didn’t touch you…!” countered Ty, inciting more anger in Mikiah as he tried to break through the barrier separating them. “What the fuck’s going on here?!” asked Coach Brown, having heard enough confrontation. The other players all started to break away and disband, leaving the two involved to fend fro themselves. “Ty…? Mikiah…? What’s the problem?” “I want another partner!” said Mikiah, not wanting to play off against Ty. “Why?” asked Brown, curiously. “That nigga know why!” answered Mikiah, pointing at Tyrome. “What’s the problem here? What’s going on between you two boys?” asked Coach Brown, trying to get to the bottom of this. No one said anything as everyone looked to the ground for answers. “What the fuck am I speaking, -Chinese?! Mikiah…, answer the fucking question!” “Ty sucked Darius Jones’ dick after the game…” said Mikiah, angrily. “…I don’t want him rubbing up against me.., –touching me n’shit!” “Ty did what…??” asked Coach Brown, shocked. The weird looks on his players’ faces all but confirmed Mikiah’s statement as true. Brown turned to Tyrome whom looked on the verge of tears…, “Is this true, Ty…?” asked Brown, receiving silence as an answer. Everyone was standing around waiting for the shoe to drop when Coach Brown decided to settle this in his office. “Ty…, my office, NOW!” he said, clearing the floor. Everyone began to mutter to themselves as they headed for the locker room. Ty walked up to Coach’s officer on the second floor of the practice facility. Brown couldn’t help noticing his bad posture and demeanor as he walked with his head down, his shoulders hunched over as if defeated. In his officer, Coach Brown closed the door to give them privacy. Tyrome sat in the available chair as Coach Brown sat behind his desk. “Talk to me, Ty…, what’s this all about?” asked Brown, asking to be updated. Tyrome took a deep breath before telling Coach about the senseless bet he made with Darius Jones from the Seymour Wildcats. Coach Brown was well aware of Ty’s and Jones’ extensive side bets over the years, knowing Ty had lost the University sports car the school bought for him last year. Brown had often warned Ty about making such elaborate bets with his nemesis, but Ty and Jones has a deep boding need to upstage one another at every turn. It ate at Ty that he couldn’t beat the Wildcats’ amazing 3 year winning streak, coming in second place to the Wildcats as well as second in top score to Darius himself. Having to suck the star player’s dick after their last loss had been the last nail in Ty’s preverbal coffin, pushing him over the edge of the cliff in depression. Coach Brown listened as Ty discussed how ashamed and disgusted he felt about having to blow his nemesis, and having everyone know Giresun Escort about it. Brown couldn’t help but ask the question “but what about CJ…? Aren’t you two still dating?” “This don’t have nothing to do with CJ…!” said Ty, feeling frustrated. “CJ and I are…, just teammates…” he mumbled to himself. “I thought you two were closer than that?” said Coach in form of a question. “I’m NOT like Clarence, okay…!” yelled Tyrome, emotionally. “…I’m not gay!” “Of course you’re not…” said Coach Brown, matter of fact. “Gay is a state of mind, and if you like women you’re not gay!” “I LOVE women…!” corrected Ty. “I fucking LOVE pussy! Love to eat it, love to fuck it…, if I could literally sleep in it I would!” admitted Ty wholeheartedly, but Coach Brown sensed a `but’ in there somewhere. “But you like dick too…?” asked Brown, causing Ty’s head to drop in his chest in shame. Coach Brown felt Tyrome’s pain, having been there at one point in life himself. He got up from his seat and crossed over to the boy, rubbing him therapeutically about the head. “I know when you’re young things seem like the end of the world…” continued Brown, giving his point of view. “…but as you get older, you realize that it’s all not as bad as it seems. You realize that it’s better to be true to yourself and FUCK what everyone else thinks or feels about how you live your life! It’s always best to be honest, with yourself if not with other people. If fucking women makes you happy, do it! But if fucking with Clarence and with other guys you find attractive makes you happy as well, do that too! But don’t deny a part of yourself just because of what other people might think of it…, in the end you HAVE to live for yourself, not for others! You’re the only one that understands you…, and if you don’t like what you see in the mirror, how could anyone else accept you for who you are?” Tyrome listened to what Coach Brown had to say as Brown retuned to his desk and sat down. Coach left Ty with a lot to consider as he sat there contemplating. Tyrome got up from his seat and walked over to Brown’s desk. Brown looked up from his paperwork as Tyrome bent forward and planted an unexpected kiss on his lips. “What was that for…?” asked the older man as Ty stood up and started to pull his sweaty jersey off over his head, revealing his strong young muscular torso. “I…, just wanted to show you how much I appreciate what you said…” explained Ty. “You don’t have to do that!” said coach Brown, causing Tyrome to question his acts. “You need to put your shirt back on and hit the showers!” “But…” said Tyrome, looking confused. “…I thought you wanted me…?” “Get through tomorrow’s game in one piece…, score us another win…, then IF you still want to mess around, I’m here for you! But not before that!” offered Brown, not wanting to take advantage of the boy’s vulnerability. Tyrome left Brown’s office, putting his shirt back on before descending the steps to the main floor. Suddenly he was hit with the competitive urge to cream the Delroy Devils, their next school opponents. THREE The Delroy Devils (from Delroy University in Virginia) played on Jeremiah grounds. It became apparent somewhere in the 3rd quarter that the Jaguars were going to win. It was then that Devils forward Maxwell Morris asked Tyrome (after hitting his 5th 3 point jumper of the game) if he was going to blow the Devil’s entire team after the game like he did the Wildcats? Tyrome stood in shock by the comment as Mikiah Washington turned around and sucker punch Maxwell square in the jaw. The Forward fell to the woods like a sack of potatoes before his teammates ran over in his defense. Both teams cleared their benches as a free for all broke out on the floor. Referees and coach officials rushed out to break up the fight. Security pulled the players apart as play was suspended while both teams were taken into their perspective lockers. Coach Brown scolded his team for losing control of a winning game, but praised them for coming forth to defend one of their own. Tyrome was angry that he was pulled from the game before it ended (as well as Mikiah), while the rest of the team was sent back out to finish up. Coach Brown left the two players in the locker room as he went out to cheer on his team. Tyrome punched the lockers in anger as he ripped off his jersey and hurled it to the floor. Sensing someone behind him, he spun around to find Mikiah standing just a few feet away. Without saying anything Mikiah held out his hand as a sign of peace. Tyrome looked down at it before grasping it firmly. The two young men shook hands, forgetting their past squeamish at the practice session before breaking and going their separate ways. Clarence and the rest of the Jaguars made quick work of the Devils and were back in the locker room as the declared winners in less than 10 minutes. The team showered in good spirits before heading out for a victory party at the frat house. Coach Brown contemplated manning the gloryhole to celebrate himself, but decided against it as he headed up to his office instead. 19 year old teammate Robyn Fuller decided to try the gloryhole on the off chance that the anonymous cock sucker might have showed up despite the crowds. He ventured out into the equipments room after the crowds had cleared out of the sports center. He walked up to the exposed hole in the wall at the far back of the room, looking around to make certain no one was looking. Once sure he pulled down the front of his sweat pants and pushed his soft manhood through the small round circle cut into the sheetrock. His dick dangled exposed on the other side of the room for a split second before he felt a pair of lips wrap around him. “Shit…” he sighed, feeling his entire dick engulfed. “Yo fellas…!” he yelled, warning the rest of the team. “…the dick Giresun Escort Bayan sucker’s here!” Some of the other players that had been heading out to the victory party headed back into the equipments room to find Fuller pressed flat against the wall, obviously enjoying the hot mouth on the other side. “What a minute…” said one of the players, looking around the room. “…where’s Coach Brown at…?” he asked, bringing back suspicions. “What the hell’s going on in here…?” asked Brown walking in almost on cue, causing many of the guys to tremble in their sneakers. Fuller ripped his hardon from the wet sucking mouth on the other side of the wall, the hard shaft all wet with the stranger’s spit. “You guys think I didn’t know about that hole…?” he asked, watching the player’s shock as they tried to think of lies to explain why they were in the room. “I knew y’all were getting your dicks sucked in here…, but so long as you were on a winning streak, I decided to turn my head the other way!” he said, causing some of the players to grin happily. “I can’t say I approve of this…, but so long as you’re not hurting anyone, carry on!” he said before leaving the room. “Hot damn!” yelled one of the other players, pulling his dick from his pants and beating Fuller to the hole as the dick sucker wrapped his lips around his hardening manhood. “Who was the dumbass that thought Coach was the dick sucker…??” Coach Brown headed up the steps to his officer, smiling broadly and grateful to Clarence Johnson for the heads-up that players were beginning to suspect him. As a deflection he incorporated the aid of his lover and roommate Russell Collins to man the hole for him tonight, Collins jumped at the chance to suck off some hard horny college ballers after a game. Coach Brown was in the mist of laughing to himself as he thought about how horny his lover would be after blowing the team (knowing he’d be in for a wild night at home) when he opened the door to his office to find Tyrome Smith sitting there waiting for him. “Ty…?” he asked in surprised. “…what’re you doing up here?” Tyrome stood up, his slim long muscular body standing 2 inches taller than the Coach. “You said if I still wanted to mess around after the game that I could come to you…” answered Ty, sounding more nervous than horny. “Wouldn’t you rather fuck around with CJ?” asked Coach, knowing the two man/boys had serious feelings for one another. In answer Tyrome pulled his t-shirt off overhead. Coach Brown stood mesmerized as his eyes drank in all of Tyrome’s form. Then Ty tucked his fingers into his sweat-shorts, pushing them down around his ankles before standing back up to reveal his semi-hard dangling dick. Unable to resist such a tempting offer, Coach Brown closed (and locked) the door and walked over to the naked Tyrome. “You SURE you want to do this with an old man like me?” he asked, holding back from attacking the luscious young man. Tyrome answered again without speaking, sinking to his knees before the Coach. Coach Brown sighed aloud as Tyrome pulled down his sweat pants and pulled out his hard 10 inch thick dick. When Ty first saw the Coach’s hard dick (back in chap-3) he was totally frightened of it, but now after having experienced Clarence’s massive 12 inch monster (and lived to tell about it) he found himself wanting to rise to the challenge of getting his Coach off sexually. Coach threw back his head, closed his eyes and smiled when he felt the student’s mouth wrap around his dick. He’d been lusting after the star Guard since his junior year, even back then he first saw the potential in Tyrome’s skills as a professional. He watched the boy grow into a man physically as well as emotionally over the years, his body growing larger and stronger with each passing season. Brown knew about Ty’s womanizing, but always hoped beyond hope that someday he’d get the boy in his bed. Tyrome couldn’t believe he was sucking his 45 year old Coach’s dick in his office, just upstairs from his teammates after winning an important game. Using the skills he learned while sucking Clarence, Tyrome bobbed his head back and forth until he was swallowing more and more of the Coach’s hard thick shaft. Coach Brown didn’t expect Tyrome to go as far as he did, but when the 21 year old started to swallow his 10 inch manhood whole, his dick throbbed with excitement. “Shit boy…, I WOULD ask where’d you learn to suck dick like this…, but I’ve seen your boyfriend’s foot long in the showers!” said Coach. “He’s NOT my boyfriend…!” said Tyrome, pulling his mouth off Coach’s dick just long enough to say that before taking it all back in again. “Whatever…” responded Coach. “…I don’t know what’s going on between you two, but you’ve certainly gained some useful skills from him!” Tyrome said nothing as he sucked about Coach Brown’s fat dick head. He looked up at the older man from below, their eyes locking for a second before Tyrome pressed forward and buried his face in the man’s groin. Coach Brown groaned lustfully as his dick churned in the boy’s throat. He resisted grabbing him by the head and fucking the shit out of his young throat and sending his thick load straight into his muscled stomach. Instead he decided to prolong his treat, pulling Ty off his dick and to his feet. Tyrome let the 10 inch hard dick fall from his lips reluctantly, he too wanted to feel the big dick shoot sludge down his throat, but Coach Brown had other plans as he pushed Tyrome backwards against his cluttered desk. “Yeahhh…” moaned Brown, falling to his knees to admire the hard succulent 9 inch dick and dark hairy balls before him. Tyrome watched from above as Coach Brown leaned in and started licking his ballsack. Brown pushed Ty’s legs apart further as he tongue bathed the sweet nuts and swirled them around in his mouth like a whirlwind. Escort Giresun Tyrome eased his ass closer to the edge of the desk as Coach Brown licked his way lower, tasting the tiny blackbud between his ass cheeks. Coach Brown went wild with lust as he sucked and tongue fucked the tight hole, burying his face between the butterscotch colored brown cheeks as he sucked feverishly at the pucker. Tyrome’s dick pulsed against his stomach, leaking pre-cum against his abs as he surrendered his hole to his Coach. “Fuck me, Coach…” he muttered lustfully under his breath so softly that Coach Brown didn’t hear him at first. After a few more minutes of intense anus sucking, he repeated his request. “Fuck me, Coach…!” he said, causing the older man’s ears to perk. “What you say…?” asked the Coach, pulling his tongue from the flexing bud. “C’mon man…, fuck me! I wanna feel that big dick in my ass!” insisted Ty. Coach Brown jumped to his feet as he reached into his desk for some lube. He poured a generous amount into his palm then greased his ramrod, then added some to Tyrome’s tight hole. “You sure you want this, son…?” he asked, lining his dick up to the hole. “Fuck yeah…” groaned Ty, staring down at the hardon as the head kissed his tight tiny pucker. Coach Brown pushed in, causing Ty’s face to squint in pain. The second attempt managed to bury the head inside the anus. Brown pressed on as his thick shaft started to bury into the rectum as well. Ty spread his legs wider as the dick moved deeper, the anal ring squeezing along the thick column of flesh like a vice grip. Soon Coach Brown had his entire dick buried in the hole. His hairy pubes touched against Ty’s ass, indicating the sheathing of his entire shaft. Slowly Brown started to pull back and push forth, effectively fucking the hole before him. Both Coach and player tried to stifle their groans, neither wanting to appear too vulnerable in front of the other. But as time passed and the thrusts began to quicken, soft moans quickly turned to grunts and groans of pleasure. Coach Brown fucked Tyrome Smith with a mixture of love and lust. Tyrome’s dick remained hard against his stomach, consistently leaking a steady spew of pre-cum as Coach Brown pumped back and forth. His dick slid in and out with increasing pace as the two men fucked like dogs. Tyrome found himself giving in completely as his body was pillaged and plundered by the older man. For over 25 minutes they fucked like that, connected only by Brown’s thick thrusting dick as his hairy balls banged into the side of the desk. He hammered at the player’s ass like a power jack, slamming his pelvis into the ass harder and harder. Tyrome’s eyes started to roll up in his head as his face turned angelic with pleasure. Coach Brown couldn’t resist pulling Ty int sitting position and shoving his tongue in the baller’s mouth while they continued fucking. Tyrome responded by sucking on the invading muscle, his lips sliding back and forth as if sucking a tiny dick. Brown wrapped his large manly hands around the player’s waist and started to really pound. Play books and folders full of players information and formations fell onto the floor in a heap, but the two men kept fucking as if they hadn’t heard a thing. Tyrome groaned into Coach Brown’s mouth as his dick suddenly started to pulse and pump out fresh thick ropes of creamy white cum all over their stomachs. Coach Brown continued to deep kiss him straight through orgasm. Tyrome’s asshole spasm and flexed around his plunging manhood like a pulse, Coach Brown held off cumming as long as possible but eventually lost his load to the sucking anus as he shoved forth and came a geyser of hot jizm straight up into Tyrome’s colon. Ty felt the dick jerking wildly inside him and knew he was being filled with a gush of hot cum. He accepted the gift as Coach broke the kiss, but remained connected by the dick and ass. “DAMN that was a hot fuck..!!” he conceded, staring into Tyrome’s eyes. “I don’t mind telling you…, I’ve always wanted this to happen, but never thought it would!” Tyrome merely smiled as his asshole sucked the Coach’s shaft for more cum. Brown noticed a sting of semen along the side of Ty’s neck, and bent forward to lick it off. He then followed the trails down Ty’s chest and stomach to the wet tip of his dick, sucking the entire shaft in his mouth to drain it dry. Once done Tyrome climbed down off the desk and started to dress. He and Coach kissed each other goodnight before Ty left the office, his ass feeling well fucked and wonderful. 10 minutes later (after catching his second wind) Coach brown went back downstairs to check on the gloryhole. The Sport’s Center was empty as all the player’s had blown their loads and left for the party. Brown went into the equipments room to find the 49 year old janitor standing at the hole getting his dick sucked. He was in the midst of blowing his seed down Russell Collins’ throat when Coach walked in. “Oh shit, Coach Brown..!!” yelled the janitor, embarrassed as he as pulled his spent fat dick from the hole and zipped up. “I didn’t mean nothing by this, sir…” he stated fearfully. “…I’d seen some of the ball players getting their dicks sucked here a few times, and figured why shouldn’t I get a spin?” “You’ve been here before…?” asked Brown, realizing HE must have sucked the janitor off before as well. “Yeah…, whoever’s in that closet’s got one hot mouth!” said the janitor, hoping Coach would fall for the bate and not report him to his boss. Brown waited until the janitor left before he unlocked Russell from the room. Russell came out with his shirt soaked to the bone and cum dribbling from the sides of his mouth. Brown laughed at his lover, knowing he must’ve sucked at least 8 players before the janitor came through. “That was the wildest, greatest, funniest, most exhilarating thing I’ve done in years!” stated Collins, feeling on top of the world. Coach Brown looked down to notice the hardon pressing out the crotch of Collins’ pants. Brown pushed the man back into the closet and closed the door behind them as he got down on his knees to suck his long time lover aol
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